Father’s Day is a great opportunity to express your gratitude to your beloved father by giving gifts that would give him long-term benefits. It doesn’t take much to make your dad happy. Most days, you can just give him an ice-cold beer and a comfortable spot in front of the TV, and he’s as pleased as can be.
But if it’s his birthday, Christmas, Father’s Day or major milestone like his retirement, that’s an entirely different story. That means it’s time to go all-out with a gift that shows him just how much you appreciate all that he does for you.
Apart from making dad happy with a gift, you can also make money in the process. Let’s see how you can do that in this article.
- How Can You Make Money With Gifts For Dad?
- What Gifts Can we Give to Father?
- What Should I Get my Dad if I Have no Money?
- What Are Fun Ways to Give Money?
- How Can I Make a Money Box?
- 5 Things You can Sell on Father’s Day That Require no Money Upfront
- Gifting Ideas to Help Your Dad Achieve Financial Security
- What to Get a Dad Who Has no Hobbies?
- Gifts For Dad Who Wants Nothing
- What are The Best Products I Can Sell for Father’s Day?
- How Can I Market Gift For Dad?
- How Can I Kick Off my Gift For Dad Sales?
How Can You Make Money With Gifts For Dad?
Getting your share of the market on Father’s Day may present a challenge because there are several companies competing for the money that will be spent by consumers on that day. Nevertheless, if you put in place sound marketing strategies, you will surely get your own share of the market.
Read Also: How Anyone Can Make Money Without Money?
The following are tips that will enable you to make money with gifts for dad.
Make The Best Use Of Your Mailing List
If you want your marketing to be successful on Father’s Day, you have to start with a good list of prospective customers who will want to buy gifts for their fathers or father figures in their lives. It is vital to define your target customer so that you will not waste your resources. You can reach out to grandfathers, mothers, daughters and sons.
Find out as much as you can about your target audience so that you will know what motivates them to buy. Purchases on Father’s Day and any other occasion are based on the thinking of the customers.
Finding out the types of gifts that the customers on your list are likely to purchase will make it easier for you to make money with gifts for dad. You can further divide your list into different categories so that you can send different messages to each of the separate groups.
Use Multiple Methods
It is usually more effective to use a combination of marketing strategies if you want to get the best results. If you do not reach out to your target audience in many ways, you might not know the method that will be most effective. Print and distribute flyers, brochures, posters, banners and postcards. Pay for ads on TV, radio and local newspapers. You should also use all the marketing resources that the internet puts at your disposal.
Increase The Frequency Of Your Marketing
Success in marketing is enhanced by repetition. This is why the most profitable corporations are always putting out adverts. Use every opportunity to get your advert in front of prospective customers two to three weeks before Father’s Day.
This is a good way to pre-sell them and get them ready to buy gift items from you. You can use all these strategies before Mother’s day and carry them through to Father’s Day. If you do not have a big marketing budget, find ways to reduce your costs. You can also choose to market to your most responsive group of potential customers.
Hosting Events
Another way to make money with gifts for dad is to host an event. These could be Father’s Day family picnics, father/son golf outings and father/daughter challenges. These events can provide you with a great way to generate free publicity for your business.
Father’s Day and other special occasions present a great opportunity for you to make more sales and also generate more publicity for your company. If you study your customers and your local community, you will be able to find unique ways to reach more customers and get a better share of the market.
What Gifts Can we Give to Father?
Finding gifts for fathers is a bit of challenge. The options are limited. They provide for us, give us the best of amenities and their valuable guidance – we must choose a gift that expresses love and gratitude in a thoughtful way. It’s easy to head to the mall and pick an item off the shelf. However, there are gifts for Father’s Day that won’t cost you money but are priceless. Use these ideas to celebrate Father’s Day this year:
Clean your dad’s car
Men love their car. One of the best gifts for dads is to clean their cars. Clean the interiors, exteriors and in case he has the supplies to polish or wax it, do that too. Make the car spotless so when he drives it to the office on Monday morning, he feels proud of you.
Gift him a day off from chores
