Becoming a web hosting reseller is an efficient means of earning regular income on the internet. Reseller hosting is a good way for you to start your business as an online marketer. It is easy to make money online hosting websites because there are thousands of people who need these services.
There are a number of things that you have to understand before you start this type of business. If you follow these tips, you will soon become a profitable and reputable seller.
- How Can I Succeed With Website Hosting?
- Which Type of Website is Best For Earning?
- 5 Benefits of Trusted Online Earning Sites
- How Can I Generate Income Online?
- Can I Make Money Hosting?
- How Does Free Web Hosting Make Money?
- How do Websites Make Money Without Selling Anything?
- How do Webmasters Make Money?
- How do I Sell Traffic to my Website?
- Do Websites Make Money From Traffic?
- How Much Money Can You Make From a Website?
- What Kind of Websites Are in Demand?
- How Long Before a Website Makes Money?
- How To Make Money From Your Blog Faster
- Do I Get Paid if Someone Visits my Website?
How Can I Succeed With Website Hosting?
Sign up with a reliable webhost
You need to buy bulk hosting space from a major hosting company in order to make money online hosting websites. The quality of the service that is provided by the webhost that you sign up with is what will determine the quality of service that you can offer to your own customers.
Read Also: Make Money Online Easily By Flipping Websites
It is vital to find out the best companies in the business before you make your choice. You should also check out the features that are provided by a number of hosts so that you can choose the best.
Managing your hosting account
After you have purchased a reseller hosting package, you will have access to your own control panel. This is where you can choose the features that you want to offer to customers. The price of each package can be determined and you can perform other tasks such as banning IP addresses or suspending accounts. Make sure you set prices that are attractive and will still allow you to make profit.
Use an efficient billing system
When you sign up with a hosting company, you will be provided with a form of billing system. This is usually one of the features attached to the control panel of a reseller account. Some companies may allow you to customize the billing system for your customers. You can choose to send notifications and reminders about bills that are due on certain dates.
Promoting your reseller business
The major work that you have to do to make money online hosting websites is to promote your business. You will make more money if you can get many people to sign up for your packages.
There are different ways to market this type of business but you have to ensure that you choose the most effective marketing strategies. Your marketing should also be done in a variety of ways so that you can reach out to different groups of potential customers.
You can start by placing adverts on popular social networking sites. You can also make use of forum marketing. Pay per click advertising is effective but it may not be suitable for you at this stage because of the cost implications.
There is a lot of demand for this service so it should not be too difficult for you to get customers. Your business will grow quickly if you do your best to satisfy the first set of customers that you get. Satisfied clients will become loyal and they will recommend your services to other people.
Which Type of Website is Best For Earning?
Making money online is no child’s play yet it is in fact the easiest way to earn money. But at the same time, it requires effort, time, and energy to upgrade your skills to eventually achieve your financial goals.
The internet, therefore, is a crazy place. It has the solution to almost every modern-day problem. Whether it is learning a craft, selling a product, or educating people over a topic, anything and everything can be found in a single click of a finger.
Below are some websites that can help you.
People are making millions using Youtube. There are tons of Youtube channels on any topic, you can think of.
If you are a gamer, if you are a singer, if you are foody, if you like watching movies or shows, if you have any kind of interests, you are welcome and ready to earn money online through Youtube.
How much can you earn? It all depends upon how much traffic you can attract. But don’t worry, you can even make money using the platform’s ad or by getting sponsored posts.
Youtubers earning more than $100,000 rose by 40%, and earning five figures rose by 50% in the past three years.
Google Adsense
It is one of the easiest ways to start earning online from home without any initial investment. What do you need? Blog, website, or Youtube channel.
It is an advertising program, for which you can register for free. Once registered you will get a code that you can add to your website.
How it works-
- Select the ad you want on your website,
- Choose where you want adds to appear,
- Watch the highest paying ads to go live,
- Leave the money stuff to google.
There is no upkeep or maintenance to get this thing going, which makes it a no-brainer if you have a website already.
How much can you get from this online earning site?
Google pays out 68% of their AdSense revenues, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, google pays $68 to its publishers. So you can earn a decent amount of money depending on the traffic.
