Technology has transformed life as we know it, and the classroom looks much different than it did 50—or even 10—years ago. Traditional chalkboards have been replaced with digital whiteboards, and classrooms have a surplus of iPads.
Is this advancement to the detriment of your students, or does it benefit their learning? According to the Pew Research Center, 92% of teachers said that the internet has a major impact on their ability to access content, resources, and materials.
This article discusses some of the ways educational technology improves the classroom experience:
- What Are the Benefits of Technology in the Classroom?
- What are the Advantages of Using Technology in the Classroom?
- What are the Pros and Cons of Classroom Technology?
- What are the Positive Impacts of Technology on Teaching?
- What is the Impact of Technology on Student Learning?
- Do Students Learn Better With Technology?
- How is Technology Beneficial to the Learning Success of Students in Distance Education?
- What are the Advantages of Technology With Online Learning?
- What are the Benefits of Students in Modular Distance Learning?
- Is Online Distance Learning Good for Students?
What Are the Benefits of Technology in the Classroom?
Technology has the potential to make aspects of education easier and more equitable in many ways. Let’s find out how teachers and students can benefit from additional technology in the classroom.
Students who use technology in the classroom may be more engaged. When schools have a 1:1 initiative (one device for every student), students benefit because technology can be more smoothly integrated into the curriculum.
Read Also: Why Technology is Good
Many teachers use interactive software and programs as learning technologies so that students can respond to questions and lectures digitally. In addition, gamified learning makes education and fun and engaging as they earn badges and move through competencies.
Technology makes it easier for students to collaborate and save their work. Traditionally, when students collaborated, they may have created posters or notes of their work together. However, technology allows students to create digital collections of research and ideas. They can draw and write together in the same program, creating documents and projects that are fully collaborative.
Technology allows some students to be included in the classroom in ways they have never been before. Many students who receive special education can benefit from technology that helps them write, spell, read and do mathematical computation. Word processors can point out spelling mistakes to students.
Adaptive readers highlight text or read aloud to students so they can research and use websites like their peers using technology. As technology becomes more prevalent in schools, students who receive special education and use a laptop for help will not stand out or seem out of place.
Technology gives students access to a variety of programs and information sources at the simple click of a button. Teachers can find leveled readers or allow students to choose research topics that fit their interests much more easily than by going to the library where resources may be limited.
In addition, teachers can assign programs to help students remediate or expand their knowledge so that students can process or investigate topics further. This work can be done during centers or group work, freeing the teacher to attend to individual students or other small groups. Using technology in this way ensures that all the students get what they need.
Analog tools need to be tended to, cared for, and replaced. Using technology allows students to access what they need when they need it. They can keep calendars online, and teachers can push due date reminders in a learning management system (LMS). Word processors do not need to be sharpened and online books do not get lost. Technology allows students instant access to all the materials they need, saving time, space and mental effort.
The content available online is endless. Students who are interested in learning about arts, music, videos – and virtually anything else – can find plenty of resources. Any creative endeavor that calls to a student can be supported by technology. Tablets have the capabilities to capture students’ sketches.
Editing software lets students bring photos to life and manipulate them in creative ways. Technology can enhance creativity rather than inhibit it if students are given choice about what they create.
A huge benefit of educational technology for teachers is automation. You can upload lessons into an LMS for students to access on their own time. Online assessments make grading easy and parents can automatically be messaged when students receive a failing grade. Teachers are always looking for ways to find more time in the day, and technology can assist in big ways.
Future Focus
We do not yet know what types of jobs will be around when many of our students are adults joining the workforce, but we do know that technology is not going anywhere. Students will need strong technology skills to be successful in whatever job or career they may go into after school. Simply having a mindset that embraces the process of learning and using new technology can make a difference in a student’s future.
What are the Advantages of Using Technology in the Classroom?
