Simple Ways To Save More Money With Alternative Power - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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These days, a lot of consumers are looking for more ways to save money. Most people know that they can cut costs by reducing the amount of money that they spend on grocery and other normal expenses. However, a lot of individuals do not realize that they can save money by reducing their utility bills.

Changing to alternative energy sources can help you to cut down your energy bills drastically. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2020, the average household spent $1,831 per year on transportation ($1,568 fuel and $263 public transportation). Anything you can do to conserve energy and put some of that money back in your pocket is a step in the right direction.

The following tips in this article are simple ways to save more money with alternative power.

  • What is Alternative Power?
  • What is the Cheapest Way to Save Energy?
  • What is a Simple Way to Save Energy and Money?
  • How Alternative Energy Resources Help us to Save our Money?
  • What are 5 Energy Saving Tips?
  • How can I Cut Down on my Electric Bill?
  • What can I Turn off to Save Electricity?
  • How can a Student Save Energy at Home?
  • Does Wind Energy Save Money?
  • What are the 7 Types of Renewable Resources?

What are Alternative Power?

Alternative energy is energy that does not come from fossil fuels, and thus produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). This means that energy produced from alternative sources does not contribute to the greenhouse effect that causes climate change. Here are some examples.

Using Solar Power

Using solar energy as an alternative source of energy was not so attractive in the past because of the high cost of the material that is needed. The solar panels that were previously available also had a low level of efficiency. Things have changed in the past few years and consumers can now have access to solar panels that have a higher level of efficiency.

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Advance technology has also made it possible to produce solar systems that are easily affordable.
Solar energy has become one of the most popular simple ways to save more money with alternative power. You can reduce your monthly electricity bill by using a medium sized solar panel to supply some of your electricity needs.

The panels have to be placed at an area that receives direct sunlight for a considerable part of the day. This is why they are usually mounted on the roof. There are now a lot of technicians who can easily install solar panels for you in your home.

Another benefit of solar energy is that it can also provide you with an extra source of income. Some homeowners in areas where there is a lot of sun have actually gotten to the level where they are completely off the grid. If you have a large system that produces excess power, you can sell the excess electricity to the electric power company in your local area.

Using Wind Power

Wind power is also among the simple ways to save more money with alternative power. Wind power is not a new development. It has been in use for hundreds of years and it is now becoming popular again. New wind farms can now be seen in different places. Homeowners can really save a lot of money by installing a wind generator on their property.

Wind generators are suitable for areas that get an adequate flow of wind. If you live in this type of area, you should consider the installation of one of these types of generators. Modern wind generators have better designs; they are more efficient and also produce less noise and vibration.

What is the Cheapest Way to Save Energy?

Let’s take a look at some painless ways to reduce consumption of energy and cut your expenses.

1. Check seals on windows, doors and appliances: Make sure your fridge and freezer are well sealed to keep the cold air where it belongs. The same goes for doors and windows. A bad seal allows energy to seep out, draining your wallet in the process.

2. Fix leaky ductwork: Improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems by repairing leaky heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts.

3. Give your thermostat a nudge: Set your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees when you’re asleep or away from home. Doing so for eight hours can lower your annual heating and cooling costs by around 10%. A programmable thermostat does the work for you.

4. Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature: Set your fridge to 38 degrees and your freezer between 0 and 5 degrees. This will keep your food fresh, but your fridge and freezer won’t need to work as hard to maintain the temperature.

Hot water is the second-largest expense in powering most homes, according to the Energy Department. Cutting back on your hot water usage — in the shower, laundry and dishwasher — can make a sizable dent in your overall energy bill.

5. Take shorter showers: Trimming two minutes off your shower time can cut your water usage by five gallons.

6. Replace your showerhead: An efficient showerhead can reduce your water usage by 2,700 gallons per year. Look for one with the WaterSense label, which is certified to meet efficiency criteria set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

7. Don’t wash clothes in hot water: Stick to warm or cold water when you do laundry and cut your per-load energy usage by at least half.

8. Fix leaky faucets: That drip, drip, drip isn’t just annoying, it wastes gallons of water.

9. Adjust the temperature on your water heater: The default temperature setting on water heaters is typically 140 degrees. Lowering it to 120 degrees can reduce your water heating costs by up to 10%. Leaving town for a few days? Turn your water heater to the lowest setting to conserve energy usage.