I think paying out 68% of revenues is huge, think about it,
Fact: Google pays over 10B to its publishers every year.
It is the most trusted online earning site, in-trend, and leading e-commerce websites over the globe.
- It has a huge variety of items a consumer can choose to buy, and a huge variety of options for sellers to sell.
- To start selling on amazon you just need to register for the seller account. Once registered you can upload your products and that’s all.
- What all things amazon takes care of for you:
- Delivery and logistic part are taken care of by Amazon itself.
- Trust is taken care of. If the product is present on Amazon, 88% of people say they are likely to buy it.
“48% of online product searches in the U.S. begin on Amazon”
Chegg Subject Matter Expert
Chegg is a very genuine online earning site to earn money online all over the globe.
- You can apply online and work in your free hours.
- Students are sent to you. So, you don’t need to go with the trouble of advertising or finding students
- Subject expert: This is a freelance job where you get paid for every question you answer.
For more details and to apply for it,
Anyone with good knowledge of a subject can go for Chegg and earn a genuine amount of money.
Upwork is a global freelancing online platform trusted and used by millions of users.
- It is one of the most genuine online earning site option to start and earn a high paying gig online for their skills.
- One can even land a full-time job as this is one of the most trusted websites by managers.
- The big-sized project with a high budget is present on the website so you can earn a significantly higher amount of money online.
It has around 5million registered clients. Vast varieties of projects are present and you can select the project related to your skill and get the work started.
It is one of the best stock photography websites to monetize your photography skills.
- Photographers can upload photos for free.
- To go with this platform is quite easy and quite profitable over time.
- Copyright to your creativity is retained.
- For every download, your stock of photos gets, you receive a royalty, which results in an increase in your profits.
So if you have the skill why don’t monetize it?
Click the pictures and earn money online using the Shutterstock website.
5 Benefits of Trusted Online Earning Sites
Apart from the websites mentioned above, there are many other trusted online earning sites that you can use to generate an income. But there are a few added benefits that these offer over others that you may find on the internet.
Learning while earning, easy solutions to common problems, rapid skill improvement, and increased rate of revenue generation are some examples. Let me tell you about five major benefits of online earning site in detail.
Learning while Earning
When you do a college degree, a lot of money, time, and energy is wasted just to learn how things work. Similarly, if you take an online or offline course in say ‘English literature’ then also you would have to pay some money to learn it first.
Online earning site for students, on the other hand only costs your time and no money. This means that you can start from scratch, develop your skills and finally start earning with no investment.
Following that, you will be working with whatever little skill you have like:
- Video editing
- Photography
- Business
- Blogging
- Content Writing etc.
and earning will start with a less amount. But gradually, it increases to a high paying income. As a result, no time, effort, or energy gets wasted and you can keep on learning all while earning.
Choose your Audience
With online money-making sites, you have the option of choosing what type of people you want to work with. This emerges as one of the most important benefits of online jobs. Likewise, unlike a traditional office job, you don’t have to be around people you don’t like.
People with contradicting opinions, energy-draining mindsets, and especially the ones who talk a lot (in case you are an introvert) can affect your productivity up to a great extent. Online jobs give you the ability to avoid all this and work in peace.
In fact, you can also make great online friends and only show your content to the people who really want to see it. This brings me to the conclusion that whether it is music, books, movies, photography, or any other type of artwork, money can be earned from almost anything and everything.
It gives you a Global Reach
Where you live does not interfere in your job on an online earning site. Likewise, you could be sitting in your backyard in a village of India and earning money in dollars while working for a client of New York.
Platforms like Amazon and YouTube not only have a global fanbase but also people from all over the world use them. If not for buying then for selling, if not for watching then for learning, making you reach a larger audience even when you speak only one language.
Consider this, suppose you have just written a book about 10 ways to learn Spanish. You can sell it on Amazon and at the same time post a video to promote it on YouTube. Hence, using both simultaneously to generate a passive income.
Minimum Time Wastage
Online money-making sites do not require you to commute to a specific place to do the work. As a result, the time wasted in activities like troublesome bus journeys to reach your office and time taken to dress up formally is saved. Simultaneously, this time can be used for skill development on the online earning site and you can add those hours to work extra to earn more money.