It’s no exaggeration to say that technology has transformed the classroom and brought enormous benefits. In a fairly short time, amazing innovations like iPads, laptops, and smartphones have opened up a new world of information for students of all ages. Adapting to this exciting new reality can be challenging for both teachers and students. But for those who embrace it, the advantages are virtually limitless.
Makes Students More Engaged and Helps Them Retain Information
Picture a bored student. The cliché easily comes to mind because it is so common. He or she gazes out the window, recalling that movie or TV show from last night. Perhaps drumming fingers on the desk, the student tunes out the teacher’s words with more entertaining thoughts. In short, they are entirely unengaged.
Now, take that same young learner or teen and plug them into a tablet or other device and watch the involvement in the learning process take flight. The interactivity excites, drawing the learner in. Not only do students feel motivated and energized by technology in the classroom, but they also participate in active learning, a most worthy educational goal.
It should be no surprise that studies show engaged students retain more of what they have learned. This is just as true for the elementary classroom as it is for the lecture hall. A six-year study of students at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York State is a case in point.
In an attempt to reduce the number of students who failed or quit the institution’s engineering-technology program, more technology was introduced into the teaching process. An astounding 90 percent of the students involved said that technology helped learning and retention.
Accommodates Multiple Learning Styles
It is tempting to use a one-size-fits-all approach with students. It’s faster and easier, of course, but it’s not that effective. That’s because students – like the rest of society – are individuals. That is, they have different strengths and respond differently to various teaching approaches. It’s useful to break learning styles into three broad categories and to see how technology can benefit each group:
- Auditory learners respond best to spoken rather than written words. For these pupils, recorded lessons, audiobooks, and podcasts can effectively be woven into lessons.
- Visual learners rely more on sight than sound, however. They read faster than auditory learners and tend to pay more attention to details when reading. When it comes to integrating technology into the classroom for these types of students, ebooks and interactive whiteboards are good choices. In addition, PowerPoint lessons with graphs and other visually-oriented materials such as videos are beneficial.
- Tactile learners find active learning best, so teachers can encourage them to use their sense of touch. This often presents a challenge for them and their teachers. Especially in the past, traditional teaching was primarily thought of as a one-way street. Under that model, students were forced to sit in seats for a long time listening to the teacher or writing exercises. Tactile learners are more likely to get bored and distracted under those conditions. Fortunately, this is where technology shines as it is very hands-on. Allowing students to hold devices, click on mice, and swipe screens is especially tactile. It helps these kinds of learners by appealing to their sense of touch.
Simply put, accommodating multiple learning styles allows education to be delivered in a more personalized way. That makes it a definite win for the students.
Encourages Collaboration
Among the many advantages, technology brings to the classroom is that it promotes working together. Through the Internet, ideas and opinions can be shared just as easily as files and images can be transported digitally.
Outside the classroom, students love to share their experiences on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. So, it is only natural that bringing technology into the classroom will lead to greater collaboration. Internet connectivity can join students from one class, an entire school or country, or even other cities from around the world. Imagine the excitement a kid from America would feel when collaborating on an assignment with someone from Peru or Italy.
The Net is filled with apps and sites for encouraging students and teachers to work together. Here are just a few:
- Twiducate is a free platform that teachers with classes from kindergarten to Grade 12 can use. It’s basically an educational social networking site that encourages collaboration
- epals is a place for students to connect and have online pen pals.
- myViewBoard is a collaborative software suite that includes powerful digital white boarding and sharing features for free.
There are two big advantages to using technology in the classroom to foster collaboration. One is that the collaboration can be tracked (i.e., who is doing what and how much), which is related to the next point. The second is that it encourages teamwork, a useful skill for the future.
Provides Instant Feedback for Teachers
When teachers can communicate and monitor students through EdTech, they obtain a lot of feedback. This information exchange can be a two-way, interactive process. On the one hand, teachers may write assessments, or give audio or visual files regarding student performances directly to them.
On the other, students can discuss questions or concerns directly with the teacher in a similar manner. They could even be asked to respond to a poll in real-time. These are timely and quite efficient methods that may also form a more permanent record for both students and teachers.