10. Purchase energy-efficient appliances: If you’re in the market for a new washer, dishwasher or water heater, buy an energy-efficient model to yield long-term savings. A dishwasher with the Energy Star label is required to use 3.5 gallons of water or less per cycle, compared with the more than 10 gallons used by some older models. Prioritize appliances that run most often, like the fridge, HVAC system, water heater, dehumidifier, TV, washer and dryer.

11. Ask about discounted rates: Some utility providers offer cheaper rates during certain times of the day, making laundry and other energy-intensive chores 5% to 25% less expensive during off-peak times.

Keeping the lights and electronics on accounts for roughly 11% or more of a home’s energy usage.

12. Swap out your lightbulbs: Save $75 per year by swapping out the bulbs in your five most-used light fixtures with compact fluorescent or LED bulbs that bear the Energy Star label.

13. Install dimmer switches: Dimmers let you set the brightness in a room to suit your needs, setting the mood and saving electricity.

14. Use smart power strips: Some electronic gadgets never truly power off; instead, they sit in standby mode using a trickle of power that can add up over devices and time. These are usually — but not exclusively — items with a remote control, because the remote sensor needs power while waiting for your input. Plug these electronics into a smart power strip, which cuts off the current when the devices aren’t in use.

15. Do an energy audit: Utility providers will often conduct a home energy audit, sometimes for free, and can identify additional ways to reduce your energy usage.

What is a Simple Way to Save Energy and Money?

1. Use Your Thermostat

Turning up the temperature during the summer and turning it down during the winter are great ways of putting your thermostat to work for your wallet. The Department of Energy (DOE) recommends turning your thermostat back 7°-10°F for 8 hours a day from its normal setting to keep your house comfortable while reducing your energy costs and decreasing the demand on the energy grid.

A programmable thermostat lets you make the house hotter or cooler during periods when you aren’t home. This reduces the temperature difference between the exterior and interior of your house, which in turn reduces energy loss. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, you can manually adjust your existing unit.

2. Ceiling Fans

If you have ceiling fans in your house, turn them on and use them properly. According to Energy Star, a voluntary labeling program sponsored by the DOE and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ceiling fans should be set to spin counter-clockwise in the summer, which pulls hot air up to the ceiling and away from the living space. In the winter, reverse the setting so the fans blow the hot air down.

3. Energy Star Appliances

Energy Star also identifies energy-efficient appliances, including washers, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, room air conditioners, computers, and more. When shopping for new appliances, look for the Energy Star label, and rest assured that the items you are purchasing will go a long way toward saving you some cash.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to increase the use of these items just because they save energy. Consuming more defeats the purpose.

4. Home Electronics

Stereos, DVD players, televisions, kitchen appliances, and any other plugged-in appliances draw a small amount of power even when turned off. Use the surge suppressor to turn them completely off when not in use, or unplug these items until you really need them.

5. Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

A quick and easy way to reduce your energy use is to replace existing incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent ones. According to the DOE, switching to LED lighting can save about $225 in energy costs per year for the average household.

Regardless of the bulbs you use, turn them off when you leave the room. For laundry rooms, garages, basements, and other little-used areas consider the installation of timers that automatically turn off the lights after a preset amount of time, just in case you forget to shut them off.

6. Conserve Water

Low-flow fixtures that conserve water are available for your shower, faucets, and toilets. In addition to installing these items, be sure to replace faucets that drip, fix toilets that leak, and turn off the spigot when brushing your teeth or scrubbing dishes. Every drop of water you save contributes to the conservation of this valuable resource; we’re talking water here, not just money.

7. Seal and Insulate

A well-insulated house reduces the amount of money you will spend on heating and cooling. Start by checking your attic. If your attic is unfinished, you shouldn’t be able to see the floor joists. If you can see them, add more insulation.

Also, be sure to fill in and seal any holes in your exterior walls, such as where pipes come into the house, and around windows and doors. Wrap your boiler and exposed pipes with insulation to help them maintain the proper temperature.

