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We all love doing something to help people, especially those who need our help the most like senior citizens. But sadly, being helpful for the love of it does not bring food to the table.
Enter seniors! Baby boomers and older generations of seniors can use all the help they can get.
Sometimes their family is too far away to help them, sometimes they might not have the time. Either way, the fact is that seniors need help in order to live normal lives. Why is starting a Business aimed at baby boomers and seniors a great idea:

They have more money at their disposal,
They are self-conscious about their health,
They prefer staying independent to living in nursing homes,
The want to keep gaining new experiences,
They need help.

Depending on each individual case, seniors might need help mastering new technologies, managing their finances or even managing day to day activities. Here are some ideas for a successful senior-aimed business startup:

Care giving Service

Around 70% of seniors over 65 require in home care in order to ensure a better quality of life. Therefore, it’s no surprise that approximately 1.3 million home care jobs are going to be added by 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
If you enjoy helping seniors by taking care of their needs, starting your own care-giving service can be a very lucrative business idea. With the growing demand and the fact that seniors hate the idea of ending up in a nursing home, in-home care service is a safe bet.
There are several ways you can get into the business. You can hire caregivers and direct their services to your clients. Or you could start a caregiver referral service like A Better Way in Home Care, where your aim is to create a perfect senior and caregiver match. Learn more about their services here and maybe you’ll get an idea for your own business:http://abetterwayinhomecare.com/in-home-care-in-west-los-angeles.html

Senior Errand Service

Helping seniors with everyday errands is a great business idea for anyone who wants to make money helping people. A lot of senior citizens are bound to their home and cannot perform ordinary tasks like grocery shopping or paying their bills on their own.
Mind you, this is not a great plan if you want to get rich fast. Senior errand services charge per hour. The price depends on the location, but the average national price is around $25 per hour. So if you work 40 hours a week, you can earn up to $50,000 annually.

Investment Consultant

Senior citizens living on a fixed income often need help taking care of their finances. If you are good with finances, you can help seniors plan out their IRA and manage 401K and social security payments. However, if you want to start a business like this one you need to have a solid grasp of investment and finance.

Computer Literacy Training

As they retire, seniors have more time to spend on their computer and discover the wonders of the Internet. However, the Internet can be a dangerous place with all sorts of ransomware and viruses lurking in its dangerous corner.
If you are good with computers you can start your own business helping seniors master new
technologies. You can teach them how to safely browse the web, send emails, use communication tools like Skype and use basic software like Microsoft Office. You can even host a free seminar to get their attention and reach new clients. However, be aware that seniors might be completely unfamiliar with this concept and it might take a lot of time and patience before they master it.

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