In other words, teachers and students are able to look at the content of these messages at any time they want to refresh their memories. All in all, the feedback loop is enhanced and sped up through the benefits of technology. This makes the process that much meaningful and productive.
Prepares Students for the Future
When it comes right down to it, the education system is all about preparing young people for the rest of their lives. A big part of their future will be the work world. Increasingly, this means being comfortable with new technology. Schools and universities need to keep up to date with trends.
In fact, a nation’s competitiveness depends on having a population that is well-informed and capable. Failing to incorporate and benefit from the technology available would do students – and everyone – a terrible disservice.
As the saying goes, “The future is now.” This has never been truer than it is today. What’s more, it will be even more accurate tomorrow. If the classrooms of tomorrow fail to keep pace with the forward march of technology, the future is destined to be problematic.
If, however, schools can rise to the challenge presented by the ever-changing nature of technology, students will be able to discover their limitless potential and take advantage of the many opportunities that have yet to present themselves.
What are the Pros and Cons of Classroom Technology?
Pro: Using Technology Can Excite Young Students
Today, it is not uncommon for many school age children to have first encountered technological devices as toddlers. As such, students tend to associate laptops, tablets and other similar devices with fun and excitement. Consequently, technology in the classroom not only helps to harness attention and excitement while in the classroom, but invigorates traditional learning experiences.
Con: Use of Technology Can Distract Students
Computers can provide young children with access to inappropriate content or information if the proper security measures are not put in place. Website blockers, internet filters and close supervision can help to prevent children from being exposed to such, and lessons in “netiquette,” or proper use of the internet can instill good web judgement and habits at an early age.
Pro: Prepares Students for the Future
Our world is only becoming more reliant on technology, and having a good understanding of common technological devices and their uses is critical to prepare children for success in primary and secondary education.
It is never too early for young children to begin building skills and knowledge that they can carry through their educational and professional careers. In this sense, exposure to technology in early education is a great way to begin building a foundation for success.
Con: Removes Children from Opportunities for Socialization
Studies have suggested that more individuals throughout society are becoming disconnected and isolated because of the links that technology provides through social networks.
Young children who spend more time engaging with devices may not spend as much time interacting with their peers—which can affect those children’s social and emotional growth. In mitigating this risk, it is important to temper “technology time” as to allow children to interact socially with family and friends.
Pro: Technology Encourages Spontaneous Learning
Having access to technology can help children learn to investigate topics they find interesting. For older generations, information was not as readily available and required that children have access to traditional resources. Now, however, children have a world of information right at their fingertips.
When used appropriately and monitored, technology can supplement learning in or outside the classroom by providing the outlet for children to research the topics in which they are interested —a lesson about dinosaurs, for example, could be supplemented by a YouTube video, or a virtual field trip to a natural history museum.
Con: Technology Can Discourage Creativity
Many technology-based games and activities are “pre-made,” allowing children to complete activities without having to problem solve in creative and imaginative ways. However, there are equally as many games that promote creative development and problem-solving skills, while serving as a fun solo or group activity.
Choosing the latter, and providing a wide array of other learning tools, like manipulatives or art supplies, will ensure that your children are benefiting from their play time in a safe and constructive way.
What are the Positive Impacts of Technology on Teaching?
Our lives are facilitated by technology in every way we can think of, from opening our eyes to taking our first breath. The advancement of technology has helped us in all areas of our lives. It has transformed the entire horizon into a new space, incorporating business, lifestyle, technology, and quality education. We cannot ignore the positive impact that technology has on education, since it is booming and becoming an indispensable part of our lives.
1. Access to a huge informational background
People are connected through the Internet, and therefore it can be used to gain knowledge. Search engines will prompt users to a search result list containing millions of search results if they enter specific search information.
