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As the world has now become a global village through the internet, so due to many benefits, one of the important benefit is also the way of earning online, which has been increasing day by day , as its save time , money  and provide many opportunities to earn more through online jobs and businesses.

The magic of the web is that it’s a sales channel, marketing network, and community hub all in one—plus so much more. There are many creative ways to make money online beyond surveys and selling used goods on Craigslist. 

That said, some businesses and side hustles are better suited to the laptop lifestyle than others. So in this article, we will talk about some online jobs and businesses that can help you earn money online.

  • What Job Can I do Online to Earn Money?
  • Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?
  • Which Online JOB IS BEST?
  • What’s The Best Online Job?
  • How do You Earn Money on TikTok?
  • Is Online Jobs Real or Fake?
  • What Are The Top 3 Online Businesses?
  • How Can I Earn From Instagram?
  • How Can I Earn Fast Money?
  • Does Having a YouTube Channel Pay?
  • How Can a Beginner Make Money?
  • What Are 5 Ways to Make Money Online?
  • Which App is Best For Earning Money?
  • How do You Make a R1000 a Day?

What Job Can I do Online to Earn Money?

1. Dropshipping

Last year, many worldwide trends experienced decades’ worth of acceleration. One such trend was the rise of ecommerce. There are a number of ways to run an ecommerce business, some of which allow for minimal need to carry and hold lots of inventory.

Read Also: How do You Get Paid on TikTok?

Enter dropshipping—a business model where you don’t keep the products you sell in stock. Instead, when a customer buys something from your store, a third party fulfills and ships the order for you. Because startup costs are low, it’s an increasingly popular way to make money online for beginners and pros alike. 

Dropshippers have a habit of chasing the latest trends. And while there’s nothing wrong with catching a trending product wave, there are many steady product categories that offer similar opportunities to do well. 

2. Print on demand

Print on demand allows sellers to customize white label products with their own designs and sell them only after a customer buys, eliminating the need to hold inventory (which is what makes it a subset of dropshipping). When a customer places an order, a print-on-demand company will add your design to the product, fulfill the order, and ship it to the customer.

The most significant advantage print on demand offers over dropshipping is that you control the aesthetic of your products—a key differentiator for product categories where the design is the distinguisher, like t-shirts or fan merch.

When it comes to making money online, you can also use print-on-demand services to:

  • Test online business ideas or new products lines without the risk of buying inventory. 
  • Monetize an audience you’ve already built, whether it’s on YouTube, social media, or a personal blog.
  • Offer diverse products by selling t-shirts, books, shoes, bags, mugs, phone cases, laptop skins, wall art, and more. 
  • Sell photos online by placing your images on physical products to sell to your fans.

Overall, print on demand lets you create customized products quickly. You don’t have to worry about shipping or fulfillment—it’s taken care of by your suppliers. And since you have no inventory to worry about, it’s a low-risk, low-investment way to make money online. 

3. Create custom products

While the options above come bundled with the convenience of not holding on to expensive inventory, they also come with some limitations—mainly that you don’t have full control over the product you’re selling.

And when you think of most direct-to-consumer brands, this is what comes to mind: original products that make meaningful improvements or add interesting details to well-known items.

Making products by hand is popular among jewelry brands, fashion brands, and home décor brands. It gives you full control over the product development and quality of your items.

The only drawbacks are:

  • It can be time consuming
  • It’s difficult to scale

The costs associated with making products by hand are the cost of materials, storing your finished products, and labor. 

4. Sell on Etsy

Every online marketplace, from Etsy to Amazon, offers a shared set of advantages and disadvantages. The upside is that you get access to their network of shoppers—people regularly browse these sites when they need to buy something, so setting up shop lets you meet them there.

That said, since these channels can work in harmony with your own website, sometimes they’re a great place to begin. New online makers can use Etsy to grow brand awareness at first. We’ve seen many businesses successfully switch to Shopify, for example, after generating their first few sales on Etsy.

If you have an Etsy shop and don’t want to leave just yet, you can always run both stores simultaneously. Once you set up your Shopify store, use a free Shopify app like Etsy Marketplace Integration. You can easily sync inventories, manage orders, and make money online using both Shopify and Etsy. 

5. Sell on Amazon

Amazon has become a marketplace that welcomes ecommerce entrepreneurs. It takes a few minutes to sign up for an account and a few more minutes to get a product listing live. 

The platform has a massive audience, it’s a global marketplace, and it’s a go-to destination for product discovery and research. Listing optimization can help your products get found and unlock new opportunities. And Amazon’s in-app promotions can increase your brand’s visibility for highly targeted audiences. 

Yet some ecommerce entrepreneurs question the long-term sustainability of selling on Amazon. While the marketplace is great for helping shoppers surface desired products, it’s challenging for sellers to get their business noticed. Amazon attracts many resellers of the same products you may offer. 

