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This complete web resource will show you how you can make money from your website or blog. In this article, you will learn simple ways to make money from your website or blog as outlined thus:

1. Selling Ads
2. Sponsorship
3. Selling Advertising Space
4. Selling Products
5. Offering Consulting Services
6. Selling Your Services

Blogging is an art which can actually make you some residual income if well integrated on your website. Blogging allows you to publish your passions your way. Whether you’d like to share your knowledge, experiences or the latest news, you can create a unique and beautiful blog for free. According to Wikipedia, a blog (a truncation of the expression weblog) is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (“posts”). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page. Until 2009, blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject or topic. In the 2010s, “multi-author blogs” (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and sometimes professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups, and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other “microblogging” systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into the news media.

A website is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server. The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users who did not have much experience with HTML or computer programming. Previously, knowledge of such technologies as HTML and File Transfer Protocol had been required to publish content on the Web, and as such, early Web users tended to be hackers and computer enthusiasts. In the 2010s, the majority of these are interactive Web 2.0 websites, allowing visitors to leave online comments, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites. In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking service. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also often build social relations with their readers and other bloggers. However, there are high-readership blogs which do not allow comments.
Ways To Make Money With Your Website
Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject or topic, ranging from politics to sports. Others function as more personal online diaries, and others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. However, blog owners or authors often moderate and filter online comments to remove hate speech or other offensive content. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or “vlogs”), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs. Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.

A website that generates revenue or cash flow of any type that isn’t under a non-profit organizations filed with that state can be said to be profit making. So if you are selling a product, selling advertisement, selling a service, your site is commercial. Whether you plan to do so to make a profit or just to pay your hosting bill, you are already running a money making platform.

Now let’s look at some of the most guaranteed ways to make money from your website or blog:

1. Selling Ads

The easiest way to monetize your blog is to sell ads on it. There are tens of
methods that you can easily use to earn money from ads. When you are selling
advertising, you are selling access to your audience – the more people visit your
blog, the more earnings you’ll have. Learn here what advertising methods exist:
The main concept of cost per click advertising (CPC) lies in getting payments each time someone clicks your ads. You don’t need to be a professional coder to implement CPC ads on your blog, and it is very easy to set up. They work only if you have high traffic to your blog. If not, they won’t bring you any money and you can choose something more profit making.
Perhaps, Google AdSense is one of the most popular network to place ads, however, you can
use Chitika, Infolinks, Media.net and a lot of other plugins as well. Their main benefit is that you
do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers. The plugin chooses ads relevant to your
contents itself, and your viewers just click on the ads.
The idea of cost per mille advertising (CPM) lies in earning money for every thousand potential customers who view the advertisement. CPM is a good way of getting profit from your high traffic, it is easy to set up. No codding knowledge needed, the only thing you need is a high traffic. Everything else doesn’t matter as long as you have a high traffic to your website or blog. If your traffic is not calculated in millions of visitors, then you might want to pay your attention to other options.
Here affiliate links are a lot more visible and often include an offer in them. If these banners are relevant to the topic of content on your page, then you’ll definitely win from this monetization method. Plus, you have control over what banners you publish – you may not publish whatever you don’t find attractive to your readers.
Open advertisement can easily push off your readers. When people share or link to your
content, problems of technical character may occur.
Make Money From Your Blog
You may ask your readers for a donation if you create a lot of useful free resources (plugins, tools, etc.). If you create many useful resources for free, it’s ok for you to ask for a donation. Sources like
Wikipedia exist solely on donations. If you choose this method, then install a WordPress plugin
and start accepting PayPal donations. If developing useful tools for your readers for free is not about you, then this method is not perfect for your blog. If a blog that doesn’t contain anything special in it asks for money, readers grow suspicious.
PPP (Pay Per Play) or CPP (Cash Per Play) advertising foresees playing an audio ad when a visitor comes to your website. You can set up ads using special advertising platforms (Net Audio Ads, for example), so it’s quite easy and takes almost no time. You only have to add JavaScript to your web pages and be ready to get your profit! Visitors usually are not excited to hear ads audio when
they come to your website – it is annoying for them. Some even mute their laptops not to hear the sound. If you’re not afraid of your readers’ negative reaction, go ahead.
You can use another form of audio advertising – podcast ads. A weekly update includes advertising. The main benefit is that this type is less intrusive, it would just seem like a short radio show with commercial breaks
Putting ads on your blog can push off some part of your audience; your readers might find you too sales
oriented and prefer to unsubscribe. You should think about the balance between creating useful content
and promoting your services.