Moreover, there is no fixed schedule and you can choose to work whenever you want. This means that if you are someone who functions the best during the night time, then you could just turn on the internet and start working even at 2 a.m. in the night of your own free will. This gives you an additional benefit over the regular office hours as you get a little more time to do the work you already enjoy doing.
Generating more Passive Income
Passive income literally translates to earning money while sleeping. This means that you do not have to be ‘active’ to make an income on the above-mentioned online earning site.
Particularly talking about money investment websites, making calculative investments are the best way to get you a good passive income. Additionally, you don’t even need to step out of your house to make money on the online trading stock market.
How Can I Generate Income Online?
There are many ways of generating income online. Blogging, affiliate marketing, online surveys, freelancing, and podcasting are some examples to mention.
Life Coaching
They say that people are living-libraries. Everyone has their own success formulas and talents which can inspire others in so many different ways. Likewise, websites like LinkedIn and Instagram have live coaches continuously making videos and writing about how they climbed the ladder of success.
So, if you are good at motivating others and if you think that your story can guide them to lead a better life, then you too can become a life coach. The main job of a life coach is to offer advice and guidance to direct you on the right path by influencing your mindset and cultivating confidence in yourself.
If you already have a job but still want to start a side hustle then freelancing is your go-to option. It is a very broad term that summarizes all kinds of internet jobs including video making, photography, completing online assignments, etc. You are paid for doing literally anything once you find the right client.
This is the era of startups. If you have an idea that can simplify the way people live then you can put it out there and earn money from it. Accordingly, the first step to entrepreneurship is making your own website and networking with like-minded people. You also can take the help of another online earning site to get started.
Offer Online Courses
Online courses can be sold on an online earning site and are a good source of income for people who can create them. Therefore, if you have a thing for teaching or mentoring then all you need to do is make a course for your subject of interest and then sell it online. It is one of the best ways to get you a passive income.
Can I Make Money Hosting?
If you’ve considered website hosting, you are probably hoping that it will lead to an additional income for you. You may not know if it’s hard to get involved with and if it’s difficult to find paying customers.
Web hosting is what businesses need to get their company websites up and running which is how their current customers and prospective customers need to access in order to communicate and gather information.
They need to get their hosting from a reliable company and sometimes the best route is to go through a reseller web host that will offer benefits or a better deal than the big name hosts.
You can definitely profit from web hosting because people need hosting and they are willing to pay for it. Free hosting never turns out to work out for companies and they will move on to a paid host.
You have to find a way to stand out from the crowd and be the host that companies want to work with first. Being a reseller web host is a great way to make money because all it takes is you paying for hosting at an affordable rate and then reselling it for a higher price.
As long as you have a large amount of space through a large server and bandwidth, you can divide it up and sell it to people for a monthly fee. This is a great way to make money and potentially gain loyal clients that will want to buy your other products or services.
How Does Free Web Hosting Make Money?
Free web hosting companies make money from advertisements, which can be placed on their websites. The ads pay for the costs that would usually be covered by an end user paying for a service.
Many people find these ads to be annoying and distracting, which is why free web hosting services often offer paid options like having no ads at all or not displaying them when you don’t want to see them.
Sometimes, free web hosting services may provide additional “premium” features in return for looking at promotional content; however, this is typically done in a way that doesn’t interfere with the user’s experience and allows ample opportunity for browsing sites and viewing pages uninterrupted by the promotional content every time it appears.
Free web hosting companies make money by selling your personal information.
Users will input personal information through their website, and this is what free web hosters use to get more customers. They provide the customer with more info on users than just an email address, but they’re usually not sure which info is of particular interest to what company.
Another common tactic that free web hosting companies will use for making money is to get people to sign up under false pretenses by offering one service or product then up-sell them on other things like SEO services (which can be expensive) or site backups (it’s like insurance).
Some of the most popular schemes go even deeper with fake malware alerts for computer errors in order to purchase anti-virus.
How do Websites Make Money Without Selling Anything?
