Technology is now a big part of our everyday life. Smartphones can help you keep your calendar straight, some personal technology helps improve fitness and exercise, and other technology improves life at home with advanced new washers and dryers, microwaves, and automatic coffee machines.
With the help of technology, the students can easily find their interest in learning the skills which are the need for their successful careers in the future. So, technology is very important for students in education.
There are a lot of reasons by which we can say modern technology is good and should be used in many aspects of life. This article will examine different reasons why technology is good.
- Why is Technology a Good Thing?
- What are 3 Good Things About Technology?
- What are 5 Advantages of Technology?
- How has Technology Helped the World?
- Why is Technology Good for Society?
- How Technology makes Our Life Easier?
- Why is Technology Good for Students?
- How Technology is Saving the World?
- Is Technology Eco-friendly?
Why is Technology a Good Thing?
Technology is a critical component of our world today. From communication and time management to manufacturing and healthcare, tech tools have an enormous impact on our lives.
Let’s start with the benefits that technology offers us. There is no question that we’re more connected than ever before, which means that most of our family, friends, coworkers and loved ones are just a text, call, email, or video chat away. Stop and appreciate this for a moment! As difficult as being apart, for any reason, can be, we can still talk in real-time with those who matter most.
Read Also: Top 10 Tech Skills in Demand
That also means we don’t have to relinquish many of our routines, no matter what else is going on in the world. Technology allows us to keep working, communicating, going to school, shopping, going to doctor or therapy appointments, playing games, and staying aware of current events.
And it allows us to do so with even more ease: Google’s product suite, for instance, can help you write, format, present, calculate, collaborate, remind, and share all from one platform alone. The resources available today have made it possible to easily learn, share, and create in a truly global environment.
Technology allows students to watch lectures, participate in discussion groups, complete assignments, and earn their degrees from the comfort of their own homes. Online learning platforms make it possible to skip the commute to campus, eliminate the need for exams by mail, and improve efficiency.
What are 3 Good Things About Technology?
Technological advancement has been on the rise ever since, and one thing remains constant; we’re constantly being pushed out of our comfort zone. But it’s a good thing. Technology doesn’t just influence your social-economic standing; it offers numerous benefits that have made life easier. We look at some of the positive effects of technology.
1. Higher Standards of Security for Organizations
For a long time, password authentication was among the few ways organizations could secure their data. However, hackers become more intelligent as technology advances, and security measures like Aws Key Management service plays an important role in keeping the data safe. One technological advancement that has proven highly effective is Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
PKI uses Secure Shell to authenticate all logons and all privileged users accordingly. Not to mention, it allows a safer transfer of information and data over clout and the Internet of Things. That’s not all. PKI is also very cost-effective today, considering that there are many outsourcing options. This means that it’s accessible to both large and small-scale organizations. PKI is also government-approved.
2. Safer Management of Money
Technology has also revolutionized how we manage our money. Gone are the days when you’d have to pile up all your receipts to do your taxes or stay on top of your bills. Today, with a few ups and the click of a finger, you can have all your documents in one place, pay your bills and remit your taxes with ease.
Furthermore, you don’t have to carry cash with you. Thanks to mobile money wallets, credit cards, and debit cards, your money is safe in your account, and you can transact with ease. Not to mention, investing and tracking your portfolio is so much easier because you can do it right in the comfort of your home. And if you enjoy tracking your money to see where you’re spending it, expense trackers come in handy for that as well.
3. Improved and More Effective Advertising Options
Technology has also revolutionized the world of advertising. While traditional advertising methods like TV, newspaper, and billboards are still in use today, numerous advancements have changed how people get their products and services in front of their target audience.
From Social Media Marketing (SMM) to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and influencer marketing, there’s no shortage of ways for businesses to build and expand their brand. Google Analytics plays an important role in making a change to your marketing strategy. The best thing about most of these advertising options is that they’re affordable, and anyone can take advantage of them.
What are 5 Advantages of Technology?
From the smartwatch we wear to the cars we drive, technology has changed every single aspect of our lives. Here are some advantages of technology in our lives:
1. Ease of Access to Information
The World Wide Web, abbreviated as www has made the world a social village. This is because the information from all around the globe is widely available on the internet.
While most of the news you get to see on social media is purely factual, one may also see image results for particular news. Not only more news is available, but all such information is also straightforward to access.
