Offer Your Brain Power, Teaching Skills For Some Quick Cash - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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Everyone knows that power of human brain is one of the most essential resources to do anything in this world. The moment one is born starts crying without any external stimuli. This is happening because of the inherent quality or activity of the brain. Research reports say that the infants and children communicate and the mother understands to fulfill their needs.

It is nothing but nature’s wonder and most people say that brain is one of the invaluable and mysterious gifts of GOD to the human community. Scientists, biological and medical researchers are still exploring the organic nature of the brain and its tremendous power, but yet to conclude. Unconfirmed research reports say that everyone uses less than 2% to 3% of the capacity of the brain.

Brain Power

Exceptionally there are few gifted people who have extraordinary brain power to demonstrate to the whole world by:
Ø  Speaking and translating simultaneously multi languages;
Ø  Resolving complicated arithmetic problems in minutes;
Ø  Doing 8 to 10 different works simultaneously with perfection ;
Ø  Giving judgment to intriguing social disputes using the wisdom;
Ø   Remembering and sequencing “N” number of different category of items repeatedly;

Above is only a limited list and more such exhaustive and surprising performances are being done even today. Great scientists like Albert Einstein, Newton and other researchers of today are standing testimony to the Use of Brain Power.

Other side of the coin: While at the same time children and grown up people with very low brain power and mentally disabled people are also available. They cannot respond and behave like a normal human being. Pity is that many of these people cannot even speak properly. Selective reflex functions, few of such categories of people with low brain power, are not working to make their plight very much miserable and they need support for their routine activities. They are not even aware because of the failure of reflex commands from their brain.

Important functions of brain, in brief: Most important function of the brain is to control the nervous system our body to make decisions and communicate to the different parts of the body accordingly. The central part of the nervous system (CNS) constitutes brain and the spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves, the carriers of the commands from the brain. They control all the functions of human body in our daily life, like breathing to blinking; helping to memorize facts.

Through the five organs ear, nose, eyes, mouth and skin we get information from the outside world, people and the environment around us. These thought waves form
Ø  Impressions in the brain,
Ø  Activates and stores the gathered information in the memory,
Ø  Information thus gathered, forms ideas, concepts, theories, to deposit as knowledge in the brain
Ø  Learning, basic requirement for teaching, takes place at this stage and gains experience,
Ø  In this process inherent power of brain develops through repeated learning to gain more and more knowledge,
Ø  Such a developed powerful brain only can start communicating the learnt theories and concepts to others.
Ø  Sound knowledge gathered in the brains enables good communication skill and further increases Brain Power.
Ø  Knowledge with skill to communicate is starting point of TEACHING, with the brain power.
Ø  Use your brain power to excel in teaching.

Teaching can never take place without adequate learning, accumulated knowledge with associated teaching skill in the person who teaches, because teaching is basically imparting knowledge to the students/listeners. Teachers’ job is to take his students from the known to the unknown. For effective teaching in addition to the knowledge, developing teaching skill is very important.

Training a teacher is essential to attain the teaching SKILL. Developing pedagogic skill is the most important and foremost training required for any teacher.

A good teacher is one who inspires his students in great ways and makes them to accept him as a role model for their life. Important qualities and skill sets required for a teacher are:
Ø  Learning, retaining and explaining with reference to context
Ø  Passion for teaching
Ø  Excellent knowledge base and particularly a subject matter expert
Ø  Good sense of humor and repartee
Ø  Time management and sharp to cover the syllabus in time
Ø  Best elicitation ability
Ø  Proposing and enjoying the changes happening in students
Ø  Pursue and drive knowledge, impart skill to his students
Ø  Face challenges and enjoy the classes
Ø  Create rapport with students and establish confidence in students
Ø  Above all keen to update his knowledge and skills to the changing needs of curriculum

Best teachers live in the minds of their students for ever. Good impressions that are created by a teacher remain as legendary marks in their mind for life time. Everyone will agree that each one has many interesting classroom experiences around good teaching sessions and the teachers, to discuss with their classmates, whenever they meet in later part of their lives. They are passionate about the way some of their teachers impressed them to remember gloriously.

Brain power and teaching skills coexisting with anyone make him the best teacher of contemporary community. To be on top of the qualities of a teacher is the Use of Brain Power and Teaching Skills for educating the society. Teachers not only create teachers but also all those who practice different walks of life.

Teaching and teachers are nowadays not limited to schools, but have broken that boundary entered all over the arena like corporate, professional colleges, industries, religion, Government establishments, human resource management and all online professions. Teaching and training are the two sides of a coin imparting knowledge and skill to those who are taught or trained by them.
Now the play floor is wide open to Use Brain Power and Teaching Skills for Earning Quick Money. There are so many ways to earn money and that too quick money. Quick money means that earning fast and more money by using Brain Power and teaching skills. It is quite possible to achieve this target through legitimate routes.

