How To Choose React Native As Your Next App Development Framework - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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According to Statista, the app market should reach $437.80 billion in total revenues in 2022. Therefore, organizations are focusing on how to produce revenue-generating applications for their businesses. In this context, the demand for cross-platform developers is increasing around the world.

Cross-platform development enables the creation of software applications compatible with several mobile operating systems. React Native is one such cross-platform development software that has become the most popular choice for multiple app developers.

React Native is an open-source UI software framework, developed by Meta Platforms, Inc. The software enables app developers to develop native mobile apps using JavaScript. The framework is used for developing applications for iOS, Android, Windows, etc.

  • Why Choose React Native For App Development?
  • Can we Use React Native For App Development?
  • Can React Native be Used For Mobile Apps?
  • When Should You Use React Native?
  • Is React Native Easy to Learn After React?
  • Is React Native Frontend or Backend?
  • Is React Native Good For Complex Apps?
  • What Are The Disadvantages of React Native?
  • Which Backend is Best For React Native?
  • Is Python Required For React Native?
  • How Long Take to Learn React Native?
  • Which is Better React Native or Android Studio?
  • How Much do React Native Developers Make?

Why Choose React Native For App Development?

Here are some reasons to choose React Native as your next app development framework:

Supports cross-platform development app

App developers need to create mobile apps using Swift/Obj-C for iOS and Java for Android. However, React Native eliminates doing double work as it requires only one coding language for both operating systems. A single development platform helps to deliver a consistent user experience across multiple platforms and reduces time for app development.

Read Also: 7 Benefits Of Using React Native On Your Next Project


Facebook built its mobile app using React Native. The success of the Facebook mobile app is surely a testimony to the efficiency and performance of React Native. Moreover, high-profile organizations like Tesla, Bloomberg and others have developed mobile apps successfully using React Native. All in all, React Native is trusted and reliable.

Familiar programming languages

With React Native, there is less need for proficiency in specialized languages. If you are well-versed in JavaScript, then React Native is an ideal option for you!

Continuous upgrades

React Native is undergoing continuous development and improvement. Both Facebook and the vast community around React Native are working regularly to make upgrades to the framework. Therefore, if you run into problems you can’t solve today, chances are you’ll be able to solve them in the next few months!

For example, Microsoft prompted React Native to create their own fork – React Native for Windows. This solution enables developers to create apps for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile and Xbox One. While you’ll never have the clout of Microsoft, you will have the support of a highly involved community of developers.


React Native is an open-source framework that allows developers to access all useful documents without any cost. This allows you to contribute to the framework whenever needed. Moreover, new developers can take guidance from experienced developers through popular discussion forums on React Native. Regardless of your experience level, React Native includes a remarkable community of developers providing support.

Reusable code

While using React Native, you do not need separate codes for different platforms. Rather, you can use your pre-built libraries based on JavaScript. This feature alone helps to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve application consistency and stability. In addition, open-source, UI libraries will help you quickly learn mobile app development when you use React Native.

Hot reloading

As an app developer, you are all too aware of the challenges of working with code changes. React Native contains a hot reloading feature that enables developers to work with the code changes effectively. In fact, the hot reloading feature reloads only the specific areas of change within the app. This makes development and testing more manageable and app development quick, intuitive and efficient. 

Outstanding performance

If you join the Reactive Native developer community, you’ll hear that nothing can beat the performance of their apps. Is that really true? React Native leverages powerful graphics processors to speed performance.

Applications created with React Native also use UI components that further enhance performance to improve the customer experience. Whether or not performance can be beat, the applications you create with React Native will demonstrate outstanding performance.

Flexible framework

Flexibility is not just for gymnasts. App developers need flexible frameworks too! Enhanced framework flexibility creates a highly collaborative environment where multiple developers can easily contribute to app development. Collaboration speeds development time and results in apps that can be used and maintained across several platforms.

Smooth debugging process

Debugging can be a tedious task for developers. Poorly written code with silly syntax mistakes can take hours to troubleshoot and resolve. As mentioned earlier, React Native uses a single, cross-platform codebase, which makes the debugging process easier, even across multiple languages.

Personalized interface

Most app developers enjoy creative liberty for developing personalized UIs. React Native accommodates a high level of personalization that supports an array of styles and UI requirements. User retention is always a concern, and easy customization is a distinct advantage with React Native apps.