All thanks to modern technology (and computer giants like Dell, IBM, Apple, etc.).
One can get to read a book in the comfort of their bed and a cup of coffee. EBooks are available on the internet for this purpose. Modern technology has replaced radios with televisions, and now even televisions have been digitized to “LCD’s” and “LED’s”.
Efforts are underway to create more reliable sources of information. All this is possible only because of technology.
2. Saves Time
Have you ever faced navigation problems in an unfamiliar town? Yes, we all have faced such issues when we move to a new place. Be it a business trip or a vacation; modern technology allows you to enjoy your outings by helping you navigate anywhere.
One can search for a particular place and then even pinpoint their specific destination. The application itself does rest.
It won’t even let you miss a single turn, and nowadays it even shows you the traffic situation on your route.
3. Ease of Mobility
Ever imagined your life without a car or a bike? Surely not because technology has placed these things under our feet.
The importance of a vehicle can easily be judged from the fact that the distance between the United States of America and Australia is nearly 15,187 kilometers but you can travel just in 16-17 hours.
Even less than in a day and believe me, you won’t ever regret these 16-17 hours of your life. Airplanes, electric trains, and cars which are being improvised every single day have made all this possible.
4. Better Communication Means
It is a fact that modern technology has replaced old technology. And we cannot imagine our lives without this replacement. Letters were the most common mean of communication less than a century ago, but now no one would even think of writing a letter because why prefer a parchment on a video call?
Instant messaging and sharing of photos and videos was never so easy before.
We have to accept that it’s only the use of technology, which makes it harmful otherwise nothing can beat the level of comfort in our lives because of technology.
5. Cost Efficiency
One of the main goals of technology includes making things cheaper and more affordable for people. Therefore, people see cost efficiency these days due to technology.
The machinery of great benefit is available for so less a price that we cannot imagine. More often competition takes place between two or more industries which results in even lesser prices.
How Has Technology Helped the World?
Technology has positively affected human life from antiquity until now by solving problems associated with everyday life and making it easier for different tasks to be completed.
Technology has made it easier to farm, more feasible to build cities, and more convenient to travel, among many other things, effectively linking together all countries on earth, helping to create globalization, and making it easier for economies to grow and for companies to do business.
Virtually every facet of human life can be carried out in an easier, more effective, and quicker fashion via technological solutions, resulting in fewer problems in one way, and more problems in another.
While technology has had several less-than-desired impacts on society as a whole, there are potentially more positive impacts on society than negative impacts. Such impacts have made life easier for multitudes, and have gifted many with the resources, education, and tools needed to live a better life. Such impacts have greatly affected agriculture, transportation, communication, and the education sectors within societies globally.
Mechanization of Agriculture
Ancient agricultural practices have seen a radical change with the mechanization of agriculture. Such mechanization simply means that machines and technological systems (including robots) have replaced ancient farming systems such as work animals and manual labor. This has resulted in more automated, highly efficient farm practices, producing far more abundant food resources for more people.
Improvement of Transportation
While it is still possible to walk to most places on earth, the advent of trains, buses, cars, airplanes, speed boats, etc. has made it feasible for people to travel to and from their required destination in much less time.
Adding to that are ridesharing apps, such as Uber and Grab, which have made it incredibly easy to get to a destination very quickly and inexpensively. The backbone of any society is its infrastructure, which includes both telecommunication and transportation systems, so the evolution of both systems has greatly helped to shape the modern world.
Improvement on Communication
Telecommunication systems are a very crucial part of any advanced society. From using bird messages and smoke signals to the faster, more efficient, more effective, and more global system of email, phone calls, and app messaging allows for people to stay connected in a globalized world.
From Skype to VOIP to global telecom carriers, it is highly feasible for people to travel the world and stay connected, and even possible for remote workers or international businesses to utilize video calls and conference calls via the Internet to keep their businesses going without interruption.
Improving the Education and Learning Process
In the modern world, it is as easy as utilizing a Google search, podcast, or YouTube video to learn virtually any skill that one needs to succeed, whether it be a new language, a programming language, a technical skill, or an obscure part of history.
As opposed to having to learn from printed paper books, now ebooks and even online seminars allow people to learn in a faster, more efficient fashion, and with the convenience of mobile computer systems/apps.
Online gateways and websites have also allowed institutions of education to offer educational materials in an all-new, streamlined manner, helping students to master materials using computer systems that they are familiar with, and also allowing them to consolidate their educational materials in a single place.
