You can easily make money with a home fumigation service. This is a business that will always be in demand because people have to rid their homes of insects, termites and other pests every now and then.
Fumigation is the use of fumigants (gaseous chemicals) to suffocate and kill pests within a structure. It is an invasive procedure carried out by experts (like those available at Pest Control Experts) that requires all other humans and animals to be outside of the home for anywhere from several hours to an entire week, so it is not often a first line of defense. However, particularly stubborn pest infestations may require fumigation to be effectively taken care of.
However, it is a highly regulated sector so you will need to find out the laws that are applicable in your local area before you start. There are other requirements but it is a lucrative field if you do your homework thoroughly.
- What Should you Know About Fumigating Services?
- How do I Start a Fumigation Business?
- Should I Fumigate my Home by Myself?
- How Can I Fumigate on my Own?
- How do You Charge for Fumigation?
- Do You Need to Wipe Everything Down After Fumigation?
- Which Chemical Can I Use to Fumigate my House?
- How Profitable is a Pest Control Business?
- Is Fumigation a Cleaning Service?
- How Much Does it Cost to Fumigate a Flat?
- What Equipment do I Need to Start a Pest Control Business?
- How Can I Promote my Pest Control Business?
What Should you Know About Fumigating Services?
Getting started
Getting a broad view of what it will cost to run the business is necessary. The startup cost is relatively high. The essentials are a truck or a van to transport chemicals and equipment to clients’ destination. Get insurance and pest control certification from the state you operate because as mentioned earlier, this is a regulated area of business.
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You also need a website that will help you market your business as well as business cards and vehicle signage. Online adverts placement and also local newspapers adverts should also be considered. Another thing that will make your business more effective is if you have very good networking skills to build and maintain relationship with suppliers, residential and business clients.
Seasonal nature of the business
Fumigation services are usually seasonal. When the weather is warm people in the Northeast will want to fumigate their houses because of flies, yellow jackets and carpenter ants. In cooler months, rodents like rats and mice become the problem as they look for warm nesting places and shelter inside the house.
Take care of yourself
In order to make money with home fumigation services, you must not be someone who is generally fussy. The working conditions may not be perfect. An example is fumigating an attic on a very hot day. You should be careful not to expose yourself to harmful chemicals. You are also in danger of unintentionally bringing pests home.
Your chemicals should be properly stored in very strong storage even as you convey them on highways or tunnels because you will be held liable should any of the chemicals cause injury or property damage. You must be knowledgeable and skillful before you can run a home based pest control service.
Fumigating the home
Generally, before you start to fumigate a home, be sure that there are no pets or humans inside it. Fumigation is done in an enclosed environment, the chemicals are released inside the house and these gases are meant to kill the pests.
The usual thing is to completely cover the entire house which is done with a canvas like material. This is why it should not be assumed that there is no one inside the house. You need to check to be sure there is no cat or little girl curled up fast asleep in a corner.
You should be extra careful in homes with children and odd pets as a result of the toxic chemicals that might be used. This is why a lot of people now prefer using the increasingly popular organic sprays and other eco-friendly products.
How do I Start a Fumigation Business?
A fumigation business business has the potential to provide you with a healthy income, but going the freelance route takes commitment and marketing know-how. Many of those who run their own pest control businesses get their start working for an established pest control services company.
Pest control workers, or exterminators, eliminate mice, rats, roaches, termites and other pests to protect homes and businesses from further infestation. They set traps with poison or natural baits and seal off entryways.
They may also have to fumigate entire homes and businesses while educating clients on how they can better control pests. Homes with children and curious pets demand special consideration if you must use toxic materials.
Pest control businesses often have a seasonal nature. For example, there may be a strong demand for controlling yellow jackets, flies, and carpenter ants in the warmer months in the Northeast, while rodents like mice and rats are often a problem in the cooler months when they seek warm shelter and nesting places indoors.
You can offer monthly, quarterly and annual pest control packages to help generate a steady income stream.