Budget-friendly development

React Native delivers budget-friendly benefits through third-party plugins and code reusability. Therefore, if you have a tight budget for app development, React Native is the best option for you!

  • Feel of Native app

React Native leverages native UI components to ensure a native look and feel for every app. Ensuring a consistent user experience on both iOS and Android platforms is key for building highly functional mobile applications, and makes React Native a business-friendly framework.

  • Low memory use

React Native apps for iOS and Android typically use less memory. Cross-bridge linking is not required and most of the code is used during the run-time. Therefore, using React Native will produce high-performance apps with low overhead or strain on computing resources.


It’s hard to imagine React Native going away anytime soon. The framework is consistently being updated, providing new solutions to ongoing app development problems. The framework is well documented, user-friendly and supported by an expert community of skilled and experienced developers.

Can we Use React Native For App Development?

React Native is an open-source framework created by Facebook with a declarative programming paradigm for building native mobile apps using JavaScript. React Native combines the best parts of native development with React, a best-in-class JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

“Most companies developing mobile on the current native stacks must compromise in some way. Either on productivity (develop the same product multiple times with different engineers on different stacks), on quality (make low-quality apps) or on a scope (focus on a single platform). The path towards stopping these compromises is inventing new mobile stacks — like React Native.” says Tal Kol, ex-Head of Mobile Engineering at in an interview.

Today many companies prefer to build their apps using React Native as a solution because one can write pretty much all of the code in JavaScript and share it across iOS and Android, and doesn’t need to pay for two separate teams of developers maintaining two different code bases.

After a long time, hundreds of updates, fixes, and additions of functionality released, today, version РН 0.63.4 / November 30, 2020 is the most up-to-date version of React Native.

Due to its popularity and convenience, thousands of apps are using React Native as a solution — be it Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Skype, Uber eats, or Bloomberg, there are many brands and top-notch applications that use the React Native framework to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Can React Native be Used For Mobile Apps?

You may prefer React Native for building the next mobile app for your business. But why are more and more people getting interested in this framework over the past few years?

It’s simply because this is a powerful, cross-platform mobile app development tool that lets you build high-quality mobile apps very fast.

Let’s find out why to choose React Native for mobile app development.

Amazing Performance

It may not be as fast as the truly native apps that are built with native languages such as Java, Objective-C, and C#. But, you will get near-native performance as it gives you native components like Image, View, and Text.

A mobile app based on React Native is not an HTML5, hybrid or a mobile web app. Rather, it’s a real mobile app.

You can take your React Native app performance to the next level by optimizing your application with native code. Yes, React Native lets you use native code, too. For maximum performance, you can build some features in your app using native code and some features with React Native.

Rich UI

React Native lets you create unique, eye-catching UIs through pre-built declarative components, such as Picker, Button, Slider, Switch, and so on. You can also make your own components with TouchableNativeFeedback and TouchableOpacity. There are many iOS and Android-specific components available to make it work efficiently on Android and iOS mobiles.


  • iOS – ActionSheetIOS, AlertIOS, DatePickerIOS, ImagePickerIOS, ProgressViewIOS, PushNotificatoinIOS, SegmentedControlIOS, etc.
  • Android – DatePickerAndroid, DrawerLayoutAndroid, PermissionsAndroid, ProgressBarAndroid, TimePickerAndroid, ToastAndroid, ToolbarAndroid, ViewPageAndroid, etc.

Fast App Development

React Native gives you components for text, image, keyboard input, scrollable lists, progress bar, animations, clipboard, linking, and so on. These components greatly speed up the app development process, and the Hot Reloading feature also saves you a lot of time as it lets you reload your app without recompiling the entire code.

React Native libraries such as Redux (for handling your app’s state) and Awesome React Native (a list of components and demos) will also help you complete your mobile app development work faster.

Development tools like Nuclide for writing code, Yoga for building layouts, Sentry for error and crash monitoring, and React Developer Tools for debugging make the React Native development process a lot easier and faster. Other great React Native tools include VS Code, Ignite, Expo, and Bugsnag.

Cross-platform Development

Code once, use it everywhere. Save time and money by building cross-platform apps. But keep in mind that you still need to make some platform-specific adjustments.

