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How to install a blind in the window

woman fixing window blinds

Install a Venetian blind , roller type or black out is a simple task to do if you have the tools and skills required. Calling a professional is even easier , but do not waste time and save you money , in this issue we explain how to install a blind. Put on your work clothes , let’s start with the installation. To install our blind begin to take the measure of the width of the shade with the tape. Without closing the tape, we will put about 10 centimeters above the upper edge of the window and the pencil mark two points: one point in 0 centimeter tape measure and one centimeter point where we finished as . These points will mark where the screws will sujeterán supports the blind. Then take the drill, we drill where we made the marks on the wall and introduce the dowels. The easiest way to introduce them is giving gentle taps with a hammer until they get inside.  After inserting the anchors, one hand took a blind support, support him against the wall and the wall plug, and with the other hand so screwed to the wall. Then we repeat this step with the other hole to put the last support. Finally, we engage the border of the blind into the brackets on the wall. Make sure it is securely otherwise, when unwinding the shutter, you can come down. Installation is complete! Now you know how to install a blind in the window. And if you’re already thinking about cleaning the blinds, I invite you to read some tips to clean blinds easily.

Steps to clean venetian blinds

clind with window blind

It is true that the windows we communicate with the outside and the curtains are those elements that generate a simple isolation. However , the famous curtains are going out of fashion thanks to the much simpler venetian blinds but require greater dedication to keep them clean . Look how clean Venetian blinds.

What do we need? ·

  • Fleeces
  • gloves
  • Water or cleaning solution
  • vinegar
  • brush 

Step by step in cleaning curtains  

window blind

At the top of the blinds you’ll find a stick that can be rotated and precisely control the lines of the blind. This element rotates and flips the blinds so that the convex side faces . ·         Now hits a pre cleaned quickly. Take a brush or towel and remove the dust that has put accumulated. ·         Now a pair of gloves and take back the stick that controls the line and let your shutter open for half . ·         next step is simple , take a cloth wet and pass by each line of the blind. Clean from left to right .  ·         What you must do now is turn the lines and fix them with the concave side facing you. Clean from left to right as in the previous step .

Make Money Installing Blinds : Tips for cleaning venetian blinds

Remember that the above steps are part of a regular activity for dirt does not accumulate on the Venetian blinds. If you perform these steps on a regular basis will be perfect so you do not have to uninstall the window blind.Remember that the convex side of the lines is the part of them that’s gathering dust. So when cleaning make sure that part is impeccable.If the blinds are too soiled the best you can do is take them to a center specialized cleaning. Even some manufacturers can give recommendations about places, will be a matter of picking up the phone. Ideally cleaned frequently to avoid the cumulation of dust. Remember that vinegar may also help when it comes to removing dust surfaces installed on lines of the blind.We hope that when light enters your home, do it through a pair of spotless blinds. And you’re blind? Tell us how you do to keep them clean. When the time comes to clean the blinds , build momentum to make often very tedious. This type of cleaning is one of the worst jobs in regard to household cleaning and therefore is usually left for later, making it worse because the greater the amount of dirt that accumulates . For this task no longer considered something terrible, HogarTotal here we bring you some tips to clean blinds that provide large household toilet .

Aluminum shutters

beautiful window blind

In the case of aluminum blinds , it is best to use a soft cloth to remove dust and then proceed to spend a brush. Because aluminum is a bit manipulable material will be useful for vacuuming dust off those areas that we can not reach with our hands.Once we remove the powder is good to spend a damp cloth or sponge soaked in detergent and warm water.When finished cleaning must open the windows and let dry shade then avoid the musty smell .

Wooden shutters The wooden shutters require special care in cleaning and that excess water can damage them enough. Although usually sealed timber , water and excessive moisture can cause warping and discoloration. Therefore cleaning of this type of shutters should only be done with a cloth and a brush and more frequently to prevent dust buildup and the need to clean with a damp cloth.  Plastic shutters Most blinds inside the homes are made of plastic . It is widely used accessories to ensure privacy and avoid excessive sunlight. Frequent use and manipulation makes require little cleaning and low maintenance.

