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Real estate is a property that consists of land and buildings with its resources, whether it is movable or non-movable. Real estate is one of the most popular among investors. Over the years, it has grown to be major area of investment with very high profit margins. There are many sites online, that show available properties in your area, whether you’re looking specifically at Farragut homes for sale, or homes in another location.

Even the average man dreams of investing in real estate because it is easy to understand as opposed to investing in bonds or mutual funds which are complicated. As Warren Buffet, world’s best investor once said in an interview “I only invest in businesses, I understand; doesn’t matter whether they are big or small.” Real estate is the business which almost everyone understands. This article contain some simple real estate strategies that will allow you to make huge profit. Let’s get into it.

10 Real Estate Investment Strategies to Consider

How to Start a Real Estate Business in 2022

10 Tips to Sell Your House For a Bigger Profit

How Can You Make The Most Profit in Real Estate?

How do Beginners Make Money in Real Estate?

What Are The 5 Ways to Make Money in Real Estate?

Real Estate Millionaires in 12 Months

How to Make Money in Real Estate With no Money

What is The Fastest Way to Make Money in Real Estate?

How to Make Money From Your Property

How to Make Money From Property in South Africa

Real Estate Marketing Strategies

Real Estate Sales Strategy

Real Estate Marketing Strategies in Nigeria

Digital Marketing Strategy For Real Estate

Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Agents

10 Real Estate Investment Strategies to Consider

1. Buy and hold
Buy and hold is the simplest strategy in which you buy your own property, possibly through an estate agent like finlaybrewer.co.uk, for the purpose of renting out to a tenant and collecting monthly fixed rent from him. This strategy has potential to provide you with positive cash flow every month. This also has potential to put away the equity every month with your mortgage payments in turn providing a profit.

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The very simple exit strategy for it is if your current tenant leaves then you can always find new renter, lease the property or even sell the property. Before you buy and hold a property, you should be sure that you get positive cash flow to make huge profit. Before you buy a property make sure that you know what you are buying and from where are you buying.

Make sure you buy a property which does not require any investment like renovation before renting it to a tenant because starting with negative cash flow is bad idea. Other thing is make sure that you are buying a property which is located in area which is hot property in real estate market.

Not necessary should it be hot property in current market but it should have strong potential to be hot property in coming times, then it is a good buy. In metropolitan cities where the market price for a property is very high, hence your mortgage payment will be high but rent in such areas is very low.

So it’s very bad situation of negative cash flow. Most important is to make sure you don’t buy a property which has a decreasing market value.

Once you have got good property, you should look for renter who can meet your terms and payments. You should always look for the renter who has good potential to pay your rent. You can do that by checking his earning status and credit scores which will give a good idea of present financial situation of renter.

When you are making agreement please make sure you cover a point on renters damaging property because it is quite a possibility if you miss this point you might end up paying for the damages and maintenance of the property.

Renters damaging property is nothing but damage done to your property in the presence of renter. To avoid such situation you should always put in agreement that if any damage to property is done by renter then he should pay the penalty for it.

for rent

2. Hold and flip
Hold and flip strategy are something in which you buy a property below market price and then renovate it to sell as soon as possible at market prices. This strategy does require good amount of investment even after buying it. This also demands you sell or rent it as soon as possible you have renovated it because you do not want your money to be stuck for long period of time.

The longer you keep this property, the more money you will be losing. This strategy requires a good understanding of real estate market in terms of money and demographically which area is good for such investment. Even good timing is required to the buy and flip. As you are investing and quickly selling or renting it and this gives quick capital gain.

You are selling this property within 3 months of investing which gives good profit within very small period of time. The exit strategy is most likely you might end up with selling the property. Such strategy is risky because if you fail to sell your property at the right time, then you might end up selling with lower value.

If you decide to take up this strategy, then you must ensure good investment as it requires huge amount of investment in early stage as you are renovating it after buying the low priced property. As you are renovating it you become dependable on other people like civil contractors, labors etc. In such situations things do get delayed.

So keep in mind to have good capital in front and very good planning for renovation. Other thing you should keep in mind is to keep an eye on the market. Unless it has very good potential, lender won’t qualify you for mortgage. You might find lenders in unconventional ways.

This strategy might be high risk strategy but the output you will get is the highest among any other strategies. You have to look for a property which is available at lower value than market value such as old building which is abandoned or deteriorating. But it should demographically be at good place that is in the area of hot properties.

Once you have bought the property you have to cope with the renovation. In advance you must prepare well for renovation such must get good contractors who can finish your work in short time and economically. You should scan the property even before you buy the property and make list of material you might require for renovation.

As soon as you buy the property you must place order for required materials. You must keep looking for possible buyer or renter very quickly, so that you can start earning as soon as property is renovated. You must always keep in mind that you apply this strategy where you are able to sell your property within 4-5 months.

3. Lease to own
In lease to own, you buy a property and instantly lease this property to a renter for predetermined time and predetermined rent with an agreement. This lease allows you to make someone else owner for fix amount of time on agreement for fix payment.  

Here, what you can get is instant cash flow as tenant is supposed to pay a down payment up front before leasing the property. And you also get lease cheques regularly. Here you will get a buyer who is pre-qualified and saves commission for real estate agents.

Most importantly very low maintenance as the buyer has taken the property on lease it is their home, all maintenance wholly belongs to the buyer. In case tenant leaves early, before the lease period ends, you get to keep to property, down payment and credits are also yours.

The exit strategy is very simple that is, if your current tenant leaves then you can always find new renter, lease the property or even sell the property.

This is a great strategy in terms of real estate investment but you must keep few things in mind before you apply this strategy. You must make sure the buyer qualifies to buy the property before the end of option term.  In terms of leasing agreement this is very important. If it is badly drafted you might end up with large damages and your buyer can easily get away without paying the penalties.

You must draft the agreement such that your buyer not only pays for damages but also maintains the property at his own expense. There are not many buyers available for leased property because not many of them can afford it. But if you get potential buyer, make sure he leases your property.

REIT, it stands for Real Estate investment trust. This is a trust formed by various investors together to invest in real estate. This type of investment is done mostly in commercial areas to build large building like skyscrapers, mall etc. as it require high investments. It is a very good way of investing but profit is shared depending on your share.

You can buy your share via your stocks account. It does takes burden off your back as all you have to do is invest and then trust takes care of everything. It is also something which is safest way of investment. Trust also provides security to your investment. Each and every country has its REIT which provides individual investor a good and safe opportunity to invest.

5. Wholesale real estate
Wholesaling involves a real estate deal, by simply writing a contract with the owner and then sell the contract to any buyer. Wholesaler never actually owns the property. He actually hunts for the great property and deals with variety of property tricks.

He is like a middle man who works on commission or fee.  This is one of the safest ways of investment as there is buying of property and maintenance. But it definitely depends on the market situation of real estate.

Today there are large numbers of people looking to buy or sell the real estate assets, such middle men are very much in demand. This requires very low setup cost after this it very much depends on your networking skills.

Initially seek for good property which is available for sale, get the contract from them and sell the contract to the retail buyers. Then retail buyer will sell to buyers.

6. Contract flipping

One way that you can make money from real estate without having to put up very much capital or credit is to flip contracts. All you have to do is find a distressed seller and a motivated buyer, then bring them together.

While locating a distressed seller might seem difficult, Clothier has systemized the entire process for doing this. The trick with contract flipping is to identify the distressed seller and locate a ready-to-go buyer.

By bringing these parties together, you’ve cut out the need to go hunting for a buyer after you’ve entered a contract. That situation presents more risk. Instead, by locating the sellers and the buyers beforehand, you can easily enter into a contract with the confidence that you won’t get stuck having to close escrow on the property. 