8. Change or Empty Your Filters

Change the filter on your furnace on a frequent basis. Many furnace manufacturers recommend doing it quarterly or even monthly to keep the unit operating at peak efficiency. Similarly, empty the lint filter in your dryer after every use. Even a small amount of lint reduces energy efficiency.

9. Close the Doors and More

Don’t waste energy. Close the doors on your refrigerator and house as quickly as possible. Keep fireplace dampers shut when not in use. Close the curtains to cover your windows at night. All of these little efforts help to conserve energy by preventing heat loss.

10. Use Your Surroundings

Strategically placed trees can help reduce your heating and cooling costs. During the summer, trees provide shade. During the winter, trees provide a windbreak.

Positioning large deciduous trees in the right places can reduce cooling costs by up to 25%, according to the DOE.5 These deciduous trees should be planted on the south and west sides of your home, and strategically positioned to shade hard surfaces, including driveways and patios, to maximize their impact.

Because they lose their leaves in winter, they allow the sun to warm your house. Evergreen trees planted on the north side of your home will help to shield the house from cold winds in every season.

How Alternative Energy Resources Help us to Save our Money?

Why are so many businesses turning to renewable energy? It has environmental benefits, but it can also save companies money — in more ways than you might expect.

1. Reduced Energy Bills

One of the most obvious ways that renewable energy can save businesses money is by reducing their energy bills. Companies can install solar panels, wind turbines and other forms of renewable energy on their properties and use them to power their operations. Depending on how much capacity they install and their energy usage, these resources can cover a significant portion or even all of their energy needs.

According to data from Energysage, commercial property owners can reduce their electricity bill by 75 percent by installing solar panels.

2. Protection from Price Fluctuations

Energy prices change over time, and sometimes they fluctuate suddenly and severely. Changes in the amount of available fuel, demand for electricity and the costs of generating, distributing and transmitting electricity all impact the price of energy. If a business owns its own generation resources, however, it doesn’t have to worry as much about potential price fluctuations. This enables them to forecast costs with more certainty.

3. Enhanced Energy Efficiency Initiatives

Often, businesses that want to go green and save money on energy, will pair the use of renewable energy with initiatives that aim to reduce energy use. Pairing renewables and energy efficiency in this way can help businesses save even more money on their energy bills. In 2016, businesses that used the ENERGY STAR program for commercial programs, which helps companies make their facilities more energy-efficient, saved almost $10 billion.

4. The Ability to Sell Energy to the Grid

If a business installs an energy generation system that produces more energy than it uses, it can often sell that energy back to the grid. This means that renewable energy can be more than just a money saver. It can also be a source of extra revenue. Selling energy back to the grid can help offset the costs of installing solar panels or another energy system.

5. Increased Reliability

Power outages are part of being connected to the grid, but outages can cause costly downtime for businesses. Ninety-eight percent of organizations report that one hour of downtime can cost them more than $100,000. If you own your own generation resources in addition to being connected to the grid, you decrease your chances of experiencing an outage. Pairing solar or wind with a battery can make your system even more resilient.

6. Green Energy Incentives

Installing solar panels and other renewable energy resources requires a considerable upfront investment. Businesses can save some money, however, thanks to a range of incentives from federal, state and local government, including tax rebates and grants. You can use this database to find incentives you may be eligible for.

7. Falling Costs

The upfront costs of renewable energy systems may cause some businesses to avoid them. According to Lazard’s latest annual Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis, the cost of energy from utility-scale solar plants has decreased by 86 percent since 2009, and it’s continuing to fall. The cost of wind decreased by 68 percent over the same period.

8. Increased Efficiency

Even as costs decrease, renewable technologies are getting more efficient, meaning businesses can get more energy from their investments. Last year, researchers in Japan achieved a new record of 26.3 percent efficiency for silicon solar cells. The theoretical maximum for these cells is 29 percent.

9. Improved Investor Confidence and Reputation among Customers

Using renewables can also indirectly help businesses improve their performance and earn more revenue. Customers increasingly want to purchase from environmentally responsible companies and some partners and investors may only be interested in firms that meet certain sustainability criteria.

Investing in renewables also shows investors that a company is forward-thinking. Switching to renewables can promote investor confidence, support company valuations and improve a company’s reputation among consumers.

