How to Start Working on Google And Earn Money - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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Google has grown into a one-stop search resource for consumers all over the world. If you like listening to music, traveling, writing, or need to find an address or product, Google is the number one go-to for most people.

That said, Google also provides many opportunities for people to make money. Using Google’s tools, features and benefits can allow you to earn a sizeable income working from home as well.

This article will focus on key ways you can make money from Google, it will also highlight the different opportunities available.

  • 6 Key Ways to Earn From Google
  • Important Tips to Help You Make Money From Google Adsense
  • Other Ways to Make Money From Your Website
  • 10 Steps to Becoming a Successful YouTuber

6 Key Ways to Earn From Google

1. Google Adsense

If you want to make money from ads on your website or blog your best bet may be to set up a Google Adsense account. Adsense is a free cost per click advertising campaign to help you earn more money.

This is the perfect way to take advantage of the traffic on your site and turn the clicks you get from your ads into cash. You can control where your ads will appear and be able to figure out which work best for you. 

Read Also: How Does Google Get Profit by Search Engine

Simply choose where you want the ad and you copy and paste the code wherever you want. You have to reach the minimum threshold to be paid. Give it a try and see how your ads do!

2. Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is an app to download if you want to earn rewards for taking surveys. To get set up you have to download the app and answer some start-up questions about yourself. After that, you will get a notification about a few question survey about once a week.

For each completed survey you will receive a credit to the Google Play store or PayPal. Credits can be up to $1.00. The surveys will be a mix of reviews and user opinion on a topic to your satisfaction of a certain merchant.

3. Search Engine Evaluator

Most people use the internet to search for information which is why becoming a search engine evaluator can be a great work from home job.

A search engine evaluator’s job is basically to make sure search engines like Google are doing their job to locate the most relevant information to users all the time. They measure the usefulness of web pages and analyze search engine results.

Sites like Leapforce and Appen hire and train search engine evaluators.

4. Google Audience Measurements

Google Audience Measurement is similar to the Google Opinion set up because with this you also receive rewards. The Audience Management teams learn from you by simply requesting to monitor you use your mobile device, browse the internet, and watch TV. For whatever research study they are completing they ask any given panelist if they want to be apart of the study.

There can be hundreds even thousands of different panelist per study all depends on what type of study is being conducted. You have better odds if you browse the internet and watch television regularly.

How does it work? Well, you have to meters on your eligible devices, and when you use your device with the meter installed your data is safely shared with Google. Some information that’s gathered is cookies, sites, and apps you use, and what shows play on your television.

The information they are trying to gather from this research is what types of apps, sites, and television are popular. Also what type of day you watch television or browse websites. They just want to know how media is used in your household. You will be credited points per device and points are added to your account on Thursday.

5. Sell Books on Google Play

Have a creative mind and want to make money by selling my books? Google Play lets you do just that. There is a Google Play Book Partner program you can join and earn money from your book or ebook. They are accepting a limited amount of publishers.

Depending on which country the author is from they currently may not be able to become a seller. A majority of countries can purchase books or get paid to their partner account for selling books though.

The books can be in either in PDF or EPUB formats. Both formats are suggested because EPUB offers readers a more flexible text when reading. Google will be in charge of all the hosting, sales and distribution of your books. You will receive sales reports and get to keep most of the revenue from each sale!

Another neat thing is if you have your book on Google Books if someone searches a word and it happens to be in your book it can show up in search results even if the word isn’t in the title. Bringing some additional traffic that can potentially buy your book. That’s not a bad deal!

6. Selling Apps on Google Play

You can also use your skills to create an app and get it on Google Play to sell. If you have the tech mindset to create the next big app, Google offers a nice platform to get your idea out there to the world.

The first step would be to set up a Google Wallet Merchant Account. Participants have to be at least 18 years old and must pay a $25 registration fee.

While signing up it would be a good idea to take a look at the list of distribution countries. This is where exactly the app can and will be offered.

Google offers ways to submit your app for testing to make sure it’s ready for a release. When you are all set you can add it is a paid app and get paid for download that you get.

7. YouTube Online Job

This online job from Google not only give you income but can make you an instant internet celebrity.

Thousands of people are opening a YouTube channel daily and showing their skills on YouTube through videos.

Once their channel becomes popular they start earning hundreds or thousands of dollars through the ads in their videos.

Opening a channel is as easy as creating an email account.

Here are the exact steps to earn money online from this Google job.

  1. Start a YouTube channel
  2. Create a video through your mobile (anything that is interesting even a useless humor)
  3. Upload your videos on YouTube
  4. Wait until you get good number of subscribers
  5. Apply for YouTube partner program
  6. Start earning from YouTube after getting the approval.

