Advertisement income is the most obvious approach to profit on YouTube. Be that as it may, it’s not by any means the only way—or, to be completely forthright, the most ideal way.
YouTube is a large portion of the web: that is 1.9 billion clients signing in consistently. And yet, 500 hours of video are transferred to the site each moment.
In this guide, you will run over how to make and adapt your Youtube channel and how to acquire supporters.
- 10 Steps on the best way to profit on YouTube
- What is The Easiest Way to Make Money on YouTube?
- How Much Money Does a 10 Minute YouTube Video Make?
- How do YouTube Beginners Get Paid?
- Who is The Richest YouTuber?
- How Much Does a YouTuber With 1k Subscribers Make?
- How to Create a YouTube Channel And Make Money
- How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Video
- How to Earn Money From YouTube Views
- How Does YouTube Send You Money?
- How to Earn Money From YouTube Without Adsense
10 Steps on the best way to profit on YouTube
Step 1: Setup and fabricate your YouTube channel
Your channel is your own quality on YouTube. Each YouTube account has one channel connected to it. A YouTube account is equivalent to a Google account, and making a YouTube record will allow you access to other Google items, for example, Gmail and Drive.
Make your record or utilize your current one. Add watchwords to assist individuals with finding your channel. You can add watchwords by exploring to the Advanced area of your Channel Settings. Ensure that your watchwords are significant to your substance.
Your username can likewise work possibly in support of you. On the off chance that it’s short, simple to recollect, and unique, individuals will be increasingly able to recall you.
Read Also: Can a Student on an F-1 Visa Earn Money From YouTube?
In any case, if you are utilizing a current record, you can generally change your username by altering it on your Google+ account. Making a YouTube channel utilizing your Google account If you have a Google account, you can watch, share YouTube content.
Be that as it may, you have to make a YouTube channel to transfer recordings, remark, or make playlists. You can utilize a PC or the YouTube portable site/App to make another channel.
Here is how to do it
Go to YouTube and sign in: Head over to and snap ‘sign in’ in the upper right corner of the page. Sign in utilizing your Google account username and secret word.
Go to YouTube settings: In the upper right corner of the screen, click on your profile symbol and afterward the Setting symbol.
Make your channel: Under your settings, you’ll see the choice to “Make a channel,” click on this connection. Next, you’ll have the choice to make an individual channel or make a channel utilizing a business or other name. For this model, let us pick the business choice Now, it’s an ideal opportunity to name your channel and choose a class.
Making an appropriate YouTube channel is certifiably not a serious deal, here is a nitty gritty manual for setting up a Youtube Channel.
You may be asking at this moment, out of thousands of YouTube channels and records, how does your channel stand an opportunity to be seen? Read on
Step 2: Add content
Attempt to upload content that is high caliber, and isn’t excessively long. (This alternative can differ contingent upon what kind of substance you choose to transfer). Likewise, attempt to upload frequently and remain predictable with your transfers.
Regardless of whether your substance isn’t incredible from the start, keep at it. Careful discipline brings about promising results. Attempt to improve every video than the last. You will regularly learn as you go. Improve your content by either utilizing a superior camera or attempting better altering programming or strategies.
Additionally, attempt to improve the state of affairs taped. Utilize a tripod, have a companion help you or light your scenes better. Everything helps for a superior final result which thusly encourages you show signs of improvement crowd. By uploading routinely you can help hold a group of people.
Individuals are bound to buy in on the off chance that you include content a normal calendar, and keep up that timetable as often as expected.
Try to label your recordings with catchphrases that depict the substance, just as an eye-getting portrayal. These will assist drive with peopling to your video from YouTube look.
Steps 3: Build your Audience
Building a group of people is vital to expanding your adaptation. You need individuals to watch your promotions so as to make any cash off of them. There is no mystery to getting more supporters, simply upload the best content that you can and they will come to you.
Continue transferring substance and attempt to get individuals snared. Send your video out on Twitter and Facebook. Offer it with individuals. Post it somewhere else on the web. Endorsers are fundamental to turning into an accomplice.
