If you want to make money online without spending several hours in front of a computer every day, you should consider becoming an online tutor. Some of the popular online jobs require special kills that might take a long time to learn. By becoming an online tutor, you can easily take advantage of the knowledge that you presently possess.
The online tutoring business is developing so quickly with the help of technological innovations and extensive usage of the internet. Both parents and students are enjoying the online learning experiences to accomplish their potential.
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It has become an advent avenue to start and make a business out of it, both for teachers and professionals. Of course, it’s not easy to just start tutoring online. You’ll need proper online tutoring platforms.
- How to Become an Online Tutor
- Determine your Requirements
- Know your audience
- Choose your subject topic
- Choose a specific course pattern
- Set the course model
- Choose an online platform to sell your courses
- Register as an online tutor on a tutoring website
- Create your own online platform
- Top Tutoring Sites
How to Become an Online Tutor
When a teacher understands the advantages of online tutoring, the first question teachers ask is: “how to start this tutoring business?” A tutor helps the learners to improve in grades, giving tips for preparing for exams, provide feedback, and motivate them. You will experience a massive difference by becoming an online tutor. The following is the standard process for starting an online tutoring business.
Determine your Requirements
You need to find different and clear aspects, prerequisites, pros and cons of the online tutoring business before starting.
Research and analyze different niches before facilitating your business plan. Thus, you will have an explicit understanding of the industry and skills you want to deliver to learners.
You might have the following questions striking on your mind before the planning:
- Who is your target audience?
- How will you persuade them to choose you above others? What’s your “unique selling proposition?”
- How will you compete in the market with your competitors?
Teaching online gives many opportunities for tutors, whether you are a professional teacher, subject matter expert, or even teen with good knowledge on a particular topic.
The online tutors should have the teaching experience with a subject-specific certification. This will help you to create a trust factor for students and parents.
Know your audience
You need to evaluate your audience after doing market research about your customers’ needs and requirements.
Who are the students and people that need your help? In what area do they need help? Are they waiting for someone like you to help them?
Determine the characteristics of the users based on their age, behavior, location, etc. Target these needs, and wing it with your innovative ideas.
Choose your subject topic
From your skills, choose topics that you will be comfortable teaching. Gather the lessons you want to cover for the students. Having an advanced degree or specialization in the topic will give you an additional advantage.
It is essential to choose the area of expertise on a topic, because you can share your core and constructive knowledge to enhance the student’s skills.
Solidify your teaching methods by creating engaging topics through slides and interactive activities (such as with BookWidgets) in a fun environment. Gamify your course lessons, activities, and use storytelling (such as this fun BookWidgets example for Halloween) to make the learning more engaging. This helps students focus while enjoying their studies.
Choose a specific course pattern
After the in-depth analysis of characteristics of the audience, find the specific needs that match your skill, so that you can improve and personalize more in the new course.
Determine the category of courses like video courses, written format courses according to your requirements of online tutoring. Look at online tutoring platforms for tutoring that facilitate classes by video conferencing, whiteboards, text chat messages, etc.
Eventually, you can develop your business model with the niche requirements to stand at a zenith among your competitors.
Set the course model
If you have outlined your skills and potential, the next step is to formulate the course model. The most common models in e-learning include:
- Academy model
- Night School model
Academy model
This model is a comprehensive, school-type model. When students come to a website, they may learn each and every vertical, instead of focusing on a single topic. This works like the Netflix subscription model.
The learners will get free access to all courses (or to a given set of courses), for a monthly/yearly subscription. The students are eligible to access the course up to the validity of the subscription. An example of this model is Skillshare.
Night school model
The high school model is considered to be the traditional model. If you want to take a class apart from your day job, you might choose this one. Many schools, universities, and institutions across the world have been using this model for years. In this model, a student pays an upfront fee to access a specific course and follows the curriculum to complete it.
Tutors provide standalone courses with course materials, delivered as online video tutorials, on-demand-live classes, and on-demand physical sessions. A well-known example of this model is Udemy.
Choose an online platform to sell your courses
After having the knowledge of how to start an online tutorial business, you choose the right platform for your online courses. There are two options available for starting a tutoring business:
- Sign up with existing tutoring websites
- Create your own tutoring platform
Register as an online tutor on a tutoring website
You will find many online tutoring platforms like Udemy, Udacity, SkillShare, Edx, … Every online website has its own business model with different features and specifications.
For example, Udemy is a platform that allows online tutors to create and sell their courses on their websites across the globe. You can sell the courses based on the business model of Udemy, and start gets your own revenue by teaching through the online platform.
Starting on an online platform is as simple as filling in your basic credentials, and bio, and optionally completing it with a profile photo, tutoring preferences, … Many companies also ask certificates and ID for proof of education. Before your profile is made public to students, it has to be reviewed and approved by the service.
There are other platforms that provide online video tutorials in which you can schedule live classes with one-on-one or one-to-many tutoring sessions, and provide teacher-student interaction. These platforms also provide a real-time classroom experience that makes the learning experience more engaged.
Create your own online platform
If you want to start your own online tutoring business by creating an independent website, you will need to do some more work. For a basic online tutoring business, you will need the following resources to proceed with:
- A domain name with your website’s address: When you decide a name for your brand, you will have to do a domain name registration to run your website. The domain name is the unique internet address at which your website will be reachable.
- A hosting account to store your website data and files: Hosting services will keep your website live and active on the internet. There are many hosting companies that offer to host. You just need to set up an account and purchase a subscription based on your needs.
- An online platform to sell your courses: Decide if you want to teach on a third-party platform, or want to build your own tutoring website. You can also set up a website of your own if you are a designer, web developer, or tech-savvy.
Top Tutoring Sites
Tutor.com is probably known as the top tutoring site online. To apply for them, they require a minimum college sophomore education level and a five-hour work commitment each week.
They also seek experts in various subjects who have very strong oral and written communication skills. In addition, if you are an expert in the subject listed on this page, they will give your application top priority.
Once you have submitted an application and an appropriate exam, they will inform you of their pay rate.
Chegg matches tutors to students. The way it works is that you sign in when you’re available to tutor someone.
They do require their tutors to have a minimum of some college experience. If they place you on their service roster, there are literally thousands of subjects you can choose from to work as a tutor.
The pay begins at $20 an hour and they pay their tutors each week.
Eduboard asks that its tutors to have a senior-level college education or higher, though it doesn’t seem like they enforce the code. They are best known for offering homework help.
The advantage of Eduboard is that you can set your own fee as you advertise your profile, which displays the advantages of hiring you over other educators. You basically get to sell your expertise in your own way.
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Eduboard takes a 20% cut for listing you as one of their tutors. They have a reputation for being one of the top sites for online tutors, so it may be worth it.
Yup is an online tutoring site that offers services in math, chemistry, and physics. You only have to pass a couple of exams to be placed on the list as one of their tutors. You can choose flexible hours to work.
Yup pays its tutors based on experience, communication skills, and content mastery. They say they are competitive according to the market rate, which is $20 to $25 an hour according to most sources. They pay monthly.
As you know, tutoring is fun and rewarding, and online tutoring can be a flexible business to get into. You only need a strategic mindset with multiple approaches to broaden your niche. It can be a lucrative undertaking for the business owners and entrepreneurs, as the industry is growing rapidly. Take your time, research, and build your brand. Hopefully, this quick guide is helpful for you as a potential tutor.