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In every field, maintaining a strong social media personal brand is essential. However, it’s simple to become lost on the multitude of social networking networks that are available. However, LinkedIn is without a doubt the best medium for developing a powerful personal brand, especially with so many alternatives.

LinkedIn’s primary goals are to promote business, career, and professional networking opportunities. Because of this, it’s a great area to develop your own brand and present your qualifications to prospective clients or companies.

By building a strong profile, participating in pertinent groups, and connecting with other professionals in your field or sector, you may establish an appealing LinkedIn personal brand.

Is it possible to further develop your brand on LinkedIn? This post will teach you some really useful LinkedIn brand-building suggestions and techniques. You’ll be able to attract fresh possibilities and establish yourself as an authority in your profession by using these techniques.

1. Use LinkedIn SEO to Make Your Profile Search-Friendly

Making your profile search-friendly is crucial if you want to build your brand on LinkedIn. Optimize your LinkedIn profile so that relevant people can find you easily. You need to think about how people will search for someone like you.

Here’s how you can implement LinkedIn SEO:

  • Use Keywords in Your Profile

When you’re filling out your profile, ensure to use keywords that describe your skills and experience. This will help make your profile more visible to potential employers and customers searching LinkedIn for profiles with specific skills and experience.

  • Customize Your Profile URL

LinkedIn gives you the option to create a custom URL for your profile. Optimizing this URL with keywords can improve your chances of being found. But that doesn’t mean you should only enter the relevant keywords. You can go with something like this: /James-Adrian-SEO

  • Use Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to make your content more discoverable on LinkedIn. You can reach a larger audience and improve the visibility of your LinkedIn posts and articles. You can build your personal brand with relevant hashtags by attracting the right people to your content.

  • Stay Active on LinkedIn

The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more opportunities you’ll have to connect with others and build your brand. So, post updates regularly, join discussions, and share content that interests you. And always be relevant and authentic!

2. Make Your Profile Photo Look Pro Yet Simple

Did you know that your profile photo is one of the most important elements of your LinkedIn profile? Make sure it looks professional yet simple. Here are some tips to stand out with your LinkedIn profile picture:

  • Use a high-quality photo that represents your brand.
  • Ensure your photo is up-to-date and accurately represents you.
  • Keep your photo simple and professional-looking.
  • Use good lighting and avoid clutter in the background.
  • Take a picture with the right expression and a little smile.
  • Choose a background color that showcases your brand placement.
  • Don’t include other people in your profile picture.
  • Take a high-resolution photo.

Following these tips will help you create a great LinkedIn profile photo to help you build your brand on LinkedIn!

3. Create a Short & Out-of-Box Headline: And Avoid Cliche Words

Your LinkedIn headline is one of the first things people will see when they visit your profile, so ensure it’s short, interesting, and out-of-the-box. It should mention your expertise, experience, industry, and so on.  

Avoid using cliche words like “hard worker,” “creative person,” or “go-getter.” Every other person is already doing this! Instead, use words that describe your skills and experience precisely and how you can help your clients or potential employers in practical terms. 

4. Work on Your LinkedIn Profile Summary

Your summary or description is the elevator pitch of your personal brand on LinkedIn. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Plus, it should highlight your field of work and expertise and the accomplishments that make you stand out.

Here are a few tips for writing an effective LinkedIn profile summary:

  • Be clear about who you are as a professional; describe your field of work.
  • Use keywords to describe your skills and experience.
  • Highlight your accomplishments.
  • Be authentic and show personality.
  • Keep it short and sweet.

You don’t need to be “the best person in the industry” to build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn. Just be yourself and focus on putting your best foot forward!

5. Tell Your Brand Story Using LinkedIn Banner

Everyone loves a story! So it is a good idea to tell your story through your LinkedIn banner. Use this large space to showcase who you are and how you can help employers or clients. Get creative and use this opportunity to tell your professional story in an interesting and visually appealing way.

Here’s how to create an effective LinkedIn background banner:

  • Use high-quality visuals.
  • Keep it simple and clean.
  • Use fonts that are easy to read.
  • Highlight what makes you unique.

Your LinkedIn profile cover should be visually appealing and relevant to your personal brand. Text is helpful as long as it is short and to the point; don’t go overboard with it!

6. Share Unique and Useful Content on LinkedIn

We know that content is king in the digital world, but did you know that it is also crucial to building your personal brand on LinkedIn? Yes, that’s absolutely true! The LinkedIn algorithm loves fresh and unique content that resonates with your audience.