Startup expenses for a pest control business can be significant. To start, you’ll have to outfit a truck or van with equipment and chemicals. Here’s a rundown of some things you’ll need to get started:
- Pest control knowledge and some experience.
- A reliable vehicle that will allow you to safely transport equipment and supplies.
- Insurance.
- A website, vehicle signage, business cards, and print and online advertising materials to promote your business.
- Strong networking skills to develop relationships with suppliers and with business and residential clients
In addition, you’ll need certification, because pest control is regulated. Contact your state pest control board for certification information and to find out what’s required in your area.
Should I Fumigate my Home by Myself?
One of the first steps in figuring out how to fumigate your home is deciding whether it’s a job that can be done on your own or if you’re going to need to hire the pros to do it for you. There are a few factors to consider.
The extent of the infestation. Localized and/or small infestations may be effectively treatable with DIY fumigation products. Widespread and/or large infestations, however, may require tenting and a more extensive fumigation process, in which case you will probably be better off going straight to a professional fumigation company.
Price and convenience. DIY pest control requires fogger bombs, which spread fumigants throughout your home. They can be picked up at home improvement stores for about $10 to $100, depending on the square footage of the area that you are treating. They can also be used on your own time (though you’ll still need to vacate your home for a set period).
Professional fumigators will cost you a bit more—the average is about $170 though the service can cost up to $500, according to HomeAdvisor—and you’ll need to schedule and wait for an appointment.
Safety. Spreading gaseous pesticides throughout your home is no small matter. If the fumigation process is done incorrectly, you are putting the health of your family, your pets, and other nearby people and animals at serious risk. Make sure that you fully understand the process and the risks before fumigating on your own, and if you’re at all worried about doing it right, hire professionals for peace of mind.
How Can I Fumigate on my Own?
If you’ve done the research on how to fumigate and you think that you’re good to take care of it without professional assistance, then follow the steps below to tackle the pest control process with store-bought fumigators
- Pick a fumigation product
There are a variety of fogger bombs for pests out there. Choose the one that best fits your needs in terms of the size of the space that you’re treating and the type of pest that you’re dealing with. Keep your budget in mind too, though it’s important to note that cheaper might not always be better here since saving money on cheap home fumigation products might mean spending more later on when they don’t work. - Make a plan
DIY fumigation isn’t just something that you can do when you’ve got some spare time on the weekend. You’ll need to vacate your home entirely for at least a couple of hours, and you’ll need to take your pets with you. Other items that cannot be exposed to fumigants include plants that you consume (think herb gardens on the kitchen windowsill), as well as things like glassware and silverware. Keep the latter items stored away where the gases won’t be able to reach them, and give them a thorough cleaning after fumigating just to be sure. Properly prep any aquariums too by turning off air pumps to the tank and sealing the tops off with plastic. - Prepare your home for fumigation
Follow the directions on the fogger bombs you purchased very carefully. These products should not be placed in small areas like drawers or cabinets, but if you do need to treat those areas open their doors so the gas can get in. Securely close all doors and windows that lead to the outdoors and shut off fans and your heating/cooling system, then temporarily disable your home’s smoke detectors. - Set your foggers
Again, follow package directions carefully. Most fogger bombs should be placed on a surface, such as a chair or a table. Make sure your home is completely prepped before setting them off, and that all family members and pets are safely out of the house. Once you have all the fogger bombs set up where you want them, set off each one and get out of the house as fast as you can, closing and securing the door behind you. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth so that you don’t accidentally inhale any of the gaseous chemicals as you set off the bombs. - Wait it out
Do not go back into your home any earlier than what’s designated on the fumigation product packaging. This is for your own safety, and it gives the product proper time to do its job (the longer you can let it sit, the better). After the allotted time has passed, put your mask back on and go inside. Once there, collect the foggers for disposal and open all doors and windows to begin airing out the space. Leave the house and allow the area to completely air out for at least a couple of hours before returning.
How do You Charge for Fumigation?
Full-house fumigation is one of the most expensive pest control treatments because of the labor, equipment, and time required to perform the treatment. The average cost of this service is between $2,000 and $8,000, or about $1–$4 per square foot of your home.