Strong Community Support

More than 2,000 contributors with above 85,000 stars on GitHub.

Companies such as Callstack, Software Mansion, Microsoft, and Infinite Red have contributed to this framework. You will find lots of React Native components and libraries created by the community of developers on sites like and Native Directory.

Get help on StackOverflow, Reddit or Codementor. You’ll always find someone to help you. You can also get help from the Reactiflux Discord community, the React Native Facebook Group, and the React Native Spectrum community.

Easy to Learn

See the coding style from the Hello World program below. You can easily understand the following code example if you know the basics of JavaScript and React.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

export default class HelloWorldApp extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
        <Text>Hello, world!</Text>

The official docs are beginner-friendly and have code examples. Besides the official documentation, you may also try the following to get hands-on.

  • The Complete React Native + Hooks Course on Udemy
  • React Native Tutorial for Beginners on YouTube
  • Redux video tutorial
  • Curated list of example apps


Popular mobile apps such as Facebook, F8, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram, Skype, Bloomberg, Discord, Tesla, Airbnb, Chop, Artsy, Walmart, and Vogue have used this framework.

That speaks a lot!

When Should You Use React Native?

React Native takes a different approach than other hybrid and mobile web models. Instead of trying to simulate native performance, it takes actual native user interface (UI) building blocks and assembles them with React’s special brand of JavaScript.

Because these are the same building blocks iOS and Android use, React Native apps render like native apps. They have the same native look and feel device loyalists expect.

Developers have the option to write and embed custom native code, as well as write in a mixture of native and React to get the exact function desired while maintaining the native appearance.

Native rendering is a huge benefit. Besides the obvious boost to user experience, it gives React Native a host of additional perks.

With React Native, one codebase runs on iOS, Windows, and Android. Only a small portion of the app needs to be customized for each operating system. It provides faster, more reliable performance than hybrid or web apps, too.

Development Speed 

In theory, developers build their code once, in JavaScript, and React Native takes care of creating platform-specific versions. In reality, the translation between operating systems isn’t perfect, but there’s still a huge chunk of the codebase shared between platforms.

That cuts development time for an app by as much as half while still supporting multiple platforms. If there’s already a web app, much of that code can be used with React Native to trim development timelines even more.‍

Developer productivity

React Native is a dynamic toolset with a lot of productivity features, like integrated components that provide “shortcuts” to common tasks. The framework also uses hot reloading, so developers don’t have to recompile the entire app every time they make a change.

Besides playing a role in React Native’s fast development speed, these features create an enjoyable, productive developer experience. Cutting out unnecessary interruptions helps developers stay engaged, which leads to better end products.‍


There are clear savings in both time and money when one app can be repurposed to cover all devices. There are fewer overall development costs and lower up-front investment. Maintaining one code base lowers long-term maintenance expenses.

Even when the additional code to tailor the app for each operating system is considered, there’s much less work involved than in building multiple independent native apps. Plus, more efficient development means that the single React Native app is done sooner than comparable apps.

Add in the shorter time to market (and the ability to begin working towards ROI) and it’s easy to see how the savings add up.

Is React Native Easy to Learn After React?

React is a JavaScript library that enables developers to create user interface components. Traditional web pages use HTML and CSS to build the UI, but with React, the UI is built purely using JavaScript. React is also known for containing a virtual DOM under the hood, which is used instead of manipulating the DOM directly.

Mastering React before learning React Native will make your job very easy. Even though React and React Native are used for developing applications for different platforms, they are very similar in syntax. Additionally, they are based on the same programming language – JavaScript.

Virtual DOM

React creates a virtual DOM (VDOM), which is an object representation of the DOM structure to be rendered on the web page. If you want to gain a deeper understanding of how React works internally, you should learn about VDOM. Virtual DOM is a framework agnostic concept, so it’s also used in other frameworks like Vue.


Using React, you can build reusable UI components and pass data between them. Components are written using a special JavaScript syntax extension called JSX (JavaScript XML).

JSX looks similar to HTML syntax and is very powerful, as it can handle JavaScript expressions. In JSX, instead of HTML attributes, props are used to pass data from the parent component to the child component.

Data handling

Components can also handle their data internally using state. props and state are two very important concepts in React. Having a clear understanding of how data handling is done in React is vital, as it is something you’ll be doing quite frequently.