Believe it or not, there are people out there today making a ton of money on their website without selling a single product. And I’m talking about huge amounts of money.While it’s not easy, it can definitely be done as it’s been proven over and over again by thousands of people.
So why don’t we just jump right into this one. Here are 5 simple ways you can make money on a website without selling anything.
1. Place Ads on Your Website
Ads are a great way to earn money from your website without having to sell anything yourself.
There are really two main ways you can host ads on your website.
First, you can sign-up for an ad-network like Google Adsnese who will automatically place ads (display ads) on your website for you, or two, you can reach out to advertisers yourself and then manually place the ads on your website.
2. Affiliate Marketing
If you want to make money from a website without directly selling anything yourself, affiliate marketing could be a great option for you. In short, affiliate marketing is when you connect a consumer to a company’s product or service and earn a commission for doing so.
Similar to hosting ads, you’ll need to have some level of traffic being driven to your website in order to make money from affiliate marketing.
The great thing about affiliate marketing is that it is very scalable. If you have an amazing website that drives a ton or traffic, you can make A LOT of money in a very passive manner without anything ever being sold on your website.
Things like shipping products, processing refunds, dealing with customers and all the headaches that come with running an e-commerce store are not your concern. You aren’t selling anything yourself, you’re the middle man.
You just collect your commissions and let everyone else work hard!
3. Create a Membership Website
Another way to make money on a website without selling anything is to create a membership website. Simply put, a membership website is just a gated site that only paying members can access.
Membership sites usually have a monthly fee associated with them which is how the website owners make their money. You could also have a website with some content for members-only and have your other content public, that works too. It doesn’t have to be a membership only website.
Membership sites should include things like coaching and training services, online courses, online tools, webinars, virtual conferences, etc.
4. Sponsored Posts
Another way to monetize product reviews is to reach out to companies in your website’s niche and see if they’d be interested in sponsoring a product review post on your website.
If your website is getting substantial traffic, brands will pay top dollar to have an established blog in their niche do a product review on a new product or service they are releasing.
Not only will companies pay you an upfront amount to write and publish the product review, but depending on your agreement, you might also be able to generate affiliate sales as well.
Even though you’re getting paid to do the review, try to be as authentic as possible with sponsored posts. Failing to do so could hurt your credibility.
5. Product Reviews
Next up – product reviews and sponsored posts.
Doing product reviews is actually a great way to make money from a website without having to sell anything.
The best way to monetize a website with product reviews (in my opinion) is through affiliate marketing or sponsored posts (will talk about sponsored posts next).
The conversion rate for an affiliate product on a review post is usually much higher than a normal blog post as the reader is choosing to actively read about the product as opposed to a subtle plug in one of your blog posts.
How do Webmasters Make Money?
The fastest way to profit from owning a website is though the use of affiliate programs. An affiliate program allows anyone to promote third party products and services on their website in exchange for commission. There are 4 different types of affiliate programs, all of which can be lucrative for a certain type of website: Pay Per Click, Pay Per Impression, Pay Per Search, and Pay Per Sale.
There are many ways for webmasters to make extra income from their websites without selling banner space or looking for sponsors. There is probably a sponsor for almost any type of website, regardless of content, design, amount of traffic, etc.. Below is a list of affiliate programs that were recommended by various webmasters in their respective fields.
SmartName – Webmasters’ Choice
SmartName allows webmasters with high traffic domains to monetize their traffic by using the highest paying search feed from Yahoo, which pays anywhere from $0.01 to over $20 each time a visitor performs a search and clicks on a qualified “sponsored results” link.
This is the best way to immediately monetize traffic to any domain without doing any development, or complement revenue to an established site with highly targeted paid links.
This sponsor pays $0.003 per impression for a popup console that opens in front of or behind your main webpage. This program allows you to make money each time a visitor enters your website. This program is brought to you by Standard Internet, a very reliable sponsor who is known to pay on time.
CLAXON.COM pays on a CPM basis for banners, skyscrapers, leaderboards, and rectangles. Payments by check or PayPal every two weeks.
Adult Revenue Service enables webmasters with adult oriented traffic to promote a variety of adult membership and product related websites with their choice of payout, which varies from banner click throughs to per subscriber. Affiliates must be 18 or older.