10. Reduced Risk in the Long Run

Increasing the use of renewables can also reduce risks in a broad sense. By switching to renewables, companies are helping to combat climate change and prevent public health issues associated with the use of fossil fuels. If renewables are widely adopted, this could help reduce risks associated with these issues in the future.

Switching to renewables can help businesses significantly reduce their energy bills, but the ways in which renewables can help companies save money go way beyond that as well. The use of clean, renewable energy can help support businesses into the future by reducing costs and risk today and in the long term.

What are 5 Energy Saving Tips?

Here are just a few simple things you can do to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home as warmer temperatures arrive:

1. Service your air conditioner. Easy maintenance such as routinely replacing or cleaning air filters can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption by up to 15 percent. Also, the first day of spring could serve as a reminder to check your air conditioner’s evaporator coil, which should be cleaned annually to ensure the system is performing at optimal levels.

2. Open windows. Opening windows creates a cross-wise breeze, allowing you to naturally cool your home without switching on air conditioners. This is an ideal tactic in spring when temperatures are mild.

3. Use ceiling fans. Cooling your home with ceiling fans will allow you to raise your thermostat four degrees. This can help lower your electricity bills without sacrificing overall comfort.

4. Cook outside. On warmer spring days, keep the heat out of your home by using an outdoor grill instead of indoor ovens.

5. Install window treatments. Energy efficient window treatments or coverings such as blinds, shades and films can slash heat gain when temperatures rise. These devices not only improve the look of your home but also reduce energy costs.

How can I Cut Down on my Electric Bill?

The energy saving tips below give you some tools and tactics that will help you save gas and electricity at home.

1. Turn off standby appliances

  • Turn appliances off at the plug to save an average of £30 a year.
  • Use plug sockets that can be turned on and off via your phone, to make sure you switch unused appliances off. You could use cheaper timer plugs to schedule turning appliances off.

2. Install a smart thermostat

  • Smart thermostats can make your heating more efficient by only warming the rooms you are using.
  • They learn how long it takes to heat your home, so they can have it at the right temperature at exactly the right time.
  • They can also be controlled by your phone, which means you won?t have to come back to a cold home.
  • If you installed room thermostats, programmers and thermostatic radiator valves, you could save around £75 a year.

3. Turn down your thermostat

  • Almost half the money spent on energy bills is absorbed by heating and hot water costs.
  • Turning your heating down by just one degree could save up to £80 a year.

4. Buy efficient appliances

  • Throwing out a perfectly good appliance won?t save you much money, but when it is time to swap, going for one with a high energy-efficiency rating can be worth the investment.
  • An A+++ washing will typically use £65 less energy than an A+ one over an 11-year product lifespan.
  • A modern, efficient dishwasher will typically cost around £7 less a year to run compared to an older model.
  • An A+++ fridge freezer will save around £320 in energy bills over its lifetime compared to an A+ model.

5. Install a new boiler

  • You can save energy by upgrading your old boiler to a new A-rated condensing boiler with a programmer, room thermostat and thermostatic radiator controls.
  • Based on fuel prices in March 2019, a detached house upgrading from a G-rated boiler could save around £300 a year.

6. Wash clothes at a lower temperature

  • Washing at 30 degrees rather than 40 degrees can help reduce your energy usage, and if you can cut out one wash cycle per week you’ll clip £5 off your annual energy bill.

7. Be smarter about water

  • You can save around £25 a year by washing up in a bowl rather than using a running tap.
  • Buying a more efficient shower head can save you as much as £18 per person a year on energy bills, plus an additional amount if you have a water meter.
  • If you fit a shower timer in your bathroom, you could save up to £7 per person each year by cutting just one minute off every shower.

8. Invest in double glazing

  • Double glazing insulates your home from the cold and helps reduce your heating bill, as well as keeping the noise out.
  • If your semi-detached home is entirely single glazed, you could save as much as £110 a year by installing A-rated double glazing.

9. Draught-proof your property

  • A cold draught can cause your home to lose heat, which makes it more tempting to turn the heating up. Draught excluders or draught-proofing kits are a good way to prevent this.
  • Seal cracks in floors and skirting boards, line your letterbox and block an unused chimney to reduce your heating bills by up to £35 a year.
  • If you don’t have double glazing, you can buy plastic lining for your windows to save energy and keep more heat in.