React components

There are two types of components – class components and function components. React class-components have different lifecycle methods which get called during the render process. React function-components can leverage hooks to handle different states. Both the component types have their pros and cons, and you need to know which one suits your use case.

Further learning

Once React basics are covered, you can dive into advanced topics like context, component patterns, portals, and component testing. Further, you can try different third party libraries like Redux, Material UI, or Axios. Get familiar with npm or yarn package installers as you will be dealing with packages frequently.

The best place to learn React is from the official documentation. If reading is not your thing, then you can find many resources on YouTube and Udemy.

Topics like JSX, components, lifecycle methods, hooks, and state management are the core elements of app development with React Native. You will be working on the above-mentioned topics daily as a React Native developer, so you must get comfortable with them before learning React Native.

Is React Native Frontend or Backend?

The part of a website that the user interacts with directly is termed the front end. It is also referred to as the ‘client side’ of the application. It includes everything that users experience directly: text colors and styles, images, graphs and tables, buttons, colors, and navigation menu. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the languages used for Front End development.

The structure, design, behavior, and content of everything seen on browser screens when websites, web applications, or mobile apps are opened up, is implemented by front End developers.

Responsiveness and performance are two main objectives of the Front End. The developer must ensure that the site is responsive i.e. it appears correctly on devices of all sizes no part of the website should behave abnormally irrespective of the size of the screen. 

Front end Languages: The front end portion is built by using some languages which are discussed below:  

  • HTML: HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to design the front-end portion of web pages using a markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. The markup language is used to define the text documentation within the tag which defines the structure of web pages.
  • CSS: Cascading Style Sheets fondly referred to as CSS is a simply designed language intended to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS allows you to apply styles to web pages. More importantly, CSS enables you to do this independent of the HTML that makes up each web page.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a famous scripting language used to create magic on the sites to make the site interactive for the user. It is used to enhancing the functionality of a website to running cool games and web-based software.

There are many other languages through which one can do front-end development depending upon the framework for example Flutter user Dart, React uses JavaScript and Django uses Python, and much more.

Front End Frameworks and Libraries:  

  • AngularJS: AngularJs is a JavaScript open-source front-end framework that is mainly used to develop single-page web applications(SPAs). It is a continuously growing and expanding framework which provides better ways for developing web applications. It changes the static HTML to dynamic HTML. It is an open-source project which can be free. It extends HTML attributes with Directives, and data is bound with HTML.
  • React.js: React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. ReactJS is an open-source, component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of the application. It is maintained by Facebook. 
    Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection for creating responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites.
  • jQuery: jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies the interactions between an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript. Elaborating the terms, jQuery simplifies HTML document traversing and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript development.
  • SASS: It is the most reliable, mature, and robust CSS extension language. It is used to extend the functionality of an existing CSS of a site including everything from variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease.
  • Flutter: Flutter is an open-source UI development SDK managed by google. It is powered by Dart programming language. It builds performant and good-looking natively compiled applications for mobile (Ios, Android), web, and desktop from a single code base. The key selling point of flutter is flat development is made easier, expressive, and flexible UI and native performance. In march 2021 flutter announce Flutter 2 which upgrades flutter to build release applications for the web, and the desktop is in beta state.
  • Some other libraries and frameworks are Semantic-UI, Foundation, Materialize, Backbone.js, Ember.js, etc.

Is React Native Good For Complex Apps?

Everybody who wants to build a mobile app faces a dilemma: hire native developers or go for a cross-platform solution. The latter used to be slow, have fewer features and offer subpar UX. But now you can build React Native apps that combine cross-platform flexibility with native look and feel.

React Native’s paradigm of “learn once, write anywhere” allows developers to create apps for web, iOS, Android, Windows, and VR using the same basic framework.

Facebook, Airbnb, Instagram, Discord, and many others have already used this tech to create awesome apps.

And while React Native has many opponents, there are 4 situations in which React Native (RN) is your best bet:

1. Working prototypes

The majority of apps built with React Native started out as quick prototypes.

If you’re a fast-moving startup, hitting the market with a working product is your top priority.

This is one of the pillars of Agile development: create a solution before your competitors can make their move>get more people to use it>iterate quickly based on their feedback. This approach allows you to see if your idea is, in fact, viable while spending the least amount of time and money.