Connect with your watchers by reacting to comments and making periodic recordings straightforwardly identified with watcher remarks and questions. Interfacing with your locale will bring more individuals into that network. Building a crowd of people is vital to expanding your adaptation.
You need individuals to watch your advertisements so as to make any cash off of them. There is nobody mystery to getting more supporters, simply cause the best substance that you to can and they will come to you.
Step 4: Monetize your recordings
So as to begin acquiring cash on your recordings, you’ll have to empower adaptation. This means that you permit YouTube to put promotions in your video. This additionally implies you recognize that there is no copyrighted material in your video.
Go to and click “My Channel” on the page.
Snap the connection called “Video Manager” on the top bar.
Snap channel and Enable on adaptation.
Get at 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 supporters
Step 5: Get on any event 4,000 watch hours to begin winning cash.
You can monetize a video as it uploads by tapping the Monetization tab and checking the “Monetize with Ads” box.
To monetize a video after it has been transferred, open your YouTube Creator Studio, select the channel drop-down and click the Monetization to monetize your recordings.
Get assessed after arriving at 4,000 watch hours in the past one year and 1,000 supporters
After arriving at this edge, your channel is naturally evaluated to ensure it agrees to the YouTube Monetization Policies and their Community Guidelines. Youtube will email you a choice, as a rule inside seven days.
Presently, this might be the hard part, coming to even a thousand perspectives on YouTube can be a serious test since you need to ace the law of commitment, and you can possibly get such commitment on your recordings when you can snare your watchers utilizing our commitment methodologies for visual substance.
Step 6: Set up Google Adsense
You can set up Google AdSense for free at the AdSense site.
Click the “Sign Up” button to start making your record. You should be 18 years or more to make your very own record. In the event that you are more youthful than that, you will require a grown-up to assistance you.
You need either PayPal or a ledger and a legitimate postage information just as other data so AdSense can check what your identity is and who to send the cash to. You just increase cash per promotion click and a little sum for each view however it includes after some time. This is the reason having a crowd of people is critical.
Step 7: Check your Analytics
When you have a few recordings on the web, monetized, and being seen, you can look at the analytics on them to perceive how they are performing. Click the Analytics alternative in your Channel menu.
Here you can see evaluated profit, advertisement execution, video perspectives and the sky is the limit from there.
Utilize these devices to perceive how your content is reverberating with your crowd. You can change your content or your videos in case you’re finding that you aren’t pulling in the clients that you need to.
Step 8: Promote your content somewhere else
Try not to put your recordings only on YouTube! Start a blog, make a site or post them on other video or internet based websites.
The more views it gets, the better. By sharing the connection or uploading the video on the web, you are expanding its opportunity getting noticed.
Step 9: Become a YouTube Partner
YouTube Partners are YouTube individuals who have monetized content with countless subscribers. Partners access progressively content creation instruments and can win prizes for the numbers of subscribers they have. Partners likewise gain admittance to significantly more network backing and tips.
You can apply for a YouTube organization whenever through the YouTube Partner page.
So as to access the most dominant Partner programs, here is a guide:
If your channel has previously been in YPP: When you arrive at the program edge, your channel will be naturally rethought under the new criteria. You can check your adaptation status at Creator Studio > Channel > Monetization.
If your channel has never been in YPP: Follow the 4 stages to join the YouTube Partner Program from your record in Creator Studio. When your channel arrives at the program limit, you’ll be checked on to join.
Stage 10: Increase your YouTube income with Affiliate marketing
“Affiliate marketing” signifies selling items in return for a commission. A huge number of organizations offer alluring arrangements to partner advertisers who advance their items/administrations.
What is YouTube Affiliate Marketing?
YouTube affiliate marketing is the way toward making recordings and setting subsidiary connections in the genuine recordings (by means of comments) or in video portrayals, which incorporates connections to items you survey and use in your recordings that will follow a buy.