On Father’s Day weekend, do all he does and ask him to take the day off. Buy the groceries, clean the garage, iron the clothes and sort the mail. Do all he normally does but not without giving him a means to entertain himself. Let him watch TV or take a nap while you do all the work.
They spend their weekdays in office and weekends doing chores. Tell them to take a day off on Father’s day weekend. Talk to him and make a list of chores he intends to finish and you do the work while he relaxes.
Gift of words
Express your love with words. Say Happy Father’s Day with a letter. Have you noticed how much easier it is to share what you feel with your mother as compared with your father? Well, time to set that right. Share your best childhood memories with him. You can also narrate an event that means a lot to both of you in your letter. Creative folks can write a poem to express their love.
Cook his favorite meal all by yourself
Cook your dad’s favorite meal. Don’t order it. Make a menu of his favorite items – entree, side dish, drink, and dessert. Take the help of your sibling to make it easy for you and extra special for your father. This meal would make not him, but even your mom proud.
Date with mom
Manage the house on your own and arrange a date for your parents. They take care of us the entire year. On Father’s Day let your dad spend time with his life partner without worrying about anything else. Arrange a movie date in their bedroom or an intimate dinner on the balcony for both of them. Host them in the comfort of your home.
Go for a hike with your dad
Fathers love outdoorsy stuff. On Father’s Day weekend, plan a hiking trip with your father in the wilderness. Go for a hike outside the town. Do all the work yourself. Plan the route, pack the food and hiking gear. If possible you drive to the destination while your father relaxes.
Organize ‘Dads vs Kids’ match
Sports is a great way to unwind. Organize a sports event. You can call his colleagues, friends or your neighbors. Better, make two teams and organize a Father vs Kids match. Cricket, soccer, badminton, tennis or pick any of your father’s favorite sport.
Organize a movie night
Pick your dad’s favorite movie, make popcorn, ask all the family members to join you in the living room for Father’s Day celebration. This intimate celebration is cozy and fun. But in case you want to upgrade the event, invite his friends with their families.
Help him fix the garden or yard
Spend time with your father and learn a thing or two. Fix the garden or mow the lawn. Talk while working. Share your stories and ask about your father’s childhood. Use this time to bond with your father.
Make him a card
Greeting cards are never out of fashion. Don’t buy one, make it instead. Write your feelings and express your love and gratitude. Gift this greeting card to him first thing in the morning.
Make a playlist of his favorite songs
Who doesn’t like music? Gift your dad his favorite songs. There was a time we made cassettes or CDs. Now you can simply make a playlist and store on his phone, tablet, iPod, or computer. The best way is to store it on a device which he uses often. If he commutes, on his phone. If he spends time at his home office, then on his laptop.
Make him a part of your social media world
If your father is not on social media or is not familiar with the latest technology, make him join the tech-gang. Create his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account. And don’t forget to add him on your social media accounts and announce it to the world.
What Should I Get my Dad if I Have no Money?
Here are several ways to make Father’s Day or your dad’s birthday special without spending much money. If you do have to spend money, it will be money well spent.
Get family pictures done
Family pictures are a special gift that Dad can enjoy for years to come. If you have some money in your budget after paying a photographer, get one of the pictures blown up and framed.
Watch sports or a favorite TV show with him
What dad doesn’t love to relax on the couch in front of the TV?? Give him some company while he’s watching baseball or re-runs of Everybody Loves Raymond and he’ll remember it for years to come.
Give him breakfast in bed
How come moms get breakfast in bed, but it’s not quite a thing for dads? Change that this year, and surprise him with something he’ll love to eat! Your kids can get involved and make it even more memorable, just don’t let them crack the eggs unless you’re supervising!
Do a talent show for him
Help your child come up with a talent that he can share with his dad. It can be singing, dancing, comedy, or magic! Dad will be smiling in no time!
What Are Fun Ways to Give Money?
Are you looking for cute ideas to giving money? You can turn almost any object into a creative way to give money with a little thought. Toilet paper, balloons, Play-Doh, and Pez dispensers are just a few fun ways to give money on this list. And everyone loves the gift of money!
1. Balloon pop