So, avoid posting generic content that everyone has already seen. Instead, focus on creating and sharing interesting, useful, and unique posts and articles on the professional network. Plus, join groups, ask questions, start discussions, answer questions, and be a thought leader in your industry!

7. Use Multiple Content Types, Including Visuals

Short social posts are great for starting conversations. But it is also a good idea to get creative and play around with different content types to showcase your brand on LinkedIn. Consider creating infographics, short videos, articles, podcasts, and more.

  • Create Infographics

Infographics are very powerful in building a strong brand on LinkedIn. They’re visually appealing and can concisely communicate a lot of information.

If you’re not familiar with creating infographics, don’t worry. There are plenty of online tools and services that can help you do it quickly and easily. Tools like Canva, Visme, and Picktoart are good places to start creating infographics.

And once you’ve created your infographic, you can share it on LinkedIn for your connections to see and engage with. Make sure to create and post infographics from time to time to establish your authority in your niche. 

  • Make Short Videos

Short videos are a great way to engage your audience and showcase your skills and experience. They also help you stand out from the competition.

To create a successful video for LinkedIn:

  • Keep it short and value-packed.
  • Use high-quality visuals.
  • Ensure it is interesting and engaging.
  • Use keywords to target your audience.
  • Share on relevant groups and forums.
  • Promote on other social media platforms.

In fact, short videos can help quadruple the power of infographics.

  • Use Images to Make Awesome Carousels

LinkedIn Carousels are a great way to share multiple images in one post. They’re perfect for sharing before-and-after shots, behind-the-scenes photos, and even short video clips. Carousels also help you uplift your brand image on LinkedIn. Sharing images aligned with your brand can help leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Read Also: How to Build an eCommerce Brand

The best part? Creating a carousel is easy. Select the ‘Create Carousel’ option when creating a new post on LinkedIn. Then add your images and videos, and you’re good to go!

  • Publish Long-Form Articles on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Pulse is a great feature for sharing long-form articles. It is a great way to showcase your knowledge and expertise if you want to build your personal brand.

But why should I publish my articles on LinkedIn when I can do it on my blog or website, you ask? The answer is simple. By publishing on LinkedIn, you can reach a much larger and more targeted audience. All your connections get notified of the article you published, which means your content will draw more eyeballs and instantly create more engagement.

Not to mention, LinkedIn articles also rank well on Google. So if you want to reach an even bigger audience, this is a great way to go about it.

Here are some quick tips for writing a highly engaging LinkedIn article:

  • Do keyword research before you start writing.
  • Keep your article under 1,000 words.
  • Make it scannable with plenty of subheadings.
  • Include images, videos, and infographics in your article.
  • Add sources and high-authority external links.

Also, don’t forget to include your brand story in your content. Why are you passionate about what you do? How did you get started in your industry? Sharing your story will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and help you build a strong personal brand.

  • Host Webinars and Podcasts on LinkedIn

Webinars and podcasts are two other great content formats that you can use to build your personal brand on LinkedIn. They’re excellent ways to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Plus, these mediums are highly engaging. 

When it comes to hosting a webinar on LinkedIn, you need to consider these things:

  • Ensure your topic interests your target audience.
  • Choose experts in their field to join you on the webinar.
  • Keep the format engaging and interactive.
  • Ask questions, take polls, and allow for Q&A at the end of the webinar.

The same holds true for podcasts. Ensure that your topic interests your target audience and choose experts in their field to join you on the show. By offering value-packed content in a variety of formats, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn.

8. Interact and Engage With Others and Show Empathy

It is a no-brainer that the best way to build your personal brand on LinkedIn is to interact and engage with others. Sharing, liking, and commenting on posts is a great way to start. But you can also go a step further by sending personal messages.

When you reach out to someone, mention something you have in common or that you enjoyed about their post. This will help you connect with them quickly.

And always remember to be empathetic. We all go through tough times, so take the time to show compassion and understand what others are going through. This way, you’ll build deeper connections with the people in your network.

9. Build Connection With Strategic Partners & Influencers

LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting with strategic partners and influencers. Having these relationships is important if you want to build your personal brand.

Start by finding influencers in your industry and connecting with them on LinkedIn. Plus, interact and engage with their content and show appreciation. You can also provide genuine feedback and share your two cents on their articles or posts. This will help get you on their radar, and when an opportunity arrives, you’ll be the first one they’ll contact. 