There are various informative websites and web directories out there offering information on a wide range of subjects. Students can access the Internet to increase their knowledge base through additional information. Providing academic support worldwide is a perfect example of how the World Wide Web can be effectively used for learning.
2. Increased engagement
Engaging students in the lesson can be a challenge for teachers. Teaching traditional methods makes it difficult to create interactive learning experiences. The use of technology improves interaction within the classroom. Students are more likely to pay attention to a lesson when it is richly illustrated with images and videos.
3. Provides ease of access to information
Technology has eased access to information in the field of education, which is one of the most obvious advantages of technology. Easy access to information, along with access to updated information. Both students and teachers can benefit from updated information.
Online research is a great way for teachers to find current and recent information that will benefit both students and teachers. There are several educational websites providing adequate resources and materials to help students to acquire knowledge regarding several subjects in an interactive and fun manner.
4. High degree of visibility
Using a computer at school helps teachers combine a wide variety of tools that can contribute to more effective learning, save time on lessons, and allow for individualized instruction. Training computer programs are an example of using technology in education. The use of these methods enables the most important concepts of objects to be illustrated in a way that provides qualitative advantages over traditional methods of studying.
Their effectiveness relies on a significant increase in visibility, the activation of cognitive activity, and a combination of verbal, logical, and imaginative mechanisms. Traditionally, teachers used to strive to teach knowledge (remember, be able to reproduce) but are now more likely to focus on basic information skills such as knowledge search (finding and solving problems).
5. Easier distance learning
There is nothing new about distance learning. It’s been around for a while. There was only one problem: it used to take a long time and was complex. The course content would be mailed directly to the student, and the assignments would be mailed back directly to the student. Because of the delays that occurred, the back and forth process caused confusion and frustration on both sides.
In the 21st century, universities are using technology to enhance their learning processes. Distance learning takes place entirely online. It is possible to study from anywhere and at any time. Alternatively, professors can directly issue and receive assignments via email or through the university’s academic software.
What is the Impact of Technology on Student Learning?
One of the biggest challenges in education is taking care of each student in the classroom. It is not an easy task, especially in classes with a large number of students where each of them has their own unique talents, and needs.
With education technology, students can access online information more easily, while learning itself is more reliant on multimedia than ever before. Indeed, there are many ways technology can help students have a great learning experience.
Improved availability of information
Technology impact is perhaps best visible in the learning process. Not only is it easier to find any information online, but the information now comes in different formats. It is no longer necessary to go to the library and spend hours there searching for the desired information. Now all this information is largely digitized and available online which greatly facilitates the learning process, writing professional papers, and acquiring new knowledge in general.
In addition to e-books and websites, podcasts, photo archives, infographics, videos, and even video games can be very useful. All these educational formats are available online, but also in traditional classrooms thanks to teachers who use technology to considerably improve their lectures.
It is now possible to give an illustrative and specific answer to every question, which facilitates learning for all students. In turn, students spend less time searching for information, and more time studying it which increases student activity in class, and positively impacts learning and test scores.
Immersive learning experience
The major advantage of technology and availability of digital materials is an improved learning process. Modern generations of students are more familiar with multimedia content than with information from books. Most children respond well to material presented in a modern, and interactive way, which results in a more comprehensive learning with less difficulty.
Immersive experience can be achieved in different ways, depending on how we use modern learning resources:
- Virtual reality (VR) – one of the latest technological achievements in the field of immersiveness is the VR headset. Thanks to its advanced software, it allows virtual walks through distant landscapes, visiting museums, space travel, etc. Authenticity and realism are achieved thanks to the VR device that captures head and hand movements, creating an impression that the user is surrounded by interactive virtual space. Students are familiar with this learning method, because this technology has long been used in the entertainment industry (primarily video games).
- Augmented reality (AR) – although combining reality and digital content may sound far-fetched, it is not only possible, but a great teaching aid as well. Best of all, this advanced education method does not require expensive tech devices, but only a mobile phone and the appropriate app. This method is based on the software that displays the environment in real time with added interactive virtual content on the screen, using the phone camera to achieve that. Additional gadgets, such as AR headsets, are being developed in order to provide an even higher level of interactivity.
