35 Excellent Money Quotes You've Never Heard of Before - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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Great money quotes encapsulate big ideas in a few words. They inspire, motivate, and encourage in a memorable way. In the book, Retire Before Mom and Dad, a lot of quotes were used to help drive home important principles of personal finance and investing.

We are going to look at some of these quotes so that we can get inspired.

  • 100 Money Idioms And Their Meanings
  • 35 Excellent Money Quotes You’ve Never Heard of Before

100 Money Idioms And Their Meanings

1. A day late and a dollar short

This is another way to say, “too little, too late.” When someone is a day late and a dollar short, they have missed an opportunity because of tardiness and because they haven’t put in the effort.

2. A fool and his money are soon parted

If someone acts foolishly or unwisely with their finances, then they will soon lose their money. This phrase is best used to describe gamblers and risk-takers with bad luck.

Read Also: How to Budget for Personal Finance

3. A light purse is a heavy curse

For those without a lot of money (those in poverty), life is incredibly difficult. To have a light purse means to have a wallet that is lacking in coins and bills.

4. A penny saved is a penny earned

This common phrase is used to encourage people to save money. It’s as useful to save money that someone already has as it is to earn more money. Money spent is gone forever.

5. All that glitters is not gold

Appearances, no matter how lovely and sparkly, can be deceptive. A deal or opportunity that looks or sounds valuable may actually be worthless. If it’s too good to be true, than it probably is.

6. Almighty dollar

The “almighty dollar” is more important than anything else. At least that’s what people who use this idiom often think. They view money as a representation of prosperity, success, and a vehicle to wealth.

7. Ante up

To pay money owed on a good or service. In poker, an ante up is a request for players to put their antes, or starting bets, into the collective jackpot.

8. As phony as a $3 bill

A person, thing, or situation that is fake and not genuine. Since $3 bills haven’t been printed since the 1800s, they aren’t considered real money with any value.

9. As poor as a church mouse

To be very poor to the point of starvation or begging. This idiom is an alteration of “as hungry as a church mouse,” and came from the idea that priests meticulously prevent any crumb of the sacrament of Eucharist from falling to the ground, meaning that church mice couldn’t eat the crumbs.

10. As sound as a dollar

To be very secure and dependable like a dollar bill. Money is always reliable; worthy of being exchanged for goods and services.

11. At a premium

A premium is a costlier, more valuable alternative. When compared to the original, an item or service purchased at a premium was bought at a higher price than usual because of a special reason.

12. At all costs

At any expense of time, money, or effort; someone would figuratively spend all of their money in order to achieve or get this thing.

13. At the drop of a dime

Think about how quickly it would take a dime to fall from your pocket to the ground. If you do something “at the drop of a dime” you are doing it very quickly; instantaneously.

14. Back on your feet

After a devastating financial setback or loss, someone gets “back on their feet” by returning to good financial health.

15. Balance the books

To make sure that all money is accounted for by taking stock of the financial accounts.

16. Bang for your buck

To get the value for your money.

17. Below par

To be priced lower than average or less than the face value; that which is subpar.

18. Bet on the wrong horse

To base your plans on a wrong guess about the results of something, similar to betting on a losing horse at the races.

19. Bet your bottom dollar

To bet all that you have on something because you’re sure that you’ll win. To go all in during poker or a similar betting game.

20. Beyond your means

More than you can afford. To live beyond your means is to live outside of your wealth bracket.

21. Big bucks 

Used to describe a person who makes a lot of money. “Big” is used as a quantity, similar to “many” in this context.

22. Blank check

To write someone a blank check with unlimited funding, no constraints, and complete freedom of control.

23. Born with a silver spoon in your mouth

To be born rich in the lap of luxury, wealth, and comfort. People born with a silver spoon in their mouth are often the children of wealthy parents.

24. Bottom dollar

The last dollar. When someone spends all of their money and has only a single dollar bill left, it’s considered their bottom dollar.

25. Bread and butter

The source of a household’s income; how they pay for food. People make “bread and butter” with their job, businesses, or other source of income.

26. Breadwinner

Someone who works hard to earn money for their family. Often this person is the sole or primary earner in a household.

27. Break the bank

To use up all of the money in a bank account. It can also mean to win the whole pot of money at a gambling table.

28. Break even

When income is equal to expenses. There is no profit or loss.

29. Bring home the bacon

To earn a family’s livelihood by bringing home a salary.

30. Burn a hole in your pocket

To influence someone to spend money quickly. Spending on unnecessary purchases for instant gratification, because the money was burning to get out of your pocket.

31. Buy someone off

To try to persuade someone with a financial bribe in order to stop them from doing their duty.

32. By check

To pay for something by writing the individual or company a physical check.