Homesick went from not being on Amazon two years ago to becoming the number one scented candle company and the number two candle brand in the world. Amazon proved to be a good springboard for selling its products online.

Despite its success, Homesick used Shopify to build an online store as its home base. This gave the budding ecommerce business a place to showcase its brand, connect with its customers, and maintain control over its sales and promotions.

6. Sell digital products

Digital products carry some of the best margins of any product you can sell. The upfront costs of development can be high, but the variable costs of selling digital products is comparatively low. Once media or software is made, it isn’t very expensive to deliver to customers.

At its core, a digital product is an intangible asset you can sell repeatedly without restocking inventory. They often come in downloadable files such as a PDF, plug-in, or interactive document.

These products have become such a good source of passive income that many top professional influencers, bloggers, or public icons release digital products like guides, ebooks, templates, research findings, plans, and tutorials. 

Many creators make digital products to add another revenue stream to their main business, whether it be consulting, education, or memberships. You could build a presence on Twitter and LinkedIn or build an email subscriber list to promote your products and make sales. 

7. Sell media

Media is a wide-ranging term, but the best description available if you’re a creator in the market to sell music, videos, digital art, paid newsletters, magazines, or podcasts. Media seems closely related to digital products, but the difference with media is that it tends to be geared toward creative ventures—for example, a writer starting a paid newsletter subscription or an artist learning how to sell art online.

The best part about selling media is that, a lot of the time, it’s a way for people to express themselves online. Artists and creators who didn’t have access to networks, galleries, or PR in the past can now build a brand, grow a following, and make money online doing something they love. 

8. Blogging

You’ve probably read a business blog at some point in your life. Businesses use blogging to share knowledge and insights, build an audience, and get more leads and sales. Blogging has endless benefits, such as building thought leadership in an industry and improving search engine visibility for a brand.

Blogging to make money online has grown beyond big businesses and side hustles. Anyone can now build an audience by putting out great content and make a lot of money from their blog. Bloggers also tend to take a personal approach that resonates with an intended audience versus getting information from a company blog. 

People start blogs for many reasons, some being:

  • An outlet to share their thoughts, passions, or life experiences
  • A platform to educate readers on a topic they know about 
  • An avenue to sell products or services
  • A space to build a personal brand

While blogging is a low-investment business idea, it can take time to pay off. Chances are, you won’t find yourself on page one of Google’s search results overnight. But with the right niche and determination, you’ll be well on your way to making money online through your blog. 

9. Affiliate marketing

So, how do you make money affiliate marketing? Essentially, publishers or individuals can apply for affiliate programs, wherever they’re available, in order to be added as an official affiliate. Once you’re accepted, you’ll receive a way to share an affiliate link to the product or service you’re interested in promoting. (Don’t forget to add a disclaimer!)

When someone buys the product after clicking your link, you’ll receive credit for the referral, along with a commission. The commission amount depends on the affiliate program and the product being sold—commodity items on Amazon.com won’t pay out much, but referring a high-ticket account may pay out hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Because affiliate marketing works best when you help a visitor understand why a certain product may be the right one for them, you’ll typically notice it deployed on content-focused websites. Search engine optimization also plays an important role here, and you’ll see everyone from homegrown sites to massive, globally known publications competing for terms like “best gaming laptops 2022.”

10. Online courses and workshops

There’s a reason online courses have a pretty broad appeal. Once a course is created, it accrues all of the benefits of any digital product: the costs to deliver the product to more customers is essentially zero, with the exception of hosting.

Compare that to the need to maintain inventory that all physical product businesses face and you’ll find yourself dealing with fewer product-related headaches as you scale.

The appetite for digital courses and continuing education is there, too. That’s why sites like Udemy and Skillshare thrive. Your biggest hurdle is actually the web itself, where there are thousands of wonderful resources available for free. And content on every topic is getting better by the day.

Remember, though, that while there are countless topics to create content about, there are far fewer topics that people are willing to pay for. Usually, the bestselling courses teach people a valuable skill that helps them progress at their job or get deeper enjoyment out of a beloved hobby. 

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Technology is often blamed for killing traditional businesses and jobs. However, at the same time, these new technologies are creating tons of new jobs and business opportunities ready to be taken by anyone.

Starting an online business is easier than ever. You can do it from the comfort of your home with just a computer and an internet connection. There is no need to invest huge amounts of money to get started.

The ideas we’re sharing in this article are about building legitimate online businesses, and you’ll still have to work hard to succeed.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the proven and easy to start online business ideas that actually make money.

1. Start a Blog and Make Money From It

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Blogs are one of the most successful ways to start an online business. Bloggers like Darren Rowse, John Lee Dumas and Pat Flynn are making six-figure incomes, and they are not alone. Our founder, Syed Balkhi, has built an eight-figure online business that started with a blog. There are also thousands of bloggers running very successful blogs as their full-time online business.