Get employed as a teacher in a school or university: Schools and universities pay the teachers a good sum as salary. Other benefits are there for submission of research papers and act as project guides periodically, to those who use their brain power and teaching skills in a better way to earn more money. Such opportunities are wide open to all those qualified and trained teachers.

Earn money by taking up job of a Tutor: As a subject matter expert it is possible to get fixed to the job of a tutor on science or American history or geography. If this job is done in addition to the regular teaching job or any other profession, this will be extra money earned through your brain power and teaching skill.

Put up small posters in coffee shops in the city inviting students for tuitions on your favorite subjects and provide your contact details to attract students who normally throng the coffee shops. By this route also good potential it is possible to carry on a private tuition of your own and earn money.

Teaching children on private coaching classes: Wherever there is a need for coaching some group of people there is scope to earn money for a teacher comfortably. In this era, parents want their children to be smart and get brief knowledge on finance and money matters. As an expert of this area, coaching classes can be organized. Be sure to discuss with the parents with the following documents, to convince them on your ability, course content, duration and coaching process.

Ø  Prepare a course on finance for children
o   Prepare a draft course programme and discuss with the group of parents
o   Get the inputs from them and wherever required make change to the document
Ø  Prepare the course content
Ø  Prepare the job aids
Ø  Define class structure  and course duration
Ø  Evaluation and certification to be given.
Ø  Authentication firm or institution may be coordinated
Ø  Define the fees structure and mode of payment
This is a very nice coaching business for earning money from your own resources of knowledge and skills.

Another very good opportunity is to teach computer skills to Senior Citizens: There are numerous people from senior citizens who do not have the basic skills to use a computer for checking and writing  email, chat, prepare minimum word document, doing small calculations on an excel sheet etc. Take an assessment of the needs of a group of such people in an area and propose course programme and content. Based on their input, as given in the children’s’ coaching project, finalize the teaching and training course for those people.
Ø  As they are senior people flexibility of class timing may be thought of.
Ø  Computers, power equipments, internet connections and space may be decided.
Ø  Need to invest some money for this teaching project
Ø Fix the course fee and mode of payment accordingly.

Here there is a guaranteed sizeable income assured. There is scope for getting more batches of people for the training by taking steps to advertise the success of the batch and opening new batches. While doing so it is worth looking into the feedback of the first batch of trainees and suitably modify or change the course, course materials, time allotted for each topics to achieve the maximum satisfaction reports from the trainees.


Online teaching jobs: Nobody needs to be told about the booming growth of the internet connections at home or office even in the developing countries. Backbone or the internet cloud is also growing for ever side by side to take the data traffic. For sure we are able to make VOIP calls, run and see videos on the net (streaming or live), and almost whatever we do in person in a class room is virtually feasible over the net. This is great resource to expert teachers and trainers for taking bold online teaching ventures to earn big quick money.

Unlike the regular class rooms in person, virtual class room infrastructure or a studio is costlier to be owned or to be hired upon without any predetermined scope to do so. But the earnings per student will be around $ 250 for a class taken on the net. North Carolina Virtual Public School ( offers virtual class room sessions to their students who learn online and complete graduation.
There is dearth for any skilled person to earn money online even without any investment for the infrastructure. There are free virtual class room applications for use to anyone who can Use Brain Power and Teaching Skills to Earn Quick Money. Design web based learning programmes and give neat and quality presentations on subject matter. Many animated flash movies and applications are there to give you simulated machines or any such teaching aid requirements for the use of online students and teachers.

Smart boards and channels for the class room interaction are available to create the real life class room atmosphere. Such of these resources can be tapped for your online courses. Online tests like class tests and exams can be conducted and evaluated. Either you can get yourself sponsored through some of the leading institutions or be a channel partner or be a guest lecturer to conduct online classes or courses as per the entered business deals.


Writing Books: Many of the teachers write physical books and create copy rights for ensuring a regular and one time earning. This is achievable unless you are a well established teacher or a professor of some university or college. Again the same job can be done online at ease in the form of e-Books. There are websites which promote and support those who write e-books. Such opportunities can be efficiently grabbed to earn quick.


Teachers’ Earnings at a glance in USA: Salaries of a school teacher varies from $ 45000 to $ 54000 per annum whereas for the college level lectures and professors vary from $60000 to $116000. It is also quite seen more such opportunities like, vocational instructors, social work lecturers are available to the skilled teachers. Online teaching, which is highly flexible to both teachers and students, gives earning of $56200 per annum. Experienced teachers can get more than this payment. Utilizing the flexibility, more part-time jobs can be taken up and Use Brain Power and Teaching Skills to Earn Quick Money.

Always be conscious to Use Brain Power and Teaching Skills to Earn Quick Money after a careful analysis to choose one or more paths to earn money in the chosen routes.

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