Like many pest treatments, fumigation costs are impacted by several factors, including the size of your home and the type of pest infestation you’re addressing. Here’s a breakdown of how much you can expect to pay based on your home’s square footage.
Square Footage | Termite Treatment Cost |
1,000 square feet | $1,000–$4,000 |
1,500 square feet | $1,500–$6,000 |
2,000 square feet | $2,000–$8,000 |
2,500 square feet | $2,500–$10,000 |
3,000 square feet | $3,000–$12,000 |
3,500 square feet | $3,500–$14,000 |
Do You Need to Wipe Everything Down After Fumigation?
Regular fumigation of your house will lead to a pest-free environment. After fumigation, you will need to clean your home to get rid of any chemicals before you get into the house. Cleaning a house after fumigation will also get rid of the dead pests lying around the house. How do you clean your home after fumigation?
Step 1
Open all windows and doors to make sure the whole house is well aerated before you proceed with the cleaning.
Step 2
Search for any edible around the house that were left open during fumigation. Keep any open containers or food away before you proceed with your cleaning. Throw any packets of chips, sugar, butter, etc. that were left open during fumigation for precaution.
Step 3
Start by vacuuming all the dead pests around the house before discarding the vacuum bag. Then proceed to empty all the cupboards and drawers for vacuuming. You can also proceed to vacuum the curtains, couches, chairs, and home fabrics. Move around all the furniture to vacuum around the house. Do not leave any furniture and corners unturned.
Step 4
Use a damp cloth to wipe surfaces around the house to get rid of any dust and fumigants. After using the cloth discard it immediately. Make a 50-50 solution of water and vinegar. With the solution repeat the wiping process not forgetting about the cabinets, doorknobs, drawers, and cupboards. After wiping down the surfaces discard the cloth immediately.
Step 5
Proceed to mop the floors using warm soapy water to get rid of the remaining fumigants. Do not forget about mopping the toilet and bathroom floors as well. Wipe the restroom surfaces before you finish your cleaning.
Step 6
Collect all your home linen that includes the sheets and curtains for laundry, wipe the washing machine and clean linen using it.
Also, remember to vacuum your mattress before replacing the bedding with clean once. You can consider purchasing new linens if the rest of yours are fumigated. Avoid staying in your home for at least two days to let the house to aerate before you move back in properly.
Which Chemical Can I Use to Fumigate my House?
Different chemicals will be used for fumigation of your property based on your pest. The chemicals used for termite control by Salt Lake City-based pest control terminators will, for instance, not be the same as those used for rodents and flying insects. There are some that cut across most pests and will more often than not feature in most fumigation procedures.
Here are these commonly used fumigants:
Magnesium Phosphide
This dark gray solid is used in granule or powder form. Magnesium phosphide will generate phosphine gas when mixed with the moisture in your environment or an acid. The gas produced is highly toxic and will get rid of agricultural pests and burrowing pests like termites.
Some terminators use aluminum phosphide that works the same way as magnesium phosphide. This gets rid of pests in all stages of their development. Solid fumigants are considered safer compared to gaseous ones since their application is easy to control.
Methyl Bromide
This is an effective fumigant that kills almost all pests. Methyl bromide is applied in a solid or gaseous form according to where and how the fumigant is applied. It is one of the fastest acting chemicals on the market and is commonly used for outbreaks as a quarantine chemical.
Methyl bromide is extremely potent, and its use is restricted to severe infestation and agricultural pests. In residential applications, methyl bromide can get rid of termites, rodents, and insects.
Sulfuryl Fluoride
This is applied as a pressurized liquid gas. It is used for the control of pests in residential settings and in dry fruits, cereal grains, and tree nuts. It is also used in lumber and automobile yards, though not routinely. Other than its toxicity, sulfuryl fluoride might cause severe skin irritation and burns when in a liquid state. An area will, therefore, be cleared of animals and humans before the use of sulfuryl fluoride gas for fumigation.