React Native is the perfect technology for such cases.

It allows you to quickly build a prototype that works both on Android and iOS. Moreover, the development can be ~30% faster than with the native tech stack.

Unlike hybrid solutions, your RN app will give test users a truly native experience.

2. Apps with streamlined UI

React Native apps can look and perform just as good as their Android or iOS counterparts.

Their UI is in fact native Java or Swift/Objective-C code running on the main thread. At the same time, most of the application, including the business logic, runs on a separate JavaScript thread.

By themselves, both threads are lightning-fast. But they can only communicate via a bridge. Passing large amounts of data over the bridges will slow down your app. If you have a lot of native UI components communicating with the JS code, the performance will suffer. This is especially true with sophisticated animations and complex gestures.

To avoid performance bottlenecks, you’ll have to minimize passes over the bridge.

You might have to spend a lot of time optimizing your React Native app. This slows down the development leaving you without the framework’s main benefit. You can, of course, move the code to native side but that means more involvement from the Android/iOS guys.

And that takes away another benefit.

In calculation-intensive apps (say, messengers with lots of customization and many processes running in the background), native tech has a massive edge over RN.

But if your app has few interactions and views, RN is perfectly viable.

Bloomberg’s Business News app was built with React Native. After getting tired with developing separate apps for iOS and Android, the company created a quick RN prototype.

Bloomberg liked it so much that they’ve decided to produce a full-scale product. The result is a sleek app featuring stories, videos, live TV, and a personalized news feed. It has great performance and smooth interactive animations.

The team loved the ease of learning, hot reloading and quick iterations made possible by React Native.

3. Basic cross-platform apps

If your app has many platform-dependent features such as multithreading and audio/video processing, going native may be a better choice.

But React Native is a perfect solution if you have a limited budget, but your targeted market is split evenly between iOS and Android. You can easily make the interface work on both platforms.

The app layout is based on flexbox which works similarly across Web, Android, and iOS. Coming from native development, this’ll save you a lot of headache.

Townske has created a React Native app for sharing city guides. As the company had only one developer, building separate apps for iOS and Android was out of the question.

React Native allowed Townske to quickly develop a cross-platform mobile app with existing talent. As the company already had a React-based web application, they’ve reused most of its business logic in a mobile app.

Despite running into some difficulties early on, Townske quickly overcame them using community-created fixes. The company is very optimistic about the framework’s future citing the development speed, code reuse, easy debugging, and a strong community as its main benefits.

4. Apps without heavy use of native APIs

React Native apps have to rely on native APIs for things like camera, GPS, etc. To implement them you’ll have to write bridges, which is time-consuming, requires native expertise and can affect the app’s performance. If your app doesn’t use a lot of native APIs (e.g ecommerce app), React Native is a reasonable choice.

You can build React Native apps that are just as good as their native counterparts.

Of course, if you need complex animations, video/audio processing or rely heavily on native APIs, nothing can beat native apps. But for the most part, RN apps have native UI and great performance.

React Native is a perfect choice if you want to quickly turn your idea into a cross-platform app and carve out a niche in both Android and iOS markets.

What Are The Disadvantages of React Native?

With all the exciting features and prospect we have mentioned on this article about React Native, there are some disadvantages that also comes up in terms of app development. We have mentioned some of the below.

1. Compatibility & debugging issues

While it may come as a surprise – after all, React Native is used by top tech players – it’s still in beta. Your developers might come across various issues with package compatibility or debugging tools. If your developers aren’t proficient in React Native, this might negatively impact your development as they spend time on troubleshooting.

2. Lack of Some Custom Modules

Despite its maturity, React Native still lacks some components. Others, in turn, are underdeveloped. The chances are you won’t have a problem with that, as the majority of custom modules you need are available, well-documented, and working properly.

However, it might happen that you will have to build your solution from scratch or try to hack an existing one. When developing your custom modules, you could end up with three codebases (RN, Android, and iOS) for a component instead of only one. In each of those codebases, there can be differences in behaviour and appearance. Fortunately, those situations don’t come about often.

Some people had problems with making shadows work in our React Native application, as the custom library was only available in a beta version. Therefore, we decided to write our own custom solution to make it look the same as it was in the native application.

