Start Your Own Hot Dog Stand For Quick Cash - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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These days, Hot Dog Stand business is doing tremendously well. You can start your own hot dog stand for quick cash and can also make good living selling hot dogs to your city people. Hot dogs have been in trend for few years now and everybody is in a hurry in cities. Fast foods are always in trend here. No matter the health issues related to munching on fast foods, people still prefer a nice hot dog on their way to work. Kids and housewives love hot dogs once in a while, with all the same interest. There are different ways you can make good income selling hot dogs in your locality.  Some of the ways are as follows:

  1. About the Business: A hot dog stand business is about selling hot dogs to customers while being out on a park, road, or any area with your hot dog stand. You are an independent person. How much you earn in a day depends completely on your dedication to your business and, of course, “luck”. There are few things you must keep in mind apart from being dedicated to your work. You must be genuine and away from the cheating line if you wish to carry the business forward. If you want it to grow you must concentrate on quality of the product you provide. Neatness, freshness, etc are a few other things you will need to care about. The business is a very popular one for a single person with a lot of time to spare. Many hot dog self employed sellers first joined other stands to learn the work, it is advised you do it the same way.
    2. The Product Pricing: No matter how good your hot dog might be, you can’t charge a peak price people won’t think of getting out of their pockets. Keep in mind that it is just a quick snack; it should be fresh and taste good. You will have to charge what others charge until your hot dog stand gains enough popularity to lure customers who have heard about how good your service is. Keep in mind that you can’t charge exactly what other hot dog stands are charging. There has to be a difference in the pricing. This is because there is a different in the quality, taste, materials used in both the hot dogs. Also do not charge less to attract customers; this might get you good sales but that will come with great loss.
    3. Serve Your Best: Serve the best you have. Yours is a new stand you can’t afford to lose any customer that comes to your stand just because you did not use enough sauce in the hot dog. Keep in mind that you are going through a high competition job every day. Before you even start your stand, get a taste of every other hot dog seller’s hot dogs in your locality and try to make yours better than that in a quiet reasonable price. The cheapest thing to do is charge a lot more when you provide just a little better. Public relation plays a great role in getting you customers. If your hot dogs turn into a heavy pain to the wallet, people won’t come with more people or friends to your stand. Keep your hot dogs always fresh, hot and ready to be quick at your service. Use the best ingredients, fresh veggies and branded fillings.
    4. Value Exclusiveness: What you need is to be different from the usual hot dog sellers in the locality. Like the designing, color and painting of your stand you need to also show some difference in the quality of hot dogs available in that particular locality. People must be proud to support you in calling your stand an exclusive one. Your customers must be hundred percent satisfied with your serving and must want to visit your stand again and again. To be exclusive, you can bring about hot dogs of different styles. For example if you live in Texas, bring in the Chicago style hot dogs to your city. You’re sure to find customers. Who does not love variety when it comes to fast foods?
    5. Value Creativity: Try new ideas with your hot dogs. Give these new recipes, new names. Include your stand name in hot dogs; this lets people find interest in your stand. People love street food all over the world. Whether it’s a date, a long night drive, sudden craving for something different from the usual, anything. Street foods will never go off the streets. People selling the worst of hot dogs you will ever see, are earning their living with their business, so why wouldn’t you. They just don’t thrive in it due to poor performance. You should dream big. Dream to turn your stand to a restaurant and see how well you will do with your business.
    6. Be a Stand of Fun: You have a hot dog stand like other stands, so what’s so amazing about your stand that other stands don’t have. What you can do is have loads of lights that light up the area around your stand. Set up a music system to play soft and relaxing music for late nights. You can have fun One Direction music too for fun in the twilight and noon. Change your music as per the customer with you. Get some appreciation from the customers. However, keep in mind that it will cost you battery power and might put you under more expense but it is worth it because it will for sure attract more customers.
    7. Weekends Are Important Days: Yes, they are very important days especially for a business like yours. Make sure you don’t ruin anybody’s weekend because this will really bring you a lot of hate from people, especially working people who wait all week for this day. What you can do is arrange some interesting things every weekend. You can have a special weekend hot dog, a much larger sized one at the same price. Bring smiles to people’s faces and they will bring your business more income.