CLICKXCHANGE.COM has an affiliate program for almost any category that pays on a per click basis or as a percentage of sales made. Web publishers maximize their revenue and site content providing advertisers with traffic, leads and sales.
LinkShare has a large collection of various affiliate programs to choose from. Payouts and program types vary. They also provide the terms of each program as well as facilitate the enrollment process.
How do I Sell Traffic to my Website?
Selling traffic allows project owners with high traffic to earn on a silent basis. To do this, you need to place ads on your site in a different format. The more clicks to advertisers’ sites, the more profit the owner of the resource (traffic source) receives.
The traffic ranking of A site is 100 people per day. The owner of B site, with traffic of 5 people per day, decided to increase the influx of users to his resource. He created an advertising teaser with a showy headline and a vibrant picture. Then he asked the owner of site A to place a teaser in the sidebar of his resource.
As a result, the number of visits to site B increased to 70 people, and the owner of site A receives a passive income of $1 for each click on the teaser.
In this example, the owner of site A acted as the seller of traffic, and the owner of site B acted as the advertiser and traffic buyer. They could meet on the forum, stock exchange, and other meditative platforms.
Direct contact with advertisers. This option is suitable for owners of popular sites with a large number of visits. Those who want to buy traffic will be asked to advertise their sites.
In this case, the owner of the promoted website sets the cost, terms of placement, payment method, and other conditions.
Popular bloggers and project owners with tens or hundreds of thousands of visits per day (depending on the topic) can count on such privileges. In this case, you can request a sufficiently high price for one advertisement placed.
Contextual advertising. One of the most popular ad networks is Google Adsense. You need to register in this service and find partners who want to advertise on other sites. To do this, your site must have high traffic. You can also find partners for contextual advertising on such services as, Triplelift, NativeAds.
You can earn using contextual advertising in one click (PPC) or for every thousand visits (CPM). In the first case, a fixed amount is transferred to the owner of the traffic source site for each click of the visitor. The average cost of one click is $1-2.
In the second case, the specific amount goes to the owner of the source site after every thousand ad impressions, regardless of the number of clicks to the advertiser’s site.
Selling outbound links. You can announce the sale of outbound links from your site on exchanges. For example, on, LinksPanel, The more site traffic, the more expensive the link is. The owners of branded sites selling traffic with hundreds of thousands of visitors receive the maximum income.
Teaser advertising. The owner of the visited resource places on its website a teaser for the advertiser who pays for each click. This method brings less income. However, it can be a good source of profit with high traffic.
Exchanges to create affiliate advertising networks. To sell site traffic, you need to register on such an exchange and add advertisement codes to your site. Examples of exchanges are Megaindex, Admitad.
Banner advertising. In this case, you can sell site traffic by placing an advertising banner with a built-in link to another resource.
One of the most popular banner networks is AdBlade. To join it, the site’s attendance must be more than 500,000 per month. The minimum price for placing a banner is $100.
CPA networks. The main point of the system is to earn money for a completed action such as subscription, adding goods to the basket, purchase, registration. You place ads on your website and get profit in case of conversion by the visitor.
Most notably, you can earn from a completed purchase. The commission can reach 90% of the goods’ value. One of the most popular CPA networks is CityAds.
YouTube. You can sell traffic with the help of video hosting. An advertising message is shown to users before watching the video. Customize your Youtube ads on Google Adsense. Many services offer site owners roguish schemes. They promise high earnings, but in fact, they lure money from advertisers and don’t transfer them to the account of the other side.
To participate in affiliate advertising networks, it’s better to choose proven exchanges and services. They earn commissions for advertising and honestly withdraw funds to the account of sites’ owners that are traffic sources. Therefore, one cannot believe the promises of cosmic earnings after registering on an unknown exchange.
Do Websites Make Money From Traffic?
Depending on how much you charge for products will determine how much traffic you need to generate a 6-figure profit. Like the rule the more traffic generally means more money, a higher sales price for your products or services generally makes it easier to generate a higher annual revenue.