10. Insulate the roof

  • Insulating your roof can stop heat escaping from your home ? however the process can be complicated so it may be best to employ an expert to do this.
  • While insulating your loft can cost several hundreds of pounds, it can also shave around £135 off your energy bills each year if you live in a typical semi-detached house.

What can I Turn off to Save Electricity?

We’re all responsible for the energy we use in our homes. Take a look at our quick tips below and see how you could save yourself some money.

“Standby power is the electricity used by appliances when they’re switched off or on ‘rest mode’,” explains Chris Saunders, household energy expert and founder of “Almost any product with an external power supply, or which charges batteries, will draw some power continuously unless shut down or switched off at the mains.”

To help you cope with the energy crisis and save money, here are five appliances you should always switch off completely and never leave on standby to save energy.

1. TVs

When you’re lazing around on the sofa, switching off the TV with the remote feels so much better than getting up to turn it off at the wall. But it’s worth the trip — especially if you have an older model.

“It’s one of the main culprits for wasting energy on standby” says Chris. “If you have multiple television sets at home, this can add up quickly.”

Even worse than leaving a TV on standby is leaving it on in the background, which many British households do — often for their dogs! According to Uswitch, a huge 42% of households in the UK leave the TV on for their pet for up to 4.6 hours a week! If you have to leave an appliance on for your cuddly companion, playing the radio for them is far more efficient than the TV.

2. Computers

It may surprise you to hear that computers can cost up to £20 a year to run on standby.

“If you do tend to leave your computer idle, remember that computer screen savers don’t save energy, ” says Chris. “If you want to keep energy usage to a minimum, change your settings so it goes straight into sleep mode or better still, shut it down.”

3. Phone, tablets and laptops on charge

If you don’t have a home computer, the chances are you have a laptop. Out of 2,700 UK households with a computing device, 57% of them had laptops in 2020 according to Statista. Unsurprisingly, even more people own mobile phones — nearly 83% of all adults.

We’re all guilty of leaving our phones, tablets and laptops plugged in, even when we can see that they are fully charged.

“Leaving your phone, tablet or laptop plugged in and on charge will waste energy needlessly,” says Chris.

4. Set top boxes and recorders

Television set top boxes, such as Freeview tuners, are big energy-consuming devices that can be easily turned off.

However, while a recording device such as Sky+ can consume up to £19 worth of energy annually, it will need to be kept on standby in order to download selected programmes and recordings set to ‘series link’, Chris reminds us.

5. Games consoles

A games console might not be as high on your priority list as it is for your children, but it’s important to keep in mind when it comes to energy saving.

“Consoles are particularly heavy energy consumers, as they remain ‘idle’ when not in use or switched off,” says Chris. “On standby, a console can use up to £30 in energy annually, so it is definitely worth encouraging children and teens to switch them off as soon as they’re finished.”

How can a Student Save Energy at Home?

As a college or university student, even small energy savings can make a big difference in your budget. By reducing your energy consumption, you can save money on your bills and know you’re doing your part to protect the environment.

Knowing students are typically busy with their studies, part-time jobs, and other obligations, the following tips have been selected as the easiest and quickest ways for students to save on energy.

Turn Off Your Lights

When you hear your mother’s voice remind you to turn off the lights—listen to it—especially if you live in an older house or building that requires incandescent bulbs. When you leave a room, just flip the switch. When you leave your apartment, check to make sure all the lights are turned off. If you know you’ll be studying late into the night, consider doing so in a nearby library or cafe so you can leave your lights (and your air conditioning) off at home.

Unplug Your Electronics

Unplug your electronics and make it a habit. As soon as your phone is done charging, unplug the charger. In areas with several electronics such as around your television or in your kitchen, use a power strip with multiple outlets and easily turn off several electronics at once with the flip of a switch. This makes it easier for you to maintain your the habit of turning off electronics when they are not in use.

Invest In a Programmable Thermostat

This might seem like an unnecessary expense since it is a bit of an upfront investment, but these typically pay for themselves in as little as a year. So over the course of four years, you’ll see the savings reflected in your energy bill with a smart thermostat.