2. Sponsorship

Corporate logos showing NASCAR team sponsors. Sponsoring something (or someone) is the act of supporting an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services. The individual or group that provides the support, similar to a benefactor, is known as sponsor.
Sponsorship is a cash and/or in-kind fee paid to a property (typically in sports, arts, entertainment or causes) in return for access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with that property.
While the sponsoree (property being sponsored) may be nonprofit, unlike philanthropy, sponsorship is done with the expectation of a commercial return.
While sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to purchase, it is different from advertising. Unlike advertising, sponsorship cannot communicate specific product attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires support elements.
Corporations are always looking forward to sponsoring influential blogs of their core industry. Mentioning company name in the header of your website or promoting their brand all through the blog are one of the ways of advertising. Let me take you through some of the ways to make money through sponsorship:
A company or an individual will sponsor one of your articles. Of course, your article should talk about their products or services and mention the company name. Moreover, it should link to their product page. If your website has a high traffic, a lot of companies from your niche will be willing to see their name in your posts. This may be very profitable for you.
Your readers will turn off if they find out that you’re writing sponsored posts. Plus, many sponsoring companies will ask you to put ‘dofollow’ links, that will baffle you because Google doesn’t like this kind of things.
Companies will be interested in promoting themselves on your blog if you are a small niche blog, producing quality, content interesting for a target audience. You should be a real expert in your niche for the big companies to get interested in sponsoring you.
If you produce video content and have a huge YouTube audience, you can find someone to sponsor your channel. This could be anything – a banner, a mention of a brand, a link within a video description, etc.
This is a very profitable method of monetization. Moreover, you control what is displayed on your channel, unlike CPC ads. You can lose your audience if your readers will find you are exploiting sponsorship.
A few blogs run regular podcasts and this offers another medium for monetization. This would usually be in the form of sponsored mentions, where you will mention someone’s product/service/website/etc. in return for payment. Some blogs offer different packages that include full reviews of products on the podcast or advertisements that run within interludes.
Advantages: If you’re already running a regular podcast, this method should really be a no-brainer. You can quickly and easily mention the sponsor at the start of the podcast, at the end, or in any gap that you want to fill. If you find relevant sponsors then it could even add to the content of the podcast.
Disadvantages: Getting sponsors this way isn’t always easy and you often won’t get a huge return from it unless you have a really focused following of listeners. This works great within the music niche but it can be a lot harder to get sponsors in other many other niches. Another obvious disadvantage is that it could sound a little cheesy having to mention a sponsor mid-flow.
Category Exclusivity is defined by IEG as: the right of a sponsor to be the only company within its product or service category associated with the sponsored property.
So what does category exclusivity look like in practice?
In a “best case” scenario, a sponsor would have category exclusivity that extends throughout a property. For example, a naming rights sponsor for a venue would have category exclusivity that covers all sponsor benefits, extends to any third-party event sponsors, teams, venue tenants, vendors, and any broadcast or on-site advertisers. On the other end of the spectrum would be zero category exclusivity, meaning the property could have multiple sponsors within the same category.
In reality, the extent of category exclusivity usually falls somewhere in the middle. A sponsor may have exclusivity to their sponsor benefits, but broadcast advertisers could include a sponsor’s competitors, or a sponsor may only have category exclusivity to their level or a specific area or program. In general terms it is in a sponsor’s best interest to have total category exclusivity, but that may not be in the best interest of the property or simply may not be possible because of agreements with third-parties or the property just doesn’t control certain aspects of the property, etc.
In most cases, not having any category exclusivity would/could significantly lower the value of a sponsorship. Exceptions would be some nonprofits or associations where it isn’t in their best interest to offer wide-ranging category exclusivity and sponsors don’t expect exclusivity. Sponsors may also forgo category exclusivity as a way to lower their rights fees.
Sometimes, how a category is defined can vary property to property and can also change over time. Categories such as technology, telecommunications, and financial services are categories that depending on the specific situation may be defined differently and depending on developments in the market, the category definition may change. Nowadays, the telecommunications category can include landlines, cellular phone service, mobile devices, internet services, cable, etc. The big telecommunications companies basically offer every type of communication service and as this becomes the norm, the definition of the category will change. This is why it is important to spell out in a contract-specific competitors, as well as any questionable definitions of the category.
Some sponsors will request exclusivity to what could be considered multiple distinct categories, or multiple saleable categories. The soft drink category is a good example of this. Soft drink companies may want category exclusivity to soft drinks, water, energy drinks, sports beverages, juice, etc. Depending on the likelihood that a property would be able to sell one of the categories individually, a property could/should ask for an increased rights fee. If it is likely that a property could sell several of the requested categories individually than the rights fee could increase more.
Now, category exclusivity shouldn’t be confused with the potential for ambush or ambush marketing. Category sponsorship places you next to a particular category that most suits your product or services. Category Sponsors receive extensive coverage before, during and after the awards, including: Editorial, Print Advertising, Digital Marketing, Branding, Category Presentation and Client Entertainment.
This method foresees sponsorship of separate columns or pages of your blog. Modern websites use this way of sponsorship because this is a good method to show ads only to target audience which is interested in them. You don’t need to be a professional coder to implement CPC ads to your blog and it is very easy to set up. You risk having your blog over advertised and provoke traffic fall and ruin your design. This can work well if you have a huge news portal with a wide variety of topics.