For example, if you sell your products or services for $100, you will need to sell 1,000 units during the year to generate a 6-figure profit. Assuming your conversion rate is the average 2%, you need to generate 1,000/0.02 or 50,000 visitors to your site.
That can be overwhelming to look at. However, if you sell $1,000 products, you only need 5,000 visitors to your site, in this example.
Use this example to figure out how much traffic you will need to create a 6-figure business.
This is an important exercise because what you sell and where you direct your traffic, to your own products or ads, truly determines what you make.
It’s a different game evolving from a 6-figure business to a 7-figure one.
This is why Scott Oldford takes a different approach by stressing the importance of quality of leads over the quantity of leads.
Always remember this idea as your business matures.
To increase the quality of your leads, you need to understand the following:
- Who your customer specifically is
- What your customer needs
- How you can uniquely help your customer
Knowing these answers positions you to win new business once visitors view your website.
Having fewer leads, also means you’re filtering out the tire kickers and cheap prospective clients. Then your sales team is only left to get ideal clients for what you offer.
Once they buy and enjoy having their problem solved by your business, a special thing happens. You’ll gain loyal customers who keep coming back to you, no matter if your business pivots over the years.
They will also promote your business website through word-of-mouth and social media to encourage their friends and colleagues to visit your company.
Having quality leads and truly understanding those leads will ultimately be what takes your business from 6-figures to 7-figures.
How Much Money Can You Make From a Website?
There are e-commerce websites that earn millions, book review sites that earn revenue with Amazon links, blogs that make money off advertising, and websites that promote authors’ or artists’ work. Website income depends on your site’s purpose and your success at achieving it.
Websites that join an advertising network earn an average of $1,000 a month. Crowdfunding websites average $824 in donations. Specific websites’ income depends on many factors, such as how many people visit.
Next to e-commerce, advertising on your website or blog is one of the most familiar ways to earn a website income. SmartyAds points out that there are multiple ways to generate website ad revenue, with one of the common ones being cost per click (CPC). For every person who clicks on an ad, you receive a small fee. Alternatives include website ad revenue for every thousand visitors who see an ad.
Whichever method you use, websites that pay you a lot of money for advertising have to draw plenty of visitors. The best advertising networks pay more for sites that can put the ads before a particular demographic. If you cover a niche topic that draws a particular category of visitors – cool news in the art museum world, for example – it is more usable for targeting advertising than a random news blog.
Website owners can work through Google AdSense or another ad network and have it provide the ads. The alternative, WebsiteSetup advises, is to cut out the middleman and sell directly. You can use the same metrics or charge a flat rate to earn website ad revenue.
Affiliate marketing, WebsiteBuilderExpert explains, generates website income on similar principles but without ads. If you run a book or movie review site, for example, as an Amazon affiliate, you link the items you review to their Amazon page. If someone clicks and buys, you get a percentage. With other programs, someone clicking and looking without buying may be enough.
Colibri reports that joining the best advertising networks brings in an average of $1,000 per month, while affiliate marketing averages $2,000 a month. Big, successful sites bring in far more, while some small, lonely websites generate nothing. You won’t know what yours can bring in until you try.
What Kind of Websites Are in Demand?
There are so many types of websites nowadays; sometimes it’s difficult to decide which type of web design is the right one for you. We have put together a breakdown of the ten most popular kinds of websites to help you make that decision.
An E-commerce website is an online shop where people can order goods and make payments from the comfort of their own homes. If you have products to sell and would like to enjoy the benefits of not having to run a traditional bricks-and-mortar shop with things like overheads to consider, then this is definitely the way forward.
Blogs and Personal
Personal websites have been a favourite for families and people who wish to document the big occasions of their lives such as weddings, new babies or their travels. These days, the modern alternative; blogging has become an extremely popular. Blogs are usually updated frequently and older posts can be viewed through archives.
Information websites are particularly helpful. People no longer have to visit libraries and take out books for basic information. Any question that comes into someone’s mind nowadays is often swiftly followed up with a quick search on Google to find their answer.
A great deal can be learned online and many people are now researching and self-teaching with online tutorials, hacks and tips from such websites.
One such website is, which reviews phone tracking and monitoring apps so that parents and employers can make the right decision.