    8. Set up Quizzes, Games and Themes: You can have separate stand for kids and separate stand for adults. People like playing games for a change. Do this when you know you’re going down on business that day and need some people to pay attention to your presence in front of them. Have an alarm bell to alert people when the game starts and you can offer the winner a free special hot dog. One of best known games is Bingo. Keep the tickets cost low because the prize is only for a hot dog. You can set up quizzes for weekends and Sundays for children. Ask them a few questions and lend the right answering kid a hot dog. For themes you will have to make changes to the looks of your stand once in a while.
    9. Be Nice to People: You might see little kids teasing old grumpy people and running away irritating the poor old fellows. They would not do this if that old man was not nice to them, he would talk to them, he would tell them stories, etc., Now would they? Same is the case with you. You need to have a friendly manner of talking to people, even if your customer is not being nice to you. Keep in mind that you need to sell your stuff and they are the ones buying it from you. They are the source of your income. Keep toffees with you to offer little kids who come with hungry parents. In case these kids won’t have a hot dog, offer them these toffees and lollipops. Their parents will be grateful for your generosity.
    10. People Should Be Able to Find You: When you give good quality hot dogs to people they will want it only from you. In case you have varieties of hot dogs and others don’t, keep in mind that the people who have eaten from your cart are looking for you because they left satisfied. Always have a number painted on your stand. You can also have cards to offer specific high class personalities impressed by your work. Keep a high standard of your stand because the standard of your stand represents your actual standard of thinking, acting, working and doing things. Many stands have registered websites as well. If not websites, you can blog and have an e-mail ID so that people can locate or contact you even when you’re away from their particular lane.
    11. Use the Social Media: Maybe you haven’t done this before but it is never too late. When you’re going down at your business, you can make updates online telling visitors you’re selling for a lesser price. You can very well use to help you out, tweet something like this, “Selling only $1 per hot dog today until 4 pm, Main Road, Irving, Phone: ****** Hurry!!” You will find many people calling you on the phone asking you to stay where you are. Yes you will have some loss selling for lesser rate but at least you will sell. The benefit with online customers visiting your stand is ‘Exposure’. Your reach widens, and these same customers will call you and buy hot dogs for a higher rate from you if they like your stuff. You can also use, in a similar way. Create a page for your stand and put up updates like those earlier mentioned.
    12. Provide More Services:  Don’t be a lazy stand. Widen your area of work. Provide home delivery services for extra charges. Keep stools and benches for people to sit and eat. Maintain neatness of your hands, the paper you use, the chairs you provide to sit. Treat your customers as your guest. These are paying guests. They pay for quality basically. Many pay for quantity too. Make sure you are able to fulfill both of these aspects. Home delivery could be a problem if you’re working alone on your cart and if you have to hire a kid for the job, you will need to pay him a salary. Now to pay a person a fixed salary not knowing how much you will earn per month could be quite a decision to make. What you can do is to hire a person who can keep the amount earned on the delivery and you keep the amount earned on the hot dog. Give this person a few hot dogs as a midday meal and you’re all set to go.
    13. Be Careful: You will need to be seriously careful while purchasing a cart, a stand or a hot dog mobile stall to run your business. Invest in the best stand. You can either get it made or buy ready-made stands. You can also get second hand stands at half the price. The choice is yours. Make sure you don’t go for a no brand cart because this will hamper your business. You might have to spend much more on repairing and maintaining the cheap cart than you spent on buying the cart. Be careful of the products you use in your hot dog. Make sure your ingredients are not expired or out of date in any way. If a person falls sick after eating from your stand, you might go to jail for serving poor quality food. The ingredients you use are the evidence to prove what quality hot dogs you’re serving.
    These are the basic points to keep in mind while you’re planning to start and run a hot dog stand. You can definitely earn a very good income with this business and you will certainly never starve as far as food is concerned. All you need to do is provide your customers with hot dogs they pay for and sell good hot dogs so that your customers can come and visit you again. You can also serve soft drinks and mineral waters at a higher price that will include some added up service charge. People take soft drinks after eating and so don’t worry whether those will sell with your hot dogs or not.
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