3. Selling Advertising Space

Upon first thinking about it, the idea of selling advertising on a website or blog with limited traffic seems a bit daft. After all, aren’t most advertisers interested in putting their product in front of the highest number of eyeballs possible? Approaching them with piddly visitor numbers seems like a surefire way to end up in the deleted folder.
But though it may feel like putting the cart before the horse, there are many good reasons and ways to sell ad space on low-traffic websites. What you need to always keep in mind is that, while advertisers are drawn to high traffic numbers, they desire something else even more: high conversion rates. There are plenty of success stories of websites that have limited traffic but sell a ton of advertising. These websites succeed because they do one thing well: they deliver the right type of customer to the right type of business.
You can sell a place for banner placing on your website – someone buys it. Usually, bloggers use different platforms to sell their place. However, you can sell space yourself. If your blog brings a lot of traffic, this method is great. If not, consider something else for monetizing your blog. If you’re a small niche website, you can sell advertising place for a fixed price. Usually, companies that are targeting the specific audience will use this chance. If you have a lot of traffic, sell on Cost Per Impression basis; this will be more profitable for you. Plus, you can build long relationships with advertisers in your niche.
You can really profit from Buy Sell Ads platform, however, you don’t have guarantees that you will actually sell space. If you have any direct relationships with companies that might advertise on your site, don’t hesitate to talk with them about the topic. You are much closer to selling ads directly than you can think if you have a relevant and targeted audience. Beyond all doubt, you can offer them an extremely valuable service.
In-text advertising is a form of contextual advertising where specific keywords within the text of a web-page are matched with advertising and/or related information units. This one is similar to banner advertising. The difference is that the text on your website will be linked to 3rd party websites. This way is performed with special advertising platforms such as MageNet.com. The system itself associates keywords from your text with websites and puts links to them. You can also sell links by yourself when reaching out to relevant companies and ask if they are interested.
Platforms used for this method are very easy to use and quick to set up. Plus, this method can bring you good money if you produce a lot of content to your blog. You can combine this method with others to get even more profit. As these platforms place mainly ‘dofollow’ links from your website, it is advised you use this method only for specific pages of the website to save yourself from possible blog popularity decrease.
In-image advertising is a form of contextual advertising where specific images on a website are matched with related advertisements.
In-image advertising uses “data about the image, its tags, and the surrounding content to match images with ads that are contextually relevant.” Once a website owner integrates the scripts onto their publishing systems, site visitors can move their mouse over the images or look at an image for a certain amount of time to reveal an ad.
Most in-image advertising have the following characteristics:
1. When a user mouses over an image on a website, a small overlay on the lower segment of the image appears.
2. The overlay can be closed out by the user.
3. Some in-image ad technologies produce a pop-up box when visitors mouse over images.
4. Clicking on the text of an in-image advertisement directs users to a new page.
In-image ads were first introduced by GumGum in February, 2008, as a way for publishers to pay image licensing fees on an ad-supported basis. Picad Media, which launched its “in-picture ad network” in September, 2008, was later renamed Image Space Media and was acquired by Vibrant Media in January, 2012.
Since the turn of the decade, the web has shifted towards one with increasingly visual contents. New companies have emerged such as Znaptag and Advant Technology Ltd. In June 2014 NetSeer introduced InImageLinks, a service that embeds contextual text and display ads within editorial images and addresses challenges associated with new Viewable Impression metrics.
In-Image advertising works on a cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand impressions (CPM) model. This method means adding a text to the images on your website which appears when a reader hovers over them.
This one is easy to use and quick to set up. However, it will work only in case you produce a lot of content that attracts high traffic. Otherwise, it will not bring you high profit. You can’t choose a partner that will be advertising on your site. That is why it might look like spam with time. So, you may lose some part of your audience.
The term video advertising encompasses online display advertisements that have video within them, but it is generally accepted that it refers to advertising that occurs before, during and/or after a video stream on the internet.
The advertising units used in this instance are pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll and all of these ad units are like the traditional spot advertising you see on television, although often they are “cut-down” to be a shorter version than their TV counterparts if they are run online.
Broadcast websites such as Sky.com and itv.com have such advertising on their sites, as do newspaper websites such as The Telegraph, and The Guardian. In 2010, video ads accounted for 12.8% of all videos viewed and 1.2% of all minutes spent viewing video online.
In July 2014 Facebook paid an estimated $400 million to acquire LiveRail, a video advertising distributor which uses Real-time bidding to place more than 7 billion video ads a month.
According to Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) guidelines, there are three types of video ad formats:
• Linear video ads – the ads are presented before, in the middle of, or after the video content is consumed by the user, in very much the same way a TV commercial can play before, during or after the chosen program.
• Non-linear video ads – the ads run concurrently with the video content so the users see the ad while viewing the content.
• Companion ads – commonly text, display ads, rich media, or skins that wrap around the video experience.
If you’re a video blogger, you may use in-video ads opportunity. In-video ad is an advertisement (text, image or anything else) right on the video. YouTube channel monetization is very easy. Simply link to your AdSense account and turn on video monetization in YouTube settings.
Such ads really annoy viewers. They might even want to unsubscribe from your channel not to see them.
Pop-up ads or pop-ups are often forms of online advertising on the World Wide Web intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. Pop-ups are generally new web browser windows to display advertisements. The pop-up window containing an advertisement is usually generated by JavaScript using cross-site scripting (XSS), sometimes with a secondary payload using Adobe Flash, but can also be generated by other vulnerabilities/security holes in browser security.
A variation on the pop-up window is the pop-under advertisement, which opens a new browser window hidden under the active window. Pop-unders do not interrupt the user immediately and are not seen until the covering window is closed, making it more difficult to determine which web site opened them.
Pop-up ads originated on the Tripod.com webpage hosting site in the late 1990s. Ethan Zuckerman claims he wrote the code to launch advertisements in separate windows as a response to complaints of displaced banner ads. He didn’t invent the pop-up window. Zuckerman later apologized for the unforeseen nuisance pop-up ads had evolved into.
Search engines don’t like pop-ups. It’s a well-known fact. Your blog may be considered as spam by Google. Moreover, many browsers have pop-up blockers which prevent ads from showing to readers. Thus, it will reduce your income.
Links widgets are commonly used on a class blog to provide links to other class blogs, student blogs and resources— they are designed to help you, your students and others find websites easily.
The most common type of link widget you’ll hear mentioned is a blogroll. Bloggers commonly use blogrolls to list their favourite blogs. Blogrolls help readers locate other blogs worth reading — you are saying “these are some blogs I like – which are worth checking out!”
Blogrolls on class blogs are used often used to provide links to student blogs or other class blogs they interact with. Each blog has a sidebar on every page. You can sell a link on this sidebar and take a fee on a monthly or yearly basis. This method is easy and fast to implement. You can sell a few links and have a good profit, especially if you have a high traffi¬c.
Do not be too aggressive in links placement. Place backlinks only on some parts of your pages to save yourself from a decrease of trust from Google. Selling ads directly on your blog can bring you high pro t. However, it’s extremely time consuming. If you’re not sure for 100% you want sell ads directly, it’s better to join an ad network.
Monetized widgets are widgets that you can place on your website that will dynamically pull in ads that you can either receive affiliate income for, or you can be paid on an impression/click basis. An example of this is with the Amazon Associates program where you can display product widgets and earn affiliate income as a result.
Advantages: Setting this up doesn’t take long at all and you don’t need to have huge levels of traffic to earn money. With the likes of the Amazon Affiliate widgets, you can make steady income if the products that you’re advertising are relevant to the content within your articles.
For example, if you run a food blog and discuss the latest food processors you may want to place food processor products within your widgets to increase your conversion rate.
Disadvantages: Having monetized widgets dotted around your website can sometimes cheapen the look of your blog. If you’re conscious of the aesthetics of your website then you might not want to add in too many ads of this nature.
You might also find that the space used by these widgets could bring in a better return if they were used for banner ads instead.
When Bloggers write posts on your website or blog for money, they get paid for what can be referred to as advertorials. Do follows links are sometimes allowed in paid guest posts. Among all the monetization methods this seems to be the most money-making. However, for some reasons, reputable bloggers don’t mess with guest blogging and it’s quite hard to find a good web resource ready to post your article for money.
You can post job vacancies within your niche right on your website. For example, Inbound.org allows you to post on their website vacancies for $50 per month. If you’re writing for a specific audience, your blog will be extremely popular among companies looking for employees. Moreover, posting vacancies list may open you to other opportunities for income like banner advertising.
Job section posted in your blog is quite hard to maintain and control. If there’s no high income from it, then, perhaps, it would be easier to consider other options.
An online marketplace (or online e-commerce marketplace) is a type of e-commerce site where product or service information is provided by multiple third parties, whereas transactions are processed by the marketplace operator.
Some very respectable websites set up marketplaces on their platforms as a good method of monetization. Businesses prefer to work with big platforms where there exist many ways for advertising, and marketplaces are one of such ways. Also, if you have high traffic, you can make a good profit.
Marketplace setting up takes a lot of time and efforts. Moreover, you should be ready to dedicate a big amount of time regularly to work on listings and promotion. And your site may look too commercial to your readers.