To do this, you have to be able to identify either vacant homes or homes that are behind on their mortgages. That’s the tricky part. You’re effectively trying to find distressed sellers, but homes that are already vacant are primed for an opportunity like this.

7. Short sales

Short sales occur when the current owner of their home is behind on their mortgage but the property hasn’t yet entered into foreclosure. In order for this to happen, all parties have to agree to the transaction since the property is being sold off for less than is owed on the existing mortgages. This can be a great opportunity to make a quick profit without investing into lengthy renovations.

However, succeeding with short sales or any other default-type auctions is often tricky. You usually need to pay for the homes outright in cash, and sometimes that has to happen site-unseen.

Short sales are better than auctions because you get a chance to check out the home and enter into a negotiation process. Unless you’re a seasoned investor, jumping in without an inspection and complete review could be risky.

Short sales take time, but they can be well worth the wait. The potential return on a short sale can be instantaneous. Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars can materialize as soon as the property purchase goes through because the bank is engulfed in a bad investment.

But don’t expect to get the property for a steal — you’ll still have to negotiate a relatively fair price. Depending on how badly the bank wants to unload that property, it could sit around and wait for another buyer, so don’t try to low-ball too far.

8. Vacation rentals

Vacation rentals can present a lucrative path to profits in the real estate marketplace. Not only can you make some side hustle income from vacation rentals, but you could potentially make a significant amount of money and build up a substantial passive income stream if you’re in a highly-trafficked tourist locale. Places like Los Angles, Miami and other tourist hotbeds are well known for having high demand for these short-term rentals.

I’ve long been a firm believer in the vacation rental market. The best part? You don’t even need to own the properties to make money. Some of the world’s most successful property management companies that specialize in vacation rentals don’t actually own the homes but do provide a high-end consumer experience.

How do you get started? Leverage existing relationships with owners in your area. Network with others. Build bonds. Create systems. Ensure the upmost satisfaction. Go above and beyond for anyone staying at the homes you manage.

And see how you can help to take some of the time and stress off of the present owners’ existing rental businesses. If you have a property, list it on a site like Airbnb, HomeAway or FlipKey before managing vacation rentals for other owners.

9. Hard-money lending

Hard-money lenders provide short-term loans to people who normally wouldn’t qualify for those loans. In order to participate in hard-money lending, you’ll need some capital behind you. These are loans that are often at high interest rates because they’re for very brief periods.

To close your first deal, you could turn to a hard money lender, Lincoln Frost. If you have what you feel is a “sure thing” but lack the capital, this could be your best bet.

You could also become a hard money lender, but you’ll need some capital. This likely isn’t going to be the first way you start out making money in real estate, but as you build your network, capital and a solid portfolio of deals, you could provide these bridge loans and make a great rate of return.

Even if you lack an enormous amount of capital, as long as you can successful identify the right deals, provide a small amount of money and generate a high success rate, you can likely find investors to come on board without much difficulty. The interest rates here make sense.

There’s more risk but also more reward. It can be a way to keep your cash fairly liquid and generate a nice profit in the short term without having to wait years and years for those returns to materialize.

10. Long-term residential rentals

One of the most common methods for making money in real estate is to leverage long-term buy-and-hold residential rentals. People will always need a place to live, and that means getting involved with rental properties. You need to do the proper amount of due diligence to source your property by keeping three principles in your mind: location, location, location.

Yes, you’ve heard it before, but location is everything when it comes to real estate. Not only does this apply for actually an increased asset value over time, but also in your ability to quickly rent that property to a long-term tenant.

When you’re considering long-term residential rentals, look for a great location. That’s more important than the current state of the property itself. In fact, run-down homes in great locations are one of the best investments you can make.

This involves a more traditional approach to making money in the real estate market. It means buying a property with some cash on hand to make a down payment and then holding that property for the long term. Depending on your personal situation, you can easily grab that property for a very low or even no down payment. That’s especially true if this is a pre-existing, income-producing property.

If there’s positive cash flow in a residential rental, then it could be a great investment. However, you’ll likely not find that too easily, unless the current owner is unloading for personal reasons due to a divorce or other need to liquidate that property that necessitates having some cash on hand.

How to Start a Real Estate Business in 2022

In order to be successful in this industry, one should have good knowledge and information in this field. The tips below will equip you with the knowledge and information you need to acquire to start your own very successful real estate business in 2022.

1. Have a strategic business plan

You need to strategically plan your business to be able to conquer this market. Real estate investing is just like starting any other career in which you can’t start on a whim without having a specific business plan in mind.

A business plan is vital for any real estate investor, and one of the best advice you’ll get in the housing market is to start out small and plan, plan, plan! This step is especially important if you’re planning on becoming a real estate investor for the long term. In this case, you want to grow your real estate investment portfolio strategically.

2. Build a unique brand

Brand credibility is important in building a successful real estate business, especially when it has to do with the investment of millions of Dollars. Branding is all about creating a perception about your business in the minds of people.

To turn your real estate business into a trustworthy brand, you need to give your customers more than enough value for their money and build a relationship by engaging with them on a personal level. Also, set your real estate business apart from the competition by investing in premium branding identities such as logo, website, adverts and more.

3. Legally register the business

If you really want to make this business to the highest level possible, then you have to legalize its existence by registering the business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Let’s take Nigeria as an eample.

Registering as a Business Name with CAC is enough at this stage if you can’t afford to register it as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Also, watch out for the rules and regulations guiding professional real estate bodies in Nigeria to ensure that you are not operating against the law. Some of the popular real estate professional institutions to watch out for include; Association of Estate Agents in Nigeria (AEAN), Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN) and Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV).

4. Raise the required capital to start

If you did your business plan research well you must have known the minimum amount of money it will require to get you started depending on the scale at which you choose to start. If your savings and financial capacity are not enough to start, you can source for alternative fundings.

Real estate business is very capital intensive and requires a huge amount of investment. If you do not have enough it is important that you seek investors. You can look for equity investors that can give you enough leverage at the start and accelerate growth.

5. Get Started & Get Working

The last step to starting a real estate holding company is execution. Execute on everything that you’ve developed in your business plan. A good number of Nigerian businesses fail due to very poor execution. Execution comprises of your day to day activities in the business. This includes the closing of deals, marketing, networking, client orientation, human resources etc.

Starting a real estate business ain’t for the faint of heart. So, to be successful in the real estate business, you must be prepared to face the challenges. At a personal level, and as a business owner, nurture your ambitions and become a goal-oriented and organized person.

Keep in mind that the real estate sector is not about achieving instant success. Instead, it is a long game, which requires a lot of patience.

10 Tips to Sell Your House For a Bigger Profit

If you’re ready to sell your home, you may have reason to want to sell it fast—such as a new job that starts soon in a different city. How do you generate interest in your house? After all, the more potential buyers you can attract, the better your chances of selling at a good price.

Whatever your reasons for selling, here are ten ways to sell a house quickly, even in a slow market.

1. Find the Right Real Estate Agent

If you want to sell your home fast, then the first step is to hire a real estate agent. The ideal person will know the local market and have a sales record that proves they know how to sell.

Keep in mind that a real estate agent will help with the entire process, from hiring a professional photographer who will take top-notch photos of your home to negotiating for the best price. They also will write up a real estate listing that sells, schedule and host showings, and market your property to get it seen.

2. Price It to Sell

One of the most effective ways to sell your home fast is to price it competitively. If you price it too high, then your home will spend more time on the market. Also, if your home is overpriced, then you may end up selling it for less eventually—it will just take a lot longer.