Online Community
Community forums are a great way to get in touch and share ideas with people with the same interests or from similar backgrounds through the Internet. This interactive feature can be the main focus of the website, or just a part of it so that visitors can discuss what the site is about.
Photo Sharing
Websites such as allow people to upload and download photos for free. You can get paid with advertising on a photo-sharing website or by selling good quality high resolution images that people will want to purchase, perhaps for commercial purposes.
Much better than just listing your skills on paper, an interactive online resume showcases who you are, not just your qualifications, giving you much more control over your first impressions with prospective employers.
Ideal for showcasing your work, everyone from landscape photographers to fashion models have an online portfolio these days to show off their talent to potential employers.
Catalogue and Brochure
If you have a product or a service that does not require payment online, then an online catalogue or brochure will enable you to display what you have on offer and attract potential clients.
Spreading the word about a business used to be limited to television, print or radio, however a website gives a much wider reach. Online brochures are a great idea for dental surgeries, hair salons, holiday destinations and manufacturers.
Business Directory
Instead of flicking through the pages of a massive phone directory to find services and businesses, in this day and age we use online directory websites. They can be dedicated to a specific location, topic or industry. Directory websites serve as useful lists of resources.
Authors and writers have their own websites which include their biography, a catalogue of their works with reviews and comments, as well as links to their social media, blog and places their publications are being sold online. This is especially useful in the world of publishing and establishment of a fan base.
How Long Before a Website Makes Money?
The first thing any blogger thinks about when they start a blog is how long it will take them to earn their first buck. The good news is, if you’re focused and determined, you can make money from your blog in one year or less.
You can quickly start making money within the first year of blogging if you have a solid strategy in place.
There are two main factors that dictate how fast you can make money from your blog:
- How much time you put in
- How you monetize your blog
Let’s take a look at each factor…
How much time you spend blogging depends on your situation and how focused you are. If you’ve quit your job, then working 40 hours a week would be ideal.
And if you’re looking to build a source of passive income on the side, you should focus on putting in at least 15 hours a week.
The more focused time and energy you put into your blog, the faster you’ll start making money.
But at the same time, blogging is a business you can build in your spare time.
If you’re a mommy blogger taking care of kids, you probably won’t have a lot of time to commit. But, even if you have 1-2 hours to spend each day, we’re here to tell you that you can build a solid blogging business.
And you need to ask yourself a straightforward question, how committed are you to create a profitable blog?
A lot of people think that blogging is easy, and all bloggers do is type on their laptops throughout the day and watch the money roll in.
But that’s a far cry from the truth. Blogging is hard work and it’s not just about writing. You have to focus on email marketing, affiliate marketing, creating groups on social media, responding to comments and emails, sending out newsletters, and so much more.
You’re going to need to be in love with your blogging business and the marketing side of things if you really want to make a profitable blog.
How do you monetize your blog?
How you monetize your blog is another important factor that determines how fast you can make money through blogging.
Picking the right way to monetize your blog is essential, you need to do your research and look for a monetizing channel that is profitable.
Initially, for bloggers who are just starting out, the best way to earn money is through selling ad spaces on your blog. With ad spaces, you can start generating income but it might not be enough to kickstart your blogging career.
You should focus on building your audience and when eventually you start generating traffic, you should move to better sources of income like affiliate marketing.
But don’t just stick with one source of income for your blog, look for different options to maximize your profits.
How To Make Money From Your Blog Faster
So we’ve talked about how long it takes to earn money from your blog. You can quickly start making money in a year, or if you’ve put in the effort, you can start earning in 6 months.
In this section, we’ll share tips on how you can speed up the process of earning money through blogging.
1. Write for Your Audience
As a blogger, it should be your top priority to write for your audience.
This will help you create content that they love and trust. And when you have a loyal audience, they’ll be more likely to click on your affiliate links or buy your products.
But first, you need to drill down to your ideal reader/customer.
More often than not, I’ve seen bloggers targeting the wrong audience because of shiny object syndrome. Just because a particular audience likes to spend more money, doesn’t mean that they would spend more for you.
