If you are interested in making money on the internet, you should be familiar with domain names. A domain name is simply the address that you type into your browser when you want to visit a website.
However, you might not be aware that people have made several thousands of dollars selling them on the internet. Here is how you too can earn money online selling domain names.
- How to buy domain names
- How sales are made
- Tips to help make money from Domains
How to buy domain names
Before you can earn a living online selling domain names, you have to buy some domains. You own the rights to every domain you buy from a registrar as long as you renew your ownership every year. You can pay for several years ahead and keep renewing it as long as you want.
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Domain names are not expensive. They are usually about $10 to $12 each and you can get discounts for bulk purchases. These same domains can easily give you hundreds or even thousands of dollars when you sell them.
How sales are made
It is important to buy domains that will sell easily. If you have an obscure name or one that is too long, it might be very difficult to get a buyer. A name like business.com sold for about 7.5 million. This is the type of name that you should look out for.
Here are some of the best domain marketplaces online where you can sell your domain names for profits:
- Sedo
- NameJet
- Igloo.com
- GoDaddy
- DomainNameSales
Sometimes, it might be necessary to promote your domain by featuring it or by using advertisement. This will help you to make more potential buyers aware that it is for sale.
Once you make a sale, it is very easy to transfer it to the buyer. Just follow the step-by-step process in your registrar account.
Tips to help make money from Domains
There are other things that you have to know to earn money online selling domain names. Sometimes, it might not be possible to get the top extensions such as .com, .org, and .net. When this happens, you can check if new extensions such as .co are available. Some individuals who bought several .co domains made a lot of money when they were sold a few months later.
It is so easy to earn money online selling domain names. If you are one of the first to buy a name that represent a new technology or fashion trend, you can easily make thousands of dollars or even millions. For instance, if you were the first to buy a domain called smartphones, you would have made a lot of money.
You will have to learn more in order to become a seasoned seller of domain names but you can start with what you have learned here. A good way to get more knowledge is to visit forums such as namepros.com and dnforum.com that are dedicated to this type of online business. You will learn a lot from other people who earn money online selling domain names.
More tips

Double Check Domain Availability
Ok, now you have a little bit more understanding about where to start. You’ve narrowed down some domain names you think would be beneficial and you’re ready to potentially buy. But how do you find them?
You’ll first want to make sure that the domains you want aren’t already taken. Here at Name Experts, we can help you with this entire process. If the names are taken, which is common, you can check the aftermarket to either buy from people who own them, or rebuy domain names that are expired.
There are lots of places you can go to check availability. Let us help you narrow your search and make sure you’re on the right track.
Consider The Price
You’ve got the name you want. It’s available. But how do you know if you’re getting a fair price? You can use sites like namebio.com to compare the name you want with similar ones. It has interesting features like entering keywords and finding a list of names that are close to yours that includes what they sold for and when.
At Name Experts, we can also help you make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck. We have experts who can appraise your domain to find out what it is actually worth, so you know if you’re getting a good deal, and what it might be worth to potential buyers.
We can help you make a price with confidence because we know the industry. You want to make sure you’re taking the right steps, and we have the experience to make sure you’re selling for the highest possible value.
Look For Names That Have Value
Simply put, you want to find domains that would be a valuable asset to your buyer. You want to look for domains that would be an added benefit to the person buying. Try to put yourself in the buyer’s position.
If you were buying a domain for your business or company or hobby, what would you look for? Is the domain you just bought something that you would actually use? You want to make sure that any domain you buy is actually something valuable to the person buying. Otherwise, it won’t be worth anything.
Keep this in mind when searching for domain names to buy and sell. It is also helpful to stick to an area that you’re familiar with. If you’re a dentist, maybe focus on the dental industry and stay away from the construction industry.
Another idea is to try to snag your local names. For example, if you’re in real estate and live in Denver, Colorado, you might look for names like denveraffordableliving.com or denverapartments.com or something similar. It has keywords that lots of people search for, and a new apartment complex might be interested in buying this type of domain.
Remember to ask yourself, what kind of domains are other people in this industry buying? Would you buy this name if you were in that position? How much would this domain help them get found online or give them authority in their industry?
Stay Focused
You’re aware that there are already millions of domains registered. But there are also endless combinations of available domains to register. If you’re looking for a key tip in regards to buying and selling domains for profit, you should start by narrowing your focus a little bit.
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Like we mentioned above, you should start by thinking about a topic or industry you’re already familiar with. Are you in the healthcare industry? Do you love cars or animals? Your job of searching for domain names gets a lot easier if you already know about the topic, because you already have an understanding of the value.
Here’s a TO-DON’T tip: Don’t just target buyers based on who you think might be wealthy. If you’re only targeting lawyers or doctors because you think they’ll have more money, you might be missing an opportunity in an area you know better.
Also, if you don’t knowledge of that industry, you might end up buying domains without knowing their are industry-specific rules that limit buyers.
Our advice is to stick with what you know. If you stay focused on those industries and areas, you’ll be much more successful and offer a lot more value.