This creative cash giving method involves a wrapped gift and balloon popping, how much more fun does it get? Fill balloons with cash, notes, or even lottery tickets! Money balloons are the perfect gift for all ages and occasions.
2. Toilet paper
This is the perfect cash giving option Bonus: it’s so easy to put together and useful! Add a twenty to the center of a toilet paper roll with a note that reads “Just in case you get crap for Christmas, use this!”

3. Play “Dough”
And some extra “Dough” to a container of Play Doh for a gift that is sure to be enjoyed!

4. The best kind of Pez-ent
Cash and candy? Yes, please! Check out C.R.A.F.T.

5. Jolly jar
For a creative way to gift cash or a gift card consider hiding it in a mason jar filled with red Jolly Ranchers. Simply fill a mason jar with candy and hide the gift card inside. Add a sweet handmade tag that says, Wishing you a holly jolly Christmas!

6. Embroider a canvas
Here’s another creative, not as simple way to hide a gift card. Embroider a canvas with a silly message and attach the gift card to the back side.

7. Santa box
As long as you have access to a printer, this is a super cute money gift box! You can stuff Santa’s belly with money, gift card or even chocolate.

8. Box of chocolate
I want to be there when little Johnny opens this chocolate box! Fill each empty wrapper with coins or bills for a fun surprise.

9. Holiday dough
This punny poem offers the recipient extra dough instead of cookies. I don’t think they’ll mind. Do you?

10. Peppermint rolls
These peppermint covered money rolls make a great gift for kids or a college student who uses a laundry mat!

How Can I Make a Money Box?
You can use a money box to serve various purposes, like storing savings, accepting donations for special occasions or fundraising, for keeping spare change in the house, etc. Making a money box is a relatively simple and quick project that can also make a good crafts project for kids.
Most money boxes have an opening that allows us to simply take out the money whenever we want. The sad thing about this is that it usually means then box never gets full. Made from chequer-plate steel, this money box is easy to put coins into, but it’s really really hard to make withdrawals.
Please note that you might need to use a grinder or oxy to get the money out, so perhaps it’s only for coins, not banknotes.
Step 1: What You Will Need

Steel plate. Whatever you can lay your hands on. It should be light enough to work on, but heavy enough to weld easily.
Measuring and marking gear. Tape and chalk.
Something to cut with. I used an angle grinder.
An angle grinder for grinding.
A welder. I’m lucky enough to have a MIG. It’s fantastic.
A hammer also might come in handy.
Step 2: What to Do

To make a cube you only need six square sides. If you have enough steel you can cut out a single shape that can be folded to make a cube. That will save some cutting and welding.
- Mark out the shapes you need on the steel.
- Cut the steel.
- Grind the edges so they weld nicely.
- Assemble the cube and tack it together.
- Weld all joints.
- Clean up the welds with a grinder.
- Cut a slot to drop coins through. Position it where coins won’t easily come out.
- My steel was a bit rusty so I cleaned it a bit wit a wire brush.
Step 3: Other Possibilities

