When a holiday comes around, it always provides another opportunity for business people to make more income. Father’s Day may not be as captivating as Mother’s Day but there is still a lot that you can do to take advantage of the opportunities that it provides.
The number of fathers in America is put at over 70 million which is not a mean market by any standards. A national survey recently reported that Americans spend almost $3 billion dollars on Father’s Day on average. This is why you can make quick money with Father’s Day sales.
4 Tips For Father’s Day Sales
5 Tips for Promoting Father’s Day in Your Online Shop
What Can I Sell on Father’s Day?
How Can I Promote my Product on Father’s Day?
When Should I Start Advertising For Fathers Day?
What do You do on Broken Fathers Day?
What do Dads Love The Most?
What Should I Get For Father’s Day DIY?
How do You Wish For Father’s Day?
How Can I Surprise my Husband on Father’s Day?
How Can I Make Fathers Day special?
Father’s Day Ideas for Gifts
How Much Money Does Father’s Day Make?
What Holiday do we Spend the Most Money on?
How do You Make a Father’s Day Gft Basket?
What Fathers Want For Father’s Day?
4 Tips For Father’s Day Sales
Don’t Be Traditional
If you have a list of customers, start sending reminders to them a few weeks before the day arrives. The traditional approach is to send these messages to people who have fathers or married women.
You can be more creative and send a message that will remind all your customers about the men in their lives that they might consider as fathers in different capacities. By telling them to think of father figures in their lives, you can greatly increase the sales you will make.
Market To Mothers
Adult children and older kids may purchase gifts for their dads but if you want to make quick money with Father’s Day sales, you should focus your marketing efforts more on mothers. Mothers are involved in almost every family purchase so they have a lot of influence on what will be bought and the quantities.
Read Also: Package Corporate Gifts To Make Money
If you have products or services that can be good gifts for Father’s Day, spread the word to as many mothers as you can contact. If you spread the word on social networking websites, you will make it easy for these women to share with their friends. You can also attract moms by offering discounts and deals on your site.
Don’t Forget Grandparents
Grandmothers and grandfathers are another group of people that you don’t want to overlook if you want to make quick money with Father’s Day sales. Grandparents, who are still active, usually participate a lot in the lives of their children. They have more time and they are more sentimental. Make sure that you involve them in the adverts that you put out for your Father’s Day marketing.
It is easy to involve the entire family if you have a service oriented business such as a restaurant or a boat touring service. Restaurant owners can offer special menus, packages or settings for Father’s Day. If you have a kid-friendly setup, families will be encouraged to come.
Do Your Research
Find out what fathers like so that your marketing efforts can yield better results. Men have different tastes from women, so what worked for you on Mother’s Day will not work for men. If you have a retail store, you should be expecting to make more sales on gadgets such as tablets, smartphones, clothes as well as home and garden materials. It is not really difficult to increase your sales on special days. A little creativity is all that you need to make quick money with Father’s Day sales.
5 Tips for Promoting Father’s Day in Your Online Shop
Here are our Father’s Day marketing tips:
1. Get ready for Father’s Day ahead of time
If you’re new to running an online shop, I’ve got some good general advice for you: you’ll want to plan all your website’s annual sales way ahead of time.
Not only does this help you avoid all that last-minute planning and adjustments, but it gives you a chance to promote your sale early enough to catch those non-procrastinating shoppers (don’t look at me) and get them in your shop.
Besides, some people rely on marketing to remind them that the holiday is coming up: you’re essentially doing a public service for many of us (thanks!).
Remember, shop owners have got the famous “summer slump” to deal with, so if your site is up and your marketing is ready before the big day, you’ll be able to make the most of this sale, which occurs during a relatively slow shopping period.
Besides the summer slump, remember that Father’s Day is not always celebrated on the same day in every country.
So, what can you do to prepare? Plan out your strategy ahead of time. Do you want to create a special banner at the top of your page? Who will design it? Will you advertise the sale through Facebook and/or Google? If so, will you have a special landing page where ad-clickers will be sent?
Many of these things take time to create and to implement, so it’s best to get started a few months ahead of time.
2. Run a Father’s Day social media contest
Offering a simple discount for Father’s Day might be enough to catch a few people’s attention. Going one step further, you might want to consider having a giveaway of the “top dad products”.
Taking it one more step further, you should definitely consider having a social media contest. Why? Customer Engagement – that’s why. Sure, you can just give a product away. You’ll get a few sign-ups that you can target with email marketing later on, which is great. However, in this day and age, it’s worth the effort to build a relationship with your customers (and potential ones).
This can be accomplished by having customers interact with your brand in some way and social media is the perfect tool to do that.
You could, for example, encourage them to share their “favourite dad moment”, “dad image”, or even “dad joke” in a social media contest. Remember to think of a clever #hashtag and associate it with the campaign and get them to use it in their posts (e.g. #mydadiscoolerthanyourdad). Also, encourage them to share the post with their own followers.
Oh here’s another good one: How do you make an octopus laugh? With ten-tickles.
With a social media contest, you’ll not only be getting them to engage with your brand more and share the contest with their friends, but you’ll also be creating an emotional connection to your brand.
3. Have a “gift guide” on your website
From my personal experiences, my dad has always been harder to shop for than my mom. Usually, moms are happy enough just getting some flowers and/or chocolate. Dad’s can be a bit more of a challenge though.
If you have a dad-equivalent to flowers and chocolate, please let me know.
By creating a “gift guide” on your website, you can help your customers find the perfect gift for the dad(s) in their lives. By segmenting all the different kinds of dads out there (i.e. “sports fan dad”, “handy dad”, “dad-joke dad”, etc.), you’re actually doing a great service for your shoppers (thanks again!).
Besides hobbies, don’t forget that some people celebrate this big day for multiple people. Think of father-in-laws, grand-dads, step-fathers, son-in-laws. You might even want to make categories for those kinds of dads in our lives (more on this in the next section).
These kinds of guides can inspire people quickly, so put your best (i.e. most popular products) at the top of the list. Before you know it, they’ll be right on your product pages.
If you’re confused by what you should stock up on, Statista released some survey results about what UK dads like to receive for Father’s Day:
Would you look at that? It seems that dads aren’t so complicated to shop for after all! Apparently, dads like getting cards, drinking beer, and eating food! Go figure!
4. Create “dad bundles”
Speaking of gift guides, you can also promote “dad bundles” for your Father’s Day promotion. Bundle a few products together and sell them as such.
Sure, it’s not a ground-breaking idea (it’s not too far off from a cross-selling strategy), but if you highlight the shoppers’ savings (i.e. Save £10 when you buy these two products together), it’s a great way to promote the products while also getting rid of some surplus inventory at the same time.