From the dawn of civilization, technology has changed – sometimes radically – the way people have lived, how businesses have operated, how youths have grown up, and how people in society, as a whole, have lived day to day.
This includes facets of social behaviors such as communication, travel, learning, business, convenience, and health. Technology has typically had both positive and negative effects on society, regardless of how drastic the effects on human behavior have been.
If the modern lifestyle could be characterized in a single word, it would have to be “convenience.” From shopping online from one’s couch and having goods delivered the next day to the appropriate doorstep, to join friends for a meetup via a social app without having to leave the house, to booking a flight and hotel across the world for travel the next day, tablet computers, wearable computer systems (I.e. smart watches), and smartphones allow people to perform tasks in a moment, on robust apps via the Internet, that previously would have required going in person. Essentially, technology has helped people to carry out complex tasks in a simpler, quicker manner.
Smart bracelets and health apps have allowed a world increasingly plagued by chronic illness to monitor, analyze and alter personal health habits via computational systems.
Hospital infrastructures now include computer systems with advanced security as a norm, while advanced apps may allow doctors to wirelessly obtain health info from patients via WiFi-enabled nano-pills, and even Sci-Fi-like gadgets, such as the medical tricorder, are being developed for quick medical assessments.
Additionally, many hospital systems have online gateways that allow patients to obtain their medical records, or communicate with their physician online, nearly instantly.
Technology has had a somewhat marred history with regard to the issue of privacy. Most people view cameras, intrusive apps, smart devices like smart homes, and Alexa), and spy devices as having helped to increasingly compromise the privacy of multitudes.
However, while this is partly true, technology has also increased the ability of end-users to have encrypted web sessions and to send encrypted messages to other users. The evolution of cryptography has helped to somewhat maintain digital privacy in a digital world.
However, we must note that the art of cyber hacking would not have been possible if not for the evolution of computer networks and computer systems., This generation has seen a frightening increase in security breaches, hacks, and malware/ransomware attacks that have compromised the privacy of millions.
The attitude of the Youth
The younger generations have typically been most impacted by the rise of technology. While the older generation might have grown up using technology for certain, critical tasks such as email, millennials and generation Z typically use technology for virtually every task and are often overexposed to EMFs and blue light.
This includes using tablets in school, using web gateways to complete homework, and using YouTube to learn a language, for instance, which is a stark contrast to how the previous generation learned.
Due to an increasing reliance on technology, the younger generation is more prone to care less about privacy issues associated with technology. At the same time, the younger generations are more likely to have a better understanding of how the Internet and technology systems work, which could fill in the massive gap associated with industries needing technical personnel.
Businesses, both large and small, have been impacted by technology perhaps more than any other sector within modern societies.
Virtually every successful technological innovation has helped to increase business opportunities, has shaped business models, and has resulted in the production of new products and services, which also results in the creation of new imports/exports on a national level, and international, globalized business opportunities.
Technologies that have changed the way businesses operate include:
- Printing Press
- Computer
- Personal Computer
- Fax Machine
- Social Media
- Servers
- Networking
- Internet/World Wide Web/TCP-IP
- Cryptography
- Business Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Big Data
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Science
The results have been increased automation, better efficiency, less overhead, and increased bottom/top lines of SMEs and larger enterprises. Completely new executive roles have arisen to handle the use of new technologies, including the CDO (chief data officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), Chief Digital Officer (CDO), and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), to name a few.
Using the Internet for inbound marketing, and social media for reaching prospects and leads, as well as e-commerce, have all resulted from the World Wide Web, which has also spawned new working roles such as remote working, telemarketing, and the evolution of the digital nomad.
Human behavior
Human behavior is as complex as it is mysterious, but as sociologists and anthropologists study human behavior within a societal context, it is clear that technology has helped to mold and evolve human behavior as the human species continues to increasingly depend on technology on a daily basis.
As creatures of comfort, the ease of use, and the convenience that technology provides call for a steady adoption of smartphones, social media, and Internet-connected devices, while WiFi hotspots become a must in virtually every establishment within the hospitality industry.
People increasingly look to apps to help them with virtually every task possible – from learning a language to finding a place to rent, to finding a date.
There are many positives to technology, yet one negative is that human behavior has become so reliant on technology that people have the potential to become lazy, and unable to survive or function without the technology that so many have become accustomed to. Though it is debatable, some believe that convenience typically comes at a price.
