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Why Edible Fruit Bouquet Business?

Edible Money.Make Money with Your Own Edible Fruit Bouquet Business. Edible Money. We all have received flower bouquets either delivered to our doorstep or presented as a gift. We admire for few days and then they wilt. Isn’t it? But what if we give a fruit bouquet to the loved ones? A fruit bouquet is a beautiful way to gift health and nutrition to your loved one and has become a rage in these times of health conscious generation. It is a business which will never go out of date and provides a good change from the clichéd gift idea. So what are you waiting for? Start making money with your own Edible Fruit Bouquet Business.

How does it look like?
Before we start, we need to know what a fruit bouquet looks like or what it is about. An edible fruit bouquet is basically an arrangement of fruits in a basket. The fruits are carved in an artistic way to make the bouquet look attractive and arranged in the basket just like flowers are arranged in a bouquet. Here is a picture of it for you to understand how it looks like.
fruit bouquet                                                       A fruit bouquet

Looks tempting and healthy?  That is exactly what your client will think when he receives one.

Before you start
Before you set up your business, there are some basic things which you would need to do or learn. Let us list down all of them.


Work place/Kitchen: You would need a working place or a kitchen where you could do your carving/arrangement. The place must be clean and have all the things needed for a kitchen with mainly a working top wide enough to hold all the paraphernalia.

Carving knives/Tool Kit: A good set of knives will go a long way in helping you come out with artistic and unique creations. A tool kit will consist of all the things you would need for fruit carving and arrangement. Buy them. There are many craft shops which have these and you can buy them online as well.

Tool kit                                                    Sample ToolKit

Fruits! : This, of course, is a must. For a fruit bouquet you need fresh supply of fruits which may be seasonal, perennial or even exotic ones. You must be able to fulfil the order of a customer on the go. For this a good supply of fruits is a must. By making deal with a fruit vendor/supplier, you will never fall short of fresh fruits.

A Fruit Basket: The fruit arrangement is complete only if the arrangement is placed in a beautiful and attractive basket. Edible Money. You must have different varieties of baskets in hand to impress wide varieties of clients. Fruit basket supplies are also available in the market.

Fruit basket                                                         A lovely fruit basket

 Inventory Storage Space: Because you are dealing with perishable food products, you must have enough storage (coolers, freezers) space to take care of it. The freshness of your fruits will play a crucial role in setting you apart from your competitors.

 Delivery options: Once the fruit arrangement is done, here comes the important part. That is the delivery. You must have a plan in place to deliver your product before it perishes or begins to spoil. Time is very crucial here. Because delivery time will determine the future orders.

Marketing Strategy in place: It is very important to market your product and for this we must choose multiple wings like social networking sites, mails, print media or any other innovative way to market our business.

Take training/attend courses:  There are multiple courses available online/offline which offer training in edible fruit bouquet arrangement. There are even eBooks. Take it. It will only help you better yourself and understand the nuances of the trade.

Now start making money
So you have made your first fruit bouquet and are ready to sell. With the help of technology and your marketing strategy, you will be able to do it. Here are some ideas you can take up to sell your fruit bouquet.

Build a website and sell from it
You can build a website which will take orders from customers, online. To make your website more attractive you can include high quality images of your past orders, your current works. A custom bouquet is a sure shot way of making the customer happy. Edible Money. Let the customer have his choice of fruits and carve out a beautiful bouquet for him/her. Give a realistic delivery time for both the parties to be happy. Build a good client base with every customer and give them a good offer the second time they buy from you. Fruit bouquets are perennial gift items but their sales go up during special occasions like Mother’s day, Birthday or to someone who is getting well after illness. Make a note of these days and give special offers to boost sales. Market your website via social networking sites, mailing lists and other media. A website is the closest and fastest way to reach your customer.
Take a toll free number
Customer would love it if they could give orders via a toll free number. You can have an attractive toll free number and market it via different media like Facebook, Twitter and let your friends know about it. Ask your friends to share your number to others. You can print little pamphlets of your number with other details and distribute it around your neighborhood or ask a coffee shop owner to have it near his cash counter. The idea is to let people know about your bouquet business. They will remember you when a good occasion like wedding comes up.
Tie up with wedding organizers
A wedding or a party is the best place where your bouquet can make money. The wedding business never stops and so will your business only if you make an effort to connect your business with them. Whenever there is a wedding your bouquets will be in demand! Once your bouquets are a hit, the wedding organizer will come back to you for more. This way your business will have orders every month. The wedding guests also may ask to have your contact for individual orders so keep those business cards ready. A wedding alone can get you more than fifty percent of your orders.
weeding fruit bouquet
A wedding fruit bouquet arrangement

So wedding is a good place to boost your sales.

Sales for special days like Mother’s day
People love gifting on special occasions like mother’s day, father’s day, Christmas. Take advantage of these days and come out with special offers or even unique looking arrangements matching the day. This will pull customers towards you. You can even have standard designs made for these days and ask the customer to give his/her preference.  Mark your calendar with all the special days for all communities to make your reach wider. You can take special order for Diwali, Eid or Thanksgiving to mark the occasion.
christmas                                           A Christmas tree like fruit bouquet

For instance, if you carve out something like the one in picture above for Christmas, there will be many takers. Who doesn’t want a healthy Christmas tree on their dinner table?