To find out who your exact audience is and what they’re interested in, you can do a little research online.
For example, if your blog is about online gaming, then check out online groups where your target audience hangs out. By joining these groups you will get a good idea of what your target audience talks about, what topics interest them, and how you can help them out.
Once you write a blog post on the topic your target audience was talking about, share it with them and watch the traffic and engagement on your blog grow.
2. Pick a Niche and Stick with It
You can’t find a dedicated audience if you can’t decide on a niche!
Let’s say that you love traveling. So, you start a travel blog to appeal to a similar audience. Since you’ve decided on a niche, it’ll be much easier to attract a loyal audience and promote relevant products to them.
But if you decide to stray away and start blogging about tech, your content won’t be as successful with your original travel audience. Instead, you’ll have to attract a whole new audience and you won’t be a trusted source for travel tips anymore.
And when choosing your niche, don’t pick one just because you think it will make money.
Make sure that you have a passion for it.
More often than not, bloggers struggle writing for something that they don’t have an interest in. Sure, the niche may be profitable but if you have no knowledge or interest in it you’re going to exhaust yourself.
3. Stay Focused
Blogging can be very overwhelming. Bloggers often go crazy making a to-do list while trying to focus on a hundred things at once!
Here are some tips to help you stay focused so you can reach your goal of making money.
First, instead of learning everything about blogging, SEO, and social media marketing, focus on one platform at a time. Once you’ve mastered the one platform that you love, you can then move on to learn the next one.
If you love writing, then put all of your focus on that and make sure that you put the best content out there. Then, you can work on growing your traffic with SEO and promoting your blog on social media.
Next, the best way to stay focused is to get rid of distractions. We are a huge fan of Pomodoro technique.
There are many apps available online that can help you with this technique.
4. Create a Content Calendar
A content calendar is your best friend that can help you stay focused and on track. It will help you treat your blog like a business from the first day.
You will have a written plan of action and the content calendar will help you stick to that plan of action.
The biggest downfall of any blogging site is that they aren’t regular in posting or are reluctant to make the sacrifices to make them go full time.
Sticking to a schedule also means that you get to make proper investments in yourself and your blog. And like we’ve said before, the more effort you put into your blog, the faster it will yield results.
To create a content calendar, you can use:
- The Editorial Calendar WordPress plugin
- An online calendar with Google Docs, your smartphone, or tablet
- A good old fashioned calendar near your desk or computer
5. Focus on Evergreen Content
Evergreen content is content that is forever fresh. It holds a lasting value, and people will always want to read it.
When you’re planning out your content calendar, divide it into evergreen content and trending content.
Trending topics tend to bring in a lot of traffic, but they die down fast. You could write something on top trending travel products and get a boost of traffic for a month or so, but it won’t be there for the long run.
But if you focus on writing evergreen content like how to travel on a budget, you will get a lot more traffic over time.
Evergreen content is also good for your blog SEO. It helps you earn many backlinks, which then allows you to rank on search engines like Google and generate more traffic.
The more traffic you can attract, the better your chance at increasing your revenue.
6. Learn Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has been the go-to source of income for the majority of bloggers. We even shared a snapshot of some blogging incomes to prove our point.
If you want to earn money fast, you need to learn and understand how affiliate marketing works.
With affiliate marketing, you promote the products of other businesses. Every time someone purchases the product via one of your affiliate links, you earn a commission.
So, say your commission is $6 for every sale. If 100 people buy the product by clicking on your affiliate link, you will make $600.
You can easily find products that offer affiliate commissions by signing up for affiliate programs.
Do I Get Paid if Someone Visits my Website?
There are a few different ways that website owners can get paid just for people visiting their website.
One way is through advertising. Advertisers will pay websites to put their ads on their site, and then those advertisers will pay the website owners based on how many people see the ad.
Read Also: How to Successfully Market a New Website in 2022 – 2025
Another way that website owners can get paid is through affiliate marketing. This is where the website owner promotes a product or service on their site and gets paid a commission when someone buys that product or service through their site.
Some website owners may also sell products or services directly on their site. This can be anything from digital products like ebooks or online courses to physical goods like t-shirts or coffee mugs.