Ways To Get Money For Gas - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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A gas bill can often be the most expensive electric bill in a household, especially if the gas is used for heating during the winter. Gas bill assistance may be to a number of sources. Many times your gas company can point you in the right direction. In addition to your local supplier of natural gas, other gas bill using sources include federal and state grants, and charitable organizations. Call your local gas supplier is the first step consumers should take when seeking the gas bill assistance. One option that they can offer is a budget plan. With this type of plan, the annual consumption of a household gas is estimated and divided into 12 monthly payments. By choosing this plan, consumers can pay a fixed price each month, instead of paying a very high gas bill in winter and low in summer. Gas supplier may also have other programs for the gas bill assistance. A type of program involves customers opting to send their gas company a bit more than they should. This money is then used to help local families who need help paying their gas bill. Low-income families and single parent, with the elderly and those with a financial crisis can often benefit from these programs.


With the rising cost of energy, oil, gas, electricity, low-income families are finding it increasingly difficult to pay their heating bills.  Know that there are financial aid to help you pay your heating or electricity bills. If your heater runs on electricity, you can possibly benefit from a special rate “necessities” if you have access to supplementary universal health coverage . In fact this aid reduces the cost of electricity subscription and a discount on the first 100 kilowatt hours consumed per month. In total, financial support can reduce up to 50% the amount of your bill by the number of people in your household. This principle also applies to people on low incomes who use gas for their heating. It is also a solidarity tariff. The aid takes the form of a deduction on your bill if you have an individual contract or a lump sum payment by check, if you have a collective agreement. The modalities for granting such aid are the same as for the special electricity price. How to get this help? These are the health insurance organizations that communicate to energy suppliers . the names of consumers likely to benefit from this tariff. A then you contact your supplier to complete your request

Ways To Get Money For Gas :Stop mensualiser your bills and earn interest

The monthly payment , you know the fact of paying a small monthly amount instead of paying all at once.This is something good practice I must admit , but it actually makes you lose money

So best is to stop it and do something that you be profitable .

Key examples of mensualisations

Several organizations offer, for some forcing your hand, the monthly payment.For example, your water supplier will submit you to set your annual bill in 1x or 10x in regulation if necessary. Some companies will even offer additional services free or at a discount when setting up monthly payments. While others apply a penalty of a few% on the annual bill for customers who want to pay each month.The logic here is different. Water suppliers, electricity or gas bill on your past consumption, so you set a due period. While you pay for insurance for a future period.Early in their interest to make you pay each month to avoid having cash advance on your consumption, as they are not obliged to wait 1 year before you see your money.While the latter them have any interest in the settlement of their bill to be on, the amount of your insurance premium is already known. Thus they do not have to worry about problems that might occur on your monthly withdrawals because only one will be used.As you can see, these are the water suppliers, electricity or gas that will encourage monthly payments while the insurance will reverse. I refer to the general trend, each company is free to follow trade policy it wants. Note that taxes also make you pay each month, interest is the same as that of a water supplier for example.

Why and how to earn money by refusing

For them it’s all benef.The benefits seen immediately are, of cash flow known in advance each month, less risk delinquency, a more fluid management.But there is another advantage that these companies or public bodies, a very nice thing they do not tell you, but you can use for you. Part of the money they collect is put on media that generate interest. I do not know you, but I prefer that my money is working for me and brings me rather than the interests relates to my suppliers. To imitate and enrich a little more while paying your bills, just drop your money each month on a liquid savings account. Basically it is you who manage the monthly payment, instead of having samples of your suppliers, you will set up transfers. Then when will you pay the bills will transfer the appropriate amount to your current account. To not have bad surprises happen when the time to pay, there are two solutions:You just subscribe to a new home or changing supplier. Take forecasting consumption and payment provider that gave you is on that one it would have calculated its mensualisations so do not deprive yourself to do the same. Divide the amount by 12 and then turn up the transfer to your booklet.Already a monthly-or bi-monthly installments so you know the price you pay each month. In this case not outstanding, you already know how much it will save monthly.

This additional savings will not make you a millionaire, you can put butter spinach in your eye wink .If we add the various taxes, water , gas, electricity , insurance … It’s starting to make a certain amount that you transfer every month! Let’s say for the average family , € 500 / month .If you need to pay your bills after 10 months , you will have accumulated € 5,000 in the end! Each month you are grown up and pays interest ! Say earn several tens of euros just by paying his bills puzzling that right?

A quick and simple action plan to get started

After the theory, practice Smile Here’s what I suggest you do:


a) If you enter into a new home, or in case of change of supplier, if it is not specified in the letters he sends you, call him to ask the estimated amount or not (depending the type of provider) Annual.

b) You are already bi-monthly installments or monthly installments, log onto your account online, take your schedule and see how much is collected each month.

2) Set up a transfer to your Livret the amount of the monthly repayment. At your convenience, you can make a global transfer for all suppliers, or one for each transfer. Personally, I prefer the second solution, even if it takes a little more work, you will avoid later taken head because you will know clearly how your personal decomposes monthly payment.

3) Ask to be paid annually by calling your provider, taking / changing the option on your account online or by mail. If you are already in monthly installments, ask your provider to stop it and then send you a bill at maturity in the meantime done well as step 2.

4) Hold a follow-up table noting provider vendor’s annual and monthly amount. Put it updated with each change.

One more step towards controlling your money

Some will tell me that that’s a lot of work for not much , I would answer them that take 1 hour and earn about 50$ / year it is a very good operation …To earn this money not need to request an increase , no need either to pay more taxes or playing carpet dealer , then yes I persist and sign! Blink of an eyeIn addition you will take a little more control of your finances and it is priceless …Especially since the transfers are free in over 95 % of banks for many years 🙂 .