Your real estate agent (or Realtor) will research comparable homes (aka “comps”) in your area to set a realistic price. If you really need to sell fast, then consider pricing your home a little lower to attract interest (and maybe even spark a bidding war). If you haven’t received any offers by a certain date, knock the price down.

It’s also helpful to think about the price points that buyers search for in your area. If you list your home for $302,000, for example, then you’ll miss all the potential buyers who are looking for homes under $300,000. It’s probably not worth asking for the extra $2,000 if it means fewer buyers will see the home.

3. Clean, Declutter, and Depersonalize

Buyers need to be able to picture themselves in the space, but they won’t be able to if your house is a mess. Give your home a thorough cleaning from top to bottom, get rid of clutter, and hide the family photos and other personal items.

While you’re at it, rearrange the furniture so your home looks inviting and so buyers can move through your home without bumping into anything. If necessary, put bulky items in storage. A crowded room looks like a small room.

Consider hiring a stager to help you showcase your home’s best assets, impress potential buyers, and sell it quickly for the best possible price. Staging isn’t cheap, but the National Association of Realtors (NAR) estimates that, on average, staged homes sell 88% faster and for 20% more than non-staged homes.

4. Boost Your Curb Appeal

If you want to sell quickly, then it’s essential to make a good first impression. And the first thing a buyer sees is a home’s exterior and how it fits into the surrounding neighborhood. To boost your home’s curb appeal:

  • Paint the front door
  • Plant flowers
  • Sweep away any spiderwebs and debris from windows, eaves, and porches
  • Wash the windows
  • Fix broken light fixtures and mailboxes
  • Make sure the trees, shrubs, and lawn are nicely manicured

Keep in mind that a tidy exterior not only looks nice but also signals to potential buyers that you’ve taken good care of the place.

5. Take Care of Quick Repairs

You won’t have time for any major renovations, so focus on quick repairs to address things that could deter potential buyers. Survey the house and take care of the easy fixes:

  • Fix loose tiles
  • Tighten leaky faucets
  • Touch up paint
  • Tighten door knobs and handles
  • Remove carpet stains

Depending on how much time and money you want to spend getting the home ready, you might also want to update fixtures, buy new appliances, install new hardware on the cabinets, and give the interior a fresh coat of (neutral) paint.

6. Sweeten the Deal

Another way to make the home and deal more attractive is to offer something to sweeten the pot. You could offer, for example, to pay some or all of the closing costs. Buyers are looking for a deal, particularly in a down market, so do your best to make them feel that they get one.

Another tip is to offer a transferable home warranty, which provides discounted repair and replacement services for household appliances and systems. A potential buyer may feel more at ease knowing that the home is protected, which could make your home more attractive than a competing home.

7. Negotiate the best offer

As a seller, the best way to negotiate for a better offer is to have multiple bidders on your property. Then you can have your real estate agent reach out to the prospective buyers, let them know there are multiple bids and ask for their “best and final” offers.

It’s also important to understand that the highest offer price may not always be the best deal. As a seller you should pay attention to the contingencies that are included in the offer. Contingencies protect the buyer by allowing them to back out of the deal under specific circumstances and can include contingencies dependent on:

  • Financing
  • Appraisal
  • Home inspection
  • The sale of the buyer’s current home

Some of these contingencies are standard, and depending on the type of mortgage, cannot be waived, such as the appraisal contingency for a VA loan. However others, such as a clause allowing the buyer to back out of the deal if they can’t sell their current home, are entirely optional. So you can negotiate to limit the contingencies to what you feel comfortable with.

8. Work with a local expert

The average homeowner may buy or sell a house only a few times in their lifetime. 

So unless you’re a real estate professional or investor, you’ll likely benefit from professional help and guidance to get the most out of your home’s sale. And with changes happening much faster than normal, it’s even more important to work with someone who has their finger on the pulse of a given community’s real estate market.

Finding the right agent can have a big impact on all aspects of selling. It will make it much easier to time your sale, set the right price, and to prepare for listing. A real estate agent’s services aren’t free — they’ll cost you 5–6% of the sale price — but having an expert help you navigate the laws, customs, and marketing of a home sale can be worth the expense.

Just don’t expect an agent to magically increase your home’s value. Think of your agent as more of a coach who can help you make the right decisions.

9. Be prudent with upgrades

You should be sensible with the money you invest into upgrading your home prior to selling it. Bob Fullerton, managing broker at ERA New Age Real Estate in Colorado, believes a one-on-one consultation with your agent is essential in determining what makes sense to upgrade.

“Sometimes you can stray off course and be upgrading things that have no return to you, but you thought were important,” Fullerton says. Leaning on the advice of a local real estate agent will help you balance what you spend on upgrades with what the market will return a good investment on.

Before you spring for the new deck or kitchen, consider this Remodeling Magazine report that looked at the return on 22 remodeling projects across 101 U.S. real estate markets. With only a handful of exceptions, in specific regions or cities, almost all of the renovations cost more than they recouped upon selling. 

“If you’re gonna spend a dollar I wanna make sure you can get two dollars, because as soon as you think it’s only gonna take a dollar it’s gonna take a dollar fifty,” says Perotti. So few remodels meet this standard that he rarely advises sellers to invest in big projects prior to listing.

10. Think about curb appeal

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and making inexpensive cosmetic improvements to the outside of your home can have an outsize impact. 

“Curb appeal is so important when selling a home; you gotta get ’em in the house first,” Kelly says. She suggests simple touches to create an inviting environment. Painting the front door, adding a new light fixture, or potting a few plants can help set a good tone for buyers when they pull up to your home.

Kelly believes you’re never going to know what a buyer wants, so you should avoid expensive kitchen or bathroom remodeling. Weekend side projects like painting, replacing a faucet, or updating your kitchen’s hardware are all good starting points.

“A fresh coat of paint is the least expensive and the most powerful thing we can do when addressing the interior of a home,” says Kelly, noting that neutral colors are ideal. As much as you may not want to, remove your personality from the space. Pick a relatable color and stick to it throughout the house to avoid a disjointed feeling in the home.

How Can You Make The Most Profit in Real Estate?

There are several proven strategies for making money in real estate. Appreciation, inflation, and income rank high on the list but several alternative real estate investments also exist. Understanding your investments, risks, and whether the overall process is worth it or not is up to you. Here are just few of them.

Buy and hold

This is one of the more traditional ways of earning income from real estate. There are a number of ways to accomplish this: You can buy a single-family home and rent it out; buy a multi-family home and live in one of the units while renting the others—ideally to cover the mortgage and your own housing expenses; or purchase a multi-family home and rent all of the units—either managing the property yourself or hiring a management company to handle renting units, collecting rent, addressing needed repairs, and so on.


Property flippers specialize in adding high-return fixes to houses in a short time and then selling them. Flipping can be lucrative if you know how to find properties to fix up, you have the necessary skills to do the renovations yourself or oversee a crew to carry them out, and you have a sense of a property’s underlying costs and potential value.

Airbnb and vacation rentals

The demand for home-away-from-home rentals had taken off in recent years as many travelers preferred this option to staying in a hotel. Homeowners could earn income by renting out a house or even just a room on a short-term basis, especially if the property is in area that’s a well-known tourist destination.

It’s unclear when that market will return. But should it reappear, keep in mind that short-term rentals are regulated and sometimes even banned in certain cities. Check your city’s bylaws before listing a property on a website such as Airbnb, VRBO, or HomeAway. And also figure in what additional deep cleaning and sanitizing between guests will add to the costs.