The pass a brush every so often and a cloth dampened with warm water and clean and nice to see maintained. As you can see , cleaning the blinds is not as complicated as people think , but need commitment and be willing to do . The fact that there is a smooth surface is ultimately what bothers when remove dirt. For all this, know exactly what to do when it comes to clean and, above all , be aware of how to keep them free of dust for longer is fundamental to keeping our home clean and attractive . How to clean aluminum blinds    When cleaning our home we usually do is dusting, vacuuming and washing the floor, but not always we remember blinds are gathering dust and go messing even more than the rest of the house .

That is why on this day I propose to learn how to clean aluminum blinds. Cleaning aluminum blinds prevents dust accumulation and keep the house clean , so if we take the trouble to follow these steps twice a month certainly our home will be cleaner and easier to keep dust-free.

Cleaning aluminum shutters :

cleaning aluminium blindsPlace the brush on the vacuum and go through the blind in this way we will be cleaning and removing any cobwebs that may have. Dampen a cloth with warm water and clean aluminum blinds by hand without pressing too much, rinse and wipe again. Remove aluminum blinds and window cleaning in the bathtub or in a large bucket . Use a few drops of soap and warm (not hot ) water. Soak for 15 minutes and then hang them to dry . And if you also have Roman blinds or you want to learn how to clean then you can not miss the post Cleaning Roman shades and blinds cleaning tips you will see some chick to clean wooden blinds , plastic and aluminum . Roman Blinds Cleaning  I love Roman blinds , I think the need to know , have become very popular lately , they are ideal for modern environment in which a very simple decoration is sought. A common remove and wash the curtains , but these curtains are not removed so easily, can not be placed in the washer, so I suggest you learn how to clean roman blinds . Roman blinds are window curtains that do not have openings or slats , its popularity is its versatility and appearance, and although it does not seem very easy to clean. Step by Step Lower the blindsFully them down until there is nothing wrinkled fabric . Remove dust with compressed air Once they are low use compressed air to remove excess powder. Compressed air can be purchased at any department store , it is generally used to remove dust from electronic devices. Start cleaning the top of the shutters to the bottom . Happen duster Once you have removed most of the dust finish the most delicate and thorough cleaning with a feather duster. Go gently shaking each panel blinds from one extreme to another . It is best to start from the top and work down .  Clean the blinds with a damp cloth Clean each panel side by side with a damp cloth , this way we will be removing all dust . Let dry before boarding the blind Allow the shade to dry thoroughly before uploading . They are some steps but I’m sure it’s worth the trouble to clean these blinds that sit so well in any environment. If you want to know more about these curtains can not miss the post Roman Blinds . And you , where would place this style of curtain? In my house they sit well in the kitchen.