5 Things You can Sell on Father’s Day That Require no Money Upfront
Below you’ll find 5 highly sellable suggestions, along with several design ideas to help get your creative juices flowing.
1. Mugs
Funny mugs and sentimental mugs are always great go-to’s. You can go to UseGearBubble to create mugs and mockups that say things like…
“Dad, well done. I’m awesome.”
“100% pure Superdad”
“Best effin dad”
Or a variation on the simple, but classic “World’s Best Dad”
2. Funny Shirts
The same thing applies to shirts, which you can also create and sell on UseGearBubble . Some examples of designs you could put on t-shirts include…
“This is what an awesome dad looks like.”
“Keep calm it’s my first Father’s Day.”
“Dads were created because kids needed heroes.”
3. Beer Steins
Beer steins are especially popular with men. And with at least 693 Amazon queries for “beer stein” but only 56,174 results, it should be pretty easy to rank for these if you’re selling them on Amazon.
That said, we would suggest going after keywords for “beer mug,” which has almost double the queries as “beer stein.” Plus, we noticed that the top two results for “stein” also have “mug” in the title.
4. Shot Glasses
Shot glasses also make great gifts for dads and grandpas. And, just like mugs and shirts, you can easily make shot glasses on UseGearBubble.com.
Here are three shot glass design ideas to get you inspired:
5. Something Other Than Print-On-Demand
If you don’t want to sell print-on-demand, don’t worry. You can always run a sale on whatever it is you sell with a Father’s Day-themed coupon code to whatever items you sell and get a boost in sales that way.
Here are some examples of Father’s Day coupon codes you could use:
Gifting Ideas to Help Your Dad Achieve Financial Security
1. Educating on appreciating vs depreciating assets
Spend some time with your father to help him understand how and when to invest in assets. Gift him the books that speak on this subject elaborately, or share content online, which can help him greatly. With this knowledge, he will be able to build and grow wealth by investing in tangible assets, such as real estate and small businesses.
2. Creating a habit of savings
As children, our parents may have taught us the basics of savings in life. Fathers especially may have been keen on imparting the knowledge carefully to their children. As we grow up and manage our finances and fathers are en route to retirement, helping them save money is a gift all dads might cherish.
Fathers as they get old might want to save some to leave behind for their grandchildren. Take some time off to help your father invest in a guaranteed income plan. This way, he can secure his life and you would help him be financially independent after retirement.
Educating them about the modern ways of saving, helping them understand some gadgets and getting into a habit of saving can be a nice gift to an aging father on this Father’s Day.
3. Information on insurance
One needs to treat insurance products like life insurance and not as investment options. When you invest money, you expect profitable returns on the invested money. At the same time, life insurance plans are not investment options.
There are many avenues available to invest and reap benefits while one is alive and do not require 20-30 years to pay you back guaranteed returns. Fix an appointment with your financial advisor and have your father meet him for investment guidance.
4. Gifting in investments that will reap returns when required
Senior citizens’ saving schemes, mutual funds, fixed deposits, and many other avenues allow fathers to maintain steady savings. Helping them secure that and assisting dads to develop savings in their old age is one of the best gifts that children can give on Father’s Day.
5. Teaching the good and bad of leverage
Make a quaint reservation at a nice restaurant and take your dad out for dinner. And, over dinner, as conversations build up, take some time to explain the importance of leverage in trading. This could add as a valuable tip for your father to enhance his wealth by trading and steer away from possible huge losses.
That’s not all. Educating your fathers about financial products that are technology-driven is a very thoughtful present that almost seems like teaching a life skill these days. Your father can use devices like mobile phones, laptops, etc. to do their regular banking work, research various financial products and services, and more.
Creating awareness about ready credit apps like FlexPay and FlexSalary could help them manage their finances and be ready for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances that demand a lot of money.
What to Get a Dad Who Has no Hobbies?
Gift shopping is hard enough, but if you’re shopping for a man with no hobbies it can be downright frustrating because hobbies and passions are often used as inspiration for gift ideas.
If you find yourself in the position of shopping for a hobbyless man, don’t panic. Gifts can also be practical and utilitarian. When you look at it that way, you’ll find there are plenty of gift-giving options.
Even though he has no hobbies, he has to leave the house sometime. He can’t do that naked. If he has a job that requires more upscale attire, a sports jacket or suit, dress shirt and tie could be apropos. Throw in some personalized cuff links, a belt and some dress socks to round out the gift.
On weekends, he’ll need something to wear while he’s doing nothing. Jeans or chinos, polo shirts, T-shirts and pullover sweaters will take care of the problem. Sweat socks and underwear make good stocking-stuffers for Christmas.
Since he has no hobbies, put your entire gift budget into buying him a top-of-the-line watch. A hobbyless man is not necessarily without style. Brands such as Cartier, TAG Heur, Hermes and Gucci say, “I may be boring, but I have darn good taste.”