Some dads love to cook! Inspire your shoppers to buy him some new kitchen appliances and spend some quality time together.
5. Marketing!
This is a general piece of advice, but it works together with all the suggestions mentioned above. Since Father’s Day shoppers are not only children, you might want to try segmenting your ads for all your audiences. For example, you can target teenagers for some ads, moms/wives for others, and even adults who are buying gifts for their (older) dads.
By knowing who you’re marketing to, you can customize your ads to fit these different target audiences with different images and texts. This is called micro-targeting.
It’s also worth knowing which apps these target groups use. Though Instagram and Snapchat are used more by younger audiences, Pinterest is used more by the “mom” demographic, so you’re targeting and messages should match the audience that will be seeing them.
What Can I Sell on Father’s Day?
To take full advantage of this occasion, you need to think bigger than finding specific products.
Knowing how to find the right niches and categories and uploading as many products as possible from them will pave the way to much bigger profits.
And as always, based on our data and research, we’d like to share with you some of the best selling niches for Father’s Day.
1. Cooling Pint Glasses
Beer loving dads will love this gift. Not many people have heard of these cooling glasses, which makes this gift even more unique and special.

2. Smart Watches
Smart Watches have been great sellers from the start. They are a wonderful gift for fathers as they include tons of features that make fathers’ lives much easier.

3. Beard Trimmers
You may have noticed that during the past couple of months, beard trimmers and hair cutting machines sold out almost everywhere and were almost impossible to find. During COVID-19, everyone was doing it at home.
Now they have returned, and you can take advantage of this popular selling Father’s Day gift.

4. Outdoor Cooking Accessories
For fathers who love to cook outdoors, the right tools and accessories are a dad’s best friend.

5. Home Toolkits
Home Tool Kits are another popular niche that can serve as a gift on Father’s Day.

6. Best Dad Mugs
Any father will appreciate a dad’s appreciation mug. They’re funny, complimenting, useful, and they spike in sales before Father’s Day.

7. Fishing Accessories / Equipment
Fishing Accessories range from lure/bait bundles, fishing lines, apparels, tackle storage, and more.
This category also has much higher sale conversions for Father’s Day gifts.

8. Whiskey Glass Set
They’re fancy and loved as Father’s Day gifts even for dads who don’t drink whiskey or alcohol.
Whiskey Glass Sets make for a beautiful and classic gift for Father’s Day.

9. Wallets
One of the most classic niches to sell for Father’s Day gifts are Men’s Wallets.
There is an endless number of wallets under this niche and are one of the most bought gifts for this particular occasion.

10. Beer Caddy
Just like the Whiskey Glass Set, Beer Caddies are an original and classic gift for Father’s Day.
Not many dropshippers know about this particular niche which means a larger piece of the cake for you.