In the event that somebody makes a buy utilizing your member interface, you get a little commission for the deal. You can Sell/Promote others’ items as an associate advertiser, where enormous organizations, Jumia, Konga, Amazon, and eBay, to littler organizations offer great arrangements to advertisers.
What is The Easiest Way to Make Money on YouTube?
If you want to start a journey on YouTube, do not see it as a monetizing platform, rather, view it as a catalyst to further your income source. Here are some ways on how to make money on YouTube:
1. Use YouTube to get traffic to your website and blog.
If you’ve got a website or blog which brings in income, you need traffic.
Many websites were hard-hit by Google’s Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates. If this happened to you, you’re hurting. You can use YouTube to not only regain traffic, but also increase it.
Get started with the Creator Playbook. Once you’re set up, consider repurposing some older content into videos, as well as creating new videos. Make sure that you link to your own website in the first line of your video descriptions, so you can funnel your YouTube traffic to where you want it to go.
2. Create products and promote them on YouTube.
If you’re creating your own products or would like to, YouTube offers unlimited ways for you to promote your products and make sales. Products you can create include ebooks, apps, art, and music.
Create your products, and add them to a shopping cart. Then use YouTube to promote them. Add a link to your product in your video’s description, so that viewers can buy.
3. Sell others’ products as an affiliate marketer.
“Affiliate marketing” means selling products in exchange for a commission. Hundreds of thousands of companies offer attractive deals to affiliate marketers who promote their products, including huge companies, like Amazon and eBay, as well as smaller companies.
Additionally, there are many affiliate networks you can join. These networks include ClickBank, Commission Junction, and
To make money from YouTube as an affiliate marketer, review your affiliate products on video, or create “how to use this product” tutorials. Don’t forget to link to your products in your YouTube descriptions – make sure you’re using your affiliate link, or you won’t get credit for sales.
4. Create a Web TV series.
Love telling stories? YouTube lets you create your own Web TV shows. You’re limited only by your imagination… and your budget.
You can create a comedy series, a drama series, or your own talk show. Be aware that YouTube limits your show’s length to 15 minutes. To upload longer videos, you’ll need to increase your limit.
If you’re a frustrated TV or screenwriter, get a few friends together, and record your own TV shows. You never know. If you get lots of views, you may develop a new career.
5. Become a YouTube personality.
YouTube stars can make a lot of money. PewDiePie, despite having lost major advertisement recently, remains number 1 of the highest-paid YouTube stars with $15 million in 2016. It was estimated that he could receive over $13,000 for a week of publications.
If you’ve got quirky ideas, or are passionate about your interests, develop your YouTube channel. You never know, you may be the next YouTube star.
6. Monetize your videos with the YouTube Partner Program.
After you’ve created several videos, it’s time to join the YouTube Partner Program. All you need to do is enable your channel for monetization, and you’ll receive your share of the income from advertising on YouTube.
Just as the YouTube stars do, you’ll get paid for every thousand views on your videos.
7. Teach: share your knowledge with tutorials.
Tutorials are huge on YouTube. If you know how to do something, you can teach others, and make money from your videos. Beauty videos are popular. Michelle Phan, for example, has over 1.3 million views.
8. Test-market your products.
YouTube is an amazing resource for market research – you can soon discover whether your brilliant, innovative idea is likely to be profitable.
For example, if you’ve got an idea for a product, but need funding, create some videos before you create a campaign. The views and comments on your videos will tell you whether your idea is viable in its present form. The YouTube audience can even help you to make it viable so that your efforts to get funding are successful.
How Much Money Does a 10 Minute YouTube Video Make?
When your video is 10 minutes or longer, YouTube gives you the option to place more than one ad on whichever part of the video you want, completely manually.
So when you can air only one ad on videos less than 10 minutes, you can put one at the start, one at the end, a few in between the video when it’s more than 10 minutes.
Consequently, airing more than one ads on the same video gets you more Adsense money.
It’s easy to abuse the system. Just don’t forget about your audience and although make the most of it, don’t go completely nuts and put like 10 ads on a 10 minute video.