As a baseline, you can save up to 10% on your energy costs simply by programming your thermostat. During winter, reduce your heating overnight and pile on the blankets. During summer, only use the air conditioner when you’re at home. Also, remember to clean your air conditioner and heaters every once in a while to allow for optimized function.

Take Shorter Showers

Water is a precious, finite resource. If you enjoy long, luxurious showers, consider having a bath instead and soak for as long as you desire. If you are up for reducing your time spent in the shower, there are a few ways to go about it.

You can turn the water off while you shave and shampoo, only using it when rinsing is required. Using 2-in-1 products such as shampoo that also conditions or body wash that doubles as shampoo can also save you time if they work for your skin and hair.

Some experts share the opinion that most of us shower far too often, too. You may want to cut back on bathing if you don’t need to, especially if you’re the type that showers more than once a day. Switch up routine and try bathing only after you work out or get sweaty.  

If you pick up a nice-smelling dry shampoo, you can probably skip a shower all together every now and then. This is also an excellent way to protect your skin and hair, as over-washing either can dry your skin out and leave your hair dry and damaged.

Wash Wisely

When it comes to washing dishes and laundry, only do full loads. If you don’t have enough for a full load, share with your roommate or friend. Use cold water to save about $63 a year and instead of using the dryer, consider air drying indoors or out. Plus, when shopping for appliances, look for the Energy Star symbol to select products that are efficiently designed to conserve energy.

Use the Elements to Your Advantage

Feeling chilly? Open your curtains to allow warming sunlight to spill in. Too warm? Close the blinds tightly to prevent the sunlight from heating your home during the day and open windows in shady areas to enjoy a nice breeze. It’s also important to dress appropriately for the seasons. Layer on sweaters in the winter and wear light clothing in the summer.

Meal Prep and Cook in Bulk

Save time, energy, and money by prepping your meals in advance. By cooking a large portion of food and eating them over time, you will reduce the amount of time spent using appliances. Meal prep is also a great way to reduce food waste, which also affects your bottom line.

Meal prepping is especially efficient if you have roommates with whom you can share the cooking and clean-up duties. On cold winter days, select recipes that require the stove or oven as it will warm your kitchen while it cooks your food. On hot summer days, opt for recipes that don’t require the oven to stove.

Get a Slow Cooker

Speaking anecdotally, this is one of the best investments you can make at college. You can slash your food expenses to a fraction of what they are now with a slow cooker, all while still eating well. Chili, curry, soups, lasagna, oatmeal, cobbler, even brownies—there are few things you can’t make with a slow cooker. Best of all, affordable kitchen appliances like slow or pressure cookers also far less energy than your standard oven or stove top.

Does Wind Energy Save Money?

Wind power is affordable and helps hold down the price of other fuels. Wind’s cost has declined by 69 percent over the last decade, with improved technology and U.S.-based manufacturing, “making it competitive with other energy sources” and the cheapest source of new electricity in many parts of the country.

Renewable energy is uniquely able to offer fixed-priced contracts because renewable energy has no fuel cost and therefore no fuel price risk. Utilities and consumers like wind because it “acts as a hedge against future volatility of natural gas prices,” much like a fixed-rate mortgage protects homeowners against interest fluctuations.

Southern Company’s first contract for wind power “is expected to be lower than the cost the company would incur to produce that energy from its own resource, with the resulting energy savings flowing directly to the Company’s customers.”

A study found that states with greater use of renewable energy have lower electricity prices, and that states with Renewable Portfolio Standards have seen smaller electricity price increases than states without those policies.

What are the 7 Types of Renewable Resources?

Renewable energy is energy that has been derived from earth’s natural resources that are not finite or exhaustible, such as wind and sunlight. Renewable energy is an alternative to the traditional energy that relies on fossil fuels, and it tends to be much  less harmful to the environment.

1. Solar

Solar energy is derived by capturing radiant energy from sunlight and converting it into heat, electricity, or hot water. Photovoltaic (PV) systems can convert direct sunlight into electricity through the use of solar cells.

One of the benefits of solar energy is that sunlight is functionally endless. With the technology to harvest it, there is a limitless supply of solar energy, meaning it could render fossil fuels obsolete. Relying on solar energy rather than fossil fuels also helps us improve public health and environmental conditions.