Important Tips to Help You Make Money From Google Adsense

Google AdSense is an advertising program that allows you to run ads on your website, blog, or YouTube videos and get paid when visitors click on them. The ads are generated from businesses that use Google’s AdWords program that you feed using a special AdSense code onto your blog or website.

For new websites or blogs, the Google AdSense program can be one of the fastest ways to generate income, which is why it’s so popular.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Making Money With Google AdSense

The Google AdSense program has several great advantages including:

  • It’s free to join. 
  • Eligibility requirements are easy, which means you can monetize your website or blog even when it’s new.
  • There is a variety of ad options and several that you can customize to fit the look and feel of your site.
  • Google pays monthly by direct deposit if you meet the $100 threshold.
  • You can run ads on several websites from one AdSense account.
  • There are options to run ads on mobile devices and RSS feeds. 
  • You can easily add it to your Blogger and YouTube accounts, although with YouTube, you’ll need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time to run AdSense on your videos.

With that said, here are a few disadvantages to AdSense as well:

  • Google can terminate your account in an instant, and it’s not very forgiving if you break the rules.
  • Like all forms of online income, you need traffic in order to make money.
  • When people click on an AdSense ad, you make some money, but your visitor also leaves your site, which means you lose the opportunity to make money with higher-paying affiliate products or your own products and services.
  • It doesn’t necessarily pay more than other similar ad programs.

AdSense is a great monetization option, but it’s not a get-rich-quick or make-money-doing-nothing program. Further, Google has rules that some bloggers seem to miss when reading the terms of service. As a result, many website owners have found out the hard way that they’d violated a Google policy and have lost their account forever. 

Types of AdSense Ads

Google offers a variety of ad types to run on your website, including: 

  • Text: Text ads use words, either as an Ad Unit (one offer) or a Link Unit (list of offers), and come in a variety of sizes. You can customize the color of the box, text, and link.
  • Images: Image ads are graphic ads. They come in a variety of sizes. You can choose an ad feed option that mixes both text and image ads.
  • Rich Media: These are interactive ad types that can include HTML, video, and flash.
  • Video
  • Animated Image
  • AdSense for Search: This allows you to have a Google search box on your website or blog. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens with AdSense ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your website.
Google AdSense Payments

Google pays through direct deposit or check each month your earnings reach or exceed $100. If you don’t earn $100 in one month, your earnings roll over and are added to the next month.

Each time you reach the $100 threshold, Google will issue a payment on the next payment period. Through your AdSense account, you can see your current earnings, what ads are generating the most clicks, and other helpful data.

Making Money With AdSense

Making a significant amount of money with AdSense requires a plan. Here are tips for maximizing AdSense revenue:

  • Read and adhere to Google’s rules: Webmasters must comply with Google’s webmaster policies, as well as the AdSense program policy
  • Don’t click on your own ads or ask others to click on them: Incentivizing clicks, buying Pay Per Click (PPC) space, or using a program designed to drive traffic to AdSense pages are against the rules. Remember, Google isn’t very forgiving about breaking the rules, so be sure to adhere to them.
  • Have great content your target market wants to read: Ultimately, money is made, whether through AdSense or other monetization methods, by providing valuable content and quality traffic to your blog or website.
  • Use honest, organic traffic-building website marketing techniques: Search engine optimization and article marketing are effective in getting free traffic to your site.
  • Make sure your website/blog is optimized for mobile (responsive): The number of people who use mobile devices is high. Also make sure you’re using responsive ads so Google can send appropriate ad sizes to mobile devices viewing your site.
  • Test ad types and placement to find the options that lead to the most income: Start with standard sizes (300×250, 728×90, and 160×600), and then switch them out to see if one size leads to more clicks than another.
  • Max out your ad placement: You’re allowed three standard ad placements per page. Use them all for maximum benefit.
  • Have ads above the fold: This is the section of your page that is viewable without scrolling.
  • Have a leader board ad below your header/logo: Instead of putting an ad at the very top of the page, put it near your logo where it’s more likely to be noticed.
  • Include in-content ads for visibility: This means having ads within your articles, which can increase clicks because they’ll be seen during the course of reading the post.
  • Monitor your results: Google can overwhelm you with tools and feedback but do your best to analyze your data to see what it says about your results so you can make the most of your effort.
  • Read email from Google: This can be especially important if Google is sending a warning about something it doesn’t like on your site. Failure to deal with Google’s complaints will lead to termination in the program.
Advanced AdSense Tips

Once you have ads running on your site, you’ll want to make sure you are getting the most of your AdSense program. Here are some additional tips to consider when you’re ready to boost your AdSense income:

  • Run experiments: You can A/B test your ads through AdSense.
  • Experiment with link and box colors: If your colors match your theme, consider changing them up to see if it impacts results.
  • Enable placement targeting: This allows advertisers to choose where their ads appear.
  • Set up custom channelsThis gives you abetter sense of what’s working and not working to generate income on your site.
Dealing With Competitors’ or Questionable Advertisements