Why is Technology Good for Society?
The development and adoption of technology have helped societies raise productivity, inclusivity of services, and improve overall well-being. Where tech advancements have helped the most?
Healthcare & wellness advancements
Tech possesses an enormous potential to improve health and healthcare systems as we know them. From AI-powered clinical drug trials through enabling preventative patients’ monitoring up to wellness solutions like wearables. We have seen tech minding the gap in healthcare during the pandemic. Telemedicine apps are the first step to making healthcare more equitable and accessible for all, no matter their socioeconomic status.
Wide tech adoption by both patients and healthcare professionals has immense potential to improve public health entities’ efficiency. Tech advancements in preventative health (like wearables) can diminish overall healthcare expenditures and allow to monitor patients’ status and detect abnormalities sooner, hence react sooner.
Complex healthcare systems fueled with AI analytics are able to better distribute care and treatment. Virtual Reality Therapy is being tested on patients with severe trauma as going back and facing your fears once again and surviving proved to be the biggest therapy leap for many.
Startups and healthcare tech companies move significantly faster than traditional companies, with fewer regulatory obstacles. A good example of this would be xCures’ Beat-19 study, which went live in the first month after the pandemic hit the US.
xCures, an AI-fueled company matching cancer patients and their oncologists with optimal investigational or approved therapies, utilized their algorithm to gather data about Covid-19 spread, including sex, race, one’s underlying conditions. Now it is being used for scientific research purposes.
Education (EdTech)
We already have many learning platforms aggregating courses for different age groups, all from different fields and industries. They usually contain videos, interactive boards or games for practice. This alone makes education much more accessible and scalable than ever before.
But tech influence on education does not end with virtual learning. Thanks to the use of virtual reality, Artificial Intelligence, neuroscience, and learning sciences tech makes learning a more immersive and holistic experience in class. Startups like Immerse use VR to help students learn English by communicating and practicing their English skills through a range of topics and themes with a VR headset.
Artificial intelligence can help students with disabilities determine the best way for them to learn efficiently and with tangible progress. Automation and systemization can solve the ultimate pain point for teachers across the globe: administrative tasks, which take a lot of their time.
Environment protection & smart cities
If you ask someone how tech influences the environment, they are likely to say “very badly”. Even though it used to be true in the past, the ultimate awareness of the necessity to protect the environment has been growing over the last decade, and tech has been one of the quickest industries to jump on the train.
Environmental startups (also called “green startups”) are building sustainable solutions to utilize materials that are difficult to recycle and reduce waste, purify water, and monitor changes in the environment to ensure a more sustainable future.
A Nigerian startup, Brickify recycles plastic waste into bricks that are resistant to water, fire, and heat and can be used for both: road construction and low-cost housing.
GOT BAG from Germany is the first company to make a backpack out of ocean plastic. They work with 1,5000 fishermen in Asia to collect plastic from the ocean.
Another startup from Germany, KRAFTBLOCK designed a storage-based thermal energy system, able to operate up to 1,300-degree Celsius. 85% of the system is made from recycled materials, so they have a lower carbon footprint than the competition.
Just after months of major wildfires in Australia, Dryad Networks launched their product: a wireless environmental sensor network to detect wildfires about 60 minutes before they actually break out. It is based on the leading open standard for long-range radio IoT networks.
They recently enhanced their product and provide growth & health monitoring solutions for public and private forests. Some of the metrics that can be measured are humidity, drought, air quality, CO2 levels, O2 concentration in water etc.
The concept of smart cities is also closely related to environmental protection. Many cities around the globe are using tech solutions to implement measures to reduce waste and pollution and optimize energy usage.
Electric cars are favored in the city centers; waste distribution regulations also rely on the Internet of Things to optimize processes. IoT is able to reduce the frequency of bin collections and minimizes overall waste collection costs, lowering carbon emissions in cities.
Equal opportunities
The universal value behind the technology is bringing equality to products and services and minimizing socioeconomic gaps among societies and people. As described above, tech makes health and education available to more people, making it easier to learn and get care, no matter their background.
In a work setting, tech can de-bias recruitment, unveil pay gaps, and standardize pay systems. Tech helps to detect all kinds of discrimination: gender gap, exclusion of minorities, etc. Artificial Intelligence models are learning (and getting better at it) how to detect hate speech in all forms and sizes. For disabled people, implementing tech solutions makes physical spaces more accessible for them.
