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Farmers’ markets are growing in popularity across the nation, so it’s no surprise that farmers, artists, and other local vendors are capitalizing on this money-making opportunity. Perhaps you’ve even pondered the idea, or maybe your family and friends have suggested you make some extra cash by selling your handmade or homegrown wares.

In this article, we’ll explain how to become a seller at a farmers’ market. While it may seem as easy as grabbing your goods, setting up a table, and bringing in customers, there are actually tips and strategies to keep in mind to improve your odds for success … and increase your profitability.

From selecting your products to marketing to buyers, we’ll cover it all to help you get started on the right foot.

  • How Much Money Can You Make Selling Produce at a Farmers Market?
  • What Can I Make to Sell at Farmers Market?
  • How Can I Make Money Selling Fruits And Vegetables?
  • Unique Items to Sell at Farmers Market
  • Best Selling Items at Markets
  • Innovative Farmers Market Ideas
  • What Permits do I Need to Sell at a Farmers Market?
  • Best Baked Goods to Sell at Farmers Market
  • Crafts to Sell at a Farmers Market
  • What Foods Sell The Best at Farmers Market?
  • How Much Can You Make at a Farmers Market?
  • Farmers Market Tips
  • What is The Most Profitable Vegetable to Grow And Sell?
  • How do Small Farms Make Money?
  • Can You Make a Living at a Farmers Market?
  • Can You Make a Living Growing Vegetables?
  • How to Price Baked Goods at a Farmers Market?
  • What Makes The Most Money at Farmers Markets?
  • What Permits do I Need to Sell at a Farmers Market?
  • Farmers Market Vendor Application
  • How Much Does it Cost to Sell at a Farmers Market?
  • Farmers Market Tips For Vendors
  • Farmers Market Booth Ideas
  • What Vegetables Sell Best at Farmers Market
  • Best Peppers to Sell at Farmers Market
  • What Sells Best at a Farmers Market?
  • What Are The Best Vegetables to Sell at Farmers Market?
  • What is The Most Profitable Vegetable to Grow And Sell?
  • What is The Best Cash Crop For a Small Farm?
  • Best Selling Produce at Farmers Market
  • Farmers Market Tips For Vendors
  • Make Money Gardening Business
  • Farmers Market Profit Margin

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Produce at a Farmers Market?

In a 2015 survey, the USDA found that over $700 million of goods were sold at over 8,000 farmers’ markets around the United States — and the majority of that money is being funneled directly back into local economies.

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The USDA also found that farmers and ranchers make less than 16 cents for every dollar when selling to retailers. On the flip side, they can retain nearly 100% of their profits when selling locally through farmers’ markets.

What Can I Make to Sell at Farmers Market?

A farmer needn’t sell a wide variety of products to succeed in the off-season. In fact, becoming known for a handful of items you produce or collect can be a successful strategy. Consider things you already make well and those you enjoy making.

Are your pies, cookies or cake pops legendary in your family? Do you have bees, bee tools and a surplus of beeswax that’s ready for a project? Do you possess quilting, wood-carving, or needlework skills? Maximize such abilities.

Dark, cold winter nights when holiday commitments have passed and the garden doesn’t need weeding are ideal times to work on products for the farmer’s market. Here are lists of eight categories of homemade items you can sell.

1. Homemade Bath & Beauty Products
  • Beeswax Lip Balm
  • Herbed Soaps
  • Goat Milk
  • Oatmeal
  • Bath Salt
  • Sugar Scrubs
  • Hand Creams
  • Natural Deodorants
2. Crafts & Handmade Items
  • Aprons
  • Quilts
  • Baby Items
  • Doll Clothes
  • Hand-painted Nativities
  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Hand-carved Spoons & Honey Dippers
  • Pottery
  • Needlework on Pillow Cases
  • Potholders
3. Baked Goods
  • Breads
  • Cookies
  • Cupcakes
  • Brownies
  • Specialty/Regional Items
  • Suckers
  • Cake Pops
  • Fudge
  • Homemade Candies & Caramel
  • Caramel & Candied Apples
4. Home-Canned Goods
  • Jams
  • Jellies
  • Salsa
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Sauerkraut
  • Relishes
5. Resale Items (New or Vintage)
  • Cookie Cutters
  • Vintage Glass Rolling Pins
  • Marbles
  • Other Market Items That Fit Your Brand & Niche (Check with your market to make sure it allows resale items.)
6. Made-to-Order Food
  • Doughnuts
  • Fresh Lemonade
  • Fresh Juices
  • Smoothies
  • Homemade Ice Cream
  • Crepes
  • Tacos
  • Any Number of Foods on a Stick
  • Popcorn or Kettle Corn
7. Gourmet Dog Biscuits
  • Peanut Butter
  • Bacon
  • Sweet Potato & Pumpkin
8. Garden-Starter Supplies
  • Baskets
  • Vegetable Cages
  • Starting Trays
  • Stakes
  • Bulbs
  • Seed Potatoes
  • Unusual Varieties of Starts

How Can I Make Money Selling Fruits And Vegatables?