You can find much more Father’s Day gift ideas by simply searching for “Father’s Day” on the suppliers that you prefer. You will find the best selling niches there.
How Can I Promote my Product on Father’s Day?
1. At-Home Father’s Day Celebration
The promo: Offer customers a percentage off of each sale or a free month of monthly subscriptions. Create your Father’s Day promotion around celebrating Father’s Day at home. This is a promo that would apply to any eCommerce business.
The fine print: Promote products that are “quarantine friendly”. Categorize them on your eCommerce site to fit the verbiage of the sale. Change product descriptions that match the sale (i.e. If your product is generically for anyone then change the description to be fun and exclusively for dads.).
2. Pop-up Reminders for Dad
The promo: Implement Father’s Day pop-up reminders on your website. As each person scrolls they’ll be reminded that Father’s Day is coming up and they’ll see your promo instantly.
The fine print: COVID-19 times are hard and your business may not be able to give steep discounts right now. Get creative with your promos–free or faster shipping, a discount on a future purpose, etc. Implementing a generous customer rewards program is a wise move if you cannot afford the larger sales at this time.
3. The “One Day Soon” Father’s Day
The promo: This promotion is built on optimism and the fact that COVID-19 won’t last forever. Your Father’s Day promotion can highlight the products that can be enjoyed outside or away from home. Guide customers through imagining how exciting life will be when quarantine has been lifted. Offering an electronic gift card for this promotion will help customers commit even if they can’t see the benefit of purchasing the actual product.
The fine print: Pull testimonials from the reviews of your products to use in your advertising. Your customer may not want to buy a kayak for their dad with a shelter in place order but may be inclined to if they read how other people have enjoyed it in the past. Use the most recent reviews to paint a picture of your promoted items on your social media platforms. Use your blog to write about the product and help customers imagine themselves using it.
4. Gift Wrapped and Ready
The promo: Offer customers free gift wrapping for Father’s Day on orders over a certain amount.
The fine print: Many people won’t be able to celebrate this special day with their dads. This gift wrapping option will be meaningful to customers and incentivize customers to meet the minimum amount threshold. Including a card encouraging dads to share their gift with you on Instagram by tagging you may also add a special touch. The special offer allows your business to gain visibility and shows your hand in helping families to have a special Father’s Day despite not being together.
5. Buy One, Give One
The promo: Customers purchase an eligible item(s) and your business matches their purchase by donating that same item to a local nonprofit organization.
The fine print: The parameters for this Father’s Day promotion are entirely unique to the product used in the promotion and the organization that you partner with. Some ideas would be to choose a shirt that is eligible in your promotion.
The shopper purchases the shirt and then your business donates a shirt to a local homeless shelter. The opportunity would allow your business to give back to the community and to widen your customer base when that nonprofit mentions your business on social media.
When Should I Start Advertising For Fathers Day?
All of these ideas are great ways to create more awareness for your brand this Father’s Day, but there’s another important element missing – timing. When should you do what? When do you need to start promoting? When should things be published? Use the below timeline to get you started.

