It is true the modern world is full of opportunities, but as a 17 or 18 year old with the whole world ahead, identifying these chances can be tricky. The period after 12th is a daunting one for most youngsters because this is the first time they actually sit down and think about the future.
Making a Career Choice Making a career choice is never easy and if you are wondering how to maneuver this stage of your life, remember you are not alone. It is understandable that in an expanding world of opportunities the process is going to be a confusing and emotionally draining one. Nevertheless, you can rely on these simple tips to create a career choice out of the jumbled thoughts in your mind. Here you go. 1. Identify Your Interests As a student, you are obviously dazzled by the brilliance of Sachin Tendulkar the Internationally renowned cricketer. What you might not know is that the celebrity’s father was a professor of English and everyone expected the son to naturally follow into academia. However, Tendulkar had already identified cricket as more than a hobby and this is where you should also start. Once you have a set of interests you are on the path to identifying a solid career path. 2. Identify Your Aspirations It might sound abstract at this stage but everyone in life has some innate aspiration. For instance, the best entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates of Microsoft had already shown their brilliance at making deals early in life. If you have a burning desire to make it in business, a commerce degree is the first step towards actualizing this. Your aspirations will determine your path after the 12th standard, and however lofty they may sound, remember they can be achieved by taking the right course. 3. Match Aspirations to Interests Take a concrete example; you love cricket but you have never been outstanding at it. On the other hand, you are good with words and you have won essays in college competitions. These two skills might look mismatched, but with careful thought, you can discover a sport journalism course will help you enjoy both your interest and still utilize it. 4. List Your Priorities It is true you want to join Google’s India branch, but is this really a priority now? Look at your situation frankly including finances, available schools and chances of getting an IT degree based on the entrance requirements among other pertinent issues. The career path you take must be realistic because after all, you have to start somewhere and not at the top. 5. Be Realistic about Limitations Most likely you remember Dr. Shinya Yamanaka who won the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine for stem cell research. Well, you will be surprised to know he had actually trained as a surgeon, but realized after just one operation he didn’t have the skills. You must be frank with yourself about the career suitability. More importantly, look at the finances required for the course you want. Well, the situation might be a bit hazy for now but before making a choice consider this is one of the most momentous decisions in your life. Will you still like this choice 18 years from now? Author Bio: Terry Godier is a business owner as well as an experienced and skilled Career and Finance consultant in the USA.He helps clients both personal and professional in long-term wealth building plans.During his spare time he loves to write on Business & Finance,Marketing,Social Media.He loves to share his knowledge and Experts tips with his readers.