Produce is easy to market. It’s so colorful that it sells itself – although it’s also perishable – so you need to stay on top of your inventory to manage waste. If you are a grower or you’re passionate about fresh fruits and vegetables, a produce stand is a way to showcase local bounty and to also start a business on a budget. Your produce stand can be a fully outfitted building or an improvised structure with saw horse tables.

Either way, your ability to make money will depend upon how well you display and manage your inventory, and how well you understand your clientele.

1. Roadside Produce Stand

The roadside produce stand is a rural institution for good reason: it provides value for both proprietor and customers. It makes sense to set up a roadside produce stand if you are a grower yourself and have neighbors who harvest an abundant array of vegetables.

Set up your produce stand on a road that’s reasonably busy – but not on a highway that drivers use to get from one place to another as quickly as possible. Find a location that has enough space on both sides for customers to pull off the road and park.

Contact the property owner about renting their road-front space, and contact your local zoning and licensing departments about any necessary permits. Build displays that are visible from the road. If your budget allows and you have access to a structure, install refrigeration inside. Set up signs on the road approaching your produce stand, giving drivers enough space and time to stop.

2. City Produce Stand

A produce stand within city or town limits offers higher quality produce compared to the jet-lagged industrial produce available in many grocery stores. Develop relationships with area growers so you can buy directly from them.

A strong local supply chain allows you to offer better value because you don’t have to pay middleman markups. It also gets you to produce more quickly and fresher than going through a distributor.

Promote the advantages you offer in price and freshness in your marketing materials. Research grocery store prices, and aim to sell items of comparable quality that you offer for a better price or fruits and vegetables of superior quality for the same price. Build or buy as many sandwich board signs as necessary to catch the eye of drivers and pedestrians.

3. Farmers Market Produce Stand

A farmers market produce stand has a built-in target market showing up week after week specifically to buy local produce. At most farmers markets, you must grow your own fruits and vegetables to sell, but you keep all of what you charge for your offerings, minus your stall fee. Because you’ll sell alongside other local farmers, look for ways to stand out.

Develop a specialty, such as culinary herbs or dozens of fresh pepper varieties. Put energy and attention into your display, using multiple levels and keeping your inventory piled high.

Unique Items to Sell at Farmers Market

You may think that everyone selling at the farmers’ market is actually a farmer, but you would be wrong. People at the market sell all kinds of products ranging from eggs, meat and produce to handmade crafts and baked goods and lots of things in between.

1. Fruits And Veggies

Of course, fresh produce is one of the top items sold at the farmers’ market. If you’re going to have a garden and sell the produce, remember that unusual types of produce will sell best.

For example, it doesn’t take any more time or effort to grow heirloom tomatoes in an interesting array of colors than to grow plain “garden variety” tomatoes. Heirloom tomatoes generate interest and excitement, and you can sell them for quite a bit more.

In addition to standard garden fruits and vegetables, you can also expand your offerings to include unusual things such as mushrooms. Fresh, tasty, healthy herbs are also excellent sellers, which you can offer fresh in the spring and summer and dried or frozen during the fall and winter.

2. Gardening Products

If you have a roomy garden and/or greenhouse, you can also sell seedlings, landscape and houseplants and cut flowers. Your resources and your imagination are your only limitations.

You can sell seedlings, seed potatoes and home harvested seed early in the springtime. Sell flower bulbs in the autumn and in the spring. Sell pretty cut flowers throughout the springtime in the summer.

You can also design pretty planter boxes with seasonal offerings for your customers to take home and use as porch, patio and indoor decorations.

Houseplants are also popular. Succulents are especially trendy, and kitchen windowsill herb gardens always make a nice gift.

3. Canned Goods

Another way your garden can make you money, even in the dead of winter, is through homemade canned goods sales.

You can use your excess produce to make homemade jams and jellies, relishes, salsa, tomato sauce, sauerkraut and other specialty items. Home canned produce such as green beans and tomatoes are far more tasty than the store-bought versions.

4. Butter And Egg Money

If you have a milk cow (or dairy goat) and some chickens, you can always offer fresh milk, home churned butter and farm fresh eggs.

These items are always popular, and you can charge a fairly high price for them because most consumers prefer fresh dairy and egg products from small, humane farms to the stale, cruel alternatives available at the supermarket.