One Month
As we mentioned earlier, Father’s Day marketing needs to start about a month out (so, now). Think of broad, all-encompassing messages that encourage people to start thinking of how they’ll honor their pops.
Targeted display ads, social posts, and native ads are all great platforms for this. Also, if you’re running a contest or promotion that requires entries, now is the time to start pushing that and collecting submissions (again, think social media, hashtags, and email marketing).
Three Weeks
Start moving into the consideration phase. Make sure you’re staying highly visible on search engines and have engaging content to support those searches. If you’ve been using iFocus to keep up with your SEO and content strategy, this should be a breeze.
Paid search is another great way to maximize visibility on major search engines. Kick it up another notch with social media advertising, Gmail ads, and programmatic video ads. This is also the time to start putting out those feel-good videos we mentioned above.
Two Weeks
This is when consumers really start thinking about making a decision on what to do or get for dad. Make sure you stay relevant for consumers by retargeting them with display and social ads. Go one step further with dynamic retargeting – showing consumers specific products or services they looked for on your website. Site visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70% more likely to come back to your site and convert, so retargeting should be a must-have for your marketing plan.
One Week
Start pulling out all the stops. Retargeting, shopping cart abandonment, social ads, Facebook and Twitter hashtags, videos, display ads, paid search ads, etc. Re-engage consumers across multiple screens and make sure you’re always there with a message that’s relevant to them.
Day Of
Don’t let up as you approach the finish line! Be sure to have some good Father’s Day content scheduled for your social platforms. Refer once again to our hashtag and photo sharing ideas. Post pictures of your employees with their fathers. Remember, this isn’t just a retail holiday – we’re celebrating dad, after all!
Show that human side of your business. Additionally, if you’re an e-commerce business, make sure you’re optimizing any last-minute promotions for mobile. Consumers are much more likely to be out and about on this day, so mobile-optimized campaigns are your friend.
What do You do on Broken Fathers Day?
Gifts that come from the heart don’t have to cost you a dime, and the memories you and your family make will be priceless. On Father’s Day, give Dad a gift that’s truly from the heart instead of the store, and he’s sure to appreciate the thought and love you put into his invaluable gift.
1. Kids’ Photo Collage
Collect some of Dad’s favorite photos of the kids, or take some brand new ones with the whole family. Kids can create a fun photo collage that captures all their favorite memories with Dad.
2. Family Desktop Picture
Replace the wallpaper on Dad’s computer, smartphone, or tablet with a smiling family photo. It’ll be a neat surprise that reminds him how much he’s loved when he first turns his electronics on for the day.
3. Organize His Sock Drawer
Staying organized isn’t always a top priority for busy dads. This Father’s Day, help make Dad’s life a little easier by organizing his sock drawer, his T-shirts, or his shoes. It’s a small but thoughtful gesture that makes a big difference in his busy life.
4. Chore Takeover
There are always chores to be done, and never enough time to do them all. On Father’s Day, have the kids take over some of Dad’s usual chores, such as washing the dishes or walking the dog, so that he can relax and enjoy his day off.
5. Father’s Day Name Poem
“F” is for “Fantastic,” “A” is for “Awesome,” etc. Have each of the kids create a Father’s Day name poem for Dad. You can use “Father,” “Papa,” or his name for the poem.
6. Mending Clothes
Busy moms and dads don’t always have time to fix pockets, missing buttons, hems, and socks, so the unwearable clothing can pile up. Take some time this Father’s Day to make any necessary at-home fixes and alternations to Dad’s clothing.
7. Breakfast in Bed
Whip up a hearty breakfast while Dad sleeps in. There’s no better way for him to start the day than with breakfast in bed.
8. Handprint Art
Kids can get creative with craft materials from around the house, and handprint art is always a fun option. Paint your kids’ hands to have them stamp their handprints on paper or cardstock. Have the kids write a loving message to Dad underneath their prints.
9. Homemade Chore Coupons
Homemade chore coupons are a fun gift item that’s always well-received. Make up a batch of coupons Dad can redeem for a break from various chores. It’s a thoughtful Father’s Day gift that extends beyond the holiday.
10. Family Board Game Night
Pull out some board games from the closet and have a fun family game night. It’s a fun and free way for the family to spend some time together.
What do Dads Love The Most?
1. Loving fathers… love their children’s mother
Love your wife without reservation – you can’t do much more for your kids than that. If you are divorced, treat your children’s mother with respect, even if it is not reciprocated. Never return disgrace with disgrace.
2. Love them unconditionally
Make sure that your children know you love them no matter what. Don’t confuse this with permissiveness. Unconditional love does nothing to encourage the wrong kind of behavior. In fact, kids who are secure in their father’s love tend to act out less, not more.
3. Grow up
We’re talking about us here, not the kids. Children don’t want another buddy; they want a dad. They want someone who thinks things through, makes tough decisions, and engages life with responsibility. Someone they can count on.
4. Be there
“Quality time” is all well and good, but it has nothing on quantity time. Make the time. Everyone has the same 24 hours available. Make yours count.
5. Provide
As best you can. Material provision can be tough when jobs are lost and tough times hit. However, you can always provide a stable home with love and affection.
6. Discipline
Children appreciate an even hand, balance, accountability, and love-drenched discipline. It’s called consistency and, without clearly defined boundaries, it is very difficult to grow up.
7. Value education
Don’t just read to them; read with them. Don’t just fuss about grades; get involved with their homework. Don’t just talk about learning; be a hands-on advocate. Be a presence at their school by joining or starting an All Pro Dad’s Day Breakfast.
8. Raise them to leave
The simple goal of being a family and parenting our children doesn’t look any more complicated than this: Raise them up well-equipped to leave home and to establish faithful lives.
9. Teach them to take responsibility
Kids who learn how to duck responsibility and avoid cost will – sooner or later – fall flat on their faces. Loving fathers make sure their children know how to own up, clean up, and move forward.
10. Teach them to love this life
The best predictor of happiness in children is happiness in their parents. If we learn how to love this life and then give that blessing to our kids, they will be well prepared for satisfaction.
What Should I Get For Father’s Day DIY?
All dads — even the one who claims to be Mr. Tough Guy — love a Father’s Day gift that tugs at his heartstrings. Since it can be tough to find a store-bought option that has just the right amount of practicality, personalization and heart, try your hand at making one of these DIY Father’s Day gifts this year.
These homemade gift ideas vary in skill level, but most of them are easy enough for toddlers and kids to make (with mom’s supervision, of course).
1. Homemade Grilling Apron