Calcium Cyanide
This is a solid fumigant that will react with the moisture in your environment to form hydrogen cyanide. This is a highly toxic fumigant to almost all pests in your environment. Unfortunately, the gas is highly toxic to pets and humans and is generally restricted to outdoor areas where it can disintegrate fast into harmless compounds.
Picking the right chemical for your property’s fumigation is no easy feat. It requires expertise to get the right formulation for the killing of pests with minimal harm to other elements in your environment.
The fumigation technique is also customized, so that the chemical will penetrate every nook and cranny of your interiors. When fumigating outdoors, most pest control companies will use a nylon or plastic tent to contain the chemical in a treatment area.
How Profitable is a Pest Control Business?
Starting a pest control service does require some careful planning and a license in most areas of the country. However, for an enterprising entrepreneur, this can be a small sacrifice to make, as a pest control service can be extremely profitable to own and operate.
There are various types of pest controls that can form the basis of the business, such as insect or rodent control, or the business can specialize in providing all pest control services. There are also various methods now being used to control pests, such as chemical-based sprays and organic-based sprays.
This will also have to be a consideration in terms of the types of methods your business will utilize. Overall, a pest control service can be a very profitable business venture and can easily generate profits in excess of $75,000 per year.
Is Fumigation a Cleaning Service?
A common dilemma we all face is whether to deep clean our house first or have a pest control service done? Do we call the deep cleaners first or the exterminators? Here is why you should get your fumigation done after house cleaning.
1. Setting the ground
A deep home cleaning service sets the ball rolling. When your home is deep cleaned, professionals use chemicals and disinfectants that leave the surface, walls and ceilings of the house spic and span. This helps to set the stage for pest control. Cleaning the house also helps remove insect nests, clear cobwebs, etc.
This is, therefore, the perfect precursor to pest control. When the pest control folks arrive, they have a ready platform to work on. Not only does this make it easier for them, it definitely helps increase the effectiveness of pest control services.
2. Pulling out the bugs
Let us assume your bathroom has just been deep cleaned. As we all know, bathrooms are the biggest breeding ground of various types of pests such as cockroaches, spiders, flies and what not. Another ingenious pest control tips and tricks suggest cleaning the bathroom and especially the bathroom drain. This will clear them of all the insect nests. The pest control will, therefore, be more effective as pests won’t have too many places to hide in.
You can easily spot them and target them. Even the ones not immediately visible to the naked eye will be in a more vulnerable position, thereby reacting quicker to pest control measures. This is a very vital advantage of deep cleaning your house before calling the pest control people.
3. Removal of breeding grounds
When your home is deep cleaned, you also end up decluttering your house, which includes disposing of old boxes, toys, shoes, pots, etc. All these objects sit around gathering dust and dirt and become the breeding grounds for insects and termites. With the breeding grounds removed, the house is already sanitized to a large extent.
Doing a pest control at such a time would not only prove to be more effective, but it would also seal the house off to pests and prevent them from coming in. So, make sure your house is cleared of all the potential insect breeding grounds before you opt for a pest control service.
4. Resetting of furniture
We often find insects and pests nesting behind couches, under the refrigerator or at the side of the dresser. Basically, they start living in places that are not very accessible, seldom moved and rarely cleaned. However, during a deep home cleaning, furniture that is usually left in a fixed spot is moved around. This dislodges insect nests and makes them venture out.
Till the time you get pest control done, you should keep the furniture in a different position to prevent crawlers from returning to their preferred positions after the objects are pushed back to their original places. This step will clear the pest problem from the roots and keep your home pest free for a longer time.
5. Retaining the pest control chemicals
Last but not the least, we come to the most logical argument – why apply pest control chemicals and then have them washed away? A heavy, deep home cleaning will most likely wash away pest control chemicals from the various nooks and corners of the house. This will defeat the whole purpose of getting the pest control done!
So, do not make the mistake of carrying out a pest control measure before a home cleaning service. It should always be the other way round. That will ensure your house is clean, sanitized, hygienic and free from disease-spreading pests and insects.
As we have pointed it out above, carrying out a cleaning job before fumigation is very effective. You are also able to get the most out of your fumigation services also in this manner.
