Making Money Online As A Professional Youtuber - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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You’ve probably heard the stories of people quite normal that make money on YouTube. You have then said ” He! I too can do it! ” . Earn thousands of dollars is probably not realistic, but you can still start making money quickly, especially if you have a large subscriber base. Follow this guide to learn how to leverage your videos and start earning money through advertising .


More than a hobby, be Youtubeur becomes a trade. A Youtubeur Youtuber or depending on how you want to write is a person who spreads via Youtube video content on a specific topic. Being a large social network, communities connect around the channels they like, comment and share the videos with their friends on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs and niche sites.The objective of a Youtubeur is to reach a large majority of people while expanding its community. A full time job, it must regularly post new content: video games, animations, holiday souvenir, kitchen, sport, beauty tips, etc. You have understood, there is no limit to the dissemination of videos. The themes are many and the tones are as varied: classic, formal, solemn, 2nd degree, etc.For your information or simple passion, some manage to monetize their videos with a high number of views that allows them to be a YouTube partner.

Added to this is advertising in their videos. With this new business videographer, some manage to collect youtubeurs strong earnings, up to several million dollars per year Before launching into creating videos , you have to have a project in mind :In fact, if you start your channel saying ” I’ll make videos . ” Anyone will tell you ” What … but as videos . ” Nowadays, to embark on YouTube , we need to innovate, create never-seen . Both say right away that the podcast in your room against a white wall to talk about a specific subject, are outdated … this must be added to the staging , a comparison with another subject, why not ask the notice of passersby on the street ? As for gaming on YouTube, the let’s play Minecraft on where the sole purpose is to undermine and killing ” mobs ” ( creatures ) is also greatly exceeded . So be sure to have a solid project, before you start … We could treat you plagieur , which may prevent your system to evolve as you like

Now , let’s create your Google account : 

YouTube is a website that belongs to wide Web : Google So you need a Google account. I advise you to create a new account , even if you already have one . You can register your real coordinates like YouTube advise , they will not be displayed on your channel unless you want to, of course.If you entered an email address on a server other than goole , you probably received a confirmation email. Otherwise , you are directly recorded.For the rest of creating your account , Google appears quite clear and precise in his explanations , I will let you finish creating your account with Google tips 😉

Let’s now create the Channel:

Now your account is created, your channel also, but your user name is your email address … It’s not very interesting. Let’s create another string and name as desired.To do this, go to YouTube. Top right, you have a little blue man.

Click it, then click the gear.You arrive on a page that shows you the information of your current system that we use to create your support another channel.

Click “create a channel”.YouTube offers to take your account information as the user name. This is not what we want. So Click “To use a business name or another name, click here.”Now choose the name of your channel. Note: The name of your channel relies also to attract your public. Choose a name that seems catchy, or nickname if you plan on making videos of games. Make no mistake in choosing the category of your channel! This can be very annoying!That is, your channel is created. However, you’re not “findable” in searches. For people to find you, it takes at least a video on your channel: Why not a video presentation?Again, Google is responsible to guide you in discovering your channel and functioning of YouTube. If this guide does not appear directly, click on the little blue man, and select your channel.  Though be Youtuber is not given to everyone . The success is not immediate need to show patience and experience to be among the best youtubeurs .

To embark on the adventure , you have to be passionate and have the desire to share in a receptive audience especially captivating . If the videos attract , serve a community in return has to meet this videographer publish content regularly to retain .Be aware that to achieve this high level , you need all the tips and the procedures to be a good Youtubeur . To build you up , we will give a good foundation to have a suitable Youtube channel . The tips below are also valid for Dailymotion and Vimeo .

With the advent of internet, it is possible to live a golden life by becoming Youtubeur or Youtubeuse . To live this fairy tale , you have to views by posting videos. To give you what to do , we present a complete guide for a successful creative project and achieve success. But be warned us not launch into this adventure if you just want to be known or earn money . Only a passion and desire to share with you will become the best youtubeur . Having an original idea or a different way to present is also important .