Give kids a range of fabric markers and paints to choose from, and then watch as they turn a plain white apron into something special for your family’s grill master.
2. Kid’s Artwork Koozie

You’ll also rely on your kid’s help for this DIY: Ask them to draw a picture of their dad on a piece of craft foam, which you’ll later wrap around a beer can like a koozie.
3. Printable Bottle Tags

Print one of these punny messages on card stock and then attach them to his favorite after-work drink of choice.
4. Swedish Fish Box

For a sweet (and edible) take on a fishing tackle box, fill a plastic organizer with a colorful array of Swedish Fish.
5. Personalized Spatula

He takes so much pride in being the chosen one to man the grill, so it’s only fitting that he has a custom burger, hot dog and veggie flipper. Let the kids paint a special message — #1 Dad, Best Dad Ever, you name it — on its wooden handle.
6. Monster Trail Mix

Make his movie snack (or anytime snack, really) fit for the holiday by affixing a custom label from dad’s own “little monsters.” And if you can’t make it to the grocery store to buy trail mix, make your own with an assortment of nuts, dried fruit and chocolate.
7. M&M Bow Tie Card

The M&Ms will give him an instant sweet fix, but the heartfelt message written inside the card will last a lifetime.
8. Beer Bouquet

Unoriginal Mom
Make a basic six-pack fit for the occasion by dressing each bottle with a paper flower. Since you know he really just wants a case of his favorite beer for Father’s Day…
9. Instagram Picture Frame

If it was a milestone year in your family (new baby! graduation!), this wooden frame will serve as a highlight reel for dad to enjoy for years to come.
10. Super Dad Candy Card

As a nod to dad, turn chocolate bars into superheroes with colored construction paper and markers.
How do You Wish For Father’s Day?
1. Thanks for being a cool dad and a wonderful mentor. Happy Father’s Day!
2. On this Father’s Day I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me. Love you Dad
3. I am extremely grateful to have you as a father. You are the best dad. Happy Father’s day!
4. Happy Father’s Day Dad! Thank you for always being there whenever I needed you
5. You are an absolutely wonderful dad and a great human being. I am proud of you. Happy Father’s day!
How Can I Surprise my Husband on Father’s Day?
Father’s Day is an occasion to show your husband, the father of your children or even future children, some hard-earned respect and care. Show the man you love how much you appreciate him.
Here are some ideas to honor your husband this Father’s Day:
- Go fishing with him and turn it into a picnic. Bring a portable grill and plan for eating some of his hard earned catch, but make sure you have a backup just in case he gets skunked.
- Go to a car show! You may not care about what type of engine is in that 80’s GTO but he does. Let him tell you all about it.
- Take him to a concert with his favorite band. This is always location dependent but live music always makes for a good time.
- Book a reservation at his dream restaurant. We know there are foodies out there and this speaks to their love language.
- Go camping for the weekend. This takes a little planning but if your husband loves the outdoors, this is a great way for him to spend Father’s Day. Plus your kids will love it too.
- Have an all day marathon of his favorite series. There are those who love to binge on their favorite shows so let him do just that. Make sure he has his favorite food too!
- Learn something new. Maybe he has been dreaming of trying something new for a while but hasn’t gotten around to doing it. Make it happen! He’s ready for a new challenge and this could be that time.
- If he’s an art buff, take him to the closest art museum for a day of culture and reflection.
- Go to a baseball game. It’s the middle of the season so go cheer on your favorite team with some peanuts and hotdogs in hand.
- BBQ! Smelling dinner slow cooking all day is a truly wonderful aroma and it’s a great opportunity to sit back and relax in anticipation of a great meal.
How Can I Make Fathers Day special?
Gifts are always a great way to show you care, but nothing is more special than spending quality time with your dad. If you live nearby or have the resources to travel, then your company is the best gift you could give him.
Need some fun ideas on what you can do together? Keep reading for 10 activities that will make this Father’s Day the most memorable one yet.
1. Go Ziplining
Does your dad love a good adventure? If so, he’ll get an incredible adrenaline rush ziplining. Not only is this activity exciting, but you’ll also be able to take in some stunning views of the surrounding nature.
When he’s zooming through the forest, he’ll feel like he’s on top of the world. This is an experience neither one of you will want to forget. Remember to bring a camera so you can capture all of the playful screaming, cheering, and other special moments.
2. Have a Pizza and Video Game Bash
If you have a laid-back, fun dad, then you should treat him to a lazy Father’s Day full of pizza and video games. For extra comfort, you can even hang out in your pajamas. This is sure to stir up some childhood nostalgia.
No matter what you decide to play, you’ll get a kick out of seeing his competitive side. Don’t forget to throw in a few games where you can work together as a team, too! You can introduce him to the best games on the market now or he can school you in some retro video games from his childhood.
Don’t have a cool gaming setup? That shouldn’t stop you! Feel free to move your party to a nearby arcade.