3. Native Developers Still Needed

Implementing some native features and modules necessitates having detailed knowledge of a particular platform. The lack of out-of-the-box support for many native app functionalities (e.g. push notifications) used to be a significant issue with React Native development.

As the community grows, more and more open-source libraries provide easy access to native platform features. Nevertheless, the implementation of some more advanced features might still require help from iOS and Android developers.

Their input depends on the complexity of your project, but you need to bargain for them when kicking off with React Native. This might be an issue for small teams, in which developers don’t have any native mobile experience.

Which Backend is Best For React Native?

Backend as a Service is a platform that helps simplify and expedite application development through the provision of infrastructure and backend services. BaaS companies provide services that help simplify complicated backend development tasks and also automate essential functions. Besides, they also offer various tools that add value to application development projects.

Given the value that React Native and Backend as a Service offers, it makes sense to select a development platform that lets you leverage both technologies for application development. Here are the top three Backend as a Service companies that support React Native.


Back4App is one of the leading backend service providers that supports a wide variety of technology stack. Some of the technology Back4App support include technologies such as Node JS, MongoDB, Postgres, Parse, REST, React, and a host of others.

The platform also provides codes for performing everyday tasks such as authentication, push notifications, messaging, and much more. With Back4pp, scalability is no longer an issue, as the platform scales automatically when the resource demands of your app increases. Back4Apps offers a free plan while the premium plans start at $5/month.

AWS Amplify

This Amazon-backed platform provides a wide-array of opensource libraries for app development. This framework allows developers to create scalable and serverless applications quickly. It integrates seamlessly with Android, iOS, React Native, among others. AWS Amplify has lots of services that add value to app development, and also supports autoscaling of your mobile and web apps.


Firebase is a cloud service that Google acquired in 2014, and made further improvements on the platform to provide effective backend solution for developers around the world. Firebase offers lots of useful tools that help expedite the process of app development.

The above are the top Backend as a Service platform that works seamlessly with React Native. Using any of the platforms above would allow you to develop and deploy apps through React Native while enjoying many other benefits that BaaS has to offer.

Is Python Required For React Native?

React Native uses Node.js, a JavaScript runtime, to build your JavaScript code. React Native also requires a recent version of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) to run on Android. Follow the instructions for your system to make sure you installed the required versions.


First, install Homebrew using the instructions on the Homebrew website. Then, install Node.js by executing the following in the terminal.

brew install node 

Next, use homebrew to install watchman, a file watcher from Facebook.

brew install watchman 

This is used by React Native to figure out when your code changes, and rebuild accordingly. It’s like having Android Studio do a build each time you save your file.

Finally, download and install JDK 8 or newer if needed.


First, install Chocolatey using the instructions on the Chocolatey website.

Install Node.js if you don’t have it or have a version older than 4. Run the following command as Administrator (Right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator”),

choco install -y nodejs.install 

Python is needed to run the React Native build scripts. Run the following command as Administrator if you don’t have Python 2.

choco install -y python2 

Run the following command as Administrator if you don’t have a JDK or have a version older than 8.

choco install -y jdk8 


Install Node.js by following the installation instructions for your Linux distribution. You will want to install Node.js version 6 or newer.

Finally, download and install JDK 8 or newer if needed.

React Native CLI

Use Node Package Manager (or npm) to install the React Native Command Line Interface (CLI) tool. In your terminal (Terminal or Command Prompt or Shell), type the following command –

npm install -g react-native-cli 

The npm fetches the CLI tool and installs it globally; npm is similar to JCenter in functionality and is packaged with Node.js.

Next, install Yarn using the instructions on the Yarn website. Yarn is another fast npm client.

How Long Take to Learn React Native?

If you are a web developer who is willing to go into the vast world of mobile application development but do not want to spend your time learning Java or Kotlin for Objective C or Android development or Swift for iOS development; React Native can be a case in point. It’s a great option and a tool for you.

Despite its competition from Vue.js and Angular, React proves to be the best choice for developers for building immersive web applications. Whether you are a developer looking to upgrade or a business manager to improve your digital offer, there are many reasons to learn React.