How Technology makes Our Life Easier?
These days, many people rave over the latest tech trends because they use it as a status symbol. But technology can do so much more than that. Apart from being used as a status marking people can also use it to make their lives easier and safer. Take a closer look at how it can benefit us more.
The management of money is safer
One of the best things that technology does is help in managing our money. Using technology allows you to automate tasks, set up reminders, gather receipts, track investments, compare prices, and more.
With technology, you won’t have to waste your time doing simple financial tasks. With just a few clicks, you can instantly pay your bills. You can also set up reminders that would ensure that you won’t miss any due date for your bills no matter where you are in the world.
In addition to that, you can keep track of your transactions. With the help of mobile applications, you don’t have to worry about losing your receipts as everything is recorded digitally.
You can even get to track your investments. There are apps that will help you track your shares and keep you posted on new investment opportunities.
The best part of it is that you can even get to avoid financial mistakes. With all kinds of scams in the online world, it’s easy to have second thoughts in trusting technology with your money. But technology isn’t all that bad. There are good tools that can help protect you from scams. With this, you’re sure that your money is always safe.
Smart Home Automation
Of course, technology can secure you too. Experts say that burglary happens every 25.7 seconds. And even if almost all of us are quarantined in our homes due to the pandemic, the police still see a spike in burglary incidents in many cities, according to Hawaii Tribune Herald.
No one deserves to not feel safe even in their own home. Luckily, technology can also help make your home feel a lot safer. These days, there are countless devices that can keep an eye on both outside and inside of your home.
One of which are CCTV cameras that you can place outside your home to see who’s lurking in your property without your permission. There are also surveillance cameras, which you can place indoors to keep track of your loved ones, especially when you’re away.
There are alarms that would sound off if someone breaks into your house too. Smart locks are also available that feature built-in cameras, intercom systems, and even an emergency siren.
Apart from the security, technology can also make everything convenient. A home’s high-tech features can do even the most mundane task for you. With this, you won’t have to exert much effort. This gives you more time to relax and enjoy the comfort of your home.
With the help of technology, you won’t need a remote to control the lights. Some smart lighting systems can now be controlled by your own voice or even just by making sounds, like clapping.
You won’t even need to lift a finger nor stand up to open or close the blinds. Like the smart lighting systems, you can also get to control your windows or blinds via voice command or artificial intelligence.
Capturing and Reviewing Information is Easier
Technology also allows doing business easier. Back in the days when we had to do things manually, doing business was harder as you had to capture datas and other documents manually. And when you need to review the information you need, you’d still have to go over a pile of physical files. This eats so much time and effort before.
But thanks to the advancements in our technology, you won’t have to keep or duplicate important documents manually. You also won’t need to store multiple physical files.
Today, we have pieces of equipment that we can use to scan documents much easier and faster. We also have various software and applications that can help us store important documents.
As a result, you won’t need to search through piles of papers or folders if you need to review some information. You can now easily look for the file you need with just a few clicks. You’ll be more productive as you’ll have more time to spend on other tasks that you need to do.
Fast and Easy Data Retrieval
Speaking of data, you won’t need to worry about losing your data too. Before, losing documents is a huge hassle. If you accidentally destroy or lose it, there’s a small chance of getting it back.
But because of the latest innovations introduced over the years, documents and other data are in safer hands. True enough, there’s still a chance that you can lose your files in spite of the advancements in technology. It’s easy to erase it. Plus, computers and other devices can be infected with viruses that could destroy the files.
But the good news is that you can easily create a backup for your files. Thus, when you accidentally erase it, you’ll still have a backup. On top of that, in case your files were destroyed by a virus, you can retrieve them with the help of computer experts.
Access to Information is Trouble-Free
Probably one of the best things that technology can do is provide easy access. Before, delivering work from other places seems impossible as it wasn’t easy to take piles of physical files with you. Access to information was also limited as you have to go to the library to search for a book or file that you need.
But thanks to technology, it’s not easier to work, study, or do almost any task wherever you are as long as you have an internet connection. With just a few clicks, you can get access to loads of information. Because of this, we have more freedom and we can deliver our work from almost any part of the world.
Technology makes sharing files, studying, and much easier. You won’t have to be tied to a physical location as you can have access to almost anything wherever, whenever.