- Computer simulation – is a process where artificial intelligence performs certain actions in line with the input. In some cases, it involves graphical simulations, such as those used in pilot training. However, schools use programs that present learning outcomes in the form of numbers, or simple animations more often. Based on these data, students can more easily understand how something works, but also where exactly they made a mistake, and why.
- Gamification of learning – video games design and techniques are used to familiarize children with learning and critical thinking. The idea is to have children cover and interpret the teaching material as if they were completing levels in a video game, and compete with their classmates so as to improve student engagement. This method of learning through play has become extremely popular, so teachers can choose between different tools and video games that facilitate learning. And while students “play”, teachers monitor their progress using advanced parameters, which allow them to react and offer additional challenges or rewards.
Personalized learning
Without technological innovation, teachers could hardly dedicate themselves to each student equally, and adapt the material to their individual needs, skills, and interests. Not every student learns at the same pace.
Some excel at STEM courses, while others have more success with History, English, or Geography. Personalized learning apps help teachers design personalized learning programs for each student more easily, as well as to monitor their progress.
The applications may differ, but the general approach is very similar. Student performance is analyzed based on test scores and various statistical parameters, and the way in which the material is covered is modified accordingly.
Although the methods are determined by the teacher, certain options are automated, i.e. they are executed based on given instructions. This allows for a more personalized approach to learning, so the student will spend more time studying an area they struggle with, and less time studying another area they have mastered without difficulty.
Improved teamwork
Same as in all other areas of life, technology has improved communication between people, and consequently, online learning. It has improved cooperation among students, especially when they are not in the same location, but have to work on joint projects.
Technology used in education does not only involve communication apps (Zoom, Skype), but various software for sharing documents, audio and video material (Google Docs, Office365, ePals, Popplet…) as well.
Online education and cooperation among students drastically improved during COVID-19 lockdowns, when it was necessary to come up with more effective ways of distance learning. Of course, whether it is used in distance learning or in a physical classroom, the ultimate goal is the same – to encourage students to collaborate, engage in teamwork on a project, and joint learning to achieve the desired goal.
Technology as an integral part of the learning process
Acquiring 21st-century skills demands technology-based new concepts, so that every student would have an equal chance of fulfilling their ambitions. Technology in education positively affects students who respond much better to tablets, computers and phones, than to print textbooks. Interaction is the key, and it is achieved by making use of all the benefits of modern devices and interactive classrooms.
Although technology in the classroom has forever changed education, books will always be important, and so will teachers. Educational technology is constantly evolving, and school is modernizing, but the goal remains unchanged – transferring knowledge to students and helping them to achieve success in the real world.
Do Students Learn Better With Technology?
With the advancement in technology and the rise of remote learning, classrooms are being remodeled and redefined in a number of ways to fit the evolving needs of modern digital learners.
Below we’ve listed ways in which adopting student strategy that makes judicious use of technology in the classroom environment can improve engagement and pushing up student success rates.
Helps connect students to the real world: A geology professor takes her students on a virtual tour of Grand Canyon National Park. A history teacher walks his students through the corridors and history of the White House. Technology allows educators to remove the physical barriers of the classroom, offering students a way to connect the curriculum with the real world and those areas of academic focus at can truly enrich the student experience.
Prepares students for the workforce: To thrive in the 21st-century workplace, students need to have more than a working knowledge of certain technological tools, such as electronic calendars, interacting with web pages, teleconferencing, electronic whiteboards, etc.. By integrating these technologies into the regular curriculum and on-going activities, institutions are ensuring that their students are better prepared for the modern office.
Encourages collaboration: Many educational tools offer a variety of functionalities that promote collaboration. For example, video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Skype provides an easy way for students to hold virtual meetings with classmates from anywhere in the world.