4. Selling Products

If you sell your products, use your blog for this purpose. Online shop section will be a good decision. If you are an expert in a specific niche, you might want to sell products that you’re talking about in your blog. Then your high traffic will bring you real money.
Find some profitable products you can sell on your website or blog:
eBooks are very popular in blogging industry nowadays. They are given for free or in exchange for emails, etc. You can sell someone’s eBook directly on your blog. You can earn big money with your eBook. Moreover, you’ll position yourself as an expert in your niche. You can also find sponsors who are ready to monetize your book. The first thing is that you have to spend some time on writing an eBook. Second – you have to spend a lot of time to promote it. Plus, it can take some money from you.
Make your offer as visible as possible. If your offering is easy to find, more readers will click on it, and more percent of visitors will buy your ebook.
A mobile app is a software application designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Most such devices are sold with several apps bundled as pre-installed software, such as a web browser, email client, calendar, mapping program, and an app for buying music or other media or more apps.
Mobile application development is a term used to denote the act or process by which application software is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones.
A Step-by-Step Guide To Building Your First Mobile App
Why do you want to build a mobile app? Do you want to ride the wave of other entrepreneurs, or did you come across a problem that you feel you can resolve? The answer to this question will determine whether your app will be successful or not.
Here is a guide to get you started, but note it may not work for everyone. This is drawn from my experience working for more than three years with entrepreneurs, helping them build and market their mobile apps. Take from it what suits your strategy best, or follow it to the hilt. The important part is to get started.
Step 1: Get an idea or a problem. If you already have an app idea, move onto step two. If not, read on. Want to build an app but don’t have an app idea? What you really need are problems, and they’re everywhere!
Successful entrepreneurs solve problems in a way that we could not have imagined. When you look around you, every product and service you use were all created to solve a problem. You wanted to get from one place to another faster, you got a car. You wanted to get from one country to another faster, you got planes.
So look for problems in your daily life and list each one of them. Once you have an exhaustive list, then start to think on how you can resolve them and shortlist the ones that make most sense.
Step 2: Identify the need. Validation will prove that a demand exists for your app. You can validate your idea by using the Google Keyword Planner tool to look for the number of people seeking out what you’re trying to do. You could also build a landing page that broadly highlights your app idea and seek user interest through an email signup.
Step 3: Lay out the flow and features. Validation of your app idea means that you’ve got something that people want to use. Now is the time to detail your product onto a document, or if you want to go the extra mile, use a wireframing tool.
When putting your idea down on paper, remember to be as detailed as possible. Include the flow of how the user will navigate the app as well as all the features envisioned. This will help your developer to clearly understand your expectations.
Step 4: Remove non-core features. From the flow and features document you prepared, start looking closely at features that you can remove. Offer only the core value of your app idea. Do not build features in the first version that are “nice to have” and can always be added later as an update. This will help keep the initial costs of development down and also help you get to market quicker.
Step 5: Put design first. I have heard many entrepreneurs saying they want a very basic design and want to focus on just developing an app. They are so wrong! Design is not just about how your app looks, but it’s about how a user will experience the app. Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures best explains it: “Design is a way of making technology useful.” So look for a developer who puts design (user experience and graphics) first.
Step 6: Hire a designer/developer. Seek a development company that has great design talent and a solid development team. While hiring a developer, go online to check on their credibility and the apps that they have created. If you really liked an app they created from their portfolio, chances are, they could be the right one for your product.
Step 7: Create developer accounts. You must register for a developer account with the respective app stores to be able to sell your app through their platform. Google’s Android charges $25 a year and Apple charges $99 annually. You have the option of registering as an individual or as a company, if you already have one formed.
Step 8: Integrate analytics. Analytics help you track downloads, user engagement and retention for your mobile app. Make sure you use tools such as Flurry, which is available for free, and Localytics, that has a free and paid version.
Step 9: Get feedback quickly and improvise. Once your app goes live on the app store, the first set of customers’ usage and behavior will give you insight into how to improve and enhance your app. Enhancements and changes are constant, so keep an eye on user feedback and keep building.
Step 10: Introduce features. You built version one with limited features and only the core offering. Now is the time to evaluate and introduce the remaining features that were left out in the initial version. You will know through analytics and feedback whether the features are relevant anymore.
These steps are not sacrosanct, but rather a guideline to building your app in the most effective manner based on my experience. Once you’re ready to start, you must also know that building a mobile app is the easiest part. Getting customers is where the challenge lies.
As mobile apps are amazingly popular nowadays, you can make money with developing those. Create one app for your blog and start earning money! Mobile apps are amazingly popular. They can help you to build a huge community, collect personal details from your readers and make it easier for them to reach your blog on the go.
If your blog is small, there’s no sense in developing a mobile app. It’s is expensive and takes a lot of time to do it. You need to have a good plan of its development. Otherwise, there’s a chance of making a mistake.
A WordPress Plugin is a program or a set of one or more functions written in the PHP scripting language, which adds a specific set of features or services to the WordPress site. A WordPress Plugin can be seamlessly integrated with the site using access points and methods provided by the WordPress Plugin Application Program Interface (API).
There are a lot of marketplaces where you can offer plugins – Code Canyon, WP Plugins etc. No time needed to spend. You go to the marketplace and sell your plugin. That is all.
If your blog has high traffic, old domain and constant good profit, try to sell it. You can find a buyer on your own or use third-party sites like Flippa or SitesIndeed. This option will work for you if your website is really old and profitable. If you produce a lot of interesting and valuable content, then you should know that some blogs are sold for a big amount of money. $100,000, for example. Admit that this sum is worth working on the blog
However, if you sell your blog, you will get no more revenue from it, as selling foresees only one-time fee. If you’re sure that you want to sell your priceless resource for a big sum of money, put a reserve on the auction and go ahead. Main things that you need to know in order to maximize your sale price, stay safe during the sale and finish it off quickly and without stress.
Gather data and discover your site’s value
First thing you need to do is figure out how much you are willing to sell your blog for. This is called valuation and is an area that is extremely controversial amongst web marketers. There are three questions that need to be asked and answered here:
• How much does it make?
How much does your site make per month, on average? Is that a consistent level or are you having spikes. Is that income stream at all inefficient and as such could be improved before or after the sale. Figure out exactly how much it makes before we move on.
• How much are you willing to let it go for?
Your blog might only make a few hundred a month but you might perceive it to be worth a whole lot more. This can be an issue at sale time as your potential buyers won’t have the same emotional attachment that you do. You also need to know this in case you want to reject the bids you get in order to develop it further.
• How much is someone willing to pay?
This is the ultimate answer and, realistically, the only relevant question. I have heard Yaro say it and I heard my dad say it to me when I was in high school. The only true valuation is what someone is willing to pay. The other methods are just speculative.
The general equation that people go by when it comes to website valuation is 12 x monthly revenue. So if your site makes $500 a month it is worth around $6000. That being said, I have seen blogs sold for closer to 24 x monthly revenue on a lot of occasions.
2. List your blog on Flippa.com and point other listings to that sale
The best place to sell your blog is, without a doubt, Flippa.com. This website is solely designed for selling websites and as such it has a lot of serious buyers with real money to spend on quality websites. There are other places to sell your blog but most of them don’t have the same protection and reputation that Flippa has so what I do is just use them to direct traffic to my Flippa listing. For example, you might want to create a thread on Digital Point Forums about selling your blog but then say that the purchase can only be made over at Flippa.
Create a truthful and enticing listing with all the necessities
Your listing must be enticing but it must also be truthful. If you lie on any of your statistics or earnings you will get found out. The guys spending $5k plus on websites know what a cheat looks like and the will, most of the time, take legal action if you mislead them. Make sure you sell your website as much as possible but don’t manipulate any of the facts.
Your listing should:
• Have a catchy title
The title is what draws attention to the sale. Make sure it is catchy and sells the benefits of your website. Include things like a high Page Rank, monthly income, large traffic numbers, etc. if they are what is working in your advantage. For example, if you have a lot of RSS subscribers but not much income your title could be something like: Cooking Blog with 5000+ Subscribers, Top Google Rankings, Massive Opportunity. Always take the option to list your sale on the front page of Flippa. It is expensive but worth it.
• Include screen shots of your data
You need to include screen shots of your important data items like traffic proof, income proof and so on. You can also go one step further and take screen shots of popular articles and Google rankings. This is not required but it really gets people interested. To take a screen shot on a Mac just do Command-Shift-4 and on a PC just press Print Screen and then Paste it into a blank Paint Canvas. Windows 7 users (well done!) you can just use the Snipping Tool. Make sure you blur out any sensitive information like account numbers and number of click in Adsense.
• Use dot points to show benefits
A website listing is just like a blog post – people only skim read. Use dot points and headers to divide your listing in to areas of traffic, revenue, subscribers, etc. You should also make a summary dot point list at the top of the sale showing all the advantages and benefits that the buyer will get when purchasing your site. Focus on benefits, not just features. If you have a number one Google ranking tell them why that is going to benefit their business.
Don’t be stingy on the amount of time you spend writing this listing. All your hard work can be undone by laziness at this stage. Spend some time looking at the other listings that have lots of bids and see what they did with their advert. Make sure you really have a tight, easy to read and enticing listing before you put it up.
4. Price it properly
When I list a price for my website I always put it at slightly higher than what it is worth using the 12 x monthly revenue model. This has the effect of leading your buyers to believe that it is a quality site and getting them to delve deeper to see why it is priced so. I then set the reserve price at the level I am ready to let it go for. What often happens is you get into negotiations with a potential buyer over email and work out a price that suits both parties. If you set your initial price too low than you can’t bargain up, only down. Keep this in mind.
5. Make sure your site is clean and working
Something that a lot of newbie sellers do is forget to tidy up their website before the sale. I even remember visiting one listing and noticing that the site had just been hacked. A very unfortunate bit of timing but you have to make sure it doesn’t happen when you are trying to make a good impression.
Before you post the listing up make sure your links all work, your site is cleanly coded and there are no cross browser design flaws. For example, sometimes people’s sidebars go a little out of shape in IE or Safari. Make sure all of these issues are sorted out before you sell.
6. Accept payment only through Escrow.com for above $5,000 sales
Escrow.com is a website that makes your sale very safe. Why? Because they only release the domain name to the buyer once you have received the money. Here’s how Escrow works.
You open an account and then create a transaction between you and the buyer. You both agree to terms and then the buyer sends their money to Escrow’s third party website. You then send the files to the buyer and once they have approved them in the Escrow website they send you the money they have been holding. The idea is that you don’t send them the domain name until you are certain they are going to pay. Escrow makes sure of that.
Paypal is a wonderful service but I have heard so many horror stories about people who have transferred their domain and then had the buyer charge back the money. They lost out big time. Quite often you can get your domain back but it is massive hassle I would try to avoid.
7. Check your local tax laws
Before you make that sale ring your accountant and check your local tax laws. In Australia, for example, if you sell an asset after owning it for less than a year you get an rather big tax penalty. Selling a blog after eight months might, in that case, be a bad idea. Make sure you know how much tax you are roughly going to be charged and what category the sale falls under. For example, is it part of your income or is it a capital gain?
If you follow these steps you will, hopefully, have a nice smooth sale of a very valuable website. Once you have done it once the task is then, as I am doing, to build tens or hundreds of them at once. Now that is a nice income!
You can sell specific web pages from your blog. If they generate good traffic, they might be priceless to buyers. If your page has a lot of quality links and generates high traffic, you can have a good profit by selling it. Remember that Google doesn’t like any manipulations with selling links. You really should trust your buyer as since he buys your page, only he works with it.
Your blog is written for a specific niche and a niche audience is reading it. Keep in mind why your readers are on your blog. Some things they love and some they don’t. When selling products, firstly identify their need, so your products fit it; then your chances of a sale will be much higher.
This is the same method as in selling webpage. The only difference is that you don’t sell, you rent it for a specific time period. Well, this method is safer for you than selling page. You only rent it for a specific time period and the profit is the same. Again, Google may become concerned with your activity.
When offering your products, don’t trick your readers into clicking on a link. This is the surest way to lose your future customers and readers. Be clear and honest when you are presenting your offer. When placing the link, let your customers know that the link will take them to information about your offer.
No one likes to be fooled.