If you offer products or services on your website, you may find that some ads Google delivers come from your competitors. Another issue that can occur is ads that may not be completely legitimate or they might offend your market. To prevent these offers from showing up on your site, Google AdSense allow

  1. You don’t know what ads are running on your site until you see them there.
  2. Since you can’t click on your own links (to the get the URL), you need to be careful about obtaining the URL to block. The best way to get the link so you can block it in AdSense is to right-click the link, select Copy Link Address, and paste it into a document or text editor (i.e., Notepad). The Google URL is long, but within it is the URL of the page the ad goes to. Copy that URL and paste it into your AdSense blocked ads account.

Other Ways to Make Money From Your Website

Ad networks, especially AdSense, are great options because you can join as a new blogger or website owner, and they are easy to use. But they’re not the only ways to make money from your website.

In fact, as your site traffic grows, other monetization options might be better. Here are some other money-making ideas you can use instead of, or along with, ad networks.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Like ad networks, affiliate programs are usually free to join and easy to add to your website. 
  • Sell Your Own Product or Service: Creating your own product or service, as opposed to promoting someone else’s through affiliate marketing, can earn you significantly more money. This is especially true with information products or online courses that are inexpensive to create and sell. Other options include ebooks and freelance services.
  • Coaching or Consulting: As an expert in your topic, you’re in a good position to help people beyond the information you provide on your website or blog. You can offer more in-depth help through coaching or consulting.
  • Sponsors: When you have a good amount of traffic and influence over your audience, other companies will pay to sponsor your website. They can sponsor your entire site or a single page or post.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn income from a website or blog. But many require that you have significant traffic before you’ll make money. This is where AdSense is a good beginning monetization option.

You don’t have to create anything, you can join the day you start your blog or website, it’s free, and it’s easy to add the ad code to your website.

10 Steps to Becoming a Successful YouTuber

Some are of the opinion that starting a YouTube channel is no longer ‘worth it’ due to the fact that all of the millionaires have already been born out of the platform.

Yes, it’s true that you have a better chance of making “fetch” happen than becoming an overnight YouTube sensation, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

The success of YouTube influencers of the past have made marketers shift how they can potentially reach their audience, so it’s actually a very relevant dream to have for your own channel. The video platform has weaved itself into the marketing fold of many businesses or really anyone looking to share their voice with the world.

To be a successful Youtuber, you need to put in the work required. The following 10 tips will be of help.

1. Develop your channel’s goals and content

YouTube is video. There’s a lot of good content, and a ton of terrible content out there. As you create your YouTube channel, keep in mind that developing your content is fun, but it’s also a job.

Here, you’re defining your channel’s voice and your content should align with it. Even if it’s just you and your camera, you’re building your brand’s personality. The easiest way to develop your channel is to be yourself. But what if you’re not particularly interesting even though the content you’re producing is?

You’ll need to decide what type of content you will be offering up on your channel. The range is huge, from how-to videos, to humor, to reviews. Once you choose that, backtrack to see how you can make the videos unique using your brand’s personality.

Depending on your channel’s content and niche, you want to make sure you give yourself some wiggle room to cover trending topics in your industry. If some big news breaks out or there’s a subject you know others with similar channels are talking about, don’t hesitate to ride the wave.

It’s important to stay relevant. Even if you’re covering the same topics as others, it gives you an opportunity to add your valuable input on a subject.

2. Map it out

Now with your content type secured, make a plan as to how you will not only execute its creation, but everything in this venture. Think of this as a business plan of sorts and return to it every now and then to make sure you’re adhering to the standards that you set up for yourself.

You can also treat this part as a checklist of the things you will need in the creation of your YouTube channel, including any and all equipment you will need to produce quality videos. This is also a good time to figure out who else will be involved with the your channel, if anyone.

In essence, build a realistic timeline for your posting schedule, gather topics for your content, and make sure you follow this timeline consistently along your journey.

3. Make sure your channel page is welcoming

You know what’s not cute? An incomplete YouTube profile. If you’re trying to make YouTube “happen” for you, be sure to mind your p’s and q’s. Since the medium is a visual one, presentation is key.

Your profile photo or logo needs to be set in the correct place and your channel banner image needs to be the correct dimensions. Other things to think about are the style of your video thumbnails.

Do they have their own visual style that you will continue to consistently reproduce? To ensure all your elements are in place and are the correct size take a look at our ultimate social media size guide. You’re welcome.

4. Work on your SEO

Properly setting up SEO for your YouTube videos is beyond important. Since you took the time to produce your videos don’t start slacking now. YouTube is a very sophisticated search engine, and people use it a lot to discover new content.