The following are the reasons to choose React:

  • React uses declarative syntax.
  • React is used by many great organizations.
  • React Native has made application development easier.
  • React supports SEO and its components for easier Google searching.
  • It has many great tools to work like React dev-tools and React Profiler.
  • Learning React now grooms your future and will increase your income.
  • React is a JavaScript library that takes full advantage of the capabilities of JS.
  • An interface can be fragmented into several reusable components for building dynamic user interfaces.
  • React will be beneficial for you from the core team’s commitment to maintaining backward compatibility.
  • React doesn’t force you to use particular types of routing or forms. Instead, you can give a dynamic response and adapt to the changing needs of your users.
  • React is relatively easy to learn compared to other libraries, frameworks, or programming languages. Any developer, even with basic JavaScript knowledge, can create beauty programs in just a few days of training.

React is one of the fastest-growing libraries around the world. So learning it can be beneficial in many ways. There are various options that you can choose to learn the respective technology. There are various classroom sessions, college courses, tutorials, and online training programs, which can help you with this.

Now the question arises in how much duration can you learn React Native? 

  1. It really depends on various personal factors. It also depends on your goal of learning React. Normally, one who has learned React is someone who can build and deploy a production-ready React app in a timely manner.
  2. In short, it will take you 1 to 12 months to learn how to master React. It depends on your existing software development experience, your JavaScript knowledge, and your training.
  3. If you are eager for learning React Native, consider the React Native Online Training. It’s a great online training course with many facilities like along with technical skills; you will be provided training for your soft skill enhancement. Also, it can be customized as per the candidates’ requirements.

Which is Better React Native or Android Studio?

Developers describe Android SDK as “An SDK that provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android“. Android provides a rich application framework that allows you to build innovative apps and games for mobile devices in a Java language environment.

On the other hand, React Native is detailed as “A framework for building native apps with React“. React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React.

The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about – learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.

Android SDK and React Native are primarily classified as “Frameworks (Full Stack)” and “Cross-Platform Mobile Development” tools respectively.

“Android development”, “Necessary for android” and “Android studio” are the key factors why developers consider Android SDK; whereas “Learn once write everywhere”, “Cross platform” and “Javascript” are the primary reasons why React Native is favored.

React Native is an open source tool with 78.8K GitHub stars and 17.6K GitHub forks. Here’s a link to React Native’s open source repository on GitHub.

Google, Instacart, and Slack are some of the popular companies that use Android SDK, whereas React Native is used by Instagram, Intuit, and Yahoo!. Android SDK has a broader approval, being mentioned in 1084 company stacks & 906 developers stacks; compared to React Native, which is listed in 719 company stacks and 809 developer stacks.

How Much do React Native Developers Make?

The average annual pay for a React Native in the United States is $129,166 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $62.10 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,484/week or $10,764/month.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $190,000 and as low as $36,000, the majority of React Native salaries currently range between $105,000 to $152,500 with top earners making $173,500 annually across the United States. The average pay range for a React Native varies greatly (by as much as $47,500), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Read Also: What Are The Benefits Of React Native For Mobile App Development

We’ve identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a React Native job is above the national average. Topping the list is San Jose, CA, with Jackson, WY and Oakland, CA close behind in the second and third positions. Oakland, CA beats the national average by $24,623 (19.1%), and San Jose, CA furthers that trend with another $26,233 (20.3%) above the $129,166 average.

With these 10 cities having average salaries higher than the national average, the opportunities for economic advancement by changing locations as a React Native appears to be exceedingly fruitful.

Finally, another factor to consider is the average salary for these top ten cities varies very little at 4% between San Jose, CA and Wasilla, AK, reinforcing the limited potential for much wage advancement. The possibility of a lower cost of living may be the best factor to use when considering location and salary for a React Native role.

CityAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
San Jose, CA$155,399$12,950$2,988$74.71
Jackson, WY$154,029$12,836$2,962$74.05
Oakland, CA$153,789$12,816$2,957$73.94
Hayward, CA$150,857$12,571$2,901$72.53
Vallejo, CA$150,389$12,532$2,892$72.30
Seattle, WA$150,135$12,511$2,887$72.18
Santa Barbara, CA$148,995$12,416$2,865$71.63
Sunnyvale, CA$148,672$12,389$2,859$71.48
Norwalk, CT$148,442$12,370$2,855$71.37
Wasilla, AK$148,407$12,367$2,854$71.35
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