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Twitter is one of the largest social media websites and there are a lot of ways of making money with Twitter. This article will focus on a very simple way to convert your spare time into a source of extra income.

If you have a Twitter account that has a lot of followers, you can start using it to generate some money for you. There are several advertisers that are looking for twitter accounts that have a large number of followers. The tips below will help you profit more from your twitter account…

  • Create an Attractive Twitter Profile
  • Grow your Followers
  • Use Tools to Generate Income
  • Harnessing the potential
  • Finding opportunities for sponsored tweets
  • Have fun and make money
  • Do not overuse sponsored tweets

Create an Attractive Twitter Profile

Of course, if you want to make money on Twitter, you need a Twitter profile. Not just any Twitter profile though. In order to make money tweeting, your Twitter profile needs to be set up for success.

Read Also: Make Money Online Easily With Facebook

For example, check out the Twitter profile below:

Twitter Profile

What do you see? Not much information is available on this profile, and this is not the kind of profile we want.

Now, take a look at the OptinMonster Twitter profile:

Twitter Tweets Money

It has a branded look with profile photo and Twitter Cover photo, a matching username and handle, a brief description of what OptinMonster is/does, and a link to the website.

Between these 2 Twitter profiles, which profile is set up to make money?

The OptinMonster profile, of course!

So remember, when creating your Twitter profile be sure to include:

  • A profile photo of yourself or your company logo
  • A relevant username and Twitter handle (your name or company name)
  • An engaging bio
  • A link to your website or blog (if applicable)

A completed Twitter profile will help your followers get to know you and build a trusting relationship with you or your brand.

Grow your Followers

Grow twitter followers

Your reach will determine the success you can achieve on social media. You can expand the reach on Twitter by increasing your follower base. Thus, the first step to generate income from Twitter is to grow your follower base. However, genuine people will not follow you until they share similar interests as yours or expect an honest conversation with you.

Therefore, before you think of growing the fan-base, start tweeting. To gain attention, don’t be abusive or put something offensive. At the same time, avoid being diplomatically correct. People have seen enough of diplomatically correct intellectuals who do nothing but to please one set of individuals or other. They are neither authentic nor trustworthy.

To build a strong base, choose a niche. Something that you are passionate about. Use your knowledge and research skills to find out little known facts or secrets about various topics. Use relevant hashtags to post the secrets and tag influencers to expand the reach of your tweets. You can also tweet on current affairs and engage with others on these topics.

Be yourself and write your true feelings about the topic of discussion. Take advantage of several tools and apps to accelerate your follower base. However, remember that using cheap services from Fiverr and other sellers can ultimately result in the termination of your account. The internet is full of vendors that offer low cost and instant Twitter followers.

Avoid such services as they provide fake followers. You can figure out a few influencers in your category and start following their followers using social media tools. The more people you will follow from your area of interest; the more followers you will gain. You can also search for people based on interest etc. and follow them.

Be an active user and engage with other Twitter users by liking, replying, or retweeting their tweets. Whatever time it takes, build genuine followers by being a truly sociable guy. Building a follower base of bots will not help in anything. Unfortunately, Twitter is full of fake and bot accounts. Over time, learn to handle bot without wasting time on them.

For example, Tough Mudder shares content that Tough Mudder participants, or aspiring participants, would be interested in seeing.

Twitter Ads

They also add #ToughMudder so that their post will show up in search results of users searching for that particular type of content.

Being active on Twitter will attract more followers to your profile and it will help you keep the followers you already have too.

Some other easy ways to grow your Twitter following are:

  • Follow people relevant to your industry/target audience
  • Add your Twitter handle to your email signature
  • Promote your Twitter profile on other social media platforms
  • Embed your Twitter feed to your website

You can also create a “Follow Us on Twitter” popup on your website to grow your following.

By creating a “Follow Us on Twitter” popup, you can take the website traffic you already have and turn those users into Twitter followers.

Use Tools to Generate Income

Once you have a sizable follower base, you can use your tweets to make money. There are several platforms that are specifically designed to facilitate advertising on Twitter. You need to do research and choose the genuine platforms that have a good client base and make timely payment. As a beginner, you can join the following popular platforms:

MyLikes: Choose relevant ads from thousands of advertisers and set the date and time of tweeting. You can earn a maximum of $0.42 per click and get paid weekly. There are several other platforms such as Rev Tweet with similar pay per click business model.

SponsoredTweets.com: Your account must be 60 days old, and have 100 tweets and 50 followers to be eligible for using this platform. Set your own per click price for ads and advertisers will accept your bid and provide you relevant ads. Twittad is another similar platform with a slight variation on how you choose a product.

Ad.ly: Through this platform, you will have to authorize advertisers to send a certain number of tweets at a particular time on your behalf. Sit back and enjoy the payment from advertisers. To earn a significant amount from such platforms, you should have a strong follower base and higher engagement.

Harnessing the potential

Advertising companies have come to the realization that twitter bloggers can provide a good way to get prospects for their clients. A lot of companies are turning to social media to get more customers. You have a lot of potential to be part of this system if your Twitter account has a lot of followers. You can easily make a few dollars per day and much more if your account is used to send promotional messages.

Finding opportunities for sponsored tweets

Finding opportunities for sponsored tweets

If you want to earn money online with Twitter sponsored tweets, you have to register with an advertising company. When you sign up your account will be evaluated and value will be placed on your tweets. Basically, you need an account that is at least three months old. The minimum number of followers is usually one hundred but you will make more money if you have followers in the thousands.

This service is used by different types of companies because it provides a wonderful opportunity to reach out to more prospective customers. These companies are provided with several Twitter accounts and they can choose the ones that are most suitable for their marketing campaigns. Payment is usually based on the value that is placed on the Twitter account and the number of clicks that are generated.

Have fun and make money

It is a lot of fun to use Twitter to make money by doing what you do every day. Some people complain about the commercialization of tweets because of this invasion of marketers. However, it is a great opportunity for you to make a few dollars on the side. If you have spent quality time to build a lot of followers, this is the time to cash in on your efforts. You simply supply them with product tweets a few times daily and get paid for it.

Read Also: How to Make Money from Youtube in 10 easy steps

Do not overuse sponsored tweets

It is nice to earn money online with this method but you have to be careful not to abuse it. If you send too many sponsored tweets in a day, it may start to devalue your tweets. Consequently, some people may decide to unfollow you and you will start to lose followers. You should be careful about the products that you tweet about.

You should also not overdo it. Continue to post valuable tweets that are not paid for and slot in sponsored tweets from time to time to make it natural. This will enable you to make money online with Twitter without losing your followers.

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