If you raise meat cattle, bison, goats, pigs, sheep, chickens or rabbits, you will naturally want to offer some farm fresh, grass fed meat for sale. If you are a hunter, you may want to offer venison or wild hog. Remember that all of these meats can be dried to make jerky.

5. Bake Homemade Treats For People And Pets

Home-baked bread, rolls, cakes, muffins, cookies and more are always popular at the farmers’ market.

In addition to treats for people, you can also bake all sizes, shapes and flavors of dog biscuits. This is a good way to use up byproducts of butchering livestock. One of the most popular flavors is bacon.

Vegan pet owners may prefer to give their pets peanut butter, pumpkin or sweet potato flavored doggie biscuits.

You can use different types of cookie cutters and/or specialized pet treat cutters to make customized treats for different seasons and holidays.

6. Honey And Bees

If you keep bees, you can naturally sell the honey. Other bee related products include homemade personal care items such as lotions, facial masks, scrubs and the like. Bee pollen and beeswax are also greatly in demand.

7. Seasonal Specialties

In the wintertime, you can sell specialty baked goods for the holidays along with greenhouse grown produce and/or early greens. This is also a good time to sell any craft items you may make it home. People love to buy handmade goods to give us holiday presents. Some of the most popular include:

  • Christmas Ornaments
  • Hand-Painted T-Shirts
  • Embroidered Items
  • Crocheted Items
  • Homemade Toys
  • Woodcarvings
  • Needlework
  • Doll Clothes
  • Potholders
  • Candles
  • Pottery
  • Aprons
  • Quilts
  • Soaps

Best Selling Items at Markets

1. Hot Food

Look at any market and there’s always a queue for hot food. There is often a gap in the market in what food is being offered. You might find food sellers are selling ice creams in the summer and in the winter you’ll see them doing hog roasts or selling roast chestnuts.

Food vendors might be operating from a table, or from a handcart, or a full-sized catering van.

Many people “pop to the market” during their work lunch hour to pick up something they need – and they will still need to pick up some lunch, often grabbing a hot burger, or box of hot noodles along the way.

Street food is no longer the poor relation, but can be a super-exciting venture and a treat for customers and vendors alike. Hot or cold, everybody has to eat – and if you’re looking for popular market stall ideas then feeding people is always on trend!

2. Groceries

Groceries are always popular at markets and could produce some best selling products for your new business venture. There are two types:

  • Cakes, biscuits, tinned goods – short-date and bulk buy goods with some shelf life.
  • Fresh vegetables, eggs, chutneys and sauces – these do very well at farmers markets and county fairs.

Many of these stalls simply open the boxes and customers are happy to dive in and pull out some tea-time treats to take home at a good price. Your display costs and time are minimised too! Make good signage so people can easily see the prices, or have a “All one price” type of stall and people will come flocking.

If you are selling higher-end products, fresh products, then presentation is key!

3. Bags of Candy

If you look around most markets you will always see a crowd around the candy stalls. Candy is one of the best-selling products for market stalls, whether that’s a weekly market or a festival.

With candy, traders will buy in wholesale lots, they’ll then weigh them out and bag them up into smaller bags, often selling all bags at one, easy, fixed price. All you need to repack will be some cello bags and sticky tape/labels.

4. Household and Cleaning Products

Market stall ideas are good if you’re selling things people need on a regular basis – so selling consumable items is a good thing to sell at markets – people are always looking for cleaning cloths, toilet tissue, washing up sponges, brushes and cleaning products.

Although low value, these are fast moving consumer goods, so you’ll make a lot of sales, but be able to build up regular customers and have a high turnover.

5. Electronics and Electronics Accessories

Selling electronics goods, along with electronic accessories, is another market stall that does good business. People are usually looking to replace what they have with something a little better, or to add extra accessories.

Accessories are also popular as gifts, so people are looking to buy iPhone case covers for other people.

If you start off with selling iPhone accessories, you can hear what your customers are asking for and start to build on your stock with more expensive electronic goods.

Phone cases, leads, adapters, batteries are things people are regularly buying.

Innovative Farmers Market Ideas

If all booths are basically equal, and the next booth’s vegetables, fruit, plants and jars of jams look about like yours, here are some tips of things you can do to stand out. Some of these require some skill and artistry, so pick and choose the ones that work for you.