How Much Does it Cost to Fumigate a Flat?
If you find yourself dealing with a pest infestation, it’s usually a good idea to call a professional to handle it. They’re able to get into tight spaces and find hidden pests you may never be able to find. But how much does pest control cost?
Here, we’ll break it down so you’re able to determine the average pest control cost, and what you can expect to pay to make your home free from pests like mites or other bothersome insects.
When you hire a pest control company, you have a few choices. You can hire for a one-time service, or ongoing service. The pest control price for a one-time visit is between $250 and $600. This cost is much higher than an ongoing visit, since the technician will have to complete an investigation in order to diagnose the problem, and then provide treatment in the same visit.
There are times, however, when the entire treatment can’t occur in one visit. If you need several different treatments for your pest control problem, the price for the initial visit may be lower—between $150 and $300. In this visit, the professional will begin by assessing the problem. They will locate the nest and the entry point, and determine how extensive the problem is.
Next, they will create a plan to eradicate pests from your home. These follow-up visits will likely cost less: pest control prices for quarterly visits average $100 to $300 and monthly visits average $45 to $75.
In general, pest control prices can be different based on the type of pest you have in your home. Pest control prices for some of the more common pests you may have in your home vary. Keep in mind that these are average prices, and can be affected by the extent of your infestation.
Pest | Cost |
Ants | $100 – $500 |
Bed Bugs | $300 – $5,000 |
Fleas | $140 – $350 |
Moths | $150 – $300 |
Silverfish | $100 – $300 |
Termite Fumigation Treatment | $2,000 – $8,000 |
Wood-Boring Beetles | $1,500 – $5,000 |
If you’re wondering how much pest control costs, it’s usually not as simple as just a flat rate. These are many different factors that can influence the final cost of your pest control service. If you’re looking to hire a pest control company, consider the following factors when it comes to pricing:
Type of service
After finding one uninvited pest in your home, you can assume there is more. Therefore, when hiring a pest control company, it’s essential to understand the types of services they provide which includes:
Pest Extermination: Used when there is an existing pest problem. These services can be provided in many forms, including insecticide sprays, insect traps, or in extreme situations, tenting and fumigation of your whole home.
Pest Removal: Used for critters that are not necessarily infesting your home. An expert in pest removal can come to your home to trap and relocate these larger pests like raccoons, opossums, squirrels, etc.
Pest Prevention: Used to prevent a pest problem before it starts, this implies getting regular treatments for your home to repel pests and cut off any entry points into your home.
The pest control cost will vary depending on the service you’ll need.
Frequency of service
Several factors determine the frequency of service a pest control company will need to complete the job, such as the type of service required, the extent of the infestation, the size of your home and more. Therefore, the more extensive the treatment, the more frequent the service required and the higher the cost.
Type of pest(s)
It is no secret that numerous types of pests could potentially infiltrate your home; each type of pest will require different treatments to resolve the issue. Therefore, giving one flat price for a pest control company’s assistance isn’t easy. For the most accurate quote on your pest problem, it’s best to contact your local pest control company.
Type of treatment
Depending on the type of pest, the extent of the infestation, the size of your home, etc., a pest control company will determine the type of treatment needed for the best results. From using sprays to fumigating your whole home, the price of the pest control treatment will undoubtedly vary.
Size of house/property
The size of your home or property (i.e., square footage of your home and how many bedrooms/bathrooms) will undoubtedly be a question your local pest control company will ask when producing their initial quote. Since this information will determine how much treatment will be required, it will factor into the cost of the service.
Severity of infestation
Depending on the severity of the pest infestation, your home or property may require several treatments or an extensive treatment like fumigation, which will increase the overall cost of your service.
Experience/skills of the provider
Every pest control company will have different rates for each treatment type. Therefore, it is essential to do your research when selecting a company. Read reviews, ask your neighbors or check reputable sources to find a company that is experienced in the type of treatment your home needs.
The cost of your pest control treatment also depends on your location. For instance, the rate will differ if your location is more prone to pest issues compared to others. Additionally, if your home is secluded, your local pest company may be compelled to charge extra for travel costs.