Which means that, by choosing the right keywords, you’ll embetter your chance to be found, seen, and enjoyed. If there are videos similar to one you’re looking to create, take a look at the exact words you typed in for the results.

Then try a slight variation to see how the results change just so you can see what a word or two of difference can make. Research the keywords you’d like to use, their popularity, and the keywords your competition uses.

5. Be consistent With Your Content

It doesn’t matter how many of these articles about being successful on YouTube you read through, you will always find this one. You must be consistent to see any kind of success. It’s that or hedge your bets on instant viral success.

Don’t get me wrong, that would cool, but the viral route is not a guaranteed one in the least bit. No matter what type of content you’re producing, stay consistent with your timing and type. Set a schedule as to when you will release your videos and try to stick to it.

Consistently releasing videos on the same day and time not only tells your audience when they can expect your new content, but it gives you a schedule to work with and abide by. Consistency isn’t just about timing. It’s about ensuring steady, on-brand content.

Let’s say you follow a baking channel on YouTube and it’s your go-to source for all things baking, but the latest episode, without explanation, is all about their trip to a monster truck rally.

The stark contrast in content, especially without warning, is jarring and will leave your loyal viewers confused. If you want to experiment with your content it would be wise to give your audience a heads up first..

6. Get to the point

You know what’s absolutely, completely unnecessary for a YouTube video? A five minute explanation for something you can (and intend to) show your viewer that only takes 30 seconds.

Unfortunately, this is common with some Youtubers. People do not have time for you to waste their time, so just get right to it. If you release how-to videos, it’s an absolute must to get to your point as soon as you can.

Explain what the video is going to be about and then dive right in. The point of a video is to “show” your viewer something (If they just want to listen, they would listen to a podcast.) Of course, there will be instances where further elaboration or troubleshooting may need to be mentioned, but save that for later in the video. Your audience will thank you.

7. Keep up with your niche

When presenting (recording) to your audience, you want to be seen as knowledgeable about your industry. This entails staying up with news about your niche and your video making peers.

Keeping up with the news and happenings of your industry (including your competition) allows you to make relevant and fresh content for your viewers. By watching your competitions videos you can see the points and opinions they make before you make your own video.

Allowing you to follow up with your own counter argument or your own spin to keep it unique. This will also help to establish yourself as a “go-to” channel for someone who wants to stay up to date with a certain subject.

8. Manage your Community of Subscribers

If you measure success by subscriber count, your subscribers are basically gold, so be sure to treat them as such. This goes beyond just answering and liking their comments.

Community management can be a job of its own. A great way to engage with your community instantly is to host a live stream. Live video is becoming increasingly more popular, as it allows you to interact directly with your viewers and shows a more candid, off the cuff presentation.

This platform is also great for hosting Q&As so your audience can get answers to their burning questions right then and there. You can also flip it and ask your viewers to leave questions in the comments which you can then answer during the session.

This may be an article about YouTube, but you should definitely also engage with your community on other social networks as well. Plus, its a great way to take advantage of multiple platforms and tap into new audiences.

Being socially present on multiple networks shows that you are availability and committed to your community.

A couple of ways to grow your community include:

  • Always make sure to link from one social network to the other. A properly placed CTA in your videos can help you achieve this action.
  • When releasing a new video, announce it on all your other channels. Plus: don’t forget to add a link to your latest vid.
  • Create a blog to keep your community interested.
  • Start a forum to keep the conversation going.
  • Send out newsletters using Wix Email Marketing to promote your weekly blog, announcements or updates.
9. Promote Your Channel with a Professional website

When your primary content is made for YouTube, it’s hard to give your brand another home. Sure, you can share your videos on other social networks, and you should, but a stunning video website should be your YouTube channel’s home away from home.

Read Also: How You Can Make Money Online With Google Adwords

The great advantage of a video website is that you’re the owner of everything on your website. Essentially, you’re not confined to what a social media platform has to offer. Therefore, your site has all the benefits of YouTube without any of the limitations.

With Wix Video for example, you can easily sync your YouTube channel to your site, enabling a smooth integration of your videos into your website. That means, more views on your videos straight from your site.

From your site, you have the option to sell your videos, rent them or even set up a monthly subscription plan. Best of all, it’s all free.

10. Learn from your analytics

Even the best can do it better. YouTube offers up a dedicated analytics section for your channel so you can see how your videos are performing. Analytics will allow you to get insight on the people who are watching your videos, which allows you to hone into your target demographic even further.

It will also give you a better idea as to why one video may have performed better than another. Basically, it’s a powerful tool you should take advantage of for your budding channel.


If you’re on the internet every day, odds are you’re using Google in one capacity or another. Given the popularity and usefulness of the platform, consider these easy ways to make money online with Google.

Getting started with any of this opportunities might not be easy at first, but the efforts you put in will be rewarded in the long run.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.