Easy and Fast Communication
Technology helps us connect. Back in the 90s, it was hard to communicate. You’d have to write a letter and wait for days or even months to receive a reply. Important documents also take time to be delivered. But today, technology has made it easier for us.
Thanks to innovations, you won’t need to wait for weeks to send a message to someone. You can just send your message via messaging apps and wait for seconds for it to be delivered.
The best part of it is that technology doesn’t make us miss a loved one too much. Because today, you can even call a loved one via video chat. Since you can get to see each other through video calls, you’ll feel as if you’re just a few steps apart
Sending important files is much easier because of the technology. People in the office can communicate better and send important data within minutes.
Finding Lost Items in No Time
Finding small yet important things such as car keys and mobile phones can be frustrating. They aren’t just hard to find but your tasks can also be affected if you can’t find them. Without your car keys, you won’t have access to your car. Without your phone, you won’t get to send important messages, play games, etc.
But thanks to technology, you won’t need to spend effort and time looking for these important items. There are apps available that will help you find your car keys and phone.
Some cars don’t even have keys. To access them, you’ll only need a card that you can easily keep in your wallet. Others have an in-car biometric technology, which keeps your car safe from thieves.
Of course, technology has made the lives of people with special needs much easier as well. Sure, people with special needs can get personal assistants to help them with their activities. However, getting things done by themselves, with the help of technology, is different. Technology helps them do their activities easier and it gives them freedom. As a result, they are more empowered, confident, and hopeful.
Technology can do so much for many people. It’s not just about being “cool.” Using the latest technology can also make lives easier.
Why is Technology Good for Students?
Teachers want to improve student performance, and technology can help them accomplish this aim. To mitigate the challenges, administrators should help teachers gain the competencies needed to enhance learning for students through technology. Additionally, technology in the classroom should make teachers’ jobs easier without adding extra time to their day.
Technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning, and fun opportunities to practice what they learn. It enables students to explore new subjects and deepen their understanding of difficult concepts, particularly in STEM. Through the use of technology inside and outside the classroom, students can gain 21st-century technical skills necessary for future occupations.
Still, children learn more effectively with direction. The World Economic Forum reports that while technology can help young students learn and acquire knowledge through play, for example, evidence suggests that learning is more effective through guidance from an adult, such as a teacher.
Leaders and administrators should take stock of where their faculty are in terms of their understanding of online spaces. From lessons learned during this disruptive time, they can implement solutions now for the future.
For example, administrators could give teachers a week or two to think carefully about how to teach courses not previously online. In addition to an exploration of solutions, flexibility during these trying times is of paramount importance.
Below are examples of how important technology is in education and the benefits it offers to students and teachers.
Increased Collaboration and Communication
Educational technology can foster collaboration. Not only can teachers engage with students during lessons, but students can also communicate with each other. Through online lessons and learning games, students get to work together to solve problems. In collaborative activities, students can share their thoughts and ideas and support each other.
At the same time, technology enables one-on-one interaction with teachers. Students can ask classroom-related questions and seek additional help on the difficult-to-understand subject matter. At home, students can upload their homework, and teachers can access and view completed assignments using their laptops.
Personalized Learning Opportunities
Technology allows 24/7 access to educational resources. Classes can take place entirely online via the use of a laptop or mobile device. Hybrid versions of learning combine the use of technology from anywhere with regular in-person classroom sessions. In both scenarios, the use of technology to tailor learning plans for each student is possible. Teachers can create lessons based on student interests and strengths.
An added benefit is that students can learn at their own pace. When they need to review class material to get a better understanding of essential concepts, students can review videos in the lesson plan. The data generated through these online activities enable teachers to see which students struggled with certain subjects and offer additional assistance and support.
Curiosity Driven by Engaging Content
Through engaging and educational content, teachers can spark inquisitiveness in children and boost their curiosity, which research says has ties to academic success. Curiosity helps students get a better understanding of math and reading concepts. Creating engaging content can involve the use of AR, videos, or podcasts. For example, when submitting assignments, students can include videos or interact with students from across the globe.
Improved Teacher Productivity and Efficiency
Teachers can leverage technology to achieve new levels of productivity, implement useful digital tools to expand learning opportunities for students, and increase student support and engagement. It also enables teachers to improve their instruction methods and personalize learning.
Schools can benefit from technology by reducing the costs of physical instructional materials, enhancing educational program efficiency, and making the best use of teacher time.
