The previous several years have seen significant growth in the Indian garment business, and by 2026 it is predicted that the market will have increased from USD 150 billion to USD 220 billion. E-commerce has had a tremendous expansion over the past ten years, and this trend is anticipated to continue. Online fashion retailers experienced a sharp increase in demand and reported 51% growth in India’s online retail market.
Statistics show that, despite a shaky economy, the online fashion market is nevertheless thriving. In fact, experts predict that India’s ecommerce will develop at a compound annual growth rate of 19.24%, with garments serving as one of the major drivers.
Indians now have more money at their disposal, and the majority of people do not cut corners when it comes to clothing. The market is expanding and there is a clear demand. Online clothing sales may be quite lucrative if done with the appropriate company strategy. But how does one begin?
If you’re considering opening an online apparel store, know that developing a solid network of suppliers is essential to succeeding in this industry.
You can purchase clothing from wholesalers or manufacturers, but since most online firms do not want to commit a lot of capital up front, manufacturers are not an option because of their high order commitment requirements. Thus, wholesale clothing suppliers will be your go-to people for procuring clothes.
Finding a reliable and quality-conscious wholesale apparel provider can be challenging with so many local and worldwide vendors to select from. We’ve prepared this candid blog about wholesale clothing suppliers to support you on your journey and to help you figure out the best strategy for creating a robust wholesaler network for your online store.
Industry meetups
Industry meetups can be invaluable for you while on your search for the right clothing manufacturer for your business. Attending local events and larger scale trade shows will help you to meet plenty of people with connections to clothing manufacturers.
Directories can provide you with a wealth of clothing manufacturing services. We recommend sticking with well-known online directories like Maker’s Row if you’re from the US, and Sqetch if you’re from Europe.
If you’re looking for an overseas clothing manufacturer, Kompass is a fantastic option. Once you’ve found a clothing manufacturer, you can reach out to them directly and explain exactly what you’re looking for.
Search engines
This may come as a surprise, but search engines like Google are a great resource to find a custom clothing manufacturer.
One thing to note is that manufacturers don’t update their websites regularly, so you’ll probably need to scroll through quite a few pages before you find any relevant results. Don’t worry though. There are plenty of legitimate clothing producers out there!
Facebook groups
There are loads of groups on Facebook that are filled with supportive entrepreneurs who are looking to give back to the community. We recommend joining groups like Shopify Entrepreneurs or Kingpinning, and using any of the resources that are available there to help you find a clothing manufacturer for your business.
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Make sure that you read through the rules of the group and ask any questions that you have about starting your own clothing brand. If you’re interested in dropshipping, there’s a great Facebook group called Dropship Business Masterminds. Join it.
Old-fashioned research
There will always be value in networking and asking people in the industry for advice on how to find the right clothing manufacturer. For example, for clothing manufacturers in China, it’s important to make sure that factories have the right substance control and that they comply with the textile regulations of your country.
For clothing manufacturers in China, the UK, or the US, sizes can be a nightmare if you’re selling in many different markets. So having a manufacturer that allows you to create a custom label for your clothes is paramount.
Talking to others who have worked with US and Chinese manufacturers in this way can help you answer all the right questions at the right time.
After you’ve gone through the resources above, you’ll probably have quite a few potential clothing manufacturers for your business. The next step is to refine your list.
Take into account the following:
- Price and quality. Choose the manufacturer who can provide you with the highest quality products for a price point that aligns with your current business funds.
- Shipping times. Find a manufacturer that can provide you with the fastest shipping times (depending on whether you’ve chosen a domestic or an overseas supplier).
- Experience. Work with a manufacturer that has solid experience and good reviews from other store owners. You want to be sure that they’ll be able to deliver on your requests.
Do your research. Ask around. Do everything you can to find the best clothing manufacturer for your fashion business. In an ideal world, we always recommend going to visit the clothing manufacturer so you can review their processes. We know this isn’t always possible, but if you can, ask the clothing manufacturer if you can make a visit before you make a significant investment.
This will help you to validate your decision to work with them while building your business relationship—which is essential in a long-term partnership.
Wholesaling is quite common in the apparel industry. Before we look at the benefits of using wholesale suppliers, let’s start with a brief overview of who they are and what they do.
Wholesale suppliers are like middlemen who buy products from manufacturers in large quantities and sell them to small businesses or retailers. Some common wholesaler types include:
1. Merchant wholesalers: Merchant wholesalers purchase goods from manufacturers in bulk, store inventory and distribute it. Merchant wholesalers can be further divided into –
- Full-service wholesalers: These wholesalers take care of the business process from start to finish. They buy the products, store them, and deliver them to the retailers.
- Limited-service wholesalers: As the name suggests, these wholesalers only handle one or two specific services such as storing inventory, sales operations, or deliveries.
2. Agent, brokers or commission wholesalers: These wholesalers function the same as merchant wholesalers except that they don’t own the products. They work on a commission basis and usually handle sales for the manufacturers.
Based on your preferred services, you can opt for either of the aforementioned suppliers. Ensure that you thoroughly study the supplier’s terms before issuing any purchase orders to them.