How do YouTube Beginners Get Paid?
Starting your own YouTube channel can offer a variety of ways to generate an income. With consistency and dedication, you may find that you can continue to grow your revenue.
Some of the more popular opportunities to earn money this way include monetizing ad views, featuring paid promotions, and joining the YouTube Partner Program.
YouTubers earn money in several different ways, including ad views and the YouTube Partner program. But to maximize earnings, it’s important to understand all of your options before you get started.
Earn Money Through Ad Views
Ad payment depends on either CPM (cost per thousand views), where a viewer must watch at least 30 seconds of the ad or half of the ad on a particularly short video, or CPC (cost per click), where the viewer must click on the ad. Skipped ads don’t receive any payment.
You can open an AdSense account as soon as you start your channel, but you won’t get a payout until your balance reaches $100, which could take a while if you’re just beginning.
Google pays out 68% of ad sale revenue, so for every $100 that an advertiser pays to Google, the latter will pay the YouTuber $68.4An advertiser typically pays between 10 cents and 30 cents per ad view, which averages to around 18 cents a view.
If you consider that about 15% of viewers will watch enough of the ad for you to receive payment, then a video with 1,000 views will likely get about 150 ad views. Using these estimates, you can expect to make about $18 for every 1,000 ad views, which amounts to approximately $3 to $5 per 1,000 video views.
The YouTube Partner Program
One of the most passive ways to make an income through your YouTube channel is to earn money through ad views.
The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) gives channels access to additional money-making opportunities once they meet the qualifying criteria.
In order to be eligible for review to join the YPP, a channel must:
- Have more than 1,000 subscribers
- Exceed 4,000 valid public watch hours over the last year (private, unlisted, or deleted videos don’t count)
- Abide by YouTube’s monetization policies
- Be based in a country or region where the YPP is available
- Have a linked AdSense account
Once a channel meets this threshold, it’s eligible to be reviewed for the YPP. Despite eligibility, the channel must also meet YouTube’s additional policies and guidelines in order to gain approval for the program.
While you don’t have to continue to meet the threshold requirements every year, if your channel falls below the threshold and is inactive for six months, it may be removed from the partner program.
Being part of the YPP means you can start making money from a variety of different features—each component has its own qualification criteria as well as subscriber and view count prerequisites. The features must also be available in your country or region.
The YPP allows users to earn money from:
- Advertising income
- Videos watched by YouTube Premium subscribers
- Channel memberships where members pay for perks
- Fans paying to have their messages featured with Super Chat and Super Stickers
- Branded item sales through the merch shelf
Opportunities to earn money from YouTube extend beyond the more typical methods discussed above.
Paid Promotions
Taking advantage of paid promotions, such as product placements, sponsorships, and endorsements, also can be an effective way to generate income.
Certain niches, such as review-type channels or how-to tutorials, lend themselves particularly well to paid promotions like affiliate marketing.
Securing paid promotions can be accomplished in several different ways—you can reach out to brands with a proposal, or if you become recognized enough in your field, you may find yourself being approached by companies.
When you identify your content as including paid promotions, YouTube will display a disclosure message at the beginning of the video.
YouTubers, along with the businesses they partner with, are responsible for following any other local and legal obligations as well. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can be a helpful resource to make sure you’re legally compliant regarding content that involves paid promotions.
Selling a Product or Service
If you sell a product or service, YouTube can be an ideal location to market your business, assert your expertise, and drive traffic to your site. Helpful video content, such as Q&As or tutorials, can lead potential customers to your business.
In-Person Events
Once your channel has high levels of engagement, you can bolster your income by selling tickets to fans for in-person events like live recordings or tour appearances. Offering branded merchandise is a way to increase your sales, as well as boost brand awareness. Popular YouTubers can also earn money by attending conventions and selling branded merch or autographs.