Supports different types of learners: No two students learn the same way, but with the right insight tools, educators can address diversity in learning styles and experiences. A Student Insight Solution platform like Blue can provide a detailed overview that is essential in identifying student needs based on real-time feedback.
Blue provides the centralized insight and increase in student engagement by allowing instructors to connect and engage with every single student, no matter where they are or what their challenges are.
Access information more easily: Technology makes it easier for students to find information quickly and accurately. Search engines and e-books are partially replacing traditional textbooks. Instead of personal tutors, students can get one-on-one help through educational videos – anytime and anywhere – and massive open online courses (MOOCs). Giving students a grounding in using these continuous learning tools enriches their future learning potential.
Teaches students how to be responsible online: With social media sites galore, most students are already digital citizens. However, by incorporating technology into the classroom, students can begin to learn how to be responsible in the digital world and with their digital actions. The class becomes a microcosm of the broader digital landscape where students can practice how to communicate, search, and engage with other digital citizens.
Adds a fun-factor to learning: Outside the classroom, students use technology in all aspects of their lives. Within the classroom, technology can make learning more fun and exciting. Teaching methods such as game-based learning (GBL) allows instructors to deliver lesson via interactive games and leaderboards. Who doesn’t enjoy playing games?
An insight tool such as Blue can be used to gather feedback and critically assess the impact of these gamification efforts, ensuring that you can move beyond the anecdotal and really assess how effective these new tools are. Keeping tabs on these efforts is a great example of organizational agility in action.
How is Technology Beneficial to the Learning Success of Students in Distance Education?
Most students out there will own their smartphones or mobile devices. This is perfect for distance education as it means that a lot of money can be saved on textbooks and other school supplies, such as computers and laptops.
More so, the school’s infrastructure will decrease, lowering the risk of theft. All examinations or tests can take place virtually – this would save paper and make the work much easier to grade and organize.
As we have already mentioned, most students have access to their smartphones or mobile devices. This makes it the perfect choice for distance education, as most (if not all) students will have the same opportunities for their schoolwork. However, even if a few students do not have access to a mobile device, it will be simple for schools to supply students with a temporary one.
Mobile Features
Mobile devices are great when it comes to distance education for many reasons. They can be taken anywhere, meaning that students can complete their schoolwork whenever and wherever they feel up to it.
Mobile devices also feature push technology – in other words, students will receive notifications and reminders about tasks. More so, the calendar feature on these devices can ensure that students do not miss important deadlines.
There are plenty of apps and tools that can be used to improve mobile learning for both students and teachers. For example, Pedagogue is a new and innovative app that allows teachers to organize and manage their educational materials online. More so, Pedagogue can be used to conduct online classes through its virtual classroom feature.
Mobile learning can save both time and effort when it comes to studying and accessing materials. Seeing as though the content is found on mobile devices, students can access their work at the touch of a button.
Some students can complete work much quicker than others. With mobile learning, students can go through lessons at their own pace and in their own time. This will make studying much less tedious for faster learners and much less pressurized for slower learners.
What are the Advantages of Technology With Online Learning?
Technology opens up a new space for learning where students are allowed more freedom, and teachers are guides in an exciting new world of almost infinite knowledge.
Collaborative learning environment regardless of location
Without effective collaboration between learners and teachers, students often lose motivation due to the perceived lack of community and sense of shared learning. This is why it is critical to use various forms of online interaction, from text messages and video conferencing to collaborative interactive projects and the latest online platforms, to support students and keep them engaged.
Encouraging active participation
Remote teaching gives learners flexibility you won’t find in the traditional classroom setting. Instead of having all students participate simultaneously, teachers can schedule separate group or individual lessons, give personalized content, and always stay in touch.
Jerry Blumengarten, a connected educator with more than 30 years of experience, suggests, “To make distant learning work, you should prepare tutorials on the use of the tech tools you will be using for your instructors and students. This should be done in a step-by-step simple way to avoid any confusion and mistakes. Provide a contact number where you can be reached to answer any questions and offer further help to your students.”