Ways To Get Money For Gas:How to earn money

If you think it is possible to earn money easily, quickly , in large quantities and without any risk, you can abandon this idea. If some very enticing sights and sometimes dubious morality promise mountains and marvels , go your way without looking back . These are always scams . Yes , I have always said . ALWAYS ! Note that I ‘m not saying it’s impossible to make money beyond the traditional metro / work / sleep. I say that there is no silver bullet to achieve this. But there are still some techniques to earn a few euros or even a few hundred euros in the best of cases, without taking too much risk and in a relatively short time …

Small and large welcome bonuses First method to achieve fill his wallet, bonuses. Presentation by the way, it may seem a bit silly! But some sites or some companies encourage you to register with them to buy a product or subscribe to a service in exchange for what is called a Welcome Bonus. If these bonuses for newcomers are not specific to a particular area, the world of online banking and that of life insurance, always online, are often more generous than others. That of paris online also, but more often in the form of money to spend, rather than hard cash. Warning, these premiums are generally valid for some time. But this kind of rebates returns regularly, testified by some examples here and there. You can for this lever to make money safely, if not find a service that could eventually interest.

Sponsorship, exchange win / win Along the same lines , you can make money with sponsorship. The operation is quite similar , except you get paid for bringing a new customer to a supplier . Earn money by bringing in customers is not friendly ? You become some sort rapporteur business . Again, the areas where sponsorship premiums exist are numerous: energy providers , internet , telephone , online banking, … You have to find the mode that suits you. This is usually a winner for everyone : the new customer gets a bonus, also his godfather . And now , another site or retrieve a client. That’s all benef ‘ for all!

Online betting is it really risky? Last small very nice method , online paris including horse paris . You may say that this is not a safe method to earn money . You will not wrong. But lean methods of sponsorships and bonuses mentioned a few lines above , you will risk nothing and only make money betting graciously offered by one or several online sites paris . I followed a particular method for these online paris last year and I have fired several dozen euros . If you want to multiply your bet safely , take a quick look at this article it might interest you.

Save every day

This factor is forgotten and that too often neglected. Indeed, one of the best ways to make more money is not to earn more, but to spend less. Warning, the idea is not less enjoy things in life, but to spend money more efficiently. Good news, these future cash winnings are strictly net of tax and therefore fit 100% in your pocket.

And you’ll see that the possible gains, put together, can represent large sums … Mobile and Internet packages, great savings perspective First means accessible to all: change your mobile plans. Since the arrival of Free, all inclusive find below the 20 euros is commonplace.

Way of speaking of course

But the packages in time 40 or 50 € is over, so think about it. You may say that buying a smartphone is expensive and that these more expensive packages have the advantage of acquiring a latest model cry for less. Certainly. But keep these two points in mind: Do you really need the latest smarphone out on the market? Whether he will bring more compared to a more accessible smartphone? I leave you only judge to give an answer to these questions.Moreover, it is a win-$ 100 or $ 200 for the purchase of your phone a good result from a financial point of view, knowing that you could have a more complete package for $ 20 less per month? All for 24 months, 36 months or more?The logic to follow is the same for your Internet subscription. Saving $ 20 a month at the very least, or $ 240 per year. What finance part of the family vacation, right? 

Try the online banking

Like the vast majority of people , you have one or more accounts in your bank around the corner . You probably pay your credit card and a bunch of service you do not use them for prices ranging from one to several tens of euros per month. I have good news for you. It is possible to have it all for … . € 0 . The secret is to switch to online banking . Your credit card and most everyday services are free. And there are many other reasons to switch to online banking . I discovered online banking now has several years ago and I have not since. Convenient and free , it suits me perfectly. Paying nothing for a service and that is to make money , right?

Switch energy supplier , simpler than it seems

After years of using EDF , it is sometimes difficult to say that it is possible to find the same other quality of service and for a lower price. Yet it is possible and it is what I do in 2014 , again with the idea of ​​making money by reducing my daily expenses. The good news is that it’s much easier than you can imagine, as we are perfectly supported in our efforts . No service cuts to predict or declining quality to expect , everything is identical . Except that it is cheaper. And it is possible for electricity and for gas.

The automobile , a means of transport for the rich ?

First lever , think of ensuring competition and change auto insurance . There are now very good comparators on the internet. The most beautiful is that insurers are then recontactent you attracted by the idea of ​​attracting a new customer. Last year , I made some nice savings through competition. More than € 300 , it’s still better than nothing ! Another lever , easier to operate for people residing in town: get rid of his car in favor of public transport. Admittedly , everyone can not afford to part with his vehicle. My wife and I have split the two : we broke one of our cars. With a few minor adjustments in our organization is our portfolio who said thank you !

Increase your income with internet

Making money in the short term, that’s good. But are not you a little tired of not financially depend only on your salary alone? Do you think to diversify your sources of income? And then make money only through its pay, sometimes these uncertain times, it is a little put all your eggs in one basket.

Holding his blog and monetize

To do so, I have chosen an original path, which has the merit of being easily accessible, whether in terms of knowledge or in terms of financial investment. This method is the Internet. Certainly, we must spend some time on its site to expand it. But when it’s a pleasure and a passion, like the blog you are currently browsing, it is ultimately combine business with pleasure. Have and hold her blog can become a new source of income.  But as they say, it’s still better than nothing!

Getting into niche sites

Always on the internet, niche sites are another good way to make money: a few tens of euros to a few hundred euros, all at the cost of a relatively moderate effort. Specifically, it is to launch a website just like a blog, but for some competitive field. The site will have the sole objective of being monetized and save you money. The good news is that once in place, you will have almost nothing to do on the site and it will earn you a passive continuous income. It makes you want, right?

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.