3. Do His Chores While He Gets a Massage
Dads always seem to have a list of chores that never ends. When you were a kid, he probably spent a lot of time cleaning up after your messes. In order to repay the favor, you should tackle some of his chores.
To make him feel even more spoiled, you should send him off to get a professional massage. This gift is even sweeter if you get the work done while he’s gone. When he comes home, he’ll be surprised that he gets to relax even longer.
Since you should spend some time together on Father’s Day, you should do something fun once you finish his chores. Go out for a walk, grab a bite to eat, or catch a movie together. Since it’s his day, ask him what he’d like to do, then make it happen.
4. Go on a Road Trip
Did you take a lot of family vacations as a kid? If you did, your dad probably did most of the driving. On this Father’s Day, you can let dad ride shotgun while you take him somewhere exciting.
The best part about road trips is that they can be as long as you want. If you’re short on time, you can make it a day trip and stick to nearby cities, but if you want to treat him to a proper vacation, you can plan something more extensive.
You can even cater the road trip to all of his hobbies. If he’s a history buff, you could create an itinerary that includes stops at the best museums around. If he loves ice cream, you can visit all of the top-rated shops along the way.
5. Buy Tickets to His Favorite Event
Does your dad love watching baseball games or wrestling matches on TV? If he has a favorite sport, you should take him to an event for Father’s Day. Everyone knows that the action is much more exciting when it’s happening right in front of you.
Is he more into the arts? You can also look into nearby concerts and other types of performances that are happening around Father’s Day. If you’re lucky, his favorite band will be on tour when it’s time to celebrate.

6. Play Like Kids
Life is full of good memories. Some of the best times of our lives happen when we’re children. When men become fathers, they have the chance to experience childhood all over again by playing with their kids.
Even though you’re older now, that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. A silly Father’s Day idea is to do all of the things you both loved most when you were young.
This could mean that you spend the morning watching cartoons in your pajamas while you eat cereal. At lunchtime, you could pack some sandwiches, head over to the park, and build up an appetite by playing catch. End the day with ice cream sundaes and a funny movie.
7. Go on a Food Tour
Is your dad a self-proclaimed foodie? No activity would be better than taking him out on a food tour of the best local restaurants. Walking tours are a great way to explore the city and get your stomachs growling.
If your dad already knows his area well, take him a few towns over to explore a new environment. If he’s more into craft beers or wine, you could take him on a drinking tour as well. With so many creative food and drink options, you’ll have full bellies and hearts by the end of the tour. It’s always fun to try new things, but the event will be even more special because of all the quality time you get to spend together.
8. Drive a Race Car
What could be more exciting than driving a race car? The good news is that you don’t have to be a professional in order to sit behind the wheel. There are plenty of companies across the world that offer this unique experience.
If you can’t find a race car company in a city near you, you could also drive some go-karts. Although they’re not as fast, everyone always has a good time racing them around the track. This will definitely make you two feel like kids again.
9. Surprise Him with an Adventure
Dads are full of fun surprises. That’s why they’re one of our best friends our whole lives. This Father’s Day, you can reverse the roles and give your dad a surprise.
Think back on his life and try to remember every cool thing he’s ever done. If you can come up with an activity he’s never done before, now is the perfect time to do it together.
The activity can be tame or as wild as he can manage. Whether it’s enjoying a hot air balloon ride or taking a painting class together, he’ll appreciate having the opportunity to try something new with you.

10. Pack a Picnic and Go Kayaking
If your dad likes to recharge in nature, then you should spend Father’s Day in the great outdoors. One of the most relaxing activities you can do is kayaking. You can explore the lake or river you’re on at your own pace while taking in the beautiful surroundings.
Does your dad like to fish? Don’t forget to pack some fishing gear, too. Once your arms are tired of rowing, you can relax and cast out your line right from your kayak.
In order to make the most of your day together, you should also pack a picnic. This will give you enough energy to keep the fun going for hours. If you’re not much of a cook, there are plenty of premade sandwiches and snacks you can grab at the grocery store beforehand.
Father’s Day Ideas for Gifts
Dads give so much to us our whole lives. How can we find a gift that encapsulates our appreciation?
The trick to finding the right gift is to think about who your dad is. It’s not about the size or price of the gift, but the thought behind it.
Need some inspiration? Here are 10 unique gift ideas that your dad is sure to enjoy.
1. A Heartfelt Card and Gift Certificate
Store-bought cards and Visa gift cards are pretty underwhelming gifts. Most people buy them as a last resort for someone they don’t know well. However, they can actually be incredible gifts if you put more energy into personalizing them.
First, make him one of these free, customizable Father’s Day cards. You can choose from dozens of themes, upload your own photos, and write a heartfelt message. When he looks at the final product, he’ll have the biggest smile on his face.
Next, think about his hobbies and personality. Does he have a favorite restaurant or store? If you get him a gift card he’ll have fun using, then it’s a successful gift.
2. A Fitness Subscription or Membership
Has your dad ever expressed any interest in trying a new activity like golfing or kickboxing? Father’s Day is a great time to help him explore new hobbies.
You can purchase classes for him at a local studio or buy him a membership at a new club or gym. Groupon is a helpful resource that allows you to buy bundle deals at a discounted price.
If you live nearby, you should join him when he decides to go. You may find a new hobby you can bond over. When you have a fitness buddy, you’re more likely to stick to your exercise regimen and stay in shape.