  • Use a colorful table cloth
  • Make and sell simple wooden signs
  • Decorate and display goods in baskets, crates and bushels
  • Have flowering plants for sale in cool pots near the front of your table or booth
  • Have cut flowers for sale from your display table, in a bright “vase” to attract attention.
  • Offer free food samples with utensils, such as food sample cups
  • Keep hand cleaner wipes near the food samples
  • Keep a clean and attractive trash can nearby for people to dispose their sample containers
  • Sell added value products made from your produce
  • Decorate canning jars with attractive covers, label, ribbons, etc
  • Sell homemade goods in nicer jars, such as the kind with hinged lids
  • Got melons? Sell watermelon juice with a spigot like this
  • Sell healthy herbal teas, iced, then sell the tea herbs/leaves with a recipe (place these in the hinged spice jars)
  • Sell chilled bottles of green juice blended from fresh garden greens, with a recipe
  • Create pressed flower greeting cards using pressed flowers from your garden
  • Have an urn of water and small paper cups available for thirsty customers. They will be grateful
  • Have an urn of herbal tea to sell by the cup.
  • Create popular value items such as herb gardens and salad bowls. You can sell these for more than individual plants and customers see these as having added value.
Creative Booth Ideas

We know that many of you are also crafty and artistic. Add your creativity to your shop and offerings and hat will attract to your booth. Imagine the icebreaker conversation starter of something like these super creative squash birds below.

Farmers Market Ideas – Marketing Tips for Market Gardeners
  1. Attract customers to your booth with creative displays. Imagine folks walking over to your booth, already smiling because of a simple creative display.
  2. Try to have extras of your art accessories, as some will want to buy those from your too so they can make their own at home.
  3. You will soon discover plenty of ideas of things to grow, make and sell that will attract and delight more customers.

Every creative thing you try will provide valuable market data about your customers and prospective customers, their likes, dislikes, and interests. For example, you may not have intended to be in the business of selling crafts, but if you’re growing pumpkin sticks and create a display for your table, it makes just be that people will want to buy that.

What Permits do I Need to Sell at a Farmers Market?

Selling at farmers’ markets requires permits issued by local public health authorities. We have done our best to compile information to help you navigate through the permitting process. Find your product in the lines below to learn more about the permits that apply to you.

Fruits, Vegetables, and other Raw Agricultural Products

Whole, uncut, raw agricultural products do not need a farmers’ market permit.


Selling frozen meat at the markets requires a Class A permit issued by Austin Public Health. Be sure to list the Central Preparation Facility used as the place where you store your product in between markets.


A Class A permit is necessary to sell eggs at both of our markets. Vendors at the SFC Farmers’ Market Downtown are exempt from paying an application fee, as the City waives fees for farmers selling eggs within the City of Austin. Vendors at the SFC Farmers’ Market at Sunset Valley are not exempt from paying Class A permit fees.

Non-Edible Plants

Selling non-edible plants at Farmers’ Markets requires a Class M Nursery Floral License issued by the Texas Department of Agriculture. You can apply online at the TDA Website.

Ready to Eat Foods and Drinks.

If you are selling consumable ready-to-eat products to the public, you are required to have a Class A or B farmers’ market permit. Please be sure to check out the Austin Public Health website to learn more about the requirements for the type of permit that you need.

The Texas Cottage Food Law

Texas’ cottage food law allows people to sell shelf stable food products made in their kitchens directly to the public without having to get a food manufacturers’ license, use a commercial kitchen, or be subject to inspections by the state or local health departments.

The list of items that fall under the cottage law and its regulations can be found at the Austin Public Health site.

Best Baked Goods to Sell at Farmers Market

Farmer’s markets are a great opportunity to showcase your delectable baked goods and feel out the neighbourhood market. Your local farmers markets are terrific opportunities to attract potential customers. Note that there are certifications you need before you can set up a stall at a farmers market, so be sure to check with your vendor to make sure you have the necessary forms.

1. Bread

First develop a bread recipe that will give you a loaf of bread that tastes the same each time you make it. Leverage baker’s percentages to allow you to adjust the amount of bread you are making each time. Then apply for a stand at a local farmer’s market or take your loaves to a small gourmet food market.

Prepare samples of your bread to give to the owners of the market. Bring along a brief biography about yourself and your bread along with your contact information.

These are one of the best selling products in a farmers market. They are made up of butter cream icing sandwiched between two soft baked cookies. If you can do these right, you will have people calling ahead to reserve them on a daily basis.

You can occasionally change up the cookie with a different flavour, but the chocolate chip cookies were always the biggest hit, with sugar cookies following after.

3. Classic Cupcakes

One of the most important steps in selling your cupcakes at farmers’ markets is figuring out how much to charge. And the more specific you get, the more successful you will be. Pricing your cupcakes properly will ensure you remain profitable and make enough money to keep your business running.