Engaging Students In New Ways
Online distance learning allows you to move from static learning materials to more dynamic interactive media content. Another benefit of technology in learning is that students often learn faster when they are not only listening to the teacher and reading textbooks but also participating in engaging academic activity. That’s why it’s a great idea to encourage learning using short quizzes, exercises with elements of gamification, interactive apps, and more.
Easier Plagiarism Detection
Technology is your friend when it comes to academic integrity, and is the best way to effectively check works for plagiarism. Text similarity detection tools like Unicheck thoroughly scan students’ texts for plagiarism and help teachers see where students have relied too heavily on other sources. There are dozens of reasons why students cheat, but it’s the teacher’s role to teach them to realise that this won’t help – either in school or in life.
Assessment And Grading Automation
You can use various interactive tests and multiple-choice quizzes to quickly and easily check student knowledge. Utilize online grading tools to organize your grade book, see overall marks for every student, and empower them to follow their success.
Changing Roles For Student And Teacher
With information easily available on the internet, the teacher’s role as a subject expert becomes less critical. It’s the ability to guide students through these volumes of information that really matters in modern education.
At the same time, finding the most effective ways of learning from different sources together with students makes teachers co-learners rather than the sole source of knowledge. And this is exactly the behavior that can inspire students and encourage them to study beyond the curriculum. It might look like teachers are losing control, but in fact, these new approaches build real trust and respect within the class.
Adopting Progressive Educational Technologies
Information technology in education provides a large variety of new methods for teachers. Mobile educational apps, collaborative platforms, learning analytics, and so many more innovative tools and approaches make the learning process much more appealing for both student and teacher.
Access To The Latest Information
It takes a long time to update academic textbooks and other printed materials, so they often contain obsolete knowledge, especially when it comes to modern science or contemporary history. But online information is dynamic and always updated. On the internet, new information is spread instantly, and can be instantly integrated into the learning process making this one of the most powerful benefits of technology in learning.
What are the Benefits of Students in Modular Distance Learning?
When the coronavirus closed down schools and required distance learning for the rest of the school year, things seemed complicated. Suddenly, parents, students and teachers alike were forced to learn a new way of schooling. Yet despite the initial discomfort, the benefits of distance learning go far beyond protection from the virus.
No Bus or Commute
It’s no surprise that gas prices are lower than ever during this pandemic, as people are staying home. That includes students learning online. Parents no longer have to rush to get their children ready for the bus or drive them to school. This is beneficial not only for financial reasons but also for time management.
Both teachers and students can use this extra time however they feel is necessary. Whether it’s a few more winks of sleep or extra study time, this is definitely a plus of distance learning.
Learn on Your Own Schedule
Students now have the freedom to pick and choose their schedule. They are able to learn at their own pace in a relaxed environment. Students who learn better in the morning after a good night’s sleep may choose to tackle their harder subjects right when they wake up. Students who are night owls may prefer to wait until later in the day, once they’ve fully woken up and are at full mental capacity.
For Some, the Home Environment May Be Less Stressful
Although students may miss extracurricular activities and social relationships from school, many have reported feeling less stressed while schooling from home. Students can study where they feel most comfortable and can video conference to their classes at the click of a button.
While schooling at home, it is also easier to complete other hobbies and housework that otherwise would have been placed on the back burner. By being at home, many students are able to get things done in a safe and relaxing environment.
Distance Learning Teaches Time Management and Other Skills
Time management skills are essential for succeeding in online schooling. These skills are essential in every aspect of life, from maintaining work-life balance to completing projects before due dates.
Students who had otherwise busy schedules now have much more time available to them due to the closing of school activities. Distance learning forces a student to understand the best ways they learn and implement those ways at the best times.
Of course, distance learning means that students are spending more time on their computers. This in turn means that there are more chances of them facing online dangers. Just as schools keep student safe on campus, they can also keep students safe when learning at home.