It is very easy to start a blog, and there are tons of ways to make money from it. One of the most popular ways to monetize your blog is by displaying ads using Google AdSense.

While you can start a blog in less than 30 minutes, you will need to work on it to make it a success. You will have to offer useful, entertaining, and engaging content to your audience on a regular basis.

Luckily, there are tons of blog post ideas that you can use to consistently create content. As your blog grows, you will be able to monetize it using other strategies as well.

You will also be able to and use it as a platform to launch other online businesses.

2. Become an Affiliate Marketer

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Affiliate marketers make sale commissions by recommending other people’s products or services.

Most affiliate marketers recommend these products and services by running their own blogs, websites, and email lists. They need to learn different online marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing to build an audience.

3. Create and Sell Online Courses

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

If you are particularly good at something, then why not teach others and make a career out of it? Selling online courses is another popular way to start an online business.

A lot of users prefer to quickly acquire skills and knowledge by joining online courses. Creating an online course has become a lot easier with the help of LMS software. These platforms allow you to create interactive courses with easy to manage tools for classes, students, course material, and more.

The best part is that you don’t have to write a single line of code to build a course website.

For reference, people creating memberships sites and courses on MemberPress earn over $600 million each year.

4. Build an Ecommerce Store

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Selling things online had never been easier. Anyone can easily create an online store in minutes and start selling products.

These products can be physical goods (things that need shipping) or digital downloads like eBooks, music, software, and more.

Before getting started, you need to do your research. Here are some tips to help you brainstorm ideas:

  • Find a niche with high demand and low competition
  • Think of ways you will make your eCommerce store standout by doing things that other eCommerce stores are not doing.
  • Think of the costs involved in getting products from the manufacturer to customers. Choose a pricing model, so that your products can compete and offer great value to your customers. Last, but not the least, your profit margins must be reasonable enough to ensure that your business can sustain and grow in the long run.

You also need to choose a platform for your eCommerce store. The easiest way to get started is by using Shopify or WooCommerce. They are both great platforms.

5. Build a Membership Website

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Membership websites make money by selling subscriptions with access to premium content and community features. Instead of relying on advertising revenue, you can allow your users to directly support your website with paid memberships.

There are many types of membership websites. For example, some membership websites give users access to exclusive members-only content. Others give users access to community features like a forum, Facebook group, or Slack group.

You will need to find a suitable niche for your membership website. It needs to be valuable enough for users to pay for it.

There are plenty of membership software that can help you easily build any kind of online community. You can choose different subscription models, manage users, receive online payments, and more.

6. Make a Drop Shipping Website

Drop shipping combines affiliate marketing and eCommerce. Basically, you create an online store to sell other people’s product for a commission. You will be running an online store without managing the inventory or shipping.

The biggest advantage of running a drop shipping business is the low barrier to entry, minimum investment, and little to no hassle. However, one disadvantage is that you will be working hard to sell other people’s products at a smaller profit margin.

Most drop shipping businesses eventually start selling their own products to diversify their business and increase their profits.

7. Make an Online Job Board

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Another way to make money online is by building a job hunt website. A job board website helps connect job seekers with employers for a small fee.

There are plenty of online job search engines, which means you will need to find a particular niche to make your job board stand out. For example, you can create a job board specifically for web developers or pet sitters.

You can charge a small fee for each job listing posted by employers, offer companies packages to post multiple listings or charge job seekers to upload their resumes.

There are plenty of job board plugins for WordPress allowing you to easily run your own job board business.

8. Create a Micro-Job Website

A micro-job website allows you to make money by connecting employers to freelancers and contractors. This allows you to make money based on the overall price of the job listed. Popular micro-job posting websites like Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, UpWork, and others generate millions of dollars in revenue each year.

Basically, you will be acting as a middle-man between the employers and freelancers. You will be paid by employers for each job, and after taking your commission, you will pay the rest to the freelancers upon completion of the job.

9. Become an SEO Speciliast

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization helps website owners get more visitors from search engines. It is a skill that requires continuous learning and keeping up with the latest trends. SEO specialists can run their own agencies, work as freelancers, or join a company as a full-time employee.

You can become an SEO specialist by running your own successful websites or by getting certifications online. You can find clients on freelancing websites like UpWork and Freelancer.com.

SEO is a very competitive industry, and you will need to make the most out of the best SEO tools available on the market. You would also need to learn the basic WordPress SEO techniques, keyword research tools, and content-marketing tools.

10. Make a Food or Recipe Blog

Which Online Business is Best For Making Money?

Food and recipe blogs are a lucrative blogging niche and a great online business opportunity. Food and recipe blogs use a variety of techniques to generate revenue like using Google AdSense, affiliate marketing, selling recipe books, or run an online store.

You will need to be passionate about food and cooking. It is a competitive niche, so you will need to think of the ways to make your food blog unique and interesting.