Make Money Installing Blinds : Be Professional

 Case Study :Choose The name of Your Compagny :Future . Before calling any technical remember that is below the best blinds repair company in Your City or around. We are a responsible and friendly staff, in which you offer any solution you need for the correct operation of your blinds appreciated. You just need to do something very simple, which is contact us. For that brief moment we’re at home, doing the work you need. No matter how severe the situation, we are able to do everything that you need. Providing security and trust. Because we know how important your blinds, so that the cold does not come so strongly. So we offer a variety of unbeatable prices, which are laced with highly qualified professionals for the repair, installation and maintenance that your blinds need now. We assure you that your blinds will be completely new, as if they had never stuck or damaged. And it’s never enough for us to give the best repairs and prices. We also provide you with a great cost, better quality parts 100% original. Honestly there is nothing we can not offer. We will always have for you the best of the market, not everyone can provide you with the best service of all with our wide range of staff. What we want is to be the best team for you. We will be useful to you and your family , you need only call and quickly attend you with kindness and all the respect it deserves. With our years of services we performed a variety of jobs and different and varied maintenances. With unparalleled results in time record . With us you can be sure that everything will turn out the right way , no need to worry. We are what we need Undoubtedly, our years of experience and success , has made us to excel in the other technical , because our professionalism and our love to be able to help our customers , so you get the results you need. It makes us feel full and proud of our daily work. We never try to charge large sums of money. Giving you the assurance that we will solve their problems. We give you the assurance that any questions or help you need , no matter how serious can contact us . And we will give advice to any questions you have, but if it is something serious because it can count on us to solve their problems. No matter how serious matter , we will always be to the order to help and advise on any problems you have .  facilities You want to save money on electricity , so you need to install your new shades but the right way , which is not easy if we have the necessary knowledge needed . We are ready to help you with our knowledge to : ·         Install blinds ·         Uninstall blinds Quickly we can help you no matter where you are, based on the instructions needed to install your blinds perfectly . The blinds can help you to keep your home warm , regardless of the heating is off . Always you ensure that not all technicians are trained to do this work , so you have to take care of those recruiting . Of course our work , never have to worry about these situations , because we always have the best for you . Whatever you want , we will give you . We are professional in repairing blinds in Tenerife, all you need we can fix it quickly , effectively and safely. We will always have a solution for you, so that in future not have strong drawbacks. We provide excellent service . To keep your home in perfect condition it deserves. Just you need to call us , and you can easily attend to the respect and tranquility that you need in these moments of despair. We will always be here to serve . With agility we will give the installation, maintenance and repair of their blinds. It is common reasons for failure : ·         stuck shutters ·         damaged Switch ·         or cold light enters through the window ·         loose shutter blades ·         blades damaged shutters ·         blind cord damaged ·         Motor automatic shutter ? damaged . Usually these problems are constant, always happen but it is necessary to take care not to follow happening now or in the distant future. We must always remember to make each one years due maintenance. If you need help or advice on how to care for your blind. Just call us, so that we understand the situation that you face, if you can not solve on their own drawbacks, it is best to proceed to call for that brief moment has its blind functioning properly. If you can not solve this problem as only must communicate and explain step by step to have all possible information and can understand if it is possible to solve it yourself. If instead you can not just call us. Never stop consider contacting us, we will gladly assist with kindness and affection. Because we know how urgent it is for you, so you do not have to worry, we can help. Giving all the necessary tools to solve your problem. Giving useful advice in the future will serve to improve the performance of the shutters and better yet, extend its life. All for a great price.  Maintenance Over time, the strenuous use, without proper maintenance. We ended up with blockages in the blinds because of its dirt are damaged or lack of oil. But as we know that you can forget or do not have time. Do not worry, remember you always have the best service for you, including a fabulous service for your blind, so wonderful that cost you imagine. Come just you need to call us to check. Remember that we will be your Future compagny, regardless of what is happening always give you the best maintenance and repairs you need for a great price, with the best specialized in installation and repair Blinds. We will solve all your problems with blinds, our team is interesting and responsible. You can be calm because we are always rapid and affordable. Everything you’ve ever asked. We will make your life easier, so that your home is in good condition and be happy as you always needed to have it for you. You can not miss this opportunity. You can answer any questions you have, make your blind basic maintenance, and after that do not be future problems.
Your safety is first If your blinds is causing problems at 2 pm, you just can not call any technician because you are exposing the security of your home, something we all want to avoid. So you can contact us and we will attend , our team is responsible and respectful. Never try to hurt you or your family. Because we are professionals who want the best for you in your home . You can not call any technician who is not employed by a company , or is not known , especially late at night, we want to avoid at all costs that present a serious problem. We give the assurance that their safety is in good hands, never let you down . You can always be sure our services . Blinds They are designed to maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home, so you’ll have them in or out of the windows. So you you avoid the entrance of heat or cold. There are different types of blinds, plastic or aluminum, both options are good and hard to deteriorate only when we do not give care or give excessive use. Nobody wants to be sleeping peacefully and a ray of light enters the room waking us from our sleep. As we need to use blinds to concentrate the heat of the heating, without this on. It happens that if we do not give the proper care they deserve our blinds, began to present faults overuse. Which ends up being a problem for your convenience. Blinds provide excellent comfort to your home, making this hot or the sun does not come home. No matter how many they are, even how big or small your brand. We can solve their Problems. We are the install or give maintenance to keep them in the condition it deserves.

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