Review Music for Money - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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Paul-Lester-007Music is always soothing to the ears and people love listening and working altogether. They get relieved from stress while they listen to the music. But have you ever heard that you can make money while you listen to the songs and send your reviews to the companies regarding the same. It’s nothing strange but quite interesting and enthusiastic to inform you guys that there are sites which help you earn some funds in return of reviewing the music. One of such sites is slicethepie, which encourages the people in listening to the sounds and sending the reviews to them. So it would be quite thrilling that you would be earning funds for listening to your genre, songs and sending them the reviews to earn the money. It’s like fulfilling the dreams of the music lover when it’s going to earn you some money additionally.  They even don’t have any limitations for the reviews; you can make any number of reviews according to your capability and skills. What you need to do is just register on those sites and you can become the music scout on the online front.  Most of the reviews are directly sent to the artist who has sung the song from the sites and according to the reviews the changes are made by the artists.

Register on the sites for Music Reviews
The user who is interested in earning some funds as the pocket money or as an extra earning can register to the music site where you are paid to listen to the music and send the response to the site. A Music scout is referred to as the reviewer of the music which is available in the market. In case you need to earn some you just need to register yourself and when you have got yourself registered on the site you would be sent an email which would be a confirmation mail in which you will have to click on the link and as it opens on the other window, it shows that the email id has been approved and you are now registered as the user.  You will have to keep your user-id and the password safe and protect it yourself.  After doing this every time you need to send the review you just need to enter your username and password.
Scouting room is referred to as the place or the location where the review of the music takes place. The bands are requested to upload their tracks and then the site selects the music for the review from you and it is selected on the random basis for the listening purpose. All the tracks which you hear are anonymous until unless they have been reviewed by you. Which means that you can’t pick only those music which is your favorite band, you will have to review all whichever is assigned to you as the task, so that you are not inclined to the single band and favor them the most. That is why they have created them in such a manner that people don’t just review those which are their favorite.
For carrying out the review, you need to listen to the music track and in just 60 seconds you can start writing your reviews or the opinion. After you have listened to the music track or the clips of the sound which could be heard any number of times, you will have to send the rate or the marking of the music from 1 to 10 and then send the review in order to start with another one. For submitting any reviews you require the energy for listening so it all depends on your capabilities on how many reviews could be made in the day.

The tricky and the most highlighting question is that what is the way to earn maximum amount of money from the review you are going to set. Rather than just getting the flat rate which is not at all feasible for the reviewer. The star rating which you have gained in such a short span finalizes the amounts which could be earned from your reviews. The judging of the quality of the review depends on the following options or the criteria set by the organizations. They are mentioned as follows:

–          How near you are to the scores which have been received from the other reviewers and what is the average score of that track.

–          Whether the feedback which you have sent, is on the track and in detailed with the appropriate meaning, so that it’s going to benefit the artists for whom the review is going to be sent.

–          How effective and active are you as the scout is also one of the factors which decides on the amount which is going to be paid to you for the reviews. As the way progress with the rating reviews you would be able to earn a handsome amount. But the rating is going to be important in that case. But you have to be sure of devoting the time appropriately for reviewing of the site in the best possible manner. Then only you would be able to reach to the level which has been set by yourself.

–          Your ability of spotting the artist and making him reach the success by the reviews you have sent to them. Based on the reviews on the regular basis, the rating does increase from one level to another.  For every 30 tracks you are going to review, you will have to listen to the songs quite attentively and eagerly then only you would be able to send the appropriate reviews which will benefit the artist as well as you.

–          The money earning also depends on the scout room, you are reviewing in. As the site does have around 10,000 reviews in a single day. It is done to keep up the records and keep to the demand of the reviews. They have set the specific fees for the track according to how many reviews of each track they are going to allow.  So if there are large numbers of people to review, the amount of the reviewing track can receive is increased and in such a scenario each and every reviewer is going to earn less. This process works out best for the bands that are willing to get more reviews and the feedback but it’s not profitable for the scouts who are going to earn less due to the large number of reviewers for that particular track.

How Much You Earn
There are different scout groups which are already aware about their working. They are clear about the amount they are going to earn per track review. There are pretty standard rules or regulations which specify what amount the site would be able to pay the reviewers. According to the star rating, the amount is set- so let’s have a look on the star rating amounts:

One star-2p per review

Two stars-4p per review

Three Stars-6p per review

Four stars-8p per reviews

Five stars-10p per reviews

However the site informs that based on the quality of the reviews the users can earn up to around 25p per review, so when you are going to join the site, then look for those groups from where you could earn maximum amount after the reviews. And also check for those groups where there is no restriction with respect to the number of reviews. Apart from the earning of the reviews, you can also earn some tips from the artist for every ten reviews you do. Tips could be used to back a band you think are really good, and if they then get through the next stage you get free backstage pass for the band. You will be getting the album for free, or you can choose to buy the contracts which entitle the users in order to make money from the albums they are going to sell.

How much money you could earn from reviews of music?
One of the crucial questions which hit the mind of the users who are into the reviewing of the music is-“why to Review Music for money”.  As high as 25p per song refers to the songs which are generally for the 3 minutes, and you have heard around 10 songs in an half an hour’s time, then you are going to look at $5 in an hour’s earnings. The amount doesn’t sound well, but it’s really good when you are doing something which doesn’t require much of your concentration.  You don’t have to listen to the whole song if you are not interested as you can get the reviews for the song from the portion which you have heard till now. You should try to listen to as much of the songs which you wish to review. You can also make some extra amount of 10% per reviews earning which is recommended by any of your friends. For example, if your friend is earning around $.20 for the reviews, you would be able to earn around $0.2. You can also invite large group of your friends as from that you can get the referral bonus too.
Be descriptive
Whenever you are sending the review of any of the tracks then you should be descriptive and clear about the fact that you want to present.  You should try to stay away from the generic criticism, and praise the job for the betterment of the artists. You could remain objective throughout the reviews and would be able to provide the proper and honest feedback to the artists.  Most of the songs which are pretty good are there for the reviews and would love to listen to the tracks and the music’s. This can earn you your pocket money, as there are many songs which can be reviewed. The ratings are important and crucial for the standard.  The users can get the extra earning from the following that is via being paid based on the performance  anywhere, unlimited music reviews  every day,  also some of the referral programs which allow for the unlimited income potential, easy to the promotion and the low payout.

Payout per song is going to be calculated by using the option based payment and a bonus payment. The bonus payment varies based on some of the factors such as the number of words which has been used for reviewing the music track and how well it has been presented and how well it describes the issue to the artist. So that artist gets to know how it can be handled. Also on the number of the details which has been included. Apart from this there are the leveling systems whereby you are going to gain the experience and going to raise to the higher level and enhancing the power of your skills. On regular basis you can take the working according to your comfort and are not liable for any specific time span required. As the scouts moves a level up, the base payment for each level of review increases and means that you can review the details.

You should write the review in more detailed manner and get paid for the higher and quality work for the reviews which are submitted by you. The loyalty and the hard work are always going to pay a lot more to your reviews. You are free to review any kind of band from hip hop to heavy metals and the ballads.  There is no specific restriction on the number of tracks you listen, but they want that the reviews which are presented should be genuine and up to the mark.  You should also include a 3 to 5 paragraphs when you are writing your review and should be clear about what you want to convey to the artist, so that the artist could go through the review and make the changes based on the reviews received from the users. They don’t want the reviews which would be sent to be full of praises but they want a genuine feedback so that they can get the exact idea about what’s wrong in it.

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