Consider his preferences and needs when selecting a specific watch. Does he prefer metal bands or leather? Does he lean toward chronograph styles or prefer streamlined simplicity? Is he a man who likes gold or silver? With that information in hand, you can select an appropriate model.
Everyone has to eat, so a food gift works well for the hobbyless man. A food gift can be given in any number of ways. Most men like a good steak and there are numerous online retailers who will put together gift packs of his favorite cuts. Another option is homemade treats.
This could range from soups and casseroles to sweets such as fudge, brownies and cookies. Place them in a festive container and wrap a bow around it. Dinner at his favorite restaurant is another way to go. You can take him yourself or present him with a gift certificate.
Gift Cards
When all else fails and you’re at your wit’s end, you can always let the man with no hobby buy his own gift by giving him a Visa or MasterCard gift card. You determine how much the card is worth, and the recipient can then use it anywhere Visa and MasterCard are accepted. You can also personalize the cards with photos and messages and add a customized greeting card in which to present it. Who knows? Maybe he’ll use it to start a hobby.
Gifts For Dad Who Wants Nothing
Your dad deserves to be celebrated. When it comes time to pick out a Father’s Day gift, you want to go for something that’s just as creative and thoughtful as he is. But, of course, this isn’t always an easy task, especially if your dad already seems to have everything under the sun — the latest and greatest gadgets, golf accessories, cooking tools and more.
Browse through this list of unique gifts for the dads who have everything (and for whatever reason, want nothing).
1. 3D Screen Magnifier
Once he rests his device on this foldable phone stand, it’ll project whatever’s on his screen all the way up to 12″ wide. That means he can watch Netflix, YouTube videos and more without straining his eyes.
2. The Bacon Crate
This bacon crate is a meat lover’s dream. Your dad will have an array of flavor-packed bacon jerky to munch on, along with salty-sweet brittle and hot pepper jam.
3. Letters to My Dad: Write Now. Read Later. Treasure Forever.
When was the last time you wrote your dad a letter? With this book, you can write your dad 12 heartfelt notes centered around different prompts, including “one thing I’m glad we share is…”
4. Petit Gourmet Portable Tabletop Gas Grill
If your dad considers himself to be the “king of the grill,” then he needs this portable gas version for future tailgates and picnics. It has foldaway legs for easy travel and can cook 8 burgers at once.
5. Wireless 3-in-1 Charger
Now, he can charge his phone, Apple watch and AirPods at the same time. It also has a storage compartment underneath to hold unused cords and cables.
What are The Best Products I Can Sell for Father’s Day?
Customers spent around £951 million on Father’s Day in 2021, and although that figure is massively eclipsed by Mother’s Day which reached around £1.34 billion in 2021, there is still a reasonable amount of sales to be made. Since there are so many Dads, with so many interests, there is plenty of potential to market products that you’re already selling as part of your Father’s Day collection.
When it comes to receiving presents, there are few Dads that haven’t received toiletries, aftershaves, and personal care items like shavers as gifts – and since they are useful, they are usually gratefully received, even if they aren’t especially exciting.
DIY and tools
Practical Dads are nearly always on the lookout for a new favourite tool – even if their new one doesn’t come close to their die-hard favourite. While we can leave the struggle to identify the next most useful tool to the children, listing a range of DIY products and tools for both indoors and outdoors will certainly add up to more sales at this time of year.
Cooking accessories
Whether Dad is always in the kitchen, or he has a few specialities that he makes every now and again, there is always scope for a cooking accessory as a gift on Father’s Day. Whether it is a fantastic set of knives, a personalised chopping board, or maybe a really fancy wine bottle opener, offering items for the kitchen as gifts for Dads is a good plan.
Of course, when it comes to cooking, many Dads can’t resist the allure of playing with fire (or maybe gas!). Barbecuing during the summer has almost become a sport for many Dads, and so adding barbecue products to your range of Father’s Day gift ideas has the potential to add up to more sales.
Tech gear
Most parents with children still living at home are familiar with the “can I borrow…” request, and never getting whatever has been borrowed back – until maybe a bedroom is tidied finally! Whether it is a pair of headphones, a Bluetooth speaker, or maybe a gaming controller, Father’s Day is a great time for those lost tech items to be replaced or simply upgraded to a newer, better model.
Watches and jewellery
Dads are always special, but if they’ve been especially amazing this year, Father’s Day might call for a more memorable gift. Adding quality watches, and jewellery for men to your inventory means that your customers will be able to find the sort of accessory that their Dad will love for years to come.
There’s a lot of evidence to support the claim that men never really grow up, and we think you’d be hard pressed to find a Dad that didn’t love playing with toys that they would have loved when they were boys. That means that products like remote controlled cars, drones, and games that they loved as a young man, such as poker sets all have potential to make sales throughout May and June.
How Can I Market Gift For Dad?
Traditional treatments and experiences popular with men include facials, deep tissue or sports massage, saunas and steam rooms. However, the 2021 Mindbody Wellness Index uncovered some surprising trends in men’s wellness and grooming. It highlighted, for example, that 64% of men have increased their focus on health and wellness since the beginning of the pandemic.