10. Speak at Industry Events

If you’re not often listed as a source for industry insights, it’s time to raise your profile. This is where speaking at industry events can help build your authority and credibility. It is a good idea to work on building credibility and connections on social networking sites like LinkedIn so that you can be invited to speak at industry events. 

To begin with, there’s no harm in speaking at events for free. If you have something valuable to share, there’s a good chance you can land a spot at an industry event. This can even pave the way for you to monetize your public speaking and industry knowledge at future events. 

Speaking at events helps position you as an expert in your field. Plus, it allows you to reach a larger audience, which can help strengthen your brand on LinkedIn as well.

You may want to create a list of events you’re interested in and then reach out to the organizers and let them know about your interest in speaking. Be sure to include your bio and some samples of your work. If you don’t hear back right away, don’t give up!

11. Publish Interesting LinkedIn Stories

LinkedIn Stories were introduced in early 2020, but it’s been discontinued in some regions since October 2020. LinkedIn has not given an official reason for this, but it’s speculated that the Stories feature was not well received by users in certain countries.

LinkedIn Stories allows you to share short photos, videos, and text-based updates with your network. They’re similar to Instagram Stories but only visible to your first-degree connections.

But you can post similar content types to share informal behind-the-scenes updates with your network. Go to your profile and click on the “Share an update” box. From there, you can add photos, videos, and text updates.

Stories are a great way to showcase your personality and build an impressive LinkedIn personal brand. They help engage with your audience and start fostering relationships.

12. Go for a LinkedIn Live Session

Videos are getting popular daily, and so is the LinkedIn Live Session. It’s a live video feature that LinkedIn members can use to share updates with their network in real time.

These sessions are great for building your brand as they help you connect with your audience one-on-one. You can use them to show off your expertise, share insights, and more. Below are some practical tips to make your LinkedIn Live productive:

  • Choose a unique and relevant topic.
  • Set a schedule and share it on LinkedIn.
  • Promote the session on other social media networks.
  • Warm up your LinkedIn community.
  • Write a great title and description.
  • Don’t forget to include a CTA in your live session.

These live sessions will optimize your whole LinkedIn presence. And you’ll get the chance to establish your personal brand as an expert in your field.

13. Join and Participate in Relevant LinkedIn Groups

Joining relevant LinkedIn groups is a great way to connect with other professionals and leads in your industry. 

After you join a group, introduce yourself and let others know what you do. This will help you get off on the right foot. And once you’re a group member, start participating in the discussion. Share your insights and expertise. Help other members and answer questions. This way, you’ll be on your way to establishing your brand on LinkedIn. 

The good news is that LinkedIn has many groups that you can join, but we recommend you join communities that focus on your industry or niche. Plus, you can even create your own group around a topic where you can position yourself as a thought leader.

14. Check Out “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” on LinkedIn

One of the best things about LinkedIn is seeing who’s been checking out your profile. So if you want to pitch to your potential clients, you must take advantage of this feature.

When you see someone has viewed your profile, reach out, connect with them, and start a conversation. You never know; they might just be looking for someone with expertise and skills like you. Or maybe you’d land a new opportunity besides building your brand. 

15. Actively Seek Endorsements & Recommendations

LinkedIn endorsements and LinkedIn recommendations can help you build credibility and trust with your audience. These social proofs will help build your authority on LinkedIn and make you more trustworthy in the eyes of your potential employer or leads.

So don’t be afraid to ask for endorsements and recommendations from people you know and trust. And be sure to give endorsements and recommendations to other professionals you’ve worked with or know.

16. Accept Connection Requests

Connect on LinkedIn with as many people as possible. So when someone sends you a connection request, accept it unless it seems like spam or a bot. Remember, the more real connections you have, the better. And who knows, one of those connections might just lead to your next big opportunity. If you have optimized your LinkedIn profile, then you’re more likely to attract high-quality connections.

17. Provide Value With Content Tilt

To make it big on LinkedIn, you must provide massive value with your content. Content tilt is all about creating content that’s so valuable that people can’t help but share it. Why? Because you are not talking about the stuff everyone talks about or ones that are available already. Instead, you are taking a different approach or providing a unique perspective on existing topics.

So ask yourself, what can you share that will truly help others? Can you provide a unique insight into something you’re passionate about in the industry? 

Or maybe you’d want to give your expert opinions about the trends and happenings in the industry! You can even talk about a new strategy or technique that has helped you succeed or solve a problem. Whatever you do, ensure that your content provides value to your audience.

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for building your personal brand. If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, you need to create a great profile and start networking.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.