How Technology is Saving the World?
Renewable energy
One of the biggest challenges facing the planet in our lifetime is the changing climate. Although the planet’s climate is known to fluctuate significantly over a period of time, studies show that since the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, human activities have caused the planet’s temperature to rise.
This rising temperature threatens the lives and livelihood of people living on the planet, as well as the planet’s existence as a habitable place. The best example is Venus, an earth-like planet that went through a process of rising temperatures followed by runaway climate change. After a certain tipping point, there is no going back.
That is why it is so important for us, as the younger generation, to address these problems and fight for the future — even if present problems have been caused primarily by our ancestors. If this all sounds a bit pessimistic, there is good news. Technology is advancing all the time, and it’s here to help.
There are now significant advances in renewable energy that allow more people to use it in their homes more cheaply. The advances in solar panels and other renewable sources of energy (such as geothermal and hydroelectricity) are now being used more by industries — one of the main environmental polluters.
The digital revolution
Every successive generation has a revolution of one kind or another. Some generations had political revolutions; others had industrial revolutions. Our generation is predominantly concerned with the digital revolution. This is the rise of technology and the influence it has over our lives, livelihoods and culture.
Most of us won’t remember a time when we didn’t have technology in our lives. We can’t recall a time when we didn’t have a smartphone or access to the Internet, though we have probably heard stories about those times from our parents. In the last few decades, it’s fair to say there has been a digital revolution.
This has pros and cons, like any dramatic and dynamic change to a culture. Opponents of the increasing use of technology will argue that it creates more separation in society, people no longer communicate in a healthy way, and it fosters a culture of introverted people. However, there are some strong counter-arguments as well.
In relation to the environment, the digital revolution had been a resounding success. More people using digital devices for communicating and storing information means that there is less reliance on paper, which reduces deforestation. Since trees are an important source of oxygen and also absorb carbon dioxide, this further reduces climate change.
Environmental monitoring
Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest challenge facing our generation and our children’s generation too. The planet is a system of delicate balances, and the damage done to it so far with rising levels of greenhouse gases threatens to tip it over the edge. Previous generations have been sleeping, and only now have we woken up.
Although we are now on to the problem and challenges of climate change, it is a complex situation that requires the latest technologies to assist. Climate change is not just one person’s problem or one country’s issue. Rather, it affects everyone equally, but we still need to identify the major polluters and hold them accountable.
That is where Environmental Monitoring comes in. Using new technologies like drones and geo-spatial measurements of air pollution, authorities can effectively monitor areas being impacted by individuals and corporations. Drones, such as the DJI Air 2S drone, can act as security cameras and cover vast areas — making sure no one is breaking the law.
These technologies are clearly crucial to the future and health of our planet. Even though most people now understand what’s at stake and are pulling in the same direction, there is no question that some rogue elements still exist and must be carefully monitored and held accountable.
The sharing economy
One of the most encouraging signs that we will navigate the threat of climate change, and find a new balance and a new harmony with the planet, is the way our human culture is changing and adapting. Younger generations are more conscious of the environment, of the need to protect animals, and of the need to embrace digital technology.
Embracing digital technology is a huge part of creating a sharing economy and helping the planet to thrive. So what is the sharing economy exactly? It refers to the way products and services now use digital means to connect, transport, and deliver items to customers. It cuts down our reliance on fossil fuels and damages practices.
Uber is an example of an element of the sharing economy. It makes it easiest for people to get around without a car at a reasonable cost, and so cuts down on air pollution. Airbnb is another element of the sharing economy; it allows homeowners and travelers to make use of neglected spaces.
There are many more examples of the sharing economy. Now that you know the concept, you should be able to identify what elements form part of it. You can also start to reflect on why these new practices are helpful to the planet. In most cases, it’s because they reduce transport in some way or protect the much-needed forests from destruction.
Electric cars
Electric cars have been around for decades, ever since the 1960s and 1970s, and probably before that too. It does make you wonder why these vehicles haven’t been in widespread use until now. They are much less harmful to the environment and less polluting. But the reason is an economic one. They were not wanted and not viable until now.
It’s easy to see why. Even nowadays, when electric vehicles have come so far, there are still doubts among the public about how reliable they are and about their range. It’s true that it’s taken some time for these electric vehicles to catch up with their gas-powered competition, but they have, and according to some analysts, they will overtake conventional vehicles in 2022.
