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Five hundred companies constitute Wall Street’s largest and most frequently used indicator of the price’s growth: the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index. If it wasn’t just six companies the benchmark would have fallen this year.

This is what’s bad. The positive news is that due to these six stocks that are flying high -which includes Apple that was on Wednesday the very first U.S. company worth $2 trillion the S&P 500 has powered through the coronavirus epidemic to increase nearly 5 percent and set an all-time record.

Alongside Apple and Apple, the top performers -which include Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft and Google’s parent, Alphabet — are household names who have harnessed digital skills to thrive in the newsocially disconnected reality. As of Tuesday, these six stocks together were rising by 43 percent as the rest the index’s companies together fell by about 4 percent.

“These are solid businesses which have managed to boost their earnings,” Ed Yardeni, an influential investment strategist with Yardeni Research, said of the tech giants. “They’ve been able to benefit from the provision of products and services during the outbreak. They’re the ones that are at the forefront of demand that is exploding.”

The increasing reliance of the market on a few technology majors highlights a dominant societal position which could be distorted the investment market, leading to an economy that is a winner-takes-all and influencing the political landscape, some have claimed. When the tech-driven S&P 500 recovered from the pandemic that hit in the last quarter of 2018 and the companies were facing increasing opposition from the political sphere, with threats of regulatory action within Europe and the United States and Europe aimed to limit their influence.

“The regulation environment that will be in place next year will be extremely harsh for these businesses. It doesn’t matter which [U.S. chief executive is.” stated Roger McNamee founder of Elevation Partners, a Silicon Valley private equity firm. “The problems that these companies face are getting more and more complicated every day. The market might not be able to rely on these companies.”

The huge role of these digital stars can pose a risk to those who are trying at saving money for the future. Investors own an excess of $1.1 trillion of mutual funds designed to mirror the performance of the S&P500. With the shares Yardeni calls “the Magnificent Six” accounting for more than a quarter of the index’s worth, those who believe they’re purchasing a diverse portion of the U.S. stock CBLI market are investing heavily on firms that have a number of characteristics, analysts say.

“It’s a major issue that investors face,” Yardeni said.

However, with the majority of other stocks facing a slump amid the economic ruin caused by the pandemic investors are left with no options. With the constant re-opening of certain states’ reopenings, and signs that suggest that the economic recovery is slowing The companies listed here have had the most reliable financial results.

On July 30th, Amazon reported profit of $5.2 billion in the latest quarter, beating the expectations of analysts, with online sales for groceries increasing by three times over the same timeframe in the year 2019. Amazon’s shares have risen over 70 percent this year. (Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

Similar to that, Netflix last month said its profits had increased up to 720 million dollars, which is an increase of 160 percent over the identical timeframe in 2019. In addition, Facebook is seeing its shares increase by over 25 percent, announced that its earnings for its quarter had nearly tripled up to $5.2 billion.

“The dependence on a tiny number of megacap companies is not an indicator of health for market or the economy overall,” said Michael Farr who is the chief executive officer of the investment company Farr, Miller and Washington. “It’s difficult to pinpoint which factors will take the shrouds off these companies head. My most likely assumption is that it’ll require more of a definitive increase in the outlook for economic growth or the rise in rate of interest.”

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The market’s two-track structure was highlighted on Wednesday when Apple briefly was the first company with a value of $2 trillion and then slipped below that value as the market dropped. Since 2017 Apple has been a booming Silicon Valley giant has rolled out a series of new iPhones as well as fought the trade wars of President Trump, and dealt with a pandemic in the world and more than tripled it’s market worth.

The president has repeatedly cited that the market rebound is proof of the fact that economic growth is on the verge of roaring back. The quick rebound, which was the longest bear market ever recorded has astonished many analysts and was a huge win for an White House thirsting for achievements to rejoice. It is true that just a handful of stocks are responsible for the market’s rebound however, puts the market’s durability into question.

However, the six companies’ successes reflect their global reach as well as an evolving economy that is quickly becoming more technologically-driven.

While companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Netflix are regarded as the pinnacle of American success tales, they each earn a larger portion of their revenue via overseas businesses than typically S&P 500 company, according to Barry Ritholtz, a New York investment manager. It is the only one. Amazon is dependent upon North America for a disproportionately huge portion of its revenues.

To the extent that treatment of the pandemic as well as the subsequent economic recovery have been more successful in Europe and in parts of Asia and the rest of Asia, these firms with cross-border operations have helped for growth in the future, he added.

Even when the U.S. economy suffered its lowest recession since records were made and the demand for these companies products and services was strong. Americans who were at home due to shut downs caused by pandemics consumed a variety of movies and television shows, communicated with acquaintances on social media, and utilized videoconferencing software to keep connected to their colleagues at work.

All the tech-enabled activities showed in the federal economy report of the government.

The second quarter of 2018, U.S. spending on information technology, software, as well as research and development, topped $1.3 trillion, which was an all-time high of 50 percent of all capital expenditures as per the Commerce Department.

While the six largest stocks are typically called technology-related but that’s only half the truth. Facebook is a communication tool. Amazon is among the largest retailers in the United States. Netflix is involved in the creation of content and entertainment industry.

“The lines blur because technology is affecting every industry,” said Liz Young manager of strategy for markets at BNY Mellon Investment Management.

The stocks are far from cheap, trading at a price-to-future-earnings ratio above 40. To some investors, the constant the demand from investors for such expensive stocks is a troubling indication. The current price of these stocks is “an very bullish” bet on the prospects of the economy as a whole according to Richard Bernstein, a New York-based investment manager.

“You’re basically saying that no other stock can grow ” the man said.

With a total market value of more than $7 trillion Six companies make up more than a quarter of the S&P 500’s total. That’s why so few companies are able to lift the S&P 500 index, which is comprised of 500 stocks. Because that the S&P 500 is weighed by the value of each stock, or market capitalization, gains made by these companies with higher value are more significant than gains from a comparable number of lesser-valued businesses.

However, these impressive numbers do not mean that the current stock market are destined to follow the same boom-and-bust pattern as the 1990s’ Internet bubble, in which investors were awed by any company with a dot-com as its brand name. Young said.

But, she added it shouldn’t be surprising if the stocks dipped a little in the event that the coronavirus vaccine is imminent and people go back to their pre-pandemic lives.

McNamee is who was an investor from the beginning in firms like Facebook and Amazon McNamee, who was an early investor in Amazon and Facebook, has cautioned that six companies that brought the market to record records are now facing a reckoning. Although the pandemic has increased the demand for their products, it has also given an opportunity for them to re-invent their arguments.

The use of social media platforms like Facebook as well as Twitter to spread false information about coronavirus, and to spread racial prejudice specifically it has led to the opening of the platforms the possibility of launching attacks, explained.

The chief executives of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google were attacked in a row between Democrats and Republicans during an House committee on antitrust. They claimed that the firms have grown too big and powerful, and have accumulated excessive amounts of data about the individual consumer and have censored political speech.

“The technology stocks have taken over the market shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. It’s not surprising,” McNamee said. “But when you look ahead from here tech markets and stocks are facing an extremely unpredictable future.”

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