Which Online JOB IS BEST?

Working online is the new trend and it is here to stay! Remote jobs are more popular than ever before and work from home is no more considered a part-time job.

Global Workplace Analytics estimated that 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home offices by the end of 2021, and we are not surprised.

Remote or online jobs pay better, and you get to save the time, money, and effort of traveling to the office every day.

It is an economical alternative that boosts efficiency, and with the right skills and knowledge, you can earn a good salary and experience in the comfort of your home with little investment.

If the thought of having an online job makes you happy, now is a perfect time. To help you, here is a list of 5 amazing online jobs from home that you can land without investment.

1. Social media marketing

I’m sure everyone enjoys social media content, but have you ever wondered who is behind this and how does content reaches you? The answer is social media marketing.

With Social media marketing, you can create posts, target the right audience, and increase your viewership. You could be an individual running a page for a cause, trying to create your brand awareness, or even freelancing for other people by running their pages.

You could earn money through product promotions, collaborations, or by establishing your audience and becoming an influencer.

All you need is an eye for everything viral and a way to communicate your thoughts well. You would also need certifications in case you are not aware of the technicalities, but guess what?

Several free online certification courses can help you grow in this field.

2. Start your Youtube channel

Most of us have used Youtube for one reason or another and now is the best time to get behind the wheels and share our talents by becoming YouTubers.

Being the most superior platform for streaming content from all walks of life, Youtube lets you create videos for free. If done right, you can earn anything between Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 50 lac every month.

Though if you are just getting started, we suggest you do it as a side hustle as it may take some time before you can earn incentives on the channel.

The secret to a well-performing Youtube channel is creating niche-focused, high-quality videos on Youtube that offer unique and innovative hacks and techniques while being entertaining.

Some of the best ways to make money from the channel are:

  1. Collaboration with other established Youtubers
  2. Offering products and services
  3. Getting sponsors to make your channel profitable
  4. Affiliate products promotions
  5. Youtube Partner Program

3. Graphic designing

Graphic designing is another online job from home that needs almost no investment. Just some skills and an eye for creating unique designs.

Businesses are always on the lookout for people to design their brand collaterals and content.

While many companies have in-house graphic designers, some resort to outsourcing all their design needs to freelancers.

To get a good graphic designing gig, you need to make a portfolio of your work and have knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Canva, etc.

4. Online tasks

Many may not know this, but several online tasks work as online jobs from home without investment.

These jobs are temporary and pay people on a contractual basis, the contract is no longer than a few days.

You don’t need any specific skills or knowledge to land these online tasks, which makes it easier to earn money. Some of these simple tasks are online assignments, surveys, app testing, and increasing downloads of certain apps.

Paid surveys are one of the easiest and shortest ways to earn money, making it a great online job from home without investment.

All you have to do here is share your honest opinion about a company’s product or services to help them improve and refine.

For online surveys, you can go to websites like ysense.com, Neobux , PrizeRebel , Paidverts, InboxDollar , etc.

5. Virtual teacher

Virtual or online teaching is one of the best online jobs from home without investment. It did seem impossible earlier, but post Covid-19 virtual teaching seems to be the new thing.

Classrooms are now online and with the education industry growing, the demand for virtual teachers is at an all-time high.

To land a job, you can either visit online tutoring websites like Gurusiksha , Spayee, , Vnaya, Vedantu , TutorMe, etc.

What’s The Best Online Job?

Here’s a roundup of the best online jobs you can start today. We’ve broken it down by experience and no experience roles to make it easy for you to choose — we hope you find something that matches your skills and income goal. 

1. Bookkeeper

Are you interested in finance? Do you have a personal budget that you love to manage? If so, consider bookkeeping. Most businesses need bookkeepers to help them track and manage their finances.

Bookkeepers do tasks like recording income and expenses, invoicing clients, and preparing financial reports. To find your first online bookkeeping job, reach out to local businesses or check out the sites listed below the hourly earnings range.

Hourly earnings: $25-$50

2. Personal Trainer

If you’re a fitness enthusiast and have good knowledge of proper exercise techniques, then consider applying for online personal-training gigs. With online coaching you can train anyone, anytime, anywhere, which gives you the opportunity to take on more clients. You can choose to train people via Zoom/Skype in both group or one-on-one settings. 

Hourly earnings: $20-$70

3. Online Recruiter

Recruiters used to only work in an office setting, but things have changed, and you can now work as an online recruiter from home. Your main duties will include posting vacancies and looking for potential employees for your company.

Some companies may also require you to conduct the initial phone interview so you can screen applicants in advance and pass only the best ones to the relevant manager at the firm. 

Hourly earnings: $20-40

4. Email Marketer

Do you have a specific ability that no one else has? Can you craft email subject lines that people can’t help but click? If so, you can contact businesses and make money online by managing their email campaigns.