Remember, this is your business, and if you want the world to experience your wonderful confections, you need to charge enough to make it worth your while. For a standard cupcake, you should plan to charge between $2 and $2.50. Your pricing can increase or decrease based on three factors: the event at which your cupcakes will be served, cupcake size, and decoration.

4. Mini Cheesecakes

These cupcake size cheesecakes can be added to the product line you bring to a farmers market. You can offer a variety of flavours but the top – selling flavour was always Vanilla Bean with a dollop of whipped cream. Regardless of flavour though, these cheesecakes will be sold out every single day.

5. Cookies

Farmers’ markets routinely encourage local businesses, especially those who make their own products, to sell on market premises. Bake your best cookie recipes and place a platter with samples prominently in the middle of your table or booth. Note that you can have a member of your staff walk around the market offering samples to other vendors and market attendees, market rules permitting.

6. Fudge

Homemade fudge makes a great gift for holidays and birthday, and they make a good sell at local farmers market. Use the best ingredients you can afford. Margarine and chocolate flavouring don’t taste as good as real butter or chocolate. There also are reasons why inexpensive chocolate chips cost so little – they don’t taste as good either.

You can increase the price of your fudge to make up for the increased ingredient cost, within reason. Make sure that you list the great ingredients on your packaging, using them to promote the product. If you are selling the fudge in small blocks, cellophane bags should work nicely.

If you are selling the fudge in larger blocks, use small treat boxes with a cellophane window punched into them. Both cellophane bags and treat boxes are available at craft stores, as well as online. Decide on a colour of ribbon or twine you will use to secure the package, and use it consistently.

7. Brownies

Brownies come in all types, from those studded with nuts and candies to those made with unusual ingredients, such as lavender and rosewater. Consumers can find brownies in just about any store, in ready-made, box mix and heat – and – serve forms, but many people prefer the taste of fresh, homemade brownies bought from farmers market or along the streets. Don’t forget to create food – safe, attractive and practical packaging for your brownies.

Even if you can only afford to have nice labels designed and pair them with plain cello bags, it will be worth it to give your brownies, and therefore your brand, as distinguished a look as possible. Note that doing so will also help if you ever decide to sell your brownies wholesale to retailers.

8. Home Based Candy

From chocolates to lollipops, children and mature adults enjoy indulging in candy. It’s consumed as a daily treat, for special occasions, such as weddings and birthday parties, and during holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Christmas.

Whether you make candy as a hobby or spent years working as a candy maker for a shop, you may consider selling them for good profits at farmers’ markets.

Don’t forget to get candy decorating and making supplies, including various moulds, icing, food colouring, decorator tools, a candy thermometer, candy flavouring, decorating pens, decorating bags and lollipop sticks. Select packaging, such a cellophane bags, boxes and ribbons, to hold candy for your customers.

Crafts to Sell at a Farmers Market

There are so many craft ideas to sell! Creating and selling handmade products can be a fun and exciting way to make money. In addition, it could also be a lucrative source of income for the sellers that know how to sell their products.

Seeing the high demand of crafts in the market, if you are well versed in making crafts, it is highly suggestible that you integrate your talent and hobby into something that makes you money.

In order to save you from the hassle of experimenting with several craft ideas before choosing the right ones that sell easily, here are some of the best craft ideas to sell:

1. Appliqués and embroidery

Appliqué applies to variety of crafts, but essentially, it means applying the pieces of fabric, embroidery or other material on a fabric and creating a pattern, design or picture out of it. The various designs present on pillows, comforters, doorstops can easily be made using the art of appliqués.

You can sew an appliqué by hand or by using an embroidery machine. Using some of the easy craft skills, you can give a new look to clothes, cushions and other soft furnishings.

2. Candles

Making candles is one of the best craft ideas to sell. Try to make candles at home to sell on special occasions. Scented candles have really picked up demand in recent years, and people do not mind paying a little more for quality handcrafted candles.

Wrap the candles well to make them look fancy. For an all rounder product that sells high throughout the year, make unscented white candles. Use the scent and colors in decorative candles very wisely, so that it easily blends with the products you intend to wrap the candle with.

3. Making artistic frosted glasses

Buy cheap wine or brandy glasses from a good thrift store at discount rates. Wrap a pair of rubber bands around them, filling the interior with paper, and then carefully apply the frost finish spray on the outer surface. Once the paint is dry, remove the paper and the rubber band to get a cool etched effect.

4. Make small bird houses

Soda bottles and milk jugs can be cut and turned into bird houses, piggy banks, jack-o-lanterns, bowling pins and toy carriers, to name a few. Wash them and then dry them before using acrylic paints, markers and decorative stickers to make them look glorified. This is one of the easiest craft ideas to sell.

