SEO Services As A Way To Earn Extra Income - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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Getting a high rank on search engines is a major challenge for website owners and that is where SEO services come into play. The internet has millions of sites and only a few can occupy top spots on search engine result pages. This is why the services of search engine optimization professionals are in great demand.

When SEO experts work on a website, the ranking will improve and there will be an increase in traffic. This great demand is what makes it possible to make money providing SEO services online.

  • You need SEO skills and expertise
  • The basic concept of Search Engine Optimisation
  • Making money as an SEO Expert

You need SEO skills and expertise

Improving the status of a site is not a very easy task. You need to have a lot of knowledge about effective search engine optimization strategies. There are several freelance SEO experts online that provide services for clients all over the world.

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You can become one of these experts and start earning money providing SEO services online if you have the required skills. Basically, you need a good understanding of on-page and off-page optimization.

The basic concept of Search Engine Optimisation

The content of the website will have to be evaluated to ensure that it is search engine friendly. Relevant keywords have to be used in the articles and it is sometimes necessary to re-write the entire content of some pages. The proper tags will also have to be used on the web pages. Off-page optimization includes all the work that is done outside the site to improve ranking and to increase traffic.

These include article writing and submission, blog commenting, directory submission, forum posting, and social media marketing. You can offer your services to different categories of webmasters according to your level of expertise. Marketing your service You have to know how to get clients in order to make money providing SEO services online.

You can advertise your services on classified websites so that thousands of website owners will know what you can do for them. Make sure that you put up catchy and professional adverts. Get ready for work because site owners who see your adverts will contact you to inquire about your services. You can also get SEO jobs by registering on freelance work sites. You will have to bid on several jobs so as to increase your chances of being hired.

Make sure that you bid on projects that you know that you can complete. Give your best to every project that is given to you and your rating will start to rise on the freelance site. If you want to get more jobs, ask your existing clients to post a review about you on your website or on freelance websites. It is also important to know the latest SEO techniques so that you can provide services that are up to date.

New strategies come up from time to time and some of the techniques that you are used to might no longer be very effective. You can continue to make money providing SEO services online as a freelancer or you may decide to take up a full-time position with a site engine optimization company.

Making money as an SEO Expert

Freelance Sites

One thing you can do is take your service from step 1 another step further and offer it on freelance sites such as Upwork, guru, and so on. In general, this is one of the best ways to make money on the internet for the average person needing some extra income. Many businesses go to these sites looking for search engine optimization services and you can often times be hired pretty quickly.

Fiverr (and/or Konker) SEO Gigs

There are people making an absolute killing by offering SEO services on sites such as Fiverr and Konker. There’s also a lot of pure crap being peddled on these sites, so if you are able to offer a quality service that stands out from the crowd, you will get orders and could be making money online now!

This works especially well if you have something in particular that you specialize in. For example; blogger outreach or social signals or PBNs. You would be surprised at how many people are needing these things and are ready to pay a vendor to take care of them.

Local Business Clients

There are likely hundreds of local businesses in your area (probably thousands depending on where you live) that need your services and most of them don’t even know it. Doing local SEO is typically a lot easier than doing it on a global scale, which is probably what you are doing (or attempting to do) for yourself right now.

Small business owners almost never know how to do SEO or even know what it is in many cases, but almost all of them can definitely benefit from it. Go talk to some business owners in your area and offer them your SEO services for a monthly fee. Not all of them will hire you but some will and you can earn a great income on the front end from them while working on your own sites for the long term residual income.

This is what SEO consulting is all about, and it is one of the best ways to build a business online these days. Everyone needs higher rankings and more targeted traffic, so you can just about write your own paycheck if you have the search engine optimization skills to get them there!

Launch Jacking Videos

You can make some quick affiliate sales by doing video reviews of products that are launching right now. Go to a site such as Muncheye, and see what internet marketing products are currently launching, then do a YouTube video review of them. These videos tend to rank highly very quickly (especially if you give them a little boost using your SEO skills) and will often stick for quite a while. If you time it right then you can literally make money today from this method.

Not all of your videos will rank or bring in sales, but some will, and over time the cumulative effect will actually make it even easier to earn fast money from your vids. This can be done in any niche and is even easier in the smaller and more targeted niches. I highly recommend using Xranker360 for this as it will make it SO much faster and easier for you!

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Host seminars and charge per seat

SEO is driven by information – if you can establish yourself as expert, people are more than willing to pay for it.

If you’re just getting started, it won’t be as easy for you – I’d suggest getting together a group of local experts and hosting a paid Meetup.

Over time as you build credibility, you can branch out on your own and host them regularly.

As you can see from the above pieces of information, there is a lot of money to be made with SEO. You just need to position yourself to fully benefit from it. Even though you will not get rich with SEO immediately, building your SEO is worth the effort as it will prove successful in the future.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.