33. Cash-and-carry

Selling something, but only if the buyer can pick it up (no delivery) and pay cash.

34. Cash cow

A descriptor of a business or product that generates a continuous flow of income.

35. Cash in

To exchange coupons or bonds for their equivalent value in money.

36. Cash in on

To make money from an opportunity–one that is successful and fruitful.

37. Cash in your chips 

This idiom implies to sell something with the intent of using its proceeds to go towards something else. Typically a person will “cash in their chips” to get the best deal when they suspect the value is about to fall.

38. Cash in the barrelhead 

When an item is paid for in cash. This idiom comes from the custom of customers paying for their drinks by leaving money on the top or head of a barrel (used as tables in bars).

39. Caught short

Not having enough money to pay for something.

40. Cheapskate

A stingy person who doesn’t like to spend money.

41. Chicken feed

Chicken feed is food for poultry that is made up of small cereal grains. As such, chicken feed means a small amount of money.

42. Chip in

When multiple people pay jointly or contribute money towarda purchase.

43. Clean up

To make a huge profit, especially when gambling or taking part in another high-stakes venture.

44. Close-fisted

Someone who is so stingy with money that they keep their fist closed around the cash.

45. Cold hard cash

Physical cash made up of coins and bills. A hyperbolic idiom that suggests money in its physical form instead of stored in a bank or electronically.

46. Color of their money

Making sure that someone has enough money to buy something. Also, the amount of money available.

47. Control the purse strings

The person who is in charge of the money in a business or in a household is said to “control the purse strings.” This suggests they are in charge of managing the family’s finances.

48. Cook the books

To illegally change information in a business’ accounting books. This could look like writing down false numbers to hide the true profit or expenses.

49. Cost a pretty penny

When something “costs a pretty penny,” it costs a lot of money.

50. Cost an arm and a leg

When something “costs an arm and a leg,’” it costs so much money that it is likened to losing a body part. Someone might have to sell their limbs in order to be able to afford this thing.

51. Cut your losses 

Abandoning a plan or a project that is obviously going to be unsuccessful before more money is lost or the circumstances become worse.

52. Cut a check

To write a check. This can also apply to when a company digitally prints a check for someone.

53. Cut off

When someone stops giving another person a regular amount of money. Often, this means a parent will leave their beneficiaries without money in a will or an inheritance, or stop paying money for an allowance.

54. Cut-rate

An item that is on sale at an unusually low or reduced price.

55. Deadbeat

Someone who doesn’t pay up the money they owe to someone else. Someone who can’t be trusted with money or is considered lazy and unmotivated.

56. Daylight robbery 

An obviously unfair overcharge;a rip-off. When someone has been overcharged for a purchase or is underpaid in their job.

57. Dime a dozen 

Something that is common and easy to get, and is therefore, of little value. An item that is in high supply and low demand.

58. Dirt cheap

To be low in price or unbelievably inexpensive.

59. Dollar for dollar

To consider multiple options based on their cost. This is often done in comparison shopping.

60. Dollars for doughnuts

Something that is certain or a sure bet.

61. Don’t take any wooden nickels

This idiom is advice to warn people of avoiding being cheated or ripped off. They should avoid taking “wooden nickels” or fake money in exchange for something else.

62. Down-and-out

Someone who is in a bad situation because they’ve lost all of their money.

63. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise

An idiom suggesting that someone who goes to bed early will sleep well and be able to wake up early in the morning. This will make them physically, financially, and mentally healthy.

64. Earn a living 

To make enough income to live comfortably and pay necessary expenses.

65. Easy money

Money that doesn’t require a lot of effort to acquire.

66. Fast buck

Money that can be earned quickly and easily. It can also be money that is earned dishonestly or illegally.

67. Feel the pinch

When someone “feels the pinch,” they are experiencing financial hardship. They will have to pinch their pennies, or save more than they spend, in order to make it through their rough financial situation.

68. Feel like a million dollars/bucks

Someone who feels wonderful, as if they won $1 million dollars. They feel healthy and prosperous.

69. Flat broke

To have absolutely no money.

70. Float a loan

To arrange for a loan from an individual or a company to get through a hard time.

71. Fool’s gold

Something that is mistakenly believed to be full of potential. “Fool’s Gold” is the name given to iron pyrites, which deceptively look like gold, but actually hold little to no value.

72. Foot the bill

When someone pays for everyone’s expenses or covers the cost of a bill/invoice..

73. For peanuts

To work for very little money that is valued below the cost of labor.

74. Fork out/fork over

To pay for something by putting forward money.

75. Free and clear

To own something outright and without owing any money on it.

76. From rags to riches

An idiom that means going from poverty to prosperity.

77. Front money

Money paid in advance of receiving something in exchange.

78. Get a run for your money

An idiom that means receiving a challenge or getting what is rightfully deserved.