Naturally men want to feel fit and healthy, and they’re more likely to visit gyms and fitness studios than women. But thanks in part to reality TV shows such as Love Island, men are now increasingly interested in higher-value treatments such as hair removal, Botox and fillers.
Let’s look at how you can take your most popular treatments and market them for Father’s Day.
Create a tempting Father’s Day offer
As the world’s #1 free appointment scheduling software, Fresha is packed with marketing features to help you boost sales and bookings. To set up a strong Father’s Day marketing campaign, these key features can help you tempt clients to book or buy the ultimate Father’s Day gift.
- Package deals: Creating a package on Fresha is perfect as it enables you group a number of services and treatments to create greater value. This is an excellent way to introduce clients to new treatments, and of course they make a great gift! For barbershops, popular packages include ‘Dad and lad’ haircuts so fathers can get a fresh look alongside their child.
- Create product bundles and sell with Fresha Store: If your clients are looking for a great gift idea for Father’s Day, why not create a gifts package and sell them directly from your own ecommerce store? The Fresha Store feature enables you to quickly and easily set up an online store. This feature drives your sales online, which your clients’ can collect from your business or select from various delivery options.
- Memberships: These are the gift that keeps on giving, and another means of combining products and services together. Creating memberships on Fresha is simple to do, and with this service you can set up a recurring payment from the client, so they pay in advance for treatments. Creating a membership for a loved one is a great idea and they’ll be sure to love you for it!
- Vouchers – simple and effective: Creating and selling gift vouchers is a more traditional means of gift-giving, but are still very much appreciated! Easily set up on Fresha, vouchers are ideal for clients who are unsure of what to buy, or for those who’d rather the recipient choose what to redeem their voucher against.
Promote your Father’s Day campaign
Once you’ve created your Father’s Day promotions, it’s time to roll them out across your website and social media channels to maximise awareness. Encourage your fans and followers to like and share your offers by creating strong content to peak their interest.
1. Get ready for Father’s Day ahead of time
If you’re new to running an online shop, I’ve got some good general advice for you: you’ll want to plan all your website’s annual sales way ahead of time.
Not only does this help you avoid all that last-minute planning and adjustments, but it gives you a chance to promote your sale early enough to catch those non-procrastinating shoppers (don’t look at me) and get them in your shop.
Besides, some people rely on marketing to remind them that the holiday is coming up: you’re essentially doing a public service for many of us (thanks!).
Remember, shop owners have got the famous “summer slump” to deal with, so if your site is up and your marketing is ready before the big day, you’ll be able to make the most of this sale, which occurs during a relatively slow shopping period (depending on when it is celebrated in each relevant market).
So, what can you do to prepare? Plan out your strategy ahead of time. (Am I starting to sound like my father?)
Do you want to create a special banner at the top of your page? Who will design it? Will you advertise the sale through Facebook and/or Google? If so, will you have a special landing page where ad-clickers will be sent?
Many of these things take time to create and to implement, so it’s best to get started a few months ahead of time.
2. Run a Father’s Day social media contest
Offering a simple discount for Father’s Day might be enough to catch a few people’s attention. Going one step further, you might want to consider having a giveaway of the “top dad products”.
Taking it one more step further, you should definitely consider having a social media contest. Why? Customer Engagement – that’s why.
Sure, you can just give a product away. You’ll get a few sign-ups that you can target with email marketing later on, which is great. However, in this day and age, it’s worth the effort to build a relationship with your customers (and potential ones).
This can be accomplished by having customers interact with your brand in some way and social media is the perfect tool to do that.
You could, for example, encourage them to share their “favourite dad moment”, “dad image”, or even “dad joke” in a social media contest. Remember to think of a clever #hashtag and associate it with the campaign and get them to use it in their posts (e.g. #mydadiscoolerthanyourdad). Also, encourage them to share the post with their own followers.
With a social media contest, you’ll not only be getting them to engage with your brand more and share the contest with their friends, but you’ll also be creating an emotional connection to your brand.
3. Have a “gift guide” on your website
From my personal experiences, my dad has always been harder to shop for than my mom. Usually, moms are happy enough just getting some flowers and/or chocolate. Dad’s can be a bit more of a challenge though. If you have a dad-equivalent to flowers and chocolate, please let me know.
By creating a “gift guide” on your website, you can help your customers find the perfect gift for the dad(s) in their lives. By segmenting all the different kinds of dads out there (i.e. “sports fan dad”, “handy dad”, “dad-joke dad”, etc.), you’re actually doing a great service for your shoppers (thanks again!).
