At one point, obtaining a PlayStation 5 seemed nearly impossible. You can’t stroll into a store or put it in your shopping cart on a website without you have a strategy on how to get a console. Fortunately, a few sites, especially Sony’s exclusive storefront known as PlayStation Direct, have been consistent in their PS5 advertising. Twitter accounts such as Wario64, PS5StockUpdates, PS5StockAlerts, and Spiel Times can be used to keep track of the site. Inverse spoke with Spiel Times about their best advice for purchasing a PS5 through PlayStation Direct.
Despite a limited supply of consoles, PlayStation Direct remains the best and most reliable way to obtain a PlayStation 5. With the ever-increasing demand and limited supply of consoles, gamers and enthusiasts should sign up for PlayStation Direct to receive PlayStation 5.
Sign Up
- In order to sign up, gamers must have a PlayStation Network account. Having a PSN account is a crucial step to acquiring a PlayStation 5 from the PlayStation Direct as it prevents scalpers, especially those who employ bots to get the consoles as soon as their availability shoots up.
- The hardest part about PlayStation Direct is the long wait time, but so far this system has worked seamlessly. Hence, whenever a restock approaches, PSN users will receive an email invite that allows them to queue up in a private line.
- The date and time for this queue will be clearly mentioned in the invite and when the golden time comes after waiting in the queue, gamers can put the PlayStation 5 in their carts, if there is any left.
If you’re creating a new account make sure to tick mark the first box that says “Yes, I’d like to receive news, special offers, and other information about PlayStation and Sony Group of Companies’ products and services. I understand I can unsubscribe at any time.”
Sony’s online store for PlayStation gear and games is PlayStation Direct. It can be used to buy a PlayStation 5 or a PlayStation 5 Digital. When consoles become available, you will be placed in a wait when you visit the website. The PS5’s availability for the day will be communicated by updates beneath the queue. When PlayStations are sold out for the day, Sony will instantly update the queue.
When you reach the end of the wait, you’ll be able to join the PlayStation Direct store and purchase your console, if stock is still available. Follow the tips on this list if you want to be successful with this strategy.
1. Don’t camp PlayStation Direct
Waiting for the PlayStation 5 queue to open up on Sony’s website may be enticing. Don’t do that. After numerous alterations to the process, waiting directly on the website now seemingly causes Sony to flag you as a bot, barring you from entering the queue. This also means that you shouldn’t use auto-refreshers on PlayStation Direct. Save that tomfoolery for somewhere else.
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If you do camp, you’ll have to clear your cookies and cache to get back into the queue. That’s just a massive hassle and will make you lose precious time.
Follow the Twitter accounts previously mentioned for regular updates. Make sure to turn on notifications for each one by clicking the bell icon. This will notify you every time they tweet.
2. Be on guard on Tuesday through Friday starting at 2 p.m. Eastern
Sony has never explicitly stated PlayStation Direct’s schedule, but through over a month of drops, the Spiel Times has formulated a loose schedule. PlayStation Direct stock usually drops on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m Eastern.
3. Use Incognito mode for PlayStation Direct
Incognito mode treats you as if you just started using the browser. All your history is cleared, including your cookies and cache. This is one way to get around Sony’s bot protocol.
4. Disc Editions are more available than Digital
More often than not, Sony has its store stocked with PlayStation 5 Disc editions. Plan on ponying up $499.99 to purchase your next-gen console. Digital is still available, but seemingly in smaller supply.
5. Don’t panic if the queue goes from a minute remaining to an hour
Often when you first enter the queue, Sony will claim that you have x time remaining until your turn. That number will then increase exponentially. This is normal. Don’t let it shake you.
6. Have multiple devices open with the queue
For every device open in the queue, you’ll have a better chance of entering to obtain your PS5. These devices will preferably be on separate networks to distinguish their placement.
We don’t know how Sony measures the queue. It could be first come, first served, or a lottery system. Due to this mystery, having multiple devices open will set you up for any outcome.
7. Save your billing details to your PlayStation account before the queue
Even if you can get through the rough and tumble of PlayStation’s queue, you might not be fast enough. Don’t get held up by entering all your personal details. Do that before the queue even kicks off. You can add new billing information to your PlayStation account using this link. It will automatically be saved, preparing you for your imminent PS5 purchase.
8. Tell your bank about your plans
Nothing screams fraud like a big purchase out of the blue. Call your bank before purchasing your PS5. The Spiel Times told Inverse that multiple users have reported having their PlayStation 5 orders canceled after the bank’s fraud squad caught the purchase.
9. Save your American Express card for another purchase
Despite all those Tina Fey commercials where she’s living her best life using Amex, it’s the worst card for PlayStation Direct. You cannot use it to purchase a PS5 from PlayStation Direct. So stick to Visa or Mastercard.
Remember that when buying a PS5 from Sony, you must log in to your PlayStation Network account, and each account can only buy one console. These queues can last up to an hour or more, and the estimated time remaining may jump a little. The key is to stick to it and see if you get lucky. You don’t have to refresh the page at all, so just let it tick away and cross your fingers.