Other options include:

  • Short sales—this involves purchasing a home from a lender when the mortgagee is behind on payments. Short sales can be a time-consuming and complicated proposition.
  • Lease options—these are what the name implies. When you lease with an option to buy in a bull real estate market, where prices are rising, you may be able to complete the purchase later at a lower, pre-set price, or make a profit by selling your purchase rights.
  • Contract flipping—instead of flipping houses, this type of flipping involves the transfer of the rights of a purchase contract to another buyer. If you can locate distressed sellers and motivated buyers and bring them together, you may be able to make a profit this way.

How do Beginners Make Money in Real Estate?

Some real estate investments, like fix-and-flips and commercial properties, are too complicated for beginning investors. So what are the best investments for those who are just getting started in real estate?

Here are six of the best ways for beginners to make money in real estate:

1. Invest in Single-Family Homes

The single-family home is a tried and true real estate investment—simple and effective. Rent out a single-family home to tenants and use the rent payments to pay for the mortgage.

Multi-family homes can generate higher returns, but they also require more capital to buy, and the transactions are complicated.

Single-family homes, on the other hand, are far more cost-effective and easier to manage. They also appreciate faster.

But don’t just buy a single-family home anywhere. Location is always important. Do thorough research and ensure that the property’s location will produce enough income to make a profit.

2. House Hacking

If you don’t have the capital to buy an investment property, you can turn your primary residence into an investment property. Consider renting out rooms in your home to tenants and collecting rent from them—you can use the rent to help pay your mortgage or save for a second property.

It’s easier if you own a duplex or triplex, but you can still do this in a single-family home so long as you’re comfortable having roommates. Also, consider renting out a guest house on your property or a garage (so long as it can be properly outfitted into a living space).

Smart, patient investors use this method to accumulate money to buy a second investment property.

3. Invest in Turnkey Properties

A “turnkey property” is real estate that a company owns. These companies typically manage an inventory of fix-and-flip properties that are sold to buyers.

Unlike traditional fix-and-flips, turnkey properties are less risky, and you don’t have to worry about completing renovations under a strict budget and timeframe. The renovations are done for you. Turnkey properties are also easier to finance and can be purchased with a small down payment.

4. Rent Out Properties on Airbnb

As mentioned earlier, a property located in a desirable location for travelers can be turned into a vacation rental. Airbnb is the most popular website for listing vacation rentals, and it does a good job of vetting prospective renters and ensuring you get paid.

Vacation rentals require more maintenance than long-term rentals. You’ll need to thoroughly clean the property after each rental. Find a reliable and cost-effective house cleaning service that can perform these services for you if you don’t have the time.

You can make a good profit on vacation rentals, but remember to research your local area’s rules and regulations on these types of properties.

5. Manage Real Estate Properties

There’s a high demand for property management companies. Many real estate investors don’t have the time to manage multiple investment properties, and they’re more than willing to pay someone else to do it for them.

The monthly tasks for a property management company include:

  • Advertising vacancies
  • Finding and screening prospective tenants
  • Collecting rent
  • Responding to maintenance requests
  • Performing any upkeep of the property that a client stipulates

Most property management companies earn 8-10% of each month’s rental income for a single property (you’ll try to manage as many different properties as possible).

6. Lend to Investors

Lending money to real estate investors is the best way to make money in real estate without buying property.

If you have a lot of capital to spend, you can finance a mortgage for real estate investors. As a private lender, you can find prospective clients on a peer-to-peer lending platform, or you can create your own website.

Before you agree to lend money to a real estate investor, you’ll have to calculate your potential returns and ensure that the investment will be profitable for you (you’ll typically earn between 6-15% returns).

These loans are risky, but your loan will be secured by the mortgage. Still, this may not be a good investment for you if you’re concerned about liquidity.

If you have less capital to spend, you could also invest with a REIT. It’s similar to investing in a mutual fund.

What Are The 5 Ways to Make Money in Real Estate?

1. Airbnb and Vacation Rentals

For those who want to invest in a property but still retain flexible access to their home, rentals can present a lucrative path to profits and one of the fastest ways to make money in real estate. 

Not only can you make some side hustle income from vacation rentals, but you could potentially make a significant amount of money and build up a substantial passive income stream if you’re in a highly-trafficked tourist locale. 

Places like San Diego and other tourist hotbeds are well known for having a high demand for these short-term rentals.

There are plenty of platforms you can use to promote your short-term rental property. List your home on websites like Airbnb and Vrbo. Be sure to take good photos and go above and beyond in making your guests’ experience a memorable and comfortable one. You can also hire a vacation rental company to help you manage your property and bring business. 

2. Long-Term Rentals

More traditionally, long-term rentals are a common form of investment for homeowners. A long-term rental is typically 6 months or more – most commonly one year – and typically requires less upkeep on your day-to-day. Low inventory, excessive student loan debt, and the ever-growing millennial cohort create strong indicators for a strong and growing US rental market.

Your tenant signs a lease and is committed to paying monthly throughout the duration of the contract. This means you receive a stable flow of income for a set period of time, without having to worry much about the house unless it requires major repairs that the tenant is not responsible for per the terms of the contract. 

3. Lease to Buy

A rent-to-own agreement is exactly what he sounds like – in which you rent a home for a certain amount of time, with the option to buy it before the lease expires. Rent-to-own agreements consist of two parts: a standard lease agreement and an option to buy. 

The former entails a contract between the renter and buyer who agree to rent the property for a specified period – typically a year. 

The option to buy in a rent-to-own agreement means the buyer pays the seller a one-time, usually non-refundable upfront fee called the option fee, option money, or option consideration. This fee is what gives you the option to buy the house by some date in the future. 

This is a great option for prospective homebuyers who may not have the big down payment or high credit score needed to buy just yet. It’s also one of the fastest ways to make money in real estate. 

4. Commercial Property Rentals

Commercial real estate is one of the fastest ways to make money in real estate. This means flipping properties and developing them, adding value to properties in order to increase their net incomes through renovations and upgrades. You’ll also consult on projects that might take more seasoned real estate investors to see to fruition.

5. Buying Land

If you’re looking to earn a slice of the real estate pie, you can buy a piece of land located in a hot or up-and-coming area. From here, you can either hold onto the land until it gains value, or you can build a house on it and sell it for a profit. 

Real Estate Millionaires in 12 Months

How would you like to become a millionaire in 12 months or less by Investing in Real Estate? You can do it by investing in real estate! Investing in real estate, whether it’s rental properties or commercial businesses, will allow you to diversify your holdings and make money passively, regardless of the state of the economy.

Here are 5 steps to help you get started on your journey to becoming a millionaire.

1. Save 20% of your income

It’s easier said than done, but if you want to make saving for retirement easy, it helps to set up your accounts so that you save 20% of your income automatically. And, thanks to tax deductions and compounding interest, over time that 20% could turn into a lot more money.

So no matter what your salary level is right now, aim for saving at least 20% of your income each month. If you need motivation, remember that today’s 20% will be tomorrow’s million-dollar nest egg.

2. Build a passive income stream

Today, most people work just to make ends meet, but living a life of working for money instead of a life of making money is foolish. The wise know that one of your primary goals as an entrepreneur should be creating a passive income stream: that way, you can work once and reap profits repeatedly over time.

This may seem like a difficult task at first, but it’s not impossible; real estate investment is an effective means toward building passive income. By investing in real estate with your business partners or on your own, you’re able to purchase properties that generate cash flow right away—and then collect regular checks for years on end without lifting another finger.

3. Set short-term goals

Short-term goals are just that – short-term. Don’t look too far into your future when setting goals; you’ll only stress yourself out and make things more difficult than they need to be. Instead, set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic – also known as SMART goals.

4. Invest aggressively in real estate

Just as important, however, is investing aggressively in real estate. While it may seem counterintuitive to invest in real estate during an economic downturn – when many people are selling property – it’s actually your best bet for long-term wealth building. Why?

