We all have embarrassing moments at work. Some of us manage to impossibly jam the copier. Others somehow get the coffee machine to pour out servings of what looks like diesel. Some manage to accidentally break the glass door leading to a conference room. Some of my male colleagues have even had to deal with the embarrassment of forgetting to zip up their fly when returning from the restroom. All of these are very likely events in the workplace but are mostly harmless. After a while, they may even turn into funny anecdotes that help with team building and cohesion. Unfortunately, sometimes you make a mistake at work that is so mortifying you wonder if you could ever live it down.
A Bit About Myself
After graduating from college, the first job I landed was in a small digital marketing firm in Orlando, as a marketing analyst. For someone just out of college, finding the job you wanted to start your career with can be a godsend. What I lacked in experience, I quickly made up for in hard work and a willingness to learn. Thanks to a wonderful mentor in the workplace, I quickly began to enrich my skills and was soon moved to the consulting side of the business.
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This was another great role for me because it gave me hands-on experience in client servicing. It also helped me in creating a network of professional contacts to nurture and grow. However, it was also the same role in which I had the most mortifyingly embarrassing moment in my then-short professional career. The stage was set when I was tasked with a consultancy project for a national-level staffing agency. Just writing about it makes me cringe, even today.
Crushing on a Colleague
When consulting with the staffing firm, my main point of contact was their assistant vice president, a man we will refer to as Jim to save us both some embarrassment. Jim was in his early thirties when I first met him. He was this tall, handsome, and extremely intelligent individual that oozed confidence in himself and his abilities.
Of course, it didn’t hurt that he took care of his body, had great personal hygiene, and could carry a conversation with the barest of effort on my part. I guess the young college girl in me still hadn’t fully grown up, because I developed a crush on Jim within the first couple of interactions we had.
A Short Romance That Fizzled Out
Of course, workplace romance is frowned upon on the best of occasions. So I soldiered on, trying to be as professional as possible while trying not to stare into those deep hazel eyes of his. However, hormones and constant contact eventually won the short battle.
I confessed my attraction to Jim one evening as we were leaving the office. I don’t know whether he was being nice or if he actually liked me, but Jim claimed the feeling was mutual. And so we began a secretive romance that ultimately lasted all of 3 weeks. Of course, both of us being mature adults, there was no ugliness or awkwardness when we decided to split amicably.
To be honest, Jim was a perfect gentleman about it and remained extremely professional for the length of my consulting engagement even after our little entanglement ended. Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story.
The Email That Made Me Want to Hide Forever
I finished up on the consulting project a little ahead of schedule, which pleased my boss enough for him to recommend me for a strong appraisal. As is normal under usual circumstances, as the lead consultant I sorted out the invoice for our services to the client, and sent it to Jim, my primary point of contact, via email.
As is expected, there was an exchange of emails to clarify certain line items in the invoice. While I was communicating back and forth with Jim, I was also talking to a close friend via email. Somehow, the topic of romance came up.
Before I knew it I was gushing about the amazing guy I met at a telecom staffing agency. I typed out a long email, with many embarrassing details that should never have seen the light of day, and sent it to my friend. Or so I thought. A few minutes later, my laptop pinged with an email from Jim.
A glance at the subject line told me I had messed up. The email, in which I shared some very personal information about Jim and certain physical attributes, hadn’t gone to my friend at all. I had somehow absentmindedly sent it to Jim himself instead. Oh, the horror!
The Curtain Call At Work
It didn’t end with an awkward laugh or a joke. Somehow, Jim took the email as a sign that I wanted to rekindle things with him. He replied with an email professing everlasting, undying love and a desire to see me again as soon as possible.
This was possibly the most cringe-worthy exchange I ever had with someone in my life. Especially with a person I had been romantically involved with. However, I tried to let him down gently, acknowledging my mistake, and apologizing for giving him the wrong idea.
What did Jim do? He didn’t reply to me but sent a snide email to my boss, making some very pointed comments about inappropriate behavior and unprofessional conduct. Let’s just say the meeting that followed with HR wasn’t very pleasant. The takeaway? Ladies, please find your romantic interests outside the workplace. And if that somehow fails, don’t discuss them over email.
If you do have to discuss them over email, please PLEASE make sure you’re sending the email to the right Human Resource Headhunter. Save yourself the embarrassment I had to go through.