Direct Support
Channels with a dedicated fan base could have success on crowdfunding sites. GoFundMe and Kickstarter are good choices for one-time projects, while Patreon and Ko-Fi provide options for ongoing support. YouTubers typically offer their followers various rewards for different contribution levels. Funds can be donated on a recurring basis or as a one-off to support a cause.
Who is The Richest YouTuber?
The biggest YouTubers today are mega celebrities and household names. In fact, earnings directly from YouTube are becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of their actual net worths. The richest YouTubers make more money from launching their own product lines, music labels, and other spin off businesses using their giant follower base as free marketing.
There are many different ways to “rank” the richest YouTubers in the world. For instance, Bill Gates made a few videos on YouTube. Technically, he would be the “richest YouTuber of all time”. However, one of our main criterias for making the richest YouTubers rankings was that the YouTuber must be a full-time YouTuber. The majority of their wealth and fame has to have come from YouTube.
From there, we took the net worths, subscriber counts, view count, and YouTube earnings into consideration. The richest YouTubers in the list are those that branched outside of YouTube, essentially using their massive followings to launch other businesses. These earnings were considered toward their ranking because it was an indirect result of growing their YouTube channel.
- Jeffree Star – net worth of $200 million
- PewDiePie – net worth of $40 million
- Markiplier – net worth of $35 million
- DanTDM – net worth of $35 million
- Ryan’s World – net worth of $32 million
- Rhett & Link – net worth of $32 million combined
- Dude Perfect – net worth of $30 million
- Vanoss Gaming – net worth of $25 million
- Ninja – net worth of $25 million
- James Charles – net worth of $25 million
- Preston – net worth of $20 million
- Like Nastya – net worth of $20 million
- David Dobrik – net worth of $20 million
- Jake Paul – net worth of $20 million
- Lilly Singh – net worth of $20 million
- Logan Paul – net worth of $19 million
- MrBeast – net worth of $16 million
- Blippi – net worth of $16 million
- KSI – net worth of $15 million
- Roman Atwood – net worth of $14.5 million
How Much Does a YouTuber With 1k Subscribers Make?
The number of subscribers and the amount you earn on YouTube are not literally linked in that way. Youtubers earn most of their fortune from adverts, and as the number of subscribers increases so is the the number of views and the money you earn.
Earning per views: The amount of money you earn on YouTube will differ depending on the views you have on each video. If you video is monetised, advertisers will place their adverts on it. when many people are watching it ( views increases) and the amount of money increases. So youtubers with million views will amass thousands of dollars while those with thousands views get hundreds of dollars or less.
Earning per subscribers: Number of subscribers will contribute to high number of views but also attracts some companies to work with the Youtuber for mutual profit. Subscribers are the first to see the video either through notifications or recommended video.
Therefore the more subscribers the more the views. Some companies are also interested in working with YouTubers with more subscribers to advertise their products in exchange for some dollars depending on the work done. The amount of money will change from making a video about the product to mentioning the company through shoutouts.
New Policy: One more thing worth mentioning is that only YouTubers with at least 1000 subscribers are now allowed to monetise their videos.
How to Create a YouTube Channel And Make Money
Making a successful YouTube channel starts with making a YouTube channel. Here’s how to build your account.
Step 1: Create a Google account
If you use Gmail, Google Maps, or Google Play, you probably already have a Google account… so skip ahead to the next step.
If you’re starting from scratch, head here to sign up for a new Google account.
The name and email address won’t be publicly linked to your brand, so don’t worry about keeping those on-message. This is just your key to get in the YouTube door.
Step 2: Create a YouTube account
With your Google account, you’re automatically set up with a personal YouTube account. But to use YouTube for your business, you’ll want to set up a Brand Account.
Just go to your YouTube account page, click Create a Channel, and then enter a name for your Brand Account. You’re in!
When you create a YouTube Brand Account, you can give multiple people admin access and customize the name and appearance to match your brand.
Another cool thing about Brand Accounts: they allow you to access YouTube Analytics, which offers super helpful insight about who’s watching your videos and what content is popular.
Step 3: Customize your YouTube channel
Time to make this sweet new social media profile your own.