It all comes down to simple supply and demand: during an economic downturn, there are fewer home sellers on the market which drives prices up for homeowners looking to sell and makes properties more affordable for new buyers.

In addition, real estate assets can give you increased exposure to equities markets without taking on additional risk or worry about volatility or diversification… if you know what you’re doing.

5. Start a Real Estate Business Online

To become a millionaire, it helps to start your real estate business online. Using automated tools, such as social media or email marketing, you can leverage your time so that you’re working on what you want, when you want.

With a little bit of entrepreneurial savvy and knowledge about how real estate investing works, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a millionaire within a year or two. And who knows? Maybe eventually that billionaire status isn’t out of reach either. That’s right: Warren Buffett began as an entrepreneur looking for his first million dollars!

How to Make Money in Real Estate With no Money

There is no such thing as no money down in real estate because the money has to come from some source. If you want to invest in real estate with little or no money, you need to develop the ability to recognize, understand, and even take advantage of other people’s money.

You will still need little money for making a down payment when opting for financing real estate through conventional loans. Real estate is an asset form with limited liquidity relative to other investments.

Any type of real estate investment requires some amount of capital and is also highly cash flow dependent to call it a profitable investment. Investing in real estate by using other’s money is the stamp of authenticity for some of the most successful people in the real estate investing business.

1. Purchase Money Mortgage/Seller Financing

When buyers are unable to secure a loan from financial institutions, they may opt to seek real estate financing from the sellers. With conventional real estate transactions, the buyers will provide the sellers with the cash, to gain ownership of the property. However, with a purchase money mortgage, the seller extends finances to the buyer. The buyers will then repay the sellers, for the agreed terms.

2. Investing In Real Estate Through Lease Option

Under the lease option, the property owner charges the buyer a monthly or yearly premium, in the form of higher rental payments. The excess rental fee will then be channeled towards the purchase price. With this type of agreement, the investor can purchase an investment real estate using a slightly higher rental fee.

3. Hard Money Lenders

If you have no money to invest in real estate you can opt for hard money lending as a viable funding option. Instead of coming from a bank, the funds used in real estate investment will come from groups or private individuals.

Since these types of loans do not necessarily need to go through corporate procedures, they tend to have fewer qualification requirements. This, in turn, means that they can be secured fast. Moreover, private lenders might be more than willing to back up risky projects.

Therefore, the interest charged on hard money loans is higher since lenders are taking greater risks and the terms are normally 12 months or less. Hard money loans require the borrower to cover closing costs, application fees, appraisal fees, and any other costs associated with the purchase of a property.

4. Microloans

There are a variety of new financing options that have opened up the market for new real estate businesses to profit. As the name suggests, microloans are normally geared towards startups or newer businesses, which require resources to generate further growth.

Microloans are much smaller than what traditional financial institutions offer. The lower balances will, in turn, mean these programs are less strict in their qualification requirements i.e. credit score. A microloan is a good funding option to invest in real estate with no money.

5. Forming Partnerships to Invest in Real Estate With Little Money

Real estate partnerships are common for investing in real estate with little or no money. If you want to invest in a property, but the price tag is out of range, then an equity partnership may be what you need.

An equity partner is an individual whom you bring into a transaction, to help finance a property. There are different ways that partnerships may be structured, and thus it is up to the buyer and the partner to agree on a more viable structure.

6. Home Equity Loans

If you have no money for your second investment in real estate, you can go for Home Equity Loans. The majority of investors tend to capitalize on the equity of their primary home, and then use it to finance the new property.

Banks and several other financial institutions offer different products such as Home Equity Line-of-Credit and Home Equity Installment Loan, which allows the buyers to capitalize on the equity that they already have.

7. Special US Govt. Schemes Like USDA Loans

With an end goal to fill underpopulated zones of the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development office gives mortgages with down payments as low as 0%. These loans are offered only in towns with populations of 10,000 or less. All things considered, 10,000 is very sizable for most towns, so 97% of the U.S. is secured.

USDA loans are zero-down-payment mortgages for rural and suburban homebuyers. These loans go to those who qualify as having a low or moderate-income. They’re mainly for borrowers who aren’t wealthy and can’t get a traditional mortgage. To check whether your area qualifies for this loan, you can visit USDA.gov and read their terms and conditions.

8. SBA Loans For Investing in Commercial Real Estate

The SBA works with lenders to provide loans to small businesses. If you’re looking to purchase commercial real estate, the SBA 504 loan is the best choice. An SBA 504 loan is commercial real estate financing for owner-occupied properties.

Business Administration or SBA loans require only a 10 percent down payment by the small business owner and funding amounts range from $125,000 to $20 million. With an SBA 504 loan, money can be used to buy a building, finance ground-up construction, or building improvements.

What is The Fastest Way to Make Money in Real Estate?

Investment properties (rental real estate)

The most obvious way to make money in real estate is to buy an investment property (or several). You could buy a home and rent it out to long-term tenants or purchase a multi-unit rental property or small apartment building.

You could look into buying a vacation rental or a property you intend to otherwise rent short term. Or you could buy a commercial property (any type of property that is not residential real estate), such as a retail or office building, and lease it to tenants to generate rental income.

Buying an investment property can be a great way to make money in real estate, but it isn’t without its drawbacks, and there’s quite a bit to learn before you get started.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

A real estate investment trust, or REIT (pronounced “reet”), is a special type of company designed to invest in real estate assets. Think of a REIT as sort of a mutual fund for real estate investment: Investors’ money is pooled to buy a portfolio of commercial properties or other real estate assets.

Many REITs are traded on the stock market and are very easy to buy and sell, making them excellent choices for beginner investors and those with limited capital to invest. And, many pay consistent dividends, making them good options for investors who want steady income.

There are REITs specializing in just about any type of real estate you can think of, as well as exchange-traded funds and mutual funds that will allow you to invest in a diverse portfolio of REITs. You can learn more about REIT investing with our guide to the basics of investing in REITs.


If you’ve watched HGTV in the past few years, you probably know what it means to flip houses. This potentially lucrative form of real estate investing essentially involves taking a rundown residential property, completing repairs and/or renovations on it, and then selling it at a profit.

While the popular fix-and-flip shows make it look easy, flipping houses successfully requires a lot of effort and knowledge of your local real estate market, among other things.


A real estate wholesaler serves as a middleman between motivated home sellers and real estate investors. A wholesaler finds cheap property investment opportunities (if you’ve ever seen those “we buy ugly houses” signs, those are typically put there by wholesalers).

The wholesaler will enter into a contract to buy the property but then find a real estate investor who is willing to pay a bit more, the difference being the wholesaler’s profit margin.

Unlike many other forms of real estate investing, wholesaling can be a very time-consuming job, and there are lots of rules and other things to know.


Real estate crowdfunding is a relatively new form of real estate investing, but there is certainly money to be made. When a developer or professional investor identifies an opportunity to build or buy a commercial real estate asset, they may choose to raise some of the project’s capital from individual investors.

For example, a crowdfunding deal might aim to purchase a hotel, spend a few years gradually renovating the rooms, and ultimately sell it at a profit. There are several reputable crowdfunding marketplaces, but it’s important to point out that most of the best deals are limited to accredited investors only.

How to Make Money From Your Property

Buying and managing your home can be expensive but if you know what you’re doing you can make it pay its way too – read on to see tips on renting out your spare room, letting it out while you’re away and even renting out your storage space.

Get a lodger

A lodger will bring you extra money by paying rent and contributing to household bills.