If you get beyond the queue, you’ll have your pick of the available consoles and bundles on offer as well as accessories — like colorful controllers or a wireless headset. Be sure not to waste any time and check out right away to minimize the chance of errors or somehow missing out. And, of course, good luck!
How do I Get to my Queue to Buy PS5?
There are numerous methods to purchase a PS5, including online and in-store purchases. However, we cannot deny that purchasing it online may be the most convenient option. So, if you plan to buy a PS5 online, especially directly from the PlayStation website.
You don’t have to be concerned because we’ll show you how. Sony has been periodically opening its online queue while supplies last. Registration is presently open on their website. However, just seven countries have been chosen: the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France.
On Sony’s website, you may join a public lineup and begin virtually waiting for a PS5 console right away.
- The latest restocks have made it quite simple to obtain a console, but you’ll still need to pay attention to your indicated wait time until you hear the notification bell that lets you know it’s your turn.
- Note
- Remember that once you’re waiting in line on Sony’s website, there’s no need to reload the page.
- Just bear in mind that you will be required to provide your username and password in order to log into your PlayStation Network ID.
- After clearing the line, you might have a few PS5 console options to choose from:
- This includes the usual $499 model with a disc drive, and the $399 Digital Edition without one. Or…
- The Horizon Forbidden West bundle of either model for an extra $50. (In which, you’ll receive a digital download coupon for the game at a marginally reduced rate from its standard price of $69.99 on the PS5.)
The PlayStation brand’s official retailer is called Sony Direct. It sells the PS5 for MSRP and ships quickly to subscribers of PS Plus and fairly quickly to everyone else without a membership.
- A PS5 restock at Sony Direct always has at least four PS5 systems available. Once you pass the Sony Direct line, you’ll need to choose between the PS5 Disc and PS5 Digital systems. Two PS5 Horizon bundles have also been added, it is $50 more expensive than the non-bundled, game-free counterparts.
- Along with the Walmart PS5 restock and Amazon PS5 restock, these Sony emails may be your quickest source, so signing up is a good idea.
Register to Sony Direct Restock
- You must register on the official PlayStation website in order to receive the Sony Direct email invitation.
- You must know your PlayStation Network ID’s username and password to sign in or establish a PSN account if you don’t already have one. Fortunately, setting up a PSN account is free and simple.
Click Sign-in
- Registering for the next Sony Direct PS5 resupply requires merely logging into your PlayStation Network account. If you’ve successfully registered for a chance to purchase a PS5 at the future Sony Direct restocking, you’ll see the message “Thank you for registering” in green letters.
Wait for Sony PS5 Restock Email Invite
- Users of PSN who registered using the official PlayStation website will receive the PlayStation Direct invite email at random.
- Sony has said that it chooses who receives the PS5 restocking email invitations based on “past interest and PlayStation activities.”
- will be used for the PS5 replenishment invitation; this is a legitimate email address from Sony. However, anything that uses a Gmail account to pretend to be a Sony Direct PS5 email invitation is a scam. The only legitimate email address is; everything else is fake.
Sony Direct Restock Time
- You will be given instructions in the Sony Direct PS5 invitation to click the “Access event” button in the email at 11 am PT (2 pm ET) on a certain date.
- Emails typically arrive in inboxes the day before a PS5 restocking in the late afternoon. The invitation from Sony always includes the date and the restocking window of 11:00–16:00 PT (14:00–19:00 ET) or while supplies last.
- What you need to do is press this button immediately before the real resupply time of 11 am PT / 2 pm ET. You can show up a little early without being penalized. Waiting until the very last minute of the time period will result in the Sony Direct PS5 restocking being sold out.
Unique Link
- According to Sony, the PlayStation Direct invite’s “Access event” button is a special link. As a result, you can’t forward the email to buddies and relatives because it’s linked to your PSN account. You can buy extra PS5 consoles for friends and then resell them to them, but you must use your PSN account to make the purchase.
- The US Sony PlayStation Direct restocking requires that your address be located in the United States. However, the store you just registered for is only available to US addresses. Separate Sony Direct PS5 resupply lines have opened in other nations.
Sony Direct is One of Your Best Chances to Get a PS5
- If it does sell out of consoles, some users have been able to try again at a different time using that email because Sony is still operating a PS5 resupply virtual queue system, which means it’s still random once you log into the “event.”
- However, you must be aware of the time since if you miss your day, you won’t receive a follow-up email. You will need to be chosen again at random.
Open to All – Sony Direct PS5 Queue Events
- It is possible for PlayStation Network subscribers to attempt to purchase the PS5 system without receiving a Sony Direct invite email when the Sony Direct queue becomes accessible to the general public, however, this is not always the case.
We sincerely hope you get that much-awaited invitation from PlayStation. Moreover, don’t forget to put those notifications on your email so you won’t miss them. This is also to make you immediately updated.