Once you demonstrate that skill of enticing recipients, employers will rush to secure your service and give you a long-term contract. Major brownie points if you can help businesses grow their email list. 

Hourly earnings: $30-$45

5. Freelance Writer

If you’re a good writer, you can apply to write for blogs, magazines, journals, and even newspapers that publish their content online. Freelance writing is one of those online jobs that pays well because there’s a big need for writers, as more and more companies aim to provide quality content to their audiences.

Besides excellent writing skills, you’ll need a passion for the particular niche you’ll be working in, like tech or fashion, for instance. 

Hourly earnings: $15-$100

6. Proofreader

Do you have a knack for grammar, can spot errors, and can fix disjointed sentences on the fly? The role of a proofreader may be right up your alley. As a proofreader, you’ll be expected to proof all types of content, including email copy, blog posts, business documents, and more.

Basically, you’ll act as a second set of eyes for publishers and help them create content that looks more elegant and professional. 

Hourly earnings: $12-$50

7. Website Designer

If you are skilled at designing websites, you can work for NGOs, tech companies ,and more. Companies that hire you will test your proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, UX, and CSS, so make sure you’re well-prepared in these areas. With just a few skills and the ability to create eye-catching webpages, you could easily earn a good income. 

Hourly earnings: $30-$50

How do You Earn Money on TikTok?

TikTok has grown rapidly in recent years. It has approximately 17 million monthly active users in the UK, rising from around six million in 2020. Meanwhile, the TikTok app is on course to reach 1.5 billion global users in 2022.

So, how can users make money from TikTok and its fast growing audience?

There are three main ways to make money from TikTok:

  • earning money directly from TikTok through its Creator Fund
  • partnering with brands to post sponsored content
  • selling your own merchandise via the platform

Is Online Jobs Real or Fake?

No doubt, online jobs are real but so are scams.

To ensure that you pick up a genuine online job. Let’s learn to identify some very easy to pick clues that scammers usually leave out for us.

There are two parts to the problem of fake online jobs:

i.) Fake websites

ii.) Fake jobs which may come to you through Social Media, some genuine looking websites etc.

See, there’s no hard and fast rule here. It is your common sense which helps you identify what’s genuine and what’s fake. However, there are some clues these scamsters usually leave that can help you identify if a job is genuine or not.

i.) Job description not written well

Any employer who is serious about hiring will take the time to write the job description properly, explaining what’s expected in that role.

If you see a job description that is not written well, has got spelling or grammar mistakes, this is your clue no. 1 that this is not a genuine post.

ii.) No eligibility criteria

Now see, for any job to be done properly, the candidate needs to possess some skills and education. If there’s no mention of any qualifications required by the candidates to possess, this is a very very strong clue that the job is fake. All that the, people who have posted this job want is a large number of people to apply. The purpose could be to build their own database or may be find a scapegoat.

iii.) Huge money in a short time or for a very small work

If the job offers you a large sum of money for a very easy task or tries to lure you with a huge amount, it is most likely fake.

Understand that, all of us want to increase our income and this is an emotional tactic that the scamsters are trying to play up on you which targets your temptation to start earning big amount, quickly . Something that looks too good to be true, it most certainly fake. This is a very big red signal for you. Get careful immediately.

iv.) No Interview

The employers who do not make an effort to interview you, discuss the project with you before hiring are certainly fake.

So, if you were not interviewed over the phone or a video call, dump the idea of taking up this job.

These people are just trying to somehow get the candidates in.

You’ll have to put in efforts and hard work to find and get into the genuine online jobs. They don’t come to you on a platter.

And, if it is something coming to you very easily, it is far from being genuine.

v.) Demand for any kind of money

Whether it is the money for registration, security deposit, to buy any training kit or anything else, don’t pay or click on any links that ask you to pay anything.

Employers pay you to work rather than asking money from you.

Some people may ask you to pay money to get your payment released, don’t pay.

This is a big warning sign, leave the discussion immediately.

There are a plenty of genuine online jobs available in the market but finding them and getting them is going to take time. Have the patience and be ready to put in some hard work to find them.

What Are The Top 3 Online Businesses?

1. Graphic Designer

You could also specialize in graphic design. Having well-designed graphics is essential for most businesses, but inexperience in Adobe Photoshop can put off most job seekers almost instantly.

What you need to know is that not all companies require fancy designs – some require graphics created through basic tools like PicMonkey and Canva. If you have basic computer skills, you could easily learn how to use these apps and then apply for relevant gigs. 

2. Facebook Ads Specialist 

Running Facebook ads is an effective way to increase sales, but most businesses simply don’t have the expertise or time to launch campaigns. That’s why Facebook ads specialists are high in demand.

As long as you know how to set up enticing ad creatives and tailor campaigns towards specific audience segments, you’d be able to secure various online jobs and decide what firm you wish to work for.