What Equipment do I Need to Start a Pest Control Business?
Pest control companies specialize in getting rid of unwanted rodents and bugs with the use of chemicals. They also deal in prevention to avoid new problems taking hold, such as putting down traps and regularly spraying areas prone to infestation.
Some of the services offered by pest control companies include:
- Attic and crawlspace treatments
- Nest removal
- Rodent control
- Fumigation
- Outdoor pest removal services
- Baiting
The services you decide to offer when starting a pest control business will vary depending on your field of expertise and your location in the U.S.
After getting all your paperwork in order, it’s time to start purchasing the necessary equipment. New equipment is tax-deductible, and you’ll also be able to deduct for equipment depreciation in subsequent years.
Some of the equipment you’ll need includes:
- Traps and cages
- Storage compartments
- Chemicals
- Applicators
- Safety equipment
- Pest control truck for transportation
If you’re not working from home, you’ll also need to think about finding an office and filling it with all the office supplies you’ll need to run a smooth, efficient operation.
here are the basic supplies you will need to invest in:
Personal protective equipment (PPE) like long pants, long shirts, chemical resistant gloves, chemical resistant footwear, a respirator or shield, and an apron.
Chemicals, pesticides, and ultrasonic pest repellants. The exact chemicals you need will depend on the pests you’re dealing with and your location. Some pesticides are prohibited in certain states. Research your local and state requirements before purchasing or using chemical pesticides.
Chemical sprayers, including backpack sprayers, green sprayers, pool sprayers. Again, the best sprayer for you will depend on the type of pest you’re dealing with.
Tools for removing pests like baits, repellants, rodent traps, and cages. You’ll also want sealers to seal up any holes left by pests
Ladders, preferably stabilized ladders
Endoscopes, to see into hard-to-reach nest areas
Miscellaneous tools, like headlamps, screwdrivers, drills, saws, and pliers.
A pest control truck
If you don’t already have a work vehicle, you’ll need one to get to and from jobs with all of your equipment. Make sure the vehicle can lock down, since the chemicals inside are highly dangerous and regulated.
In terms of financing, choose a vehicle that works best for you. Used or leased vehicles are the most affordable and easiest to declare.
Pest control software
Pest control software, such as Jobber, is used to manage the operations side of your business. You’ll also be able to impress customers with a smoother workflow and professional-looking estimates, invoices, and communications.
Use your software to accept online bookings, quote for jobs, get paid online, schedule your team, and manage all your client’s history from a CRM.
How Can I Promote my Pest Control Business?
Posting a pest control advert is not enough to win new business. You need clear strategies for meeting the needs of your customers. Without that, you have no chance of successfully selling pest control services. Here are some of the best pest control marketing ideas you can start implementing within your business right now.
Monitor Your Local Search Presence
Google AdWords and Google Analytics are two helpful tools that can help you to decipher how you’re doing in the search results for your targeted keywords. And when you consider that Google owns 92% of the global search engine market, it’s clear that top-ranking pages on Google are where you need to be. Targeting the right keywords, giving customers what they want, and rising in the rankings are the foundation of online pest control marketing.
Manage Your Online Reputation
Figuring out how to sell pest control begins with establishing yourself as a brand that can be trusted. When consumers look at you, do they think that this is an authority within the industry capable of delivering consistently high-quality work? If not, you’re not managing your online reputation correctly.
It takes time to build an online reputation, and you can do it by:
- Connecting with prospects
- Encouraging customer engagement
- Soliciting online reviews
- Producing informative content
Remember, it takes years to build a reputation and only minutes to destroy it. Dedicate yourself to becoming a brand of excellence to attract more customers.
Paid Online Advertising
Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made the transition to a pay-to-play environment for brands. While organic reach is still possible, it’s but a fraction of what it once was years ago. Invest in paid online pest control advertising spots. It can take a bit of time to tackle the learning curve, but social media ads deliver some of the best returns of any advertising strategy.