  • Taking in someone you trust could increase your sense of security at home and provide you with extra company
  • You can take up to £7,500 of rent a year tax-free under the Government’s Rent a Room Scheme 
  • It’s worth noting that you won’t be eligible for the scheme if your home is converted into separate flats that you rent out. Nor are unfurnished properties eligible for the scheme

Rent out your spare room

Renting out your spare room is a great way to get your home working for you.  It’s such a good idea, the government are encouraging more people to do it.

Let your home out for short-term homestays

Medical students and locums are often looking for places to let while they carry out placements.

Foreign language students are often looking for somewhere to stay for a few weeks and rarely stay longer than an academic term. If you’re prepared to offer language tuition you could make some extra cash while they’re with you.

Or if you want to be more hands-on you could open a bed and breakfast. It’s worth remembering that your home will have to comply with fire safety regulations, as well as health and safety laws.

Rent your house out while you’re on holiday

Use Airbnb to find out how you could let out your home to holiday makers while you’re away. This will earn you money and mean you don’t have to leave your house unoccupied during the holidays.

Are there any popular events in your local area? You could vacate your home and rent it out to festival goers or people who are in town for big sports events.

Rent out your garage or spare storage space

You could rent out space in your home, such as your garage, attics or unused rooms, as storage space for 25-60% of commercial storage prices.

  • You can advertise your space for free on sites such as stashbee.com or storemates.co.uk and make £1,000-£3,000 per year for a spare room, loft or garage.  Prices vary by size of space and area.
  • But check that your home insurance covers damage to other people’s property, if not you could find yourself paying for accidents out of your own pocket.
  • Ask if your insurer will extend your cover. If not, it may be worth setting up a separate business policy.

Rent your home out for filming and photo shoots

The right kind of property in London could earn you from £500 a day for a magazine photo shoot to £2,500 a day for a big-budget film.

  • Glamorous properties are obviously popular, but all sorts of quirky and original sets are needed in films so it’s worth giving it a go
  • Most production companies are based around the M25, so properties in these areas are likely to be popular
  • Register with companies such as shootfactory.co.uk beachstudios.co.uk, or lavishlocations.com (for more glamorous properties) to get your property seen.
  • Be prepared to have a film crew take over your home for a few days – they may want to repaint, reorganise and cause general havoc. But the fee will take the inconvenience into account so you could be grateful for it in the long run.

Rent your home as an office workspace

If you have unoccupied space in your home during the day, you could hire it to business people. All you need to offer is a desk/table, chair and wifi.

  • With websites such as Vrumi, you can rent your home by the day, making it easy for you to work it around your schedule. The deal is: they will list your home for free and provide an easy-to-use online booking system for guests but they take commission from bookings
  • Vrumi charge a commission rate of 15 per cent in total but it is split between the host and guest, so you, as the host, would pay 7.5 per cent for each day booking.
  • Getting the right kind of insurance will give you peace of mind. Buildings and contents cover is important and you should consider public liability too
  • From April next year, anyone renting their house (it has to be your main and only house) gets an annual tax-free allowance of £1,000.  Earn over that amount and you’ll need to declare it as part of your Self Assessment tax return
  • You shouldn’t have to pay additional council tax but each local authority has its rules and accompanying regulation, so we advise that you check to make sure you are exempt

Rent out your parking space

If you’re not keen on leaving your property to festival-goers and sports fans, you could still make the most out of your parking space during the events. Or if you live near a station, you could rent your drive or a parking space on your street to commuters.

How to Make Money From Property in South Africa

Below are some proven real estate money-making strategies that will help you generate profits from your real estate business in South Africa. These strategies were culled from several reliable sources, including Investopedia.

1. Long-term Residential rentals

A report by Investopedia shows that residential rentals are one of the fastest ways to make money in real estate. With the fast-rising population in Africa, there is always a need for shelter.

Africans can benefit from real estate with residential rentals in safe neighborhoods with good schools and access to water and public transit. People want to walk freely and interact with the community without security risks, making a safe location ideal for long-term residential rentals.

2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) allow investors to earn rewards without holding physical property. REITs offer diversity opportunities to investors, primarily in the market niches. Africans can buy and sell real estate investment trusts in the open market for rewards.

According to Markets Study Guide, REITs “pool in the money collected from a lot of investors. Then they use money from this pool to invest long term in properties. However, the individual investor need not be in for a long term investment.”

3. Contract flipping

The American Apartment Owners Association defined contract flipping as transferring the right to purchase a property to another buyer. The process involves signing the agreement of a property for sale and flipping the contract to a new buyer. Africans can make money with contract flipping by bringing buyers and sellers together.

Available information on Fortune Builders show that contract flipping is a great way for new investors to start real estate. New African investors can act as an intermediary between property owners and buyers for rewarding opportunities.

4. Commercial real estate

Investopedia describes commercial real estate as properties used for business purposes to generate income. Most commercial real estate developers add value to properties through renovations and upgrades for the purpose of increasing profit margins.

Creative Africans can update and modernize a property to earn a fortune in real estate. If you can identify property areas that require value, consider commercial real estate.

5. Lease options

There are immense opportunities in the real estate market, primarily through lease options. Many investors earn rewards in real estate without significant capital with lease options.

Investopedia defines a lease option as an agreement that lets you buy the rented property at the end of a specified period. Note that the agreement prohibits the owner from selling the property to anyone else. Africans can benefit from this trillion-dollar opportunity in the real estate markets.

6. Short sales

Short sales are ideal for homeowners who are behind their mortgage payments. According to Investopedia, short sales happen when a financially distressed property owner agrees with a mortgage lender to facilitate the sale of a property.

Short sales present money-making opportunities for Africans, as it does not require them to invest in renovations. While a short sale can take time, it has a high-profit return. Also, short sales are profitable since investors can negotiate the price of a property below its market value.

7. Vacation rentals

According to a report by Right Era Properties, a vacation rental is a lucrative path to profits in real estate. Vacation rentals involve renting an apartment or house out for a short period.

Africans in major cities on the continent can earn lucrative passive income with vacation rentals. The best part is that Africans do not need to own these properties to earn passive income. Communication and negotiation skills come in handy, especially when dealing with homeowners.

8. Home-renovation flips

According to Forbes, renovating and flipping homes is lucrative with a high-profit margin. Home renovation involves buying a property to rehab and sell on the market. Available information on Flippers Prosperity revealed that negotiating and networking skills are essential in real estate.

Africans with excellent negotiating skills can earn a fortune in this market. Your negotiating and networking with contractors, agents, wholesalers, and other investors determine your level of success in this business.

9. Hard-money lending

Available information on Home Guides has shown that hard-money lending is a smart way for investors to acquire properties quickly. Unlike traditional banks, most hard-money lenders offer loans based on the property value for brief periods.

Lenders offer short-term loans with interest rates to commercials and residential real estate buyers. While hard-money lending requires capital, Africans can generate good profits in the short term.

10. Real Estate ETFs and Mutual Funds

Investopedia describes real estate ETFs and mutual funds as professionally managed pooled investments. Investors buy ETFs and mutual funds to get real estate investment trusts without evaluating individual REITs. Exchange-traded funds trade like individual stocks, and Africans with market experience can make money with the system.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies

The real estate market goes through many ups and downs and is dependent on several factors such as interest rates, economic conditions, and job growth.

Regardless of how the market behaves currently, both novices and pros can apply many strategies that can propel the business forward. Below are some of the key marketing strategies that can be employed to expand your real estate business.

1. Identify the target market

This is probably the number one strategy that you can use to become truly successful as a real estate agent.

Many real estate brokers and businesses focus on a niche market and become an expert in that market. This gives you an idea about what’s driving the target market currently, what risks are involved, and most importantly where the market is headed in the short and long term.