3. SEO Expert 

A lot of companies out there are looking for individuals who can help improve their search engine ranking. To work as an SEO specialist, you must be good at building backlinks and optimizing the existing content of a website. Sometimes, direct experience in the field is preferred or required, but a relevant degree is not mandatory.

How Can I Earn From Instagram?

Depending on your unique brand of Instagram content, your audience, and your level of commitment, you can make money on Instagram in the following ways:

  • Doing sponsored posts for brands that want to get in front of your audience.
  • Becoming an affiliate and making a commission selling other brands’ products.
  • Monetizing your videos or content with advertisements
  • Going live with badges is another way of making money on instagram
  • Creating and selling a physical or digital product, or offering a paid service.
  • Selling licences for your photography or videos.
  • Pull people with powerful content

The beauty here is that chasing one revenue stream doesn’t necessarily rule out another.

How Can I Earn Fast Money?

Everyone could use a little fast cash every now and then. While quick and easy money won’t make you rich, you can use money earned on the side to cover bills, pay for a big upcoming expense, or even splurge for something you really want in life.

What are the best ways to make money fast?

1. Earn Quick Cash With Online Surveys

Online websites like Survey Junkie will pay you for your opinion. The average survey will pay between $0.50 and $1, and there are new surveys available each day. Survey Junkie is our favorite, but there are many other options as well.

On certain sites, if you qualify, you can even access surveys that pay over $5 each. Many of the surveys take less than 5 minutes to complete.

2. Get Paid to Shop

If you shop online, you might as well start earning something in return. Fortunately, it’s common for cashback shopping sites to pay a sign-up bonus to new users on top of the cash back you can earn for using a portal each time you buy something online.

3. Collect Cash from Microinvesting Apps

You may think that investing for the long-term is the only way to make money with this strategy, but you’re wrong. Scores of investing platforms and micro-investing apps will actually pay you cash just for signing up!

You know it’s a good idea to start putting money away for the future, you might as well pick up some free money while you’re at it. Acorns is a great place to start. Its super easy, and its 10X New York Times bestselling author, David Bach’s favorite savings and investing app.

4. Rent Your Car Out On Turo

It used to seem weird to rent out a spare room to a stranger, or to stay in a stranger’s home when you go on vacation. Thanks to the likes of Airbnb, we are no longer scared of the sharing economy.

So let me ask – how do you feel about renting out your car?

Rental car agencies (Enterprise, Avis, Budget, etc.) are awful to deal with and too expensive.

A company called Turo has disrupted the industry, just like Airbnb disrupted the hotel industry. People across the country are earning money from lending their cars out to strangers.

If you aren’t using your car for a couple of days, or if you have a spare one, simply join Turo’s free platform, list the car, and charge whatever you want for the day.

5. Start a Blog and Monetize It

Everyone with a product or service to sell is looking for agents to sell them. Find products you feel strongly about and become a dealer. Some higher priced items can fetch a $100 cut quickly. 

If you have your own website, then affiliate marketing can become even more lucrative. You can place affiliate links on your website and potentially make money while you sleep. Some products offer small commissions of a few bucks that may not seem like a lot, but the point of affiliate marketing is striving to build up consistent commissions that add up in a big way over time.

Does Having a YouTube Channel Pay?

The top 5 YouTubers as of January 2021 have tens of millions of followers each. Accounts include MrBeast, Jake Paul, Markiplier, Rhett and Link, and Unspeakable. These YouTubers earn upward of $28.5 million per year through their channels. While what they earn is enormous, smaller accounts can still earn a living on YouTube. 

Take Justine Leconte’s YouTube channel, for example. She has 913,000 subscribers and 91 million video views on her channel, which helps people dress better and understand fashion. Just off ad revenue, her total estimated earnings are around $259,304, earning $979 per video, on average, according to Influencer Marketing Hub’s YouTube Money Calculator.

youtube estimated earnings

Based on these estimated numbers, Justine could earn a living off her YouTube channel by posting one or two videos per week. It’s important to note that these are just estimates. Justine could be earning more or less than the numbers above, depending on the YouTube monetization strategies she uses for her business. 

How Can a Beginner Make Money?

If you want to know how to make money online, you need to take advantage of the opportunities that are already at your disposal. And there are millions of them.

Most people just jump in without knowing how. Making money from home can be a great idea if you understand how to do it right. Imagine having a steady income stream from an online business, and the unlimited possibilities it can create for you. Isn’t it worth investing a little time into it?

Here are some of the easy online businesses for absolute beginners to take advantage of, and start making money as soon as possible.

1. Affiliate Marketing

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to own a high-traffic website to get started. If you play your cards right, you can offer products to your friends and family on Facebook through your affiliate links and generate a little side income from their purchases.

You obviously don’t want to spam anyone nor beg them to use your link before buying. However, you can promote products you already use and are happy with. That way, you end up genuinely recommending products and services without coming across as pushy.