5. Sell ceramic and pottery

Ceramic and pottery includes everything from plates to pot planters. If you can produce an attractive and eye-catching design, you have all that is needed. Creating bowls, vases and useful one off plates can make you good money. You can create cups and bowls on a wheel, or just model them before putting them in the kiln to get the desired shape.

6. Make speciality foods

If you have a penchant for cooking and desire to cook in large batches, you can make delicious food with a long shelf life and sell at public events.

Note that in order to do this, it is generally necessary to get your kitchen checked by local authorities; laws can vary depending on where you live. Always do the required homework before selling food to people. Pay for the necessary licenses, if needed.

7. Make jewelry

Making handmade jewelry for yourself is always fun, but have you ever thought that the pieces of jewelry that you make for yourself and your friends can sell high in the market.

Out in this world, there is a special clientèle looking for handmade jewelry that is ready to pay good for perfectly crafted items. For a newbie looking for good crafts ideas to sell, the possibilities in this area are endless and your creativity is the only limit.

What Foods Sell The Best at Farmers Market?

Backyard farming is about so much more than just veggies and fruit… and your farm stand should be too! Backyard farmers can produce an abundance of food and products using the items they grow.  Even if you are limited to a small garden space, you aren’t limited to the amount of amazing products you can create!

A little creativity can go a long way in impressing your customers with high quality, hand crafted and locally sourced products. After all, t’s not just about the fruits and veggies anymore! Make your farm stand the talk of the market this year with these 20 drool-worthy product ideas!

  1. Fresh eggs (chicken, duck, quail)
  2. Raw milk (check with state restrictions)
  3. Raw honey
  4. Honeycomb
  5. Beeswax
  6. Cut flowers
  7. Lavender
  8. Dried herbs
  9. Veggie starter plants
  10. Hanging baskets
  11. Dried gourds for crafting and decoration
  12. Dried glass gem corn for crafting and decoration
  13. Dried beans
  14. Nuts and seasoned nut mixes
  15. Dried edible seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, quinoa), seasoned or raw
  16. Potted flowers
  17. Berry starts
  18. Potted medicinal herb plants
  19. Mistletoe, holly boughs and pine boughs (great for Christmas markets!)
  20. Loose leaf herbal tea blends

How Much Can You Make at a Farmers Market?

Farmers, too, find dollars difficult to cultivate at local markets, according to analysts.

“There’s a limited number of farmers who can take their produce, meat and dairy products to market efficiently and make a profit,” says Gene Grabowski, an executive at Levick Strategic Communications and a former vice president of the Grocery Manufacturers of America. “The average amount spent by a consumer at a market is just $17.50.”

Farmers that make up the ‘fresh food’ movement face higher costs because they avoid cheaper commercial fertilizers and pesticides and use more labor intensive harvesting measures.

Add transportation costs, fees for market space, and permits, and it can get expensive to be part of the ‘buy local’ movement.

“Farmers get good profit margins because they deliver directly to the consumers,” says Pat Conroy, Vice Chairman and U.S. Consumer products leader at the consulting firm Deloitte. “But they don’t see a lot of profits overall because of the small scale they sell at. They need $600 a day to make it viable. That’s not easy.”

Farmers Market Tips

1. Visit Markets Beforehand

One of the biggest factors in your farmers market success is the actual market. You need to find one that fits with what you want to accomplish. And the best way to make that determination is to go and see for yourself.

Leigh Adcock, executive director of the Women, Food and Agriculture Network said in an interview with Hobby Farms, “Every market has its own culture and vibe. Some markets cater to busy shoppers who want to quickly buy their week’s vegetables while others create a more social setting with music and kids activities. Talk to other growers and folks buying at the market to get a sense of what the market is like.”

2. Learn the Rules

Every market has its own set of rules. So you also need to check with organizers to see what types of items, tables and selling methods are allowed before you get started.

3. Start Small

It can also be a good idea to choose a small market without a huge vendor fee or one that requires you to invest in a lot of equipment for your first market. This allows you to learn the process and make some mistakes before they’ll really have a negative impact on your business.

4. Find a Unique Niche

Every farmer’s market has tons of people selling tomatoes and lettuce. So what makes your products unique? You can niche your products by offering a unique variety or a certain type of produce. Or you could even pack your products into kits or bundles to make your booth different.

5. Differentiate Your Products

Your actual products should also be unique in some way. Maybe they’re the most fresh tomatoes or the largest watermelons. But make sure that differentiation is clear to those walking by your booth.

6. Do a Dry Run

Before you head out to the actual market, set up your booth at home to make sure everything fits and see if there are any areas where you might be able to improve.