Demonstrating your expertise, you build trust with your audience. Consulting services and educational materials can be a part of a content-marketing strategy of every online service in any field as it gives potential customers an idea of how good your services/products are. Moreover, you can sell your knowledge if you are a real expert in your field. And here is how:
Training courses are a perfect method of monetization for experts in specific niches who want to build trust with their audience and demonstrate their professionalism Lots of up-sell opportunities. Well, this is profitable if you have something important and useful to say.
Training course development is not an easy challenge; it takes a lot of time and resources. You need to keep it up-to-date and add more info with time.
If you are a respected expert in your niche, you can launch series of paid webinars. For this purpose, you can use either WebEx or MegaMeeting software, etc. Well, even Skype will work, if you need a free service. Building trust among your audience and the online community is a good effect of webinars. Later, you can take a fee for watching your webinars, as your professional value will rise over time. Premium webinars foresee that you offer some very important information. Otherwise, why should people pay you? Also, you should spend time on building webinar plan and strategy.
This method promotes running a special event. Some blogs are dedicated to this aim, and this is their core way of making money. Running events is very profitable. You can make a lot of money with that. Build your brand, reach a wider audience and become rich. This will positively affect your traffic and community growth. Events organization needs a lot of work. The larger event, the more time and money spent on it. Risks are huge, but profit is worth it.
If you’re a reputable expert in your niche, you can speak at different events. If you tell about your wish to give a speech at thematic events right on your blog, you will find new opportunities much faster. Speaking at events is not only profitable but also gives you an opportunity to promote yourself as an expert within your niche. Also, you can build new relationships with other bloggers in your industry and advertise your blog in your speech. Planning and creating an interesting presentation is not easy and takes a lot of time and efforts. Moreover, if you are not an expert, it’s hardly possible that you will be asked to take a speech.
Clarify.fm is a service that gives you an opportunity to work as a phone expert. People pay to listen to your opinion and get your advice. Also, you can put a special “call consulting” widget right in your blog. It is an easy thing to do, and it will help you to further promote your consulting services elsewhere. You have big chances to gain the trust of your visitors if you’re an expert in your industry. You should really be an expert and specialize in what you write about. Also, you have to be sure that you really have to say something valuable to people calling you.