In your channel dashboard, click Customize channel. Go through the three tabs — Layout, Branding and Basic Info — to enter information that will help optimize your channel for audience discovery.
When filling out this information, use descriptive keywords that will help your account appear in searches.
Keywords can include your channel’s topics, your industry, questions your content can answer or products featured.
Under Branding, you’ll have the opportunity to upload your channel art and icons to give your channel a unique look. One that, ideally, aligns with your overall brand and visually connects this YouTube account with your other social media platforms and web presence.
Step 4: Upload your first YouTube video
Well, this is exciting. You’re on the cusp of becoming a YouTube content creator! I’m not crying, you’re crying.
To put your first video out into the world, hit the Create button in the top-right corner and follow the instructions.
Step 5: Make your YouTube channel discoverable
Like the old saying goes: If you have amazing content on YouTube but nobody sees it… what’s the point?
To get views and subscribers, you’ll want to optimize your channel and videos for discovery. We’ve got a complete guide to promoting your YouTube channel if you want to dive in deep. In the meantime, here’s the 30-second rundown:
Optimize video titles
Use concise, descriptive titles that include Google-friendly keywords. Titles are the first thing users see, but they also help the search engine understand what your videos are about. So make sure all your titles are punchy and intriguing, but also clear and include keywords.
Optimize your YouTube description
It’s important to be clear, concise and descriptive here, too. Make sure to front-load your keywords and add links to other playlists.
Another good trick to use in video descriptions? Create a “table of contents” with timestamps to help viewers find what they’re looking for.
Add tags (in moderation)
While it can be tempting to load up this section with clickbaity tags, make sure to only include tags that are relevant to your content. Be honest, and choose quality over quantity. The goal is to reach viewers who are actually interested in content like yours.
Tags also help YouTube’s algorithm understand what your content is about. Make sure to add a category or two to help the search engine put your videos in front of the right audience.
Add a link to your YouTube channel on your other social profiles, website and email signature to let your existing fans know you’re starting a video empire.
Understand the algorithm
If you haven’t already, now is the time to familiarize yourself with the YouTube algorithm. This AI determines not just search results, but recommendations for the all-important “what’s up next” sidebar, too.
How to Make Money on YouTube Without Making Video
Yes, you can make money from Youtube without creating any videos.
You can basically republish the existing popular videos which are in the Creative Commons area. These are videos which have a license that lets the
author share her or his videos free of charge with the public.
Here are the steps in republishing your own popular video.
1.) Look up any videos in these popular categories.:
Top 10 Sports Highlights
Top 10 Best Trains
Top Video Games
Top 10 Fitness Sites
Top 10 Scariest Movies
Top 10 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories
2.) Choose a video with a high number of views.
3.) Click on the heading, “Filter” in the upper left hand corner.
4.) Then, click on the word “Creative Commons” so that your search results only pull up shareable videos.
5.) Do some key word research on “Google Trends” and find some popular keywords that are trending up.
6.) Perform a keyword search number volume in “KWfinder” or “SEM Rush.” Exclude keywords with extremely high volume of searches, because those will be hard to rank for.
Chose a keyword with a fairly high search number, and a medium level of difficulty.
7.) Then, double check your keyword at the site “TubeBuddy Tag Explorer” to see what grade of difficulty it would be to rank your video high on Youtube.
**Usually a grade around 70 is good.**
8.) Now use your new and improved keywords in the title, and description to drive new traffic to your video.
9.) Go to your “Video Manager” and choose the video you want to edit, and click “Edit”.
10.) Next click on “Enhancements.”
11.) Then, click “Try the Youtube Video Editor,” and select the video you want to edit.
12.) Finally, click “Save the New Project”
How to Earn Money From YouTube Views
YouTube channels can be monetized even if they don’t have millions of subscribers. Your earning potential isn’t determined solely by the number of subscribers and views you have, but also by the level of engagement you generate, the niche you cater to, and the revenue channels you explore. That’s not to say subscriber count doesn’t matter
The number of views you get doesn’t correlate to revenue earned. If your video gets thousands of views but no one watches or clicks the ad, you won’t make any money. This is because of YouTube’s criteria for billing advertisers: a viewer must click an ad or watch the ad in full (10, 15, or 30 seconds) for you to get paid.