3. A Personalized Cutting Board and Knife Set
Does your dad know his way around the kitchen? If so, every chef can always use a new knife set.
Knives are one of the most important cooking tools. High-quality knives can decrease prep time and help produce uniform cuts. With proper care, they can last a long time, which means it’s definitely worth the investment.
A nice addition to new knives is a personalized cutting board. Online stores like Etsy are a fantastic spot to find custom gifts for any occasion. Every time your dad cooks, he’ll be reminded of how happy he is to be your dad.
4. A Portable Hammock
Is your dad always outdoors? If so, then his life will be so much better with a portable hammock. Most portable hammocks are lightweight, which means he’ll have no trouble carrying it wherever he goes.
Whether he’s lounging in the backyard or hiking a mountain, he’ll love being able to relax anywhere. A hammock is also a nice way to remind your dad to slow down and enjoy the moment. He can take a nap, read a good book, or enjoy the sounds of nature while he swings in the breeze.
5. A Custom Whiskey Barrel Kit
Does your dad enjoy unwinding with a strong drink? The perfect gift for him would be a custom whiskey barrel kit. Not only do they look stunning, but he’ll be able to have fun creating unique concoctions.
Don’t forget to buy him a few different types of whiskeys to experiment with. Once he opens your gift, he’ll be so excited to start using it. The next time you visit, you can sample his latest creation.

6. A Handmade Sports Quilt
If your dad is a big sports fan, then he’ll get a kick out of a handmade sports quilt. The great part about this gift is you can choose what to include in it. One option you could do is make a quilt out of t-shirts from his favorite professional teams and players.
If you have a bunch of t-shirts from the sports you played as a kid, you could recycle them into a quilt full of fond memories. This is a special gift if he often attended your games.
The good news is that it’s easy to make a t-shirt quilt. No matter what you decide to include in it, he’ll love hanging it on his wall or bundling up with it on the couch.
7. The Ultimate Grooming Kit
If you want to help your dad look sharp, then upgrade his grooming supplies with a high-quality kit. One convenient option is to sign him up for a subscription service like Dollar Shave Club so that he can get supplies delivered at his door every month. Another option is to build your own gift basket full of goodies catered to his specific tastes.
Some different kinds of grooming tools you should consider for your kit are as follows:
- Razor(s)
- Shaving cream
- Aftershave cream
- Scissors
- Beard oil
- An electric trimmer
- A comb or brush
- Deodorant
- Cologne
- A toiletry bag
It may seem like a simple gift, but there are plenty of luxury grooming items that can make people feel like a million bucks. When your dad opens this gift, he’s sure to have a big smile on his face. Sometimes the best gifts are ones you know you can use every day.
8. A Smart Thermostat
One funny stereotype about dads is that all of them get upset if their kids touch the thermostat. Did your dad do this, too? Now that you’re an adult, a hilarious way you could tease him is by getting him a smart thermostat.
Not only will this make him laugh as he reminisces about your childhood years, but it’s also a really useful gift. Whenever your dad leaves the house for an extended period of time, his thermostat will shut off. When he’s on his way home, the thermostat will turn back on and get the house back to a comfortable temperature.
Smart thermostat technology can cut electric bills significantly and help reduce carbon footprints. You can’t go wrong with this clever gift!
9. A Culinary Subscription Box
Dads are also known for their impressive grilling skills. Want to take your dad’s cooking game up a few notches? Try ordering him a tasty culinary subscription box.
Lots of services like Grill Masters Club or BBQ Box send unique goodies each month that make grilling even more enjoyable. Your dad will love trying tasty spice blends, smoked wood chips, and daring sauces and marinades. If you’re lucky, you’ll even be able to eat some of his inspired dishes.