Tie up with Corporate Events
Corporate events like an annual lunch party or a success party or even a birthday party will want these kind of fruit bouquet arrangements. A nice looking bouquet on the buffet table is a plus. So try to build your clientele here. Try to search for corporate events which may require this kind of arrangements. Once you are able to get at least one contact, you will manage to get orders for all their coming events. The first contact will make all the difference. Try to be unique and innovative for every event to keep your client stick to you.
Impress your friends and relatives
This is probably the easiest way to start making money. If your friends let you know that they are planning to host a party, then you can ask if you could do the fruit bouquet arrangements for them. Once your bouquet reaches the table, then there will be more orders waiting for you! Attend the party yourself and let people know that you could take orders from others too. Keep your business card handy.
Gift Delivery Websites
There are many websites which send gifts to places around the world. They usually tie up with local florists in every area of the city to meet the delivery time. Such sites cater for every kind of gift ideas like Flowers, Chocolate, Strawberry, Fruits, Cake, Pineapple Toppers, Edible fruit bouquet etc. Tying your business with such an e-gift site will definitely increase your dollar bills, money and sales.  You may have to give small part of your earnings to the site but remember that the exposure you get through the site is un-parallel. You will be able to reach across the world through this gifting websites.
Social Networking Sites
Sites like Facebook allow you to create your own business page. It is free of cost. You can upload your fruit bouquet pictures here and take orders. The payment methods and delivery methods have to be worked offline but you would still be able to fetch your initial set of customers. The page may help you market your business as well. The advantage of a social networking site is that it requires minimum investment from you in terms of marketing. And the best part is the feedback you will be able to receive through the page’s comment field.
Online Video Tutorials/Sale
Free video hosting websites like YouTube can provide the perfect platform to showcase your works. You can create a free online tutorial on “How to make an edible fruit bouquet” and upload it to a site. At the end of the tutorial you can mention your contact number and other business details. This way you will be able to market your works and expand your business.
Write an eBook
You can write an eBook about Edible Fruit Bouquet creation and upload it to any free publishing sites. You can show your works in the book and mention that you can take custom orders as well. This way you will able to reach a wider range of customers and boost sales.
Marketing Strategy
Any business will flourish only with right marketing strategy in place. To market your Edible Fruit Bouquet Business you can use multiple options to help people notice you.

       Social Networking sites

This is the probably the easiest way to market your business. Upload high quality pictures of your work, give contact details and most importantly be active on the site. If you are active then the customers faith in you increases. Use the social networking tool to your maximum advantage.

      Business cards

Always keep business cards handy. Give it to as many as you can to let everyone remember you when they need that fruit bouquet. If they have your card then you will be just one phone call away from making a sale! Make your business card informative and attractive keeping the fruit bouquet theme in mind.

      Portfolio of your work

Have a portfolio of your work with you during events, occasions or parties. You are judged by your work and a picture of your work will speak thousand words indeed. After seeing your work the customer will be happy to place an order with you.

 Connect with your past clients

It is very important that you connect with your past clients from time to time. Call them to wish them well on their birthdays and can ask them if they need any fruit bouquet from your shop for any of their loved ones. These small things may prove to be a big step in boosting your business.

So now that you know how many ways you can make your Edible Fruit Bouquet a success, go ahead. With the right attitude, enthusiasm and good marketing strategy you can start making money in no time. You can take it up as a part time business or a full time one. Either way you will make money with your own edible fruit bouquet business.

Sweet Surprises: Gift Occasions and Bouquets to Cherish

Life is full of special moments and gift occasions that call for thoughtful gestures. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or simply a gesture of appreciation, a beautiful bouquet or delicious edible arrangement can make the perfect gift. In this post, we’ll explore the world of gift occasions, bouquets, and edible treats that will make your loved ones smile.
Gift Occasions:
There are countless gift occasions throughout the year, each with its unique charm and significance.
1. Birthdays: Celebrate the birth of a loved one with a vibrant bouquet of fresh flowers or a decadent chocolate strawberry arrangement.
2. Anniversaries: Mark the special day with a romantic fruit bouquet or a box of artisanal chocolates.
3. Mother’s Day: Honor mom with a stunning floral arrangement or a delicious fruit and cheese platter.
4. Graduations: Congratulate the graduate with a colorful bouquet or a sweet treat, like chocolate-dipped strawberries.
Bouquets are a timeless gift that can evoke emotions and create lasting memories.
1. Floral Bouquets: Fresh flowers arranged with love and care can brighten up any room.
2. Fruit Bouquets: A colorful mix of fresh fruits, such as strawberries, grapes, and pineapple, creates a stunning and healthy gift.
3. Edible Bouquets: Combine chocolates, fruits, and nuts for a sweet and savory treat.
Fruit Arrangements:
Fruit arrangements are a thoughtful and nutritious gift option.
1. Strawberry Arrangements: Fresh strawberries paired with cream or chocolate make for a delightful treat.
2. Fresh Fruit Platters: A colorful mix of seasonal fruits, such as watermelon, berries, and citrus.
3. Fruit and Cheese Platters: Combine fresh fruits with artisanal cheeses and crackers.
Chocolate Strawberries:
Indulge in the sweetness of chocolate-dipped strawberries, perfect for:
1. Romantic Evenings: Surprise your partner with a box of chocolate strawberries.
2. Special Occasions: Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, or graduations.
3. Self-Care: Treat yourself to a delicious and relaxing experience.
Edible gifts are a thoughtful way to show appreciation.
1. Chocolate-Covered Fruits: Dip fresh fruits like strawberries, bananas, or grapes in rich chocolate.
2. Fruit-Infused Desserts: Create delicious desserts using fresh fruits and creamy cheeses.
3. Gourmet Gift Baskets: Combine artisanal foods, chocolates, and fruits.
Gift occasions and bouquets are a thoughtful way to show love and appreciation. Whether you choose a vibrant floral bouquet, a delicious fruit arrangement, or decadent chocolate strawberries, remember the thought and love behind the gift. Make every occasion special with a sweet surprise.
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