Is Online Distance Learning Good for Students?
According to the study, 86% of online learners considered the value of their degree equal to or greater than the cost they paid to pursue it. Among those who have attended on-campus and online courses, 85% said that online learning is as good as or better than attending courses on campus.
In fact, two-thirds of online college students reported that they’d achieved the original goal that motivated them to enrol in their program. Graduate students were more likely than undergraduates to feel that way (76% vs 62%).
So what are 5 main pros for taking an online degree?
1. Online courses are very flexible
Since distance learning programs don’t require you to be physically present in a classroom or follow a predefined timetable, you are free to set your own schedule. Distance education provides you the flexibility to complete your coursework from anywhere, at any time, and at your own pace.
You have an important chore to run in the morning? No problem – log in to complete your schoolwork that afternoon or later that night. Some universities with flexible online degrees are:
- The Open University UK
- Walden University
- University of Bath Online
- Nottingham Trent University Online
- University of Birmingham Online
- University of Glasgow
2. You can learn and earn
Many students who take online classes are full-time professionals looking to get ahead in their careers.
Even if you’re not currently working full-time, distance learning courses offer you a flexible schedule that allows you to learn and work at the same time, and pay your way through college.
3. Forget about geographical boundaries!
Since you can complete a distance-learning course from anywhere, you are not bound by geography. You can choose any school that offers the program you want, no matter where it’s located anywhere in the country, or even internationally.
Plus, if you ever relocate, you don’t have to worry about transferring to another school. Check out online universities all over the world, such as:
- James Cook University, from Australia
- York University, from Canada
- University of Essex Online, from the UK
- Kettering University Online, from the USA
4. Get educated even with a tight budget
Online education helps you to save on costs like fuel, parking, books, child care, and more.
And since so many of these programs are self-paced, they can offer you the opportunity to graduate in less time than a traditional program. Less time spent in college equals lower educational costs. Plus, many online degrees have lower tuition fees.
5. Online courses help you become tech-savvy
Distance-learning programs make use of sophisticated technology to provide education. By accessing study material electronically, submitting assignments via websites, and participating on online forums to interact with professors and classmates on a day-to-day basis, you can become more technologically savvy than your classroom counterparts.
Now, what would be 5 cons for taking an online degree?
1. Questioning quality
Despite its popularity and growth, some people may question the quality and validity of distance education. The biggest reason for this prejudice against distance learning is the presence of online “diploma mills” that hand out fake degrees.
The only way to beat this bias is to make sure you earn your online degree from a properly accredited institution. Additionally, surveyed online students also tend to argue that some courses are too basic and not practical or applicable.
2. Not enough student accountability
The temptation to procrastinate can be immense when it comes to online education, as you are on a self-imposed schedule. Therefore, you need to stay focused, disciplined, and motivated to complete a distance learning program.
3. Being overwhelmed by the material
Distance learning is primarily self-directed. This may not work very well for you if you need more attention from your professors, particularly for the more complex parts of coursework.
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Self-directed learning can make you an independent learner, but it’s not for everyone. The trade-off is that online degrees deliver the essential knowledge and tools to form a specific skill set for your career development.
4. Lack of individual attention and feedback
Many students consider the lack of interaction with students and professor the biggest disadvantage of distance learning. Online classes can make you feel isolated.
Nevertheless, many professionals are enrolling in online degrees from their workplace, joining their workmates in online classes. Also, there are many blended courses which combine distance learning with classroom teaching, to give you that classroom vibe from time to time.
5. Missing out on-campus life?
By taking classes online, you might feel you miss out on the activities associated with campus life. From cultural events to inter-college games, from prom nights to graduation. But you can look at it as a small price to pay for getting the quality education that may have otherwise been beyond your reach.
Undoubtedly, with the even wider spread of technology online education’s potential to become complementary – or in some cases alternatives – to traditional education cannot be overlooked. If you think it’s for you, go for it!