10. Noise-Cancelling Headphones
If your dad is always on the go, he deserves some noise-cancelling headphones. Whether he’s mowing the lawn, working out, or trying to relax, he’ll be able to get good use out of the headphones every day.
Noise-cancelling headphones can also provide the best experience for listening to music. If your dad travels a lot, he’ll love using his headphones to watch his favorite shows or movies. Once he hears the high-quality surround sound, he’ll be hooked.
How Much Money Does Father’s Day Make?
In 2020, Father’s Day spending soared to an all-time record high of $17 billion — but even that is small potatoes compared to 2021. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), Americans planned to dig even deeper for dad this year to the tune of $20.1 billion — another record broken, this time by more than $3 billion. The average person might spend $174 per paternal present — about $26 more than last year — with 3 out of 4 consumers planned to celebrate Father’s Day in one way or another.
What Holiday do we Spend the Most Money on?
The National Retail Federation (NRF) and Prosper Insights & Analytics gauged consumers’ spending and celebration plans for American holidays. In a 2015 consumer survey, it was revealed that these were the projected holidays in 2016 that people will spend the most money on:
- Winter holidays: $626.1 billion
- Back-to-school season: $68 billion
- Mother’s Day: $21.2 billion
- Valentine’s Day: $19.7 billion
- Easter: $16.4 billion
- Super Bowl: $15.5 billion
- Father’s Day: $12.7 billion
- Halloween: $6.9 billion
- St. Patrick’s Day: $4.4 billion
How do You Make a Father’s Day Gft Basket?
The possibilities are so endless as to what you can put inside too! Many people have been stalking some of their husband’s favorite things to add to his gift basket for a while now.
T-shirts, magazines, his special vitamins, nuts, and HBC productswill be part of his gifts on behalf of the kids. Below are some other thing you can add.
- Gift cards-gas, coffee shops, sandwich shops, retailers
- T-shirts
- Guy magazines
- Nuts, chips, crackers
- Cheeses
- Sunglasses
- Tools
- Car cleaning supplies
- Beer
- Wine
- Alcohol
- Wine Stopper
- Bottle Opener
- Grilling tools
- Desk Calendar
- Socks
- Funny gag gifts
- Handmade cards, drawings
- Cologne
- Candy Bars, fruity candy
- Body care products like Dove Men + Care
- Oversized Father’s Day Cards
- Father’s Day coupons (free back rub, free lawn mow, etc)
What Fathers Want For Father’s Day?
The new survey of 2,000 dads revealed that three in four dads (76 percent) prefer an experience over a physical gift for Father’s Day.
And the top gift you can give your dad this year? A simple phone call.
The new survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Omaha Steaks aimed to reveal what dad is really after for his Father’s Day event and found that 57 percent of dads actually say it’s their favorite day of the year.
While a phone call from their children topped the list of most desired gifts (47 percent), it wasn’t the only thing dad had his eye on this year.
Four in 10 (41 percent) said a big, juicy steak would improve their Father’s Day this year, while 38 percent of dads said they could really just go with some peace and quiet.
Taking in a ball game with the family also scored high, with 38 percent saying that sounded like a lovely Father’s Day treat.
While one in three easy-to-please dads say they just want to be able to watch whatever they want on the TV.
Interestingly, 64 percent of dads reported that they specifically don’t want anything that says “World’s Best Dad” on it this year.
Sitting down for a meal with dad this Father’s Day is apparently a very good idea, according to the research, as 79 percent of dads say they like to bond with their children over food.
But if it’s a cook-out you’re after, stay off the grill, because one in three dads say that if someone is grilling, it’s going to be them.
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Another six in 10 confident dads feel like there’s no better cook in the house than themselves.
“Give dad an experience that’s guaranteed to please this Father’s Day,” said Todd Simon, Senior Vice President and Family Owner. “Not only is a package from Omaha Steaks a great gift, it’s a perfect meal to grill up while bonding with Dad and celebrating Father’s Day in the backyard.”
Father’s Day is a celebration of dads in all their dad glory. The survey found that 56 percent of dads love to tell classic “dad jokes.”
In fact, according to the results, 47 percent of dads have said the specific joke, “Hi hungry, I’m dad,” and 60 percent of dads find the joke to be actually funny.
The survey also found that it takes four years after their first child is born before hitting “peak dad,” and there are signs that show it, too.
For example, the top sign that you’ve hit “peak dad,” is that you start to laugh at your own jokes (33 percent.)
The second biggest sign you’ve reached “peak dad” is if you find yourself busting out cheesy moves on the dance floor. Also scoring high on the list was if you’re always the one manning the grill.
Top 10 gifts dads want for Father’s Day this year
Phone call from my kid(s) | 47% |
A big juicy steak | 41% |
Peace and quiet | 38% |
Taking in a ball game with the family | 38% |
An ice cold beer or two | 35% |
A cheaper, practical gift (socks, tie, etc.) | 35% |
Glass of wine | 34% |
Watch whatever I want on TV | 34% |
Glass of whiskey | 29% |
A physical, expensive gift (Apple Watch, etc.) | 29% |