2. Take Surveys

This can be annoying and only for those who are bored and have a lot of spare time on their hands. Taking surveys can pay well, especially if you are in an English-speaking country. You can make up to $250 of easy extra income, just proving feedback, which isn’t that bad.

3. Become a Virtual Assistant

On micro-niche websites like Fiverr, Zirtual, and Upwork, you can become a virtual assistant for someone. Those who already took their business to a new level and had too much going on often hire a virtual assistant that answers calls (forwarded to you online) or handles emails, requests, etc.

If you don’t mind a busy schedule solving someone else’s agenda, this can be a nice side hustle. High-end virtual assistants earn between $50-$100 an hour, but if you are just getting started, $10 could be good pay. It’s still better than wrapping hamburgers at McDonald’s!

4. Online Tutoring

This job is more suitable if you love kids because most of your clients are going to be young. Especially in today’s reality and post coronavirus crisis, when people are reluctant to go social, many kids require extra private tutoring to make sure their homeschooling will not result in an educational fiasco. You will have flexible working hours and can generally charge starting from $20 per hour for basic tutoring and go up depending on your expertise level.

5. Become a Beta Tester

Depending on your skills, not everyone is tech-savvy, but you can beta test various programs, software, (even affiliate marketing software), websites, or user interfaces. Again, this is similar to taking surveys, only that it requires your active participation, attention, and continuous feedback.

What Are 5 Ways to Make Money Online?

1. Selling E-books

The internet has put a dent in the traditional publishing world. These days e-readers are all the rage.

E-books represent about 20 percent of all book sales in the U.S. The good news is you don’t have to be a publisher with deep pockets to get in on the action. As a solo internet entrepreneur, you can sell ebooks directly from your own website.

You can sell your own works or sell a public domain work. Simply upload it to your website (or seller account on Amazon) and start publicizing it on your social media platforms, on your email list, your blog, website, etc.

2. Develop Apps

Whether it’s an iPhone or Android, it’s got apps and everyone’s got one in their pocket.

You can’t compete with the likes of Pandora and Pinterest, but you can get in on the action. If you have a light bulb moment that addresses a need that people have, then create an app that meets that need. It could be a new way to store photos or a podcast download organizer.

Don’t panic if you’re not a programmer. You’re the idea person. You can hire people to create it. With the availability of programmers available at reasonable rates, you could probably find someone on a site like Upwork. Of course, the exact amount you’ll pay your developers depends on the complexity of the app.

You should create your app so that it works on both kinds of smartphones, Androids and iPhones. That way you maximize your customer base.

3. Your Own YouTube Channel

Top YouTubers can make millions each year, and that includes 5 year-olds. Take PewDiePie who has made more than $15 million filming himself playing video games. But you don’t need millions of viewers to make money on YouTube.

Some ideas for valuable videos include how-tos such as recipes, unboxing (where you open a product for viewers), food and travel reviews, music videos, comedy skits, and so on.

4. Niche E-commerce

As a startup internet entrepreneur, you’re not competing with e-commerce titans or major retailers like Walmart. You also don’t need a warehouse or a logistics system to sell your wares.

What you do need to succeed is to narrow-focus. In other words, find your niche, and stick to it. That way you become the go-to expert and appear high in the search engine rankings.

The most important thing is that there has to be a market for your niche. For example, you might have a passion for 16th-century French poetry, but you won’t attract a lot of readers.

When it comes to e-commerce the key is to have a very specialized focus that attracts a very specific audience.

5. Blogging

Old-fashioned blogging is alive and thriving. If you provide valuable content on a regular basis, you attract like-minded people interested in your niche information and products. Your readers are compelled to keep reading to find out more and buy.

These people are primed to buy your products either via ads or affiliate links in your posts. Why? Because you’ve been providing useful free (targeted) content and people have come to know and trust you. 

Also, you make your site / online storefront attractive in the eyes of Google by regularly adding useful information in the form of articles, videos, etc. This results in higher rankings in Google’s search engine so, hopefully, you appear on page one because most people don’t go to page two on Google.

There are many ways you can monetize a blog and the traffic you get to it. You can promote products as an affiliate, promote your own products and services, and have ads on your blog as well.

Which App is Best For Earning Money?

For those looking to make money in an easily accessible way, apps provide plenty of avenues to consider. You can use your smartphone to take surveys, pick up a side gig, sell your unwanted stuff and more.

Here’s the scoop on seven free money-making apps.

1. Ibotta

Ibotta lets you earn cash back on in-store and online purchases at over 2,000 supported retailers. Originally for groceries, it has expanded to include clothing, entertainment and eating out, pet supplies and other categories.

Offers can be product or retailer-specific — and some will automatically be applied. For others, you’ll need to complete an additional task such as watching a video or taking a poll.