This is great news for the environment. Electric vehicles are far less polluting than conventional ones that burn fissile fuel directly. However, electric vehicles are not as clean as you might think. To produce their electricity, we still need to burn fossil fuels in some places. Still, electric vehicles are far cleaner since they don’t have a tailpipe.
Although electric vehicles still burn some fissile fuel, the amount is much less overall than is the case with gas-powered cars. EVs also have the added benefit of using electricity supplied by renewable energy, so they have more options for clean power. As the batteries and the range of electric cars continue to develop, there will soon be no other reasonable option.
Smarter homes
As well as driving around in polluting cars and working in polluting offices and in polluting cities, we also live in polluting homes. That’s right, along with cars, our homes are one of the biggest polluters and causes of climate change. But how willing are those around you to give up those creature comforts, like a toasty radiator in the cold winter months?
We may not have to give up all the things that make our lives comfortable and enjoyable, but we will have to get smarter about what we use and how we use it. Technology can do this for us. Especially smart home technology that monitors our usage and detects patterns, so we can save energy.
When you can easily see how much energy you’ve used in a day, a week, or a month with specific habits and practices, it makes them easier to change. You become more conscious of where the light is left on and what rooms have the heating on when no one uses them. But smart home technology can also optimize your home.
In the future, we will live in homes that are fully personalized. This is called the Internet of things. Our homes will be ergonomically adapted to suit our particular lifestyles, habits, and needs. It will not only be more convenient but also much better for the environment, as there will be a significant reduction in wasted energy and carbon emissions.
Is Technology Eco-friendly?
Green technology is still in the earliest stages of development, but many exciting innovations have already been made in areas like renewable energy, water purification and waste management, as well as in everyday consumer products like electronics and vehicles. It can be as small as a hand-held gadget or as expansive as a new method of filtering greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.
Eco-friendly technology often involves some of the following:
- Recycled, recyclable and/or biodegradable content
- Plant-based materials
- Reduction of polluting substances
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Renewable energy
- Energy-efficiency
- Multi-functionality
- Low-impact manufacturing
By September 2011, some gadgets will get even greener thanks to new standards for Energy Star labels. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will require televisions, cable boxes and satellite boxes to be 40 percent more efficient than conventional models in order to win the label.
Major companies like Dell and Google are taking notable steps forward with eco-friendly technology in projects ranging from plant-based packaging to vast wind farms.
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Eco-friendly technology innovations such as these will continue to have a tremendous impact on the tech industry, especially when implemented by companies with a large influence on consumers.
How Technology changed our Lives Quotes?
When you’re on top of the world you feel motivated to do a great job at work. However, we all have those days when we need a little bit of extra motivation. Here are the top 10 tech quotes to inspire you…. or at the very least, put a smile on your face!
1. “Technology is best when it brings people together.”
Matt Mullenweg, Social Media Entrepreneur
2. “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
Albert Einstein, Scientist
3. “It is only when they go wrong that machines remind you how powerful they are.”
Clive James, Broadcaster and Journalist.
4. “The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.”
Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World Wide Web.
5. “If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect
6. “If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.”
Lyndon B. Johnson, Former President of the United States of America
7. “Once a new technology rolls over you, if you’re not part of the steamroller, you’re part of the road.”
Stewart Brand, Writer
8. “It’s not a faith in technology. It’s faith in people.”
Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple.
9. “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.”
Christian Lous Lange, Historian
10. “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”
Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft.
Finally Words
As they say, everything in moderation. There are some truly wonderful tools out there, and you don’t have to delete your accounts or throw your computer out the window in order to have a positive relationship with technology. All you really need is to set some healthy boundaries!
Try charging your phone outside the bedroom so it’s not the first thing you look at in the morning. Practice turning off your devices during mealtimes or while exercising. Set time limits for your computer, tablet, or TV. Turn off notifications on your mobile tech so you’re less likely to pick it up as often.
Create clear boundaries for when you plan to study and when it’s time to take a break. Consider whether there are some analog tools that help you learn better than their online counterparts, such as taking handwritten notes rather than typing them. Experiment and see what works—and feels—best for you.
Most importantly, check in with yourself regularly to see how you’re feeling. Take a moment to ask yourself: Am I really benefiting from using this piece of technology? Am I using this tool mindfully and how it was intended, or has it taken on a life of its own? Am I getting more out of it than I’m spending—in time, money, or energy?