As the holiday season draws near, many businesses are temporary on hold. However, there will always be needs to be filled, even at Christmas. All you have to do is to be conscious of your environment and to fill those needs. You will soon be making money during this period, and enjoying your holidays with little or no sweat. Here are a number of money making ideas to get you started.
There is no festive season without decorations. If you are skillful in this art, you can offer your services to professionals who are too busy to do this on their own. It could be an outdoor vignette or lighting scheme or even decorating a venue for a Christmas party. Make money by charging hourly for this.
Gift wrapping business
Believe it or not, just the simple act of wrapping gifts can be overwhelming for some people, especially if they are wrapping plenty of gift items. Make a card and pass it to your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues advertising your services. You can also search online for some directories that offer free advertising services. This is an easy way to make money during Christmas and festive seasons.
When it comes to shopping, some people just don’t have it! Offer to shop for people who find it difficult to pick the right items. Others are just too busy to create the time for it. They only need to give you a list and a budget and you will get the job done.
Post office delivery business
This is another easy way to make money. A lot of people do not want to spend time waiting in line at the post office. This is where you come in. Charge a fee to deliver packages for people to the post office. Your rate could be hourly or simply a flat fee.
Christmas tree delivery business
If you own a truck or a large car, this business could be the big one for you. Some people find it difficult to get Christmas trees to their homes and also set it up. You can deliver Christmas trees and set it up for them. You should discuss with the owner of the Christmas tree lot on the service you wish to render and also ask for permission to post a flyer close to the cash register. Go to two or three other local tree lots and offer similar services. Do not forget to leave your phone number with the owners of the lot so that they can call you when the need arises. You can charge about $10- $15 for delivery and another $10-$15 for set up. The fee will also depend on the weight of the Christmas tree.
Errand services
Another easy way to make money during Christmas and festive season is to offer to run people’s errands. Many people concentrate on preparing for the season while they leave other mundane tasks undone. You will be amazed at the volume of work to be done. You can offer to clean up the house, go grocery shopping, drop gifts at designated places and other tasks that many people find stressful.