For example, a real estate broker who knows the details about a new transportation or school project coming locally could change his marketing strategies accordingly.

2. Budget for marketing expenses

Another major factor in successfully expanding your real estate business is to develop a marketing budget and stick to it.

There are literally hundreds of avenues to spend your marketing dollars on, such as real estate websites, email marketing, social media marketing, and postal marketing.

Your spend must be based on your target audience. For example, customers in the San Francisco bay area might require internet-based marketing, whereas customers in a rural area might require a different approach.

3. Create a website and use social media

Regardless of the market, you must establish your presence on the internet with the help of a professional website, as well as dedicated accounts on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These are relatively inexpensive, with the potential for huge outreach.

You can also market your business on search engines such as Google and Bing, by paying for ad campaigns.

4. Encourage referrals and word-of-mouth

Most successful real estate agents generate several deals through referrals from previous customers. A customer referral is most valued by a new buyer or seller.

For example, new customers are more comfortable selecting a real estate agent when referred by a friend, colleague, or relative. You can always boost this approach by offering referral bonuses to the person who refers a new customer.

5. Respond quickly

We live in a world that is moving at a much faster pace than ever before. It is very important to respond to customer queries or else you will risk losing new business.

You must have access to email via a smartphone at all times and ensure that you respond to a customer request as soon as possible. You cannot wait to respond until the next day in this business. If you are prompt in responding, it adds to your credibility and reputation.

6. Publish a real estate newsletter

If you are serious about your long-term success, then you may consider publishing a weekly or monthly newsletter with updates on current mortgage rates, changes in real estate laws, benefits of homeownership, how to develop a real estate investment portfolio, health checks on the local market, and so on.

All current and prospective customers would appreciate the insights from such a newsletter, as it shows your knowledge and commitment to the business.

7. Dispel questions on the need for a real estate agent

Disintermediation refers to the mindset where customers wonder whether they really need a real estate agent or not. Disintermediation marketing targets such customers to convince them of the value offered by a real estate professional.

You can educate the customers via your website or marketing channels on the need for a real estate agent and lawyer during the sales or purchase of a house or piece of land.

8. Plan for success

Regardless of whether you are a real estate agent or a real estate developer, you will need a real estate development business plan. This will set you up for success. You can plan your expenses, contingencies, and other risks with the help of a real estate development business plan.

Many people fail when they work in a vacuum without such planning. For example, you can plan your budget for next year’s real estate marketing strategies with the help of a well-documented business plan.

9. Develop brand awareness

Just like big brand businesses, your real estate business must also strive to develop a brand of its own. It could be under your name or your business’s name. Any real estate sales strategy that you apply must keep this concept in mind.

People often wonder how to get into real estate sales and how to successfully build a business. The answer lies in planning to develop a name brand and using it to market the business for years to come.

Real Estate Sales Strategy

There are 5 proven methods and ideas for marketing real estate online that will give you the most bang for the proverbial buck. Focus on these 5 methods and you’ll find success in online mediums such as search engine optimization, blogging, social media and video.

1. Build a Professional Website

Those that have mastered the mediums of online marketing, know quite well how important it is to have a professional website. However, this idea for marketing real estate marketing isn’t a new one. Still, there is a big difference between a regular website and a professional one. For agents and agencies looking to move properties, this is more important now than ever.

When building your website, focus on both aesthetics and functionality. Ensure that you address things like the overall speed of the site, ease of navigation, quality of the content, sharpness of the photos and so on.

Don’t bombard visitors with too many ads all over the place, and ensure that it’s a site that people want to continue to check back on with fresh content and properties added regularly.

2. Hire a Real Estate Photographer

Photos have always been important when it comes to real estate. However, not as many owners and realtors understand the importance of this single concept when it comes to marketing a home or condo online. The truth is that people will judge a book by its cover, especially when browsing through hundreds or thousands of listings.

What you want is something that will be appealing and catch the eye of a person that’s sifting through countless listings in their area. It needs to aptly convey a quality space through professional standards with the usage of things like a wide-angle lens and careful (but not too doctored) Photoshop editing.

3. Create Video Walkthroughs

While not as immersive as a Matterport 3D scan, video walkthroughs offer more insight into how a home is realistically represented. This doesn’t have to be a professionally-shot video where you spend thousands of dollars. It could simply be something you shoot on a high-quality smartphone or even with your own drone.

This strategy for marketing real estate will really give a better sense to the prospective buyer to allow them to understand what a space truly looks like in person. You could also splurge on a drone video by hiring someone or simply purchasing one and doing it yourself. This is a great way to save some money if you plan on doing a high volume of these videos.

4. Create a Popular Blog

You can opt to start a blog in the real estate industry and deliver enormous amounts of value in an effort to build a platform or an audience over time. Not overnight. Over time. However, if you’re in the real estate field, you should start blogging immediately. The more time that passes without blogging, the further behind you’ll be.

Create a useful blog about real estate and post in there often. Deliver enormous amounts of value on a regular basis and watch as your readerships soars. Create infographics about mortgage rates or home prices or anything else you can find useful. Integrate videos and other media and start sharing it everywhere you possibly can. This is one of the best ways to build an audience to market real estate to.

5. Engage in Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to draw in visitors to your website and blog. To do this, you need to identify external sites where you can market your content. This involves building useful and relevant content on popular authority sites, which link back to similar, but unique, useful and relevant content on your site.

In short, you should leverage sites like Quora, LinkdeIn’s publishing platform, Medium and others to market your content. However, you’ll first need anchor content, or content that’s built on your own site to draw visitors to. That’s one of the main premises behind content marketing.

Real Estate Marketing Strategies in Nigeria

However, with the growing demand for online marketing, real estate marketers in Nigeria are now becoming more and more interested in how to market their business online.

Selling a property such as house, land or apartment can be difficult at the best of times, so it is no surprise that the competition for buyers is so fierce. However, there are ways to sell your property faster and at a higher price.

1. Create catchy content with a unique voice

The real estate industry is always looking for ways to attract potential buyers and sellers. One way to do so is through catchy content with a unique voice that is able to connect with your target audience.

Real estate is one of the most expensive and volatile asset classes. It is a tough market to be successful in as an individual, as well as for a business. In order to attract potential buyers, companies spend a lot of time and money on design, location, marketing efforts and even real estate agents.

By creating content for real estate properties, companies can cut their marketing costs significantly.

2. Get professional images and videos of your properties

Professional images and video of properties is a must-have for any property listing. It can help you sell your property faster, attract more buyers, secure higher competitive listings, and result in a better return on investment.

Properties that are listed with professional images will typically be 10% more expensive than those without them. There are plenty of services out there that offer professional photography and video services to properties buyers can use on their listings.

Can you imagine not having to deal with the headache of the process of selling your house? It’s frustrating, time-consuming and can be stressful.

A professional photographer can make this process easier for you, you need to get an impressive team of photographers that are fully trained in taking high-quality photos of homes by capturing all angles, including what other potential buyers are looking for.

If you have a camera, the process of taking really good pictures is easy. Just remember that you need to be able to capture these moments yourself in order to get good ones.

3. Carve out a niche

A niche is a small part of a larger market that has its own distinctive characteristics.

A niche can be anything from owning a variety of unique products to selling specific products or services. A company can create its own niche by developing something new.

To make your investment more appealing, you should consider when the demand in that particular location is high and when there are many people in need of that specific type of property in that location.

There are several ways to find out the trends in demand for different types of properties over time, including doing your own market research and conducting social media searches for what properties people are interested in across locations.

4. Use emotional story-telling

Story-telling is a powerful tool in marketing your real estate properties. It can help you connect with your audience and increase the rate of conversion.