7. Keep Detailed Checklists

Then, make a checklist that includes everything you need to bring, from the actual products to the things you need to set up your booth and display your items.

8. Remember the Essentials

In addition, don’t forget things like water and snacks for yourself and your team. You’re going to be working hard all day, so you don’t want to be hungry and uncomfortable.

9. Display the Best Looking Foods

When setting up your booth, the foods on display can make a huge difference. Don’t set out a bunch of brown apples or wilted spinach. Choose your best products and display those front and center.

10. Make Eye-Catching Signage

You can also add some signage to your booth to grab shoppers’ attention and let them know exactly what they can expect from your products.

11. Hire a Designer

But don’t just write a haphazard sign on a piece of cardboard. You want your signs to look professional and represent your business. So unless you’re really confident in your artistic skills, hire someone or ask a creative friend to help you put together some good looking signage.

12. Clearly Label Prices

Customers don’t want to have to ask you for the price of every item at your booth. So put out signs with prices that are clearly marked and easy to read.

13. Be Friendly and Talkative

When people approach your booth, greet them in a friendly way and make sure they know you’re available to answer any questions. Don’t be pushy, but do engage them in conversation when the opportunity presents itself.

14. Create a Consistent System

You should also have a set system for things like taking money and packaging sold items. Make sure bags are easily accessible and everyone working at your booth knows the process for accepting payments. That way the experience is consistent for every customer.

15. Share Recipes

You can also create unique displays or packaging for products that offer recipes and cool ideas for what people can make with your items.

What is The Most Profitable Vegetable to Grow And Sell?

If you’re interested in turning your love of crops and plants into a business, there’s no shortage of opportunities. Whether you have a large piece of land or a small, indoor garden, you can find a type of crop that you can sell to other companies or directly to consumers.

Here are some of the most profitable ones to consider.

1. Lavender

Lavender can be used in just about everything, from food flavoring to medicines to fragrances. Its essential oil is among the most popular in the thriving wellness space as well.

2. Bamboo

Bamboo is mainly sold as a potted plant or landscaping feature. What makes it especially profitable is its ability to grow very quickly. You can produce a lot of product without a ton of space.

3. Basil

Basil is a popular herb used in tons of different dishes. You can easily grow it indoors or in a small container garden. If you plan on growing it outdoors, it thrives in warm, humid environments. Then you can sell it to food producers, grocery stores, or directly to consumers at farmer’s markets.

4. Cilantro

Cilantro is another popular herb that doesn’t require much space to grow. In addition to is unique flavor, it can also be used as a digestive aid, so it is popular with medicinal companies that make supplements.

5. Chives

Chives can be grown indoors or out. And unlike many other herbs, they’re fairly hardy. So you can plant them in nearly any climate throughout the U.S.

6. Ginseng

Ginseng is a very popular plant within the health and wellness industry. It’s used in a variety of medicines, supplements and teas. It does take awhile to get started. But once your crops yield, you can expect major profits due to the high worldwide demand.

7. Gourmet Garlic

Garlic can be used in just about any type of dish. But regular garlic is fairly plentiful and doesn’t command a very high price. However, there are a few species that are considered “gourmet,” since they’re a bit rarer. If you’re willing to invest in this upfront, they can really pay off over time.

8. Arugula

Arugula is a type of leafy green that provides a zippy flavor in salads or side dishes. It’s very popular in trendy farm-to-table restaurants. But you could also sell it to health-conscious consumers at farmer’s markets.

9. Corn

Corn has been one of the most prominent crops in the country for a long time, particularly in the Midwest. It does require a fair amount of space. But it can be used for everything from animal feed to fuel.

10. Soybeans

Soybeans are fairly similar to corn in a lot of ways. They thrive in similar conditions and can be used in food, feed, and a variety of other products.

How do Small Farms Make Money?

Technological advancement has created more opportunities for farmers to develop a profitable business. Small farms (earning less than $50,000 annually or occupying less than 180 acres) are now considered potentially lucrative as both rural and urban business opportunities.

Entrepreneurs should consider ideas like bee farms, rooftop gardens, and microgreens when choosing among profitable ventures.

Here are 10 of the most profitable small farm ideas to consider in 2021:

Rural farms are located in outlying areas of the country. The vast land area is perfect for cultivating food crops, rearing livestock, and hunting; however, farming activities are highly dependent upon the seasons and natural weather conditions.

1. Tree Nursery

A tree nursery can be a great investment when done right. Most farmers start with 10 to 20 seedlings in a small acre, and with the right marketing strategy, they would have the baby trees sold out before they mature. You can buy small trees for around $20 each, or raise them from scratch.