There are three possible ways to earn cash back in stores: Add offers and submit your receipt in the app after your shopping trip, link your retailer loyalty accounts or purchase a retailer gift card through the Ibotta app. For online purchases, you shop through the app or with the Ibotta browser extension on your computer.

2. Rakuten

Rakuten (formerly known as Ebates) rewards shoppers with up to 40% cash back on purchases from well-known retailers, restaurants and food delivery services. Users can also earn cash back on travel, gift cards and more. It’s straightforward: Create an account, tap on the store where you want to shop in the app, then make the transaction through the portal.

You can also link a credit or debit card to your Rakuten account to earn cash back in-store — as long as you activate the deal through the app first. Rakuten credits the cash back to your account after it confirms the purchase with the retailer, which it says can take a few hours to several days.

3. Swagbucks

Swagbucks is a cash-back and rewards app. You earn points, called “SB,” by shopping, taking polls, watching videos, playing games or fulfilling other tasks through Swagbucks. You can redeem those points for gift cards or get cash back to your PayPal account.

The total points awarded can vary by task. For example, surveys are typically worth about 40 to 200 SB points each. The minimum balance required to redeem depends on the payout option you choose, but some gift cards are available for as low as 110 SB.

4. Fiverr

Fiverr is a freelancing marketplace that features gigs in over 200 categories, such as programming and video and animation. Create an account first, then you can set your profile as a “seller” highlighting your expertise.

Post the gig you’re offering, which will include pricing and a description of your services. Clients, known as “buyers,” can click through and place orders. You’ll get paid once you complete the job. Fiverr assigns seller levels based on performance. As you move up each tier, you’ll be able to sell more “extras,” such as a faster delivery time.

5. Upwork

Upwork connects freelancers to gigs in writing, design, marketing and other categories on the marketplace. First, you’ll create a profile. It should include information such as the field you’re interested in plus your qualifications, availability and desired rate. Then, you can submit proposals. Clients will review them and offer projects if you seem like a good fit.

You begin each month with a set number of “Connects,” which are like credits that allow you to contact prospective clients. You can earn or pay a small sum for more Connects, but you won’t be charged when clients contact you. You can get paid on an hourly or per-project basis.

How do You Make a R1000 a Day?

In South Africa, there are several methods to earn r100, r500, or even r1000 every day. You may establish your own business, do internet surveys, or freelance.

The best part is that you can get started with most of these strategies for very little or no money.

Begin a Dropshipping Company

Dropshipping is an e-commerce business strategy in which the store owner does not hold any inventory and instead enlists the help of third parties to deliver the items to their consumers.

This business model has grown in popularity in recent years due to its ease of implementation and lack of significant start-up expenditures. As a store owner, all you have to do is concentrate on marketing and sales.

To make R1000 per day with dropshipping, you must discover items that sell well and price them at double the production cost. You earn from the sale bypassing this pricing on to your clients.

You may accomplish this by searching Alibaba, Oberlo, or DropshipDesign for items. To begin dropshipping, you’ll need to set up a Shopify site and download the Oberlo app.

Services for web design

Web design services enable businesses to establish and maintain their own websites.

Create high-quality websites, ensure they rank highly in Google searches, and bring prospective consumers online to earn r1000 each day through web design.

You may also generate money by providing web design services to customers, such as developing a website for them and charging them a monthly maintenance charge.

You’ll need to be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in order to make money as a web designer. You’ll also need to know how to utilize design programs like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

Real estate flipping

Real estate flipping is a business strategy in which you buy a house, perform repairs and modifications, and then sell it.

After that, you may sell it for a profit.

To make r1000 per day through real estate flipping, you must first locate homes that require repairs, then perform the required renovations and resell them for a greater price.

Read Also: How Can I Earn GCash?

Look for houses with a value of around $100,000 or less that have been on the market for at least 10 months to locate prospective flips.

To begin generating money through real estate flipping, you’ll need to employ a real estate agent and obtain insurance.

Domain resale

In South Africa, domain flipping might earn you R1000 each day.

Domain flipping is a business idea in which you buy a domain name for a low price and then resell it for more money.

You’ll need to identify good domain names that are available for buy at a reasonable price if you want to make r1000 per day from domain flipping. You can locate decent domain names using platforms like GoDaddy Auctions, Flippa, and Sedo.

Once you’ve identified a domain name you want, you’ll need to buy it and then wait for someone to make an offer. The domain name can then be sold for a profit.

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Various Ways to Earn Money Online


There are several methods to earn money online with different jobs and businesses. The strategies discussed in this article are some of the most popular ways for people to generate money online.

It is important to remember that in order to be successful, you must work hard and put out the effort. You will earn more money if you work harder. These approaches are a fantastic place to start if you’re seeking ways to generate money online.

Always do your homework before investing in any cryptocurrency or enterprise. Keep yourself secure and use your money wisely.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.