The videos that are related to information or cultural objects that everyone speaks is more likely to achieve a majority of the community interested in the topic. Must remain within the framework of the favorite subjects of it, be willing to send a video on a different subject very quickly in a few  days. Responsiveness is essential, this will make you fly high into popularity. For this it is necessary to have quality equipment to make good videos:·

a computer: for recording, editing, and sending videos a screen capture software: software is needed to capture all your present moments you want to upload,·

an acquisition unit: for a quality video, you need to install an acquisition unit to record your gameplay on other consoles. Though if you have a last generation console, this equipment is no longer needed. This tool will allow you to recreate live.·

A micro: it allows you to speak commenting videos.·

A camera: Although not mandatory, it will allow you to add an interactive side to your videos. However, a webcam will do.·

Editing software: video editing is among one of the post-production steps for making documentaries, TV films, documentaries, video clips, animated films. Take a famous Youtube video and answer them as another video or made ​​a hilarious adaptation. The popularity of these videos is a good way to enjoy the success of others . This will create the event, because it is your video to be watched when we seek the original. Some designers like this type of response because it propels the original version.  


To increase your popularity it is important to communicate with your audience to create a true community around your brand / channel. Several possibility is open to you to interact with your audience. You can organize such a live event, and so begin a chat with the people who follow you, directly on Youtube or on a dedicated service like Twitch or maybe your community forum aptly named K. Libre you to create videos FAQ or replying to questions by mail or on Twitter by people who follow you. It is fashionable and rather efficient to thank your audience when you pass certain course, as the number of views of your channel or subscribers. You can even organize a gathering IRL (In Real Life = in real life) if your community is small and geographically localized, why not a picnic in a park or at a trade show or convention that interests your community .


The appearance of a chain is important to attract subscriptions. Have a single background image and keep the content updated when you create new videos. More you have subscribed , you are more emphasized. According to statistics , the views from subscriptions may represent more than 20 % over the eyes of YouTube stars.YouTube captures a snapshot in the middle of each video as a content presentation . Most people judge the quality of a video after the photo presentation . So be sure to make yours interesting .  


Interactivity between Youtubeur and the public is highly recommended. It important to comment on videos that look like you , so you will create your brand image. Are you funny, intense , sparkling or sweet ? Demonstrate your specifications in your videos .

Making Money Online As A Professional Youtuber : How to earn money with his YouTube channel ?

Earn money with YouTube ? Yes, it is possible … Well , you just be aware of the potential of your videos, and understand the 5 solutions that I’ll present . The one and only I recommend to really make money using YouTube is the latest .

Solution 1: Google AdSense

Google and YouTube will give you money in exchange for the number of views your videos on YouTube. Concretely, advertisements will appear throughout each of your videos: the beginning, in the end, down … But back to you: 1 / Your goal is that your videos are seen, is not it? With this solution, you greatly decrease the chances that they are. Because the ads that appear will distract your audience from your own videos, as they will link to another video or another site. 2 / Do you want a better idea of ​​this remuneration? 750000 1 million views per month will enable to earn the equivalent of a minimum wage. So be a person or brand very well known to generate such traffic, you can not find? A video that has already grossed 1000-10 000 images each month will earn a few hundred euros. This first solution does not allow you to properly make a living. And that’s why I do not recommend it as a main strategy, unless of course only refer to a simple additional income.

Solution 2: Affiliation 

The affiliation is to promote a product you present . You ‘re sort of a business reporter . Spectators convinced by your video buy this product through your link ( affiliate link ) and you will earn commission . Many companies offer membership . You have to find the product that may be related to your business. The advantage with this solution is that you do not need to create your product, you use that or those of other companies.  

Solution 3: receive donations online via PayPal

If you have charity status, PayPal lets you accept online donations . Just simply install a payment link in your video. Above all , remember that donations are subject to legislation and must therefore be declared. So be very careful framing although all legal aspects before you start in this solution.  

Solution 4: the webinar live! 

The webinar is a contraction of Web and seminar terms. Organize an online conference is a great way to reach your target and free to present your service or your product, to explain its use and what need it answers … You will offer your performance at the end of the webinar . Thus , listeners who want to go further contact you . This solution is a form of internet exploration, it allows you to have qualified contacts and find new customers.  

Solution 5: create traffic and subscribers on your website 

This is THE most effective technique and powerful to generate real returns on your YouTube videos . You will create relevant videos to interest your audience, your target heart . For me, for example , these are people who wish to start a business on the web by using video. At the end of your videos, you would redirect these people to your website by encouraging them to subscribe to your newsletter. Thus, you gradually will propose their advice, your different products and services. … To convert them into customers !!   


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MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.