79. Get along on a shoestring

To be able to live on a little bit of money by budgeting and limiting wants.

80. Get off scot-free

To escape a fee or punishment for a crime.

81. Get Your money’s worth

To get everything that you paid for, sometimes getting even more than its true value.

82. Give someone a run for their money

To give someone a challenge or what they deserve.

83. Go broke/go bust

To become bankrupt and lose all of your money.

84. Go dutch

A situation where each person pays his or her own share of the expenses, especially splitting the cost of a meal on a first date.

85. Going rate

The current rate of what something is worth.

86. Golden handshake

A payment made to a departing employee. When an employee, usually in upper management, is laid off or retires early and is given a large amount of money as severance pay.

87. Gravy train

A job that pays more than it’s worth. Suggests money that is made easily.

88. Grease their palm

To pay for a special favor, typically an illegal bribe.

89. Hard up

To be in a hard financial situation without a lot of money.

90. Have money to burn/burning a hole in your pocket

To have money that you are eager to spend on frivolous things.

91. Have sticky fingers

To be a shoplifter, pickpocket, or a thief.

92. Have the midas touch

To have the ability to make money easily. A reference to the Greek myth of King Midas, who turned everything that he touched into gold.

93. Have the penny drop

When someone finally realizes or understands something.

94. He who pays the piper calls the tune

An idiom meaning that a person who provides the money should have a say about how it is spent.

95. Head over heels in debt

When somebody owes a large amount of money or is burdened with debt.

96. Heads or tales

The face of a coin or the other side of the coin. To have to choose one of two options and decide by flipping a coin.

97. Heavy money

To have a lot of money.

98. Highway robbery

To charge a high price for something beyond what it’s worth. An excessive profit or advantage from a financial transaction. Likened to a robbery committed near public travel routes on travelers, especially in the past (like pirates or cowboys).

99. Hit the jackpot

To make a lot of money very suddenly, such as the jackpot in gambling.

100. Hush money

An illegal money bribe given to someone to keep them quiet.

35 Excellent Money Quotes You’ve Never Heard of Before

1. Will Rogers

“Too many people spend money they earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like”

This is one of the best money mindset quotes because this quote describes one of the main reasons why people in 1st world countries are broke.

This “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality and the “I have to impress everyone” mentality is holding you back from financial freedom.

Focus on finding your true happiness and stop trying to impress other people who really don’t care because they are trying to do the same!

2. Jonathan Swift

A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.”

You should never have a deep love for money. Money should only be a tool for you to get what you truly want.

Use the money to buy back your time and use your time to find true happiness!

3. Christopher Rice

Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each

This is an amazing quote that details your greatest asset, which is time.

The goal of personal finance is not to become a millionaire, it is to use the money to free up your time. Use your time wisely, you can always make more money but you can’t get more time!

4. Benjamin Franklin

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

This is one of the top money mindset quotes by Benjamin Franklin because it shows you where you should invest most of your money and time.

Investing money and time in the stock market or real estate is great but investing in your knowledge opens up endless possibilities!

5. Warren Buffet

I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy

Warren Buffet is one of the greatest investors of all time (if not the greatest) and this quote shows that you have to take emotions out of making money, especially in the stock market.

6. Benjamin Franklin

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.

This is one of the best money mindset quotes which is strange because Benjamin Franklin is not talking so kindly about money.

So why is it so great?

Well, the fact is that people think money is everything when it really isn’t. Money is just part of the puzzle to happiness and when people realize this, more people will find true happiness.

7. Jim Rohn

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

Just like the quote by Benjamin Franklin we saw earlier, education is the key to making money!

Formal education will teach you what you need for a job but self-education expands upon all areas of life and lets you choose your own journey!

8. Ayn Rand

Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.

This is one of the top money mindset quotes because it details how everyone should think about money!

Money is not the goal and it is not happiness, Money is just a tool and it is up to you to use it wisely.

9. Dave Ramsey

Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff. It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you can give money back and have money to invest. You can’t win until you do this.

This amazing quote by Dave Ramsey doesn’t really need an explanation or interpretation. Simply live on less than you make and use the money you save to invest and give back to those in need.

10. Robert G. Allen

We consider this one of the best money mindset quotes because there are many people who think saving is enough but inflation eats away at your buying power!

You need to learn to make your money work for you.

11. P.T. Barnum

Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.

This is a great quote that relates to some of the quotes we went over above but it really shows you that money is great when you control it.


When money controls you then you will be miserable, so learn to take control of your money!

12. Zig Ziglar

Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.

This quote is amazing because it touches on key statistics, which shows that rich people continue to expand their knowledge and poor people spend most of their time engaging in mindless activities.

Remember that knowledge pays the best interest!