You can use story-telling in marketing by focusing on emotion to sell more homes.

Marketing has long been a challenging field for marketers, often because it is about selling a product. The traditional approach doesn’t always work. People might not be willing to purchase a product after hearing the story of the company’s founder. Story-telling can be an effective way to sell homes because it’s more personal and emotional.

5. Send a Gift pack after each deal

When you’re closing a big real estate deal, you’re likely to need to send some boxes of documents to the seller. Maybe they are utilities bills, tax records, or anything else that’s part of the transaction.

Oftentimes, these documents are delivered by messenger or mail service. Sometimes an assistant will also take these directly from your closet or office and deliver them all at once.

Business owners need to understand that marketing does not just end when a deal is completed.

While gift packing a gift card has been a popular practice among real estate agents for some time, new research from around the world shows that this is not receiving any of the desired results.

In fact, many people are finding this practice quite impersonal and mundane. Sending gifts after closing each deal can give your clients an opportunity for a more personal connection that will contribute to better business relationships over time.

6. Create a professional website for your real estate business

There are various factors to consider when you are planning to invest in a website for your real estate business. The first and foremost criterion is that your website should be professional and it should give the right impression of your business.

To make sure that you have the best website for your business, let us analyze some of the possibilities that can help you decide which option will work best for you.

Nowadays it’s easier than ever to find the best deals. You just have to type in your location and search for apartment and house listings, filtered with keywords like “mini flat in Magodo under NGN900,000” or “affordable house for sale in Yaba.”

If you want to have a better chance at capturing more potential customers, make sure your property or listings come up for people to see. This is where having a website comes in handy!

7. Create a strong brand

The brand of your real estate business is the most important factor in its success. It’s more than just a logo or a slogan; it’s an image or persona that represents your company and how you conduct business.

In order to gain that stamp of approval, you will need to put in the time and effort into building a solid brand. This includes everything from creating a website to collecting customer reviews on social media.

The first step to creating a strong brand for your real estate business is to have a sound value proposition. This value proposition should not only be compelling but also be based on emotions.

A strong brand promises the customer something that they want – this could be peace of mind, peace of mind knowing that their home is in good hands, or peace of mind knowing that they are investing into their future.

The second step is having a cohesive design theme to go along with your brand vision. A design theme can help convey tone, voice, and style through visual cues. It also helps establish the uniqueness of your company name and logo which makes it stand out from the crowd.

Digital Marketing Strategy For Real Estate

Social media was one of the first game changes for realtors seeking ways to get noticed online. From purchasing Facebook Business Ads to sharing photo albums of new listings, various social media platforms allowed real estate professionals to build a brand and a booming business.

1. Develop an Email Campaign

No matter the industry, an email nurture campaign is a valuable tool in connecting with new leads and staying relevant with past clients. Ideally, a well-rounded campaign will funnel potential clients through predetermined actions based on their buyer profile and previous engagements with you.

According to Smart Insights, the average open rate of emails for real estate businesses is around 27% with a click-through rate (CTR) of 3%. However, the more relevant your content is to a client, the more likely they will be interested in opening the email to see what you have to say.

2. Create a User-Friendly Website

How many times have you opened a website only to close it because it wouldn’t load fast enough? With so many photos and links, realtor websites can sometimes be a web developer’s nightmare.

However, with the help of a professional web designer and a knowledge of what your clients are looking for, real estate professionals can develop a responsive website that is optimized for mobile browsing.

Almost half of all web browsing is completed on a mobile device, so if your website is not designed to be responsive, your clients will not be able to browse your site comfortably. Your mobile-friendly website should include the following content in order to give your clients the best experience:

  • A list of all new listings
  • Content that will guide them throughout the home buying process
  • Links to relevant moving-related services such as lawyers, movers, and home inspectors

In addition, consider implementing a live chat feature on your website. Your real estate business is extremely people-centric, meaning that it’s important to be available when they need to ask questions. Investing in a live chat software allows people to connect 24/7 and schedule appointments without necessarily speaking directly to you.

3. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click – also known as PPC – advertising is an excellent strategy for realtors looking to generate new leads based on ads that they pay for every time the ad gets clicked on.

PPC is a great digital marketing option for real estate professionals seeking potential clients who may genuinely be interested in their offering, as they only pay when someone clicks through their ad.

Often, PPC ads can be targeted toward individuals who have searched for correlated keywords in Google or another search engine.

4. Create and Post Valuable Blog Content

Responsive websites that have a blog often have 434% more indexed pages, helping real estate professionals achieve better SEO.

A blog is a fantastic way to level-up your SEO, build a positive reputation online, and provide your clients with actionable advice on buying or selling a home or piece of property. A real estate professional’s digital marketing strategy is nothing without valuable content, whether it’s shared on your website or social media.

In addition to your responsive website, make sure that you regularly write content that buyers and sellers can come back to for answers to their most pressing real estate questions.

5. Host Virtual Tours

Virtual tours of a home are incredible pieces of content in a successful digital marketing strategy. Not only do these tours share video content – which generates revenue 49% faster for marketers than non-video users – but a potential client can get an idea of what a home really has to offer them.

Purchasing a home can be difficult, and as a real estate expert, your job is to make the home buying journey as easy as possible for your clients. Andrew J Carr shared some of the more critical qualities realtors should try to include in successful virtual tours, such as:

  • Using real footage of the home, as compared to digital illustrations
  • Ensuring the video of the tour is interactive and responsive across all viewing methods (mobile and desktop)
  • Making the virtual tour 3D and user-friendly

6. Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

It’s one thing to post real estate-related content on your Facebook account every once in a while, but a full-fledged social media marketing strategy is what truly yields the results you’re looking for. Some ideas of useful content to post on your social media channels include:

  • New or existing listings
  • Team bios (if you run a real estate brokerage)
  • Case studies
  • Relevant blog posts
  • Success stories

If you’re experienced in digital marketing, you may realize just how difficult it can be to create a social media strategy and to post regularly across all channels. However, tools like Buffer are designed to help make social media content development and scheduling simple and clear.

The most important rule of thumb for developing a social media strategy for your real estate business is to share varied content. Although sharing listings is an important factor of your digital strategy, you want to make sure that your content is useful for a broad audience, not just leads in the market for a new home.

Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Agents

As a small- to mid-sized agent or realtor, you can offer a personalized experience that will set you apart. It’s a tactic that helps build trust with your prospects that can make all the difference. In the end, marketing for real estate agents is all about selling a personal experience—which is something industry giants simply can’t offer.

Read Also: Real Estate Mobile App Development

Try these ten budget-friendly real estate marketing ideas and strategies to generate leads, nurture potential buyers and sellers, and close on more homes.

  1. Connect with prospects on Messenger
  2. Text your leads
  3. Create an eye-catching website
  4. Use local keywords in your website copy
  5. Start an email newsletter
  6. Post reviews from previous clients
  7. Take advantage of virtual tours
  8. Get busy on social media
  9. Partner up with your local community
  10. Up your branding game

Having a solid digital marketing strategy is a must for the success of real estate in 2022. Using these tips, you’ll not only be able to draw more leads and establish a credible reputation, but you’ll also be able to stay ahead of the curve in an industry that’s particularly tumultuous during these tough times.


These are few real estate strategies that allow you to make huge profit. Every investment depends on your understanding of real estate market. The more you understand, it will be much better to gain during investment.

Whichever strategy you use, it completely depends on your interest in terms of property you buy. As the market is growing day by day just look at places like Dubai etc. you will never face down slide. It just depends on your buying capacity. The more you buy, the more you will be able to sell at higher price.

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