Paid Offline Advertising
Since most pest control companies are trying to hit the local market, it can pay to invest in offline advertising. Some pest control advertising ideas for the offline world include billboards, radio ads, and TV ads. Unless you live in certain large American cities, like New York or Los Angeles, paying for these advertising spots isn’t as expensive as you might think.
A radio ad in a small town in Louisiana could cost just a few dollars for a prime 30 seconds of promotional time. Explore the different options available in your area. Start small with a radio ad or a spot in the local newspaper to make yourself known in the community.
Optimize Your Website for SEO
Have you optimized your website for Google to crawl? If that sounds like gibberish to you, you’re not alone. However, it is a fundamental marketing tool and definitely worth pursuing. Simple SEO mistakes can cripple the flow of traffic to your site and prevent you from hitting the first page of Google’s search results.
If you’re not on the first page, you may as well not exist at all, as 90% of people never click past the first page. SEO optimization can be complex, so don’t be afraid to bring in a professional to audit your website and make some minor tweaks and changes.
Hand Out Marketing Material
Believe it or not, a piece of paper can be the lifeblood of your business. Business cards, flyers, and door hangers are all examples of successful offline marketing. Choose your target neighborhoods and start handing out physical pieces of promotional material. Sweeten the deal by including an introductory offer on the flyers and brochures you post through people’s doors. Special discounts often encourage people to give your services a try.
Be the King of Content Marketing
Content marketing is a cornerstone of gaining exposure for your business online. Great content engages people, demonstrates that you know what you’re talking about, and improves your SEO. What are some examples of pest control sales techniques within the sphere of content marketing?
- How-to guides
- Helpful blog articles
- eBooks
- White papers
- Videos
You’ll want to mix up your content marketing strategy to reach as many people as possible. Maybe someone doesn’t have time to read an eBook, but they do have the time to watch a short video, for example.
But with so many pest control companies out there, you’re going to need to get creative. Being memorable is what will ultimately win you those long-term contracts. Here are some pest control marketing strategies to help you stand out from the crowd.
Create a Funny Pest Control Commercial
Humor is one of the easiest ways to make the conventional entertaining. Don’t just post an informative ad promoting your services. Make something funny, entertaining, and bold to get your name out into the community.
Adding humor to your ads attracts people by getting their guard down, and they’re more likely to remember your business. Modern advertisements don’t have to break the bank. A small investment now could lead to massive returns later.
Leverage the Local Community Through Facebook Groups
Become a local fixture in your community. You want to reach a point where any individual or business with a pest problem will automatically come to you. Work with the local community through Facebook groups. Most neighborhoods have groups reserved exclusively for people who live in the area.
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Take advantage of this, but don’t just go throwing sales blasts around. Engage with users, answer people’s questions and socialize with them to build trust.
Partner with a Parallel Business
Real estate companies, furniture stores, antique dealers, and construction companies are examples of businesses that run parallel to yours. Approach businesses like these and offer a partnership. If they refer people to your business, you refer people to theirs. It’s a win-win for everyone (with commissions often included) as you’re not in direct competition with each other.
Reward Your Loyal Customers
Loyalty programs are a huge success in nearly every industry. Brands understand the importance of courting customers and ensuring they remain loyal, and that doesn’t change with pest control marketing. Offer discounts or swag like tote bags and mugs to give to customers who have been with you for a long time. You could even choose to start a full-blown loyalty program with real membership benefits.
Sponsor Local Businesses
Get into sponsorship and pay for a spot at a local sports or charity event. There are so many opportunities for local sponsorships that can help you get your name in front of more people. You can go one step further and hunt down local online creators on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Tik Tok. If they’re accepting sponsorships, you could reach an entirely new audience.
Engage in Referral Marketing
Referral programs are commonplace within every aspect of the global economy. It’s a top-tier marketing move because you’re essentially encouraging your existing clients to promote you. A strong referral marketing program must come with appropriate rewards.
It could involve a free pest control prevention treatment or a simple discount whenever they next need you. Make it even more tempting by offering this same reward to the client who was referred to you. It’s a great way to make a terrific first impression.