6.Selling Your Services

If you sell your products, use your blog for this purpose. Online shop section will be a good decision. If you are an expert in a specific niche, you might want to sell products that you’re talking about in your blog. Then your high traffic will bring you real money.
If you write a lot for your blog, consider writing for another one. If you produce valuable content, other bloggers will pay you for it. You generate income for other blogs, and you build links from other services, thus generating traffic to your blog. This method is not for you if you’re not ready to generate a lot of traffic. Other bloggers will ask you to write constantly and meet their deadlines. If you’re not ready for this, do not even start.
If you’re writing for your blog and position yourself as an expert in your niche, you can easily build trust among your readers. Promoting your own services with your blog doesn’t take any money and helps you to sell better. Ask your readers what services they need. You’ll get ideas for new services that will turn your readers into customers. One comment might motivate you to run new webinar – by popular demand. Another can help you to create that perfect new service that solves problems of thousands of your readers.
Advertorials are articles about product/service. Links to them are usually nofollowed. And they cost a thing. If your audience is interested in advertorial topic, then it will be a good variant for you to make some money. Some bloggers put a special notice at the beginning of the post to inform readers that he didn’t write it and it’s an advertorial.
Sponsors that want you to publish their advertorial, want you to put dofollow links, this is not a problem, but place them only on some parts of your website pages to avoid trust decrease from Google.
This method foresees you test a product or service and write a review on it. And, of course, earn money. If you have a high reputation within your niche, paid review is great. You can ask not only for money, but also for a free product or a free access to a service. Companies that are paying for your review are expecting you to give them only positive comment. Who wants to get a negative review that you already paid for? That is why it is sometimes hard to balance between honesty and desire to please your sponsor.
This method means providing consulting services within your niche to other less successful bloggers. You can sell your services if you’re a successful blogger within your niche and know what it needs to be interesting for the audience. Mentoring is also great for building your relationship with other bloggers in your industry. This method takes a lot of time. If you’re not sure that you can cope with it, don’t even start. You have to prepare resources, communicate in chats, etc.
If your readers are active and engaging, you can offer them paid surveys. Companies know that high-quality data is hard to collect and are ready to pay for it. You are a blogger with a big audience that is ready to take part in interesting surveys. Well, why not to earn money for giving your audience such an opportunity? This won’t work if your readers are not ready to give you a lot of information about themselves. Plus, you have to use a special software for collecting data.
To conclude this comprehensive web resource, it is interesting to note that megaincomestream.com did a great job as a go to site to put together all these monetization methods. Our team hopes that you got something valuable from this article. The prime target of the article is to boost your revenue and make you a profit.
Learn more ways to make money here http://megaincomestream.com/ways-to-make-money-online/

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.

1 Comment

    Specifically, you ll consistently see that platform s name rise to the top in articles about making money from home. Yet, while you can certainly make money with YouTube, that objective is not usually achieved in the traditional manner everyone wants you to believe. Let s assume that you already have a product to sell. You can set up an ecommerce storefront using a resource like Shopify , then produce videos that fit into your product s niche. At the end of the videos, you can produce calculated CTAs that funnel traffic to your product landing pages.

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