However, with the release of YouTube Premium, you no longer need to rely on advertisers to create engaging or enticing ads to earn revenue.
YouTube Premium is a paid membership program that allows fans to watch and support their favorite content creators without ads. For creators, not much changes, as they will get paid for content consumed by non-members on YouTube along with content on YouTube Premium.
Creators are paid for YouTube Premium based on how much members watch their content. Consider revenue earned from YouTube Premium as a secondary revenue stream in addition to what you’re already earning through ads.
While it’s easy to set up, earning money through advertising as a YouTube Partner is far from the most lucrative revenue stream you can create for yourself.
How Does YouTube Send You Money?
Follow the steps mentioned below:
- Connect your AdSense account to your YouTube channel
- Get monetization enabled
- Take a minute and check the kinds of videos and ad formats you can monetize
YouTube will send you money in your AdSense Account for the videos and the ads that you will post on your channel. Once you have earned $10 using your AdSense account linked with Google, Google will send you a postcard with a verification code to verify your address.
Users get paid based on the number of views and clicks you get on the ads in your video. Advertisers, per view, on average pay $.18. If your channel gets 1,000 views, it is worth $18. Google keeps 45 percent of the amount made, so a YouTuber makes $9.90 per 1,000 views.
How to Earn Money From YouTube Without Adsense
Affiliate marketing
This is one of the most popular methods of making money on YouTube. Affiliate marketing is marketing in which you sell other people’s products and take a commission for each item or service you sell through a special URL that is linked to your account.
While so many companies have affiliate programs for which you can make a commission, one of the most simple, and most popular, programs is Amazon’s Associates program, which starts the commission at 4 percent.
When you sign up for Amazon’s program, you will be taken to your portal where you can search for virtually any item on the Amazon marketplace, and create a special link for that product.
Read Also: What Are The Best YouTube Contents to Make Money?
All you have to do is make a video highlighting a product that you love, tell viewers to click the link in the description if they are interested and let your commissions roll in. The best part is that once your viewers click your link, you will receive a commission on anything that they purchase on Amazon within the next 24 hours.
Selling your own products
We are of the understanding that YouTube will pay us a fraction of a penny of what they make from an advertiser. Affiliate programs such as Amazon will give us a larger percentage of sales, but what if we wanted to make 100 percent of the revenue and have full control of the money coming in? To do this, you need to sell your own products.
For example, let’s say you create a mini online training program that you sell for $50. You will want to make a video that provides immense value and then at the end of the video pitch your course to get more value.
At 1,000 views on that video, YouTube AdSense will pay about $1, but if you were only able to convince 0.5 percent of your audience to purchase your course (five viewers), you will make a total of $250 in revenue from your own product. Therefore, not many people are required to purchase your product to make more money than what YouTube will pay.
Ultimately, the fastest way to make money on YouTube is to give value of some kind. Uploading videos and hoping for the best is not enough. After gradually attracting your targeted audience, periodically pitch your consulting services for your viewers to receive even more value than what they are already receiving.
Your goal should be to make your audience think, If I’m getting this amount of value from free videos on YouTube, imagine the amount of value I’d receive from a paid one-on-one consulting service. At that point it would be a no-brainer to pay you for your expertise, knowledge and time.
In my experience, many creators who get started on YouTube believe that they just need to upload videos to YouTube, turn ads on and let the compensation roll in. This is only true if you are looking to make a non-sustainable passive income from your videos.
If you are looking to grow a brand and a business, be sure to provide value and sprinkle in these other income streams. Remember though, the only way each of these ways to make income with YouTube will be effective is if you provide value first, so let that be your focus and the compensation will come more naturally.
So there you go, this simple guide will help you get started with making money on YouTube