Besides hobbies, don’t forget that some people celebrate this big day for multiple “dads”. Think of father-in-laws, grand-dads, step-fathers, son-in-laws. You might even want to make categories for those kinds of dads in our lives (more on this in the next section).
These kinds of guides can inspire people quickly, so put your best (i.e. most popular products) at the top of the list. Before you know it, they’ll be right on your product pages.
If you’re confused by what you should stock up on, Statista released some survey results about what UK dads like to receive for Father’s Day:
It seems that dads aren’t so complicated to shop for after all! Apparently, dads like getting cards, drinking beer, and eating food! Go figure!
4. Create “dad bundles”
Speaking of gift guides, you can also promote “dad bundles” for your Father’s Day promotion. Bundle a few products together and sell them as such.
Sure, it’s not a ground-breaking idea (it’s not too far off from a cross-selling strategy), but if you highlight the shoppers’ savings (i.e. Save £10 when you buy these two products together), it’s a great way to promote the products while also getting rid of some surplus inventory at the same time.
5. Marketing!
This is a general piece of advice, but it works together with all the suggestions mentioned above. Since Father’s Day shoppers are not only children, you might want to try segmenting your ads for all your audiences. For example, you can target teenagers for some ads, moms/wives for others, and even adults who are buying gifts for their (older) dads. In fact, this is a great opportunity to sell to people who aren’t normally your target group.
By knowing who you’re marketing to for this particular campaign, you can customise your ads to fit these different target audiences with different images and texts. This is called micro-targeting.
It’s also worth knowing which apps these target groups use. Though Instagram and Snapchat are used more by younger audiences, Pinterest is used more by the “mom” demographic, so you’re targeting and messaging should match the audience that will be seeing them.
How Can I Kick Off my Gift For Dad Sales?
1. Conduct a survey
You can conduct a survey to know what is going on in the minds of your customers. You can then use the information you get from the survey to improve your products and services. You can also use it to figure out which marketing strategies will be most effective. While conducting a survey may not lead to actual profit, it can help you understand your customers, and that will eventually lead to sales in the long run.
One of the best questions you can ask customers in your survey is this: “what products (or services) would you like to add to our offers?” Besides giving you some needed information, customers also feel invested in your brand when they take your survey and are more likely to patronize you in the future.
When sending out your survey, it is important to make it as attractive as possible (especially on social media), so you can get high response rates. One of the best ways to do this is to use beautiful and simple designs like those offered by VistaCreate.
VistaCreate makes design templates for everything from social media posts to advertising and marketing. The design templates are sure to pique the interest of your audience and increase the number of responses you’ll get.
2. Impress your online visitors
Most of your marketing efforts will be geared towards driving visitors to your website and social media pages. With this in mind, you should make these spaces as engaging as possible. To do this, you need to find a way to present who you are and what you do to your visitors in a simple and easy to follow format.
Infographics are just one of the things you can use to impress your visitors. Another one is to create fun profiles of your employees, including unique pictures and descriptions like Ola interactive agency did with its impressive employee profiles.
3. Tell a story
Here is a fun fact: The average person’s attention span shrunk from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8.25 seconds in 2015; No doubt it has shrunk even more by now. This means that your online marketing campaign needs to tell a great story if it’s going to have any chances of success.
Toyota‘s ‘my bold dad’ is a fantastic example of a great marketing strategy that told a compelling story. Not only did it feature an emotional narration of what it means to be a father, but it also contained an awesome product placement. That’s marketing!
4. Hold a social media contest
Holding a social media contest is a very inexpensive way to reward your customers while spurring their engagement at the same time. A great thing about social media contests is that the gifts don’t have to be very expensive, and you can give out things like discount coupons and small cash prizes.
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One of the best social media marketing strategies was implemented by Kellogg’s Eggo back in 2013. In it, Eggo invited contestants to submit their favorite waffle recipes and then asked fans to vote for their favorite recipe. The owner of the winning recipe won a cash prize of $5000.
For your business, you can organize a ‘dad and me’ selfie contest and give away free items. To get maximum participation from your followers, you should use beautiful and eye-grabbing designs that are difficult to ignore.
5. Try guerilla marketing
Guerrilla marketing is not the most sophisticated marketing strategy you can use, but it is still very effective, especially for creating awareness for your business. Guerilla marketing involves using different techniques like chalk drawings and graffiti to establish contact with your customers.
Your creativity is the only limit to what you can achieve with guerilla marketing. If your business is exclusively online, guerilla marketing is most suitable for you if all your customers are in one city.