In the long term, solar energy could also eliminate energy costs, and in the short term, reduce your energy bills. Many federal local, state, and federal governments also incentivize the investment in solar energy by providing rebates or tax credits.

2. Wind

Wind farms capture the energy of wind flow by using turbines and converting it into electricity. There are several forms of systems used to convert wind energy and each vary. Commercial grade wind-powered generating systems can power many different organizations, while single-wind turbines are used to help supplement pre-existing energy organizations.

Another form is utility-scale wind farms, which are purchased by contract or wholesale. Technically, wind energy is a form of solar energy. The phenomenon we call “wind” is caused by the differences in temperature in the atmosphere combined with the rotation of Earth and the geography of the planet.

3. Hydroelectric

Dams are what people most associate when it comes to hydroelectric power. Water flows through the dam’s turbines to produce electricity, known as pumped-storage hydropower. Run-of-river hydropower uses a channel to funnel water through rather than powering it through a dam.

Hydroelectric power is very versatile and can be generated using both large scale projects, like the Hoover Dam, and small scale projects like underwater turbines and lower dams on small rivers and streams. Hydroelectric power does not generate pollution, and therefore is a much more environmentally-friendly energy option for our environment.

4. Geothermal

Geothermal heat is heat that is trapped beneath the earth’s crust from the formation of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago and from radioactive decay. Sometimes large amounts of this heat escapes naturally, but all at once, resulting in familiar occurrences, such as volcanic eruptions and geysers. This heat can be captured and used to produce geothermal energy by using steam that comes from the heated water pumping below the surface, which then rises to the top and can be used to operate a turbine.

Geothermal energy is not as common as other types of renewable energy sources, but it has a significant potential for energy supply. Since it can be built underground, it leaves very little footprint on land. Geothermal energy is naturally replenished and therefore does not run a risk of depleting (on a human timescale).

5. Ocean

The ocean can produce two types of energy: thermal and mechanical. Ocean thermal energy relies on warm water surface temperatures to generate energy through a variety of different systems. Ocean mechanical energy uses the ebbs and flows of the tides to generate energy, which is created by the earth’s rotation and gravity from the moon.

Unlike other forms of renewable energy, wave energy is predictable and it’s easy to estimate the amount of energy that will be produced. Instead of relying on varying factors, such as sun and wind, wave energy is much more consistent. This type of renewable energy is also abundant, the most populated cities tend to be near oceans and harbors, making it easier to harness this energy for the local population.

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The potential of wave energy is an astounding as yet untapped energy resource with an estimated ability to produce 2640 TWh/yr. Just 1 TWh/yr of energy can power around 93,850 average U.S. homes with power annually, or about twice than the number of homes that currently exist in the U.S. at present.

6. Hydrogen

Hydrogen needs to be combined with other elements, such as oxygen to make water as it does not occur naturally as a gas on its own. When hydrogen is separated from another element it can be used for both fuel and electricity.

Hydrogen can be used as a clean burning fuel, which leads to less pollution and a cleaner environment. It can also be used for fuel cells which are similar to batteries and can be used for powering an electric motor.

7. Biomass

Bioenergy is a renewable energy derived from biomass. Biomass is organic matter that comes from recently living plants and organisms. Using wood in your fireplace is an example of biomass that most people are familiar with.

There are various methods used to generate energy through the use of biomass. This can be done by burning biomass, or harnessing methane gas which is produced by the natural decomposition of organic materials in ponds or even landfills.

The use of biomass in energy production creates carbon dioxide that is put into the air, but the regeneration of plants consumes the same amount of carbon dioxide, which is said to create a balanced atmosphere. Biomass can be used in a number of different ways in our daily lives, not only for personal use, but businesses as well.

In 2017, energy from biomass made up about 5% of the total energy used in the U.S. This energy came from wood, biofuels like ethanol, and  energy generated from methane captured from landfills or by burning municipal waste.


Most people do not want to consider the alternative of switching to wind power systems or solar panels because they think that they are very expensive. This was true in the past but prices have really come down these days. Although they have not become cheap, they are now within the reach of most homeowners. You can start with as little as two hundred dollars.

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