13. Thomas Jefferson

Never spend your money before you have it.

An amazing quote that is pretty straightforward and doesn’t need any interpretation. Just don’t spend money you don’t have, this leads to debt which is something you don’t want!

14. Robert Kiyosaki

It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.

This is one of my favorite money mindset quotes! Robert Kiyosaki details personal finance in one quote. While I do think how much money you make matters, what matters more is what you do with that money!

15. Dale Carnegie

Develop success from failure. Development and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

Great quote from Dale Carnegie which says that the foundation for success is failures. I couldn’t agree with this more!

Failures are truly the stepping stones to success.

16. Lao Tzu

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

This is such a simple yet powerful quote. We all speak about taking action but you have to actually take that step to start, take that step now!

17. Warren Buffet

The Stock Market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient.

Wonderful quote by Warren Buffet on the stock market. Getting rich in the stock market takes time so you better be patient!

18. Joe Moore

A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.

This is one of my favorite money mindset quotes ever! You might be thinking “well duh! You can only save if you have money” but most people don’t think like this.

A lot of people only think about saving when the money dries up but when the money tree starts bearing again they forget all about saving, it’s nuts!

Use this quote to shift your mindset to save money at all times.

19. Benjamin Franklin

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Can it get any simpler than this? This is still a powerful quote that people need to realize. Start saving, no matter the amount.

20. Tony Robbins

Working because you want to, not because you have to is financial freedom

This is the essence of personal finance! The goal of personal finance is the freedom of money so you can focus on what you really care about.

21. Roy T. Bennett

Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity.

This is one of the top money mindset quotes because even on your journey in personal finance it is important to know that money isn’t everything and it can’t buy everything.

Some do think money can buy some happiness but not all, read more about it in this post can money buy happiness take a look.

This just shows you that there is more to life than money!

22. Barack Obama

Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference.

Great quote by Barack Obama. This quote relates to others on this list and shows you that money is not everything but it is a very useful tool to have at your side.

23. Brigham Young

If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money; but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage.

This is one of the top money mindset quotes on this list. It shows that anyone can make money but only wise people pay themselves first and spend it wisely.

24. Peter Lynch

Know what you own, and know why you own it.

This is a simple quote but people don’t think about this as much as they should. Now, Peter Lynch is talking about investments in this quote but this can be applied to anything you buy.

Take a look at everything you own and ask yourself why you own it. Do you need it? Is it providing value to you? If not get rid of it!

25. Joe Biden

Don’t tell me what you value, she me your budget, and I will tell you what you value

Amazing quote by Joe Biden that states people may say they value one thing but spend their money on other things.

26. Proverb

Money grows on the tree of persistence.

This is such a great proverb that I look at on a daily basis to remind me to keep pushing forward and stay persistent.

27. Joan Rivers

People say that money is not the key to happiness, but I always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.

This is a quote that I agree with. While I don’t think that money can buy happiness, I do think that money can play a vital role in finding true happiness.

28. Dave Ramsey

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

Classic quote from Dave Ramsey and one that holds true throughout time. While I am not an extreme budgeter like other personal finance bloggers, I do believe in having some type of budget to control how and where you spend your money!

29. Charles Jaffe

It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.

Like some of the other quotes on this list, it’s not what you make that counts the most, it is what you spend on that does!

30. Nathan Morris

Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing your future self

This is a great quote that everyone should know to avoid going in debt. I know sometimes you need to borrow money like getting a mortgage but for most things there is no need to go in debt!

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31. Suze Orman

Just because you can afford it doesn’t mean you should buy it.

This is a quote that I love and I think everybody should learn this lesson! I’m not saying to never buy “wants” in life but focus on what you need and what provides you value first.

Don’t buy things just to buy things, think about the purpose behind the purchase!

32. Mark Twain

The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

This is such a simple yet powerful quote! I speak to a lot of people who have big dreams and goals but never follow through with them. This can be their personal finance goals or in any other area in life.

Just take that first step and get started!

33. Roger Clemens

I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in.

This is a great quote that shows you that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it and put in the work.

34. Buddha

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.

This is one of the best money mindset quotes in my opinion because it shows how much our thoughts affect our lives!

Like the quote says, “we are what we think” so keep positive thoughts in your mind.

35. John Rampton

Don’t let money run your life, let money help you run your life better.

To finish off this list of money mindset quotes here is an amazing quote by John Rampton. This quote sort of sums up many of the other quotes on this list.

As you already know, money is a tool so you should use it to make your life better and not let it control you!


One big takeaway from these quotes is that your financial health depends largely upon your mindset and how you think about money.

Your mindset not only relates to your financial health but it affects all areas of your life, so do your best to keep a positive mindset!

Money doesn’t lead to true happiness but it can improve your life to an extent.

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