You can earn money on the internet in a variety of ways, and paid forums posting is a stress free way to get some online cash without doing too much work.
This type of online work was not very popular a few years ago but nowadays it is not difficult to find opportunities to get paid to post in forums.
- How to get Started
- What you have to do
- Where the money comes from
- Creating backlinks
- Websites and Forums to make money from
How to get Started
To get started you will only need a computer with a good internet connection. Don’t worry, no fees are required to register. As a member, you will begin setting up your profile with some basic details and/or a photo.
Read Also: How To Make Money As A Forum Moderator
You can request to add friends and start viewing their posts as well. After connecting with friends in the forum they will start viewing your activity too. By these small friendly, fun activities you easily make some extra cash for bills or what you need
What you have to do
You can get paid to post in forums by joining a service that provides forum posting jobs. These jobs can also be found on freelance work sites.
All you have to do is to login to the forum and post a specific number of messages in the appropriate categories. Your signature in that forum will be used to link to websites that will be chosen by the advertiser.
Where the money comes from
There are several advertisers that are ready to pay people to post in forums. They can advertise their sites to a larger number of people by putting their links in the forum signature. For example someone who owns an auto insurance website can pay people to post in auto insurance threads of forums that have a lot of traffic.
Creating backlinks
People can also be hired to post on forums in order to create backlinks to the advertiser’s website. These backlinks can help to increase the ranking of the website when they are picked up by search engines.
This task can be performed by a software program but this software can only work on junk forums that are not moderated. If you want quality forum posts, the job must be done by human beings.
If you want to consistently earn an income online with forum posting, you have to learn to be discrete. You have to be as natural as possible. This means that your posts must be meaningful and they must provide value.
If you are overzealous, you will be quickly branded as a scammer and you will be banned. Forum moderators will be tough on you if you join their forum and start posting hundreds of meaningless messages containing links to an affiliate offer.
When you are being paid to post on forums, make sure that your answers to topics provide valuable knowledge. Do not just post for the sake of posting. If your posts are deleted, you might not get paid for your work.
On the average, you can get $0.1 and above per forum post. Some people may decide to pay you $10 or more for every hundred posts that you make.
You have to find a way to keep track of the threads that you participated in. You can easily do this by copying the links into notepad.

You can make a reasonable amount of money online through forum posting if you can get regular work. You can find forum posting jobs by searching on Google.
As said earlier, theses jobs are available on freelance websites. There are also websites such as Postloop that provide constant forum posting tasks to their members.
Websites and Forums to make money from
Upwork is a marketplace for freelancers to find work in a variety of areas. Posting on forums is one of those areas!
There isn’t a dedicated category for this, so you’re better off searching for “paid forum posting” or similar keywords to find the jobs.
When you find them, you’ll need to apply using your Connects, which are kind of like tickets you can use for applications. Don’t worry – you get 60 free ones every month, and most gigs only require 2.
The client will let you know if they have any questions or are ready to get started with you.
Just remember that Upwork does take fees from your pay – a whopping 20% until you’ve earned enough with that client to have a lower fee.
The Forum Wheel
The Forum Wheel is another matchmaking service for forum posters and paid forums.
Forum owners can register for free to find people like you who want to get paid to post on forums. They get to choose who they work with and the prices to pay you.
To apply to be a writer, you’ll need to fill out an application on the website, but the requirements aren’t anything crazy.
You’ll need to have excellent English skills, of course, but there’s no minimum age requirement. However, some clients may have their own restrictions as to how old you can be.
You’ll earn credits for the work you do, which accumulate in your account at The Forum Wheel. Turn those credits in for cash whenever you want
Forum For U
FFUC is the currency that Forum For U pays its members to participate in discussions.
Most topics on the site are internet-related, so marketing, website building, and design are all popular here.
A minimum of 100 characters in a thread or post is required to make money off that post.
Additionally, members can make $10 or more by posting in-depth tutorials or helpful guides about topics that forum members would be interested in.
These guides need to be at least 450 words, but lengthier ones can get paid up to $100!
Use your FFUC to buy services or products from other members, or you can exchange it for real cash.
Postloop is a place where all types of writers can get matched with opportunities for them, including those who want to write on message boards for cash.
The site takes a 20% cut of whatever the client pays, but writers benefit from getting quick payments to PayPal whenever they want (you can even get them daily!).
Read Also: Tips For Making Money With Online Forums
The site accepts writers from any country, but they must have excellent English skills.
You’ll get paid in points instead of cash, but those points convert to cash.
If you have a high rating from forum or website owners, you’ll be eligible for bonus points, so always do your best work!
Posting on forums can be a great way to earn money online in your spare time. You might not make a fortune from it, but if you keep at it, you should earn a steady income from online forums.