Spend some time researching how to organically source the trees you want to grow. Fruit tree propagation, for example, can be done by grafting or budding (joining parts from multiple plants), and this increases your chances of producing the same variety of trees as opposed to using seeds.

2. Fish Farming

Fish farming is an ideal business idea for investors with available land, and it doesn’t always require a body of water. You can start a fish farm either by creating fish ponds or investing in fish tanks; it’s a highly scalable business idea. Once you have the proper knowledge of fish raising, you will be able to decide the type of fish to raise.

Fish such as tilapia, cod, and catfish are very popular choices, because they are quite easy to raise and are generally in high demand. Small scale farms are the usual suppliers of fish in their local supermarkets and restaurants.

Other popular varieties of fish that are commercially raised are:

  • Eel
  • Grass Carp
  • Rainbow and Silver Trout
  • Tuna
  • Salmon

The decision as to which fish you want to raise will ultimately rely on your skill, financial capacity, market demand, and agro-climatic condition. This refers to the normal soil types, rainfall, temperature, and water availability that affects the type of vegetation in the area.

3. Dual Crop Farming

Dual crop farming or multiple cropping can be either mixed cropping or intercropping. Mixed cropping refers to raising two or more types of crops in the same area while intercropping is raising different crops in close proximity. Dual crop farming is very popular among farmers because it optimizes the use of equipment, soil, and water as well as farming supplies; it also maximizes the production of a small farm all year-round.

Farmers like that it reduces the risk of total loss from calamities, drought, pests, and diseases. Some good examples of multiple cropping are growing strawberries and watermelons in Florida, while growing wheat and soybeans in addition to corn and canola in the Carolinas.

4. Dairy Farming

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, factory farms provide more than 80% of milk in the market. However, there is a continuing decline in the number of licensed dairy farms, which leaves opportunities for new entrepreneurs with available land in rural areas to explore.

Note that dairy farms with less than 100 cows are considered small but still require considerable investment, not to mention, the numerous rules they must follow before being awarded a license to operate.

Those who wish to go into this type of farming business will also have to learn how to improve milk volume production in order to be successful.

5. Herb Gardening

People are now more conscious of what they put in their food and appreciate how these plants contribute to a better dining experience. When starting your own herb garden, make sure to emphasize variety and choose the ones that are in demand so they’re easy to sell.

You can start an herb business with small roadside sales from your backyard, selling herbs that you cut, the plants, seeds, or all three. You can also sell the plants and seeds online.

If you opt to sell your herbs online, you’ll need to create a professional website so check out Bluehost for reliable web hosting service to make sure your website is always online. It also offers domain registration and a business email address, all for just $2.95 per month. Sign up to get your online shop hosted today.

6. Bee Farming

Apiculture or beekeeping often starts as a hobby, and the capital needed to begin is quite low. Beginner beekeepers can start operating a bee farm with $500-$1,000. With this amount of startup capital, they can sell bee byproducts such as beeswax, bee pollen, royal jelly and of course, honey, that’s very popular among consumers.

Bee pollen and royal jelly are considered superfoods and are sold at a high price. You only need a small area in your backyard but you still have to check with your local government unit first to see if they allow beekeeping in your area.

There are many ways to get your first set of bees:

  • Catch a swarm: If you live at a location where bees are often found, you can opt to catch your own swarm for free.
  • Buy a bee package: This package consists of about 3 pounds of bees with a young, mated queen. Large bee farms regularly sell bee packages around April for about $120 each.
  • Nucleus hive: Typically consists of a box with five frames of bees, brood, pollen, nectar, and a fertile, laying queen bee. They are sold between April to June for about $150.
  • Full hive: This simply means an entire hive setup, including an existing colony that large beekeepers sell to beginner bee farmers for around $300 each.
  • Split hive: Split hives are created when several frames of an existing colony are moved to a new box where a new queen is introduced. They’re often sold for around $200 each.

Beginner bee farmers are encouraged to purchase a nucleus hive as it helps them learn the basics of beekeeping and nurture its growth. You will also need other equipment such as protective gear, hive tools, a bee brush, and a honey extractor.

7. Aquaponics

Aquaponics is a farming method that combines aquaculture (raising aquatic animals) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water). This means farmers produce crops without requiring as much water or land area. It translates to a lower investment cost and more potential for profit as it’s known to produce crops faster and in greater volume. Experts advise beginners to start small and expand as they learn how to maximize their production.

There are consultants who can assist you in starting a commercial aquaponics system in a 1,200 square feet greenhouse for as little as $1,000. When done right, farmers are able to sell $25,000 worth of crops in a year.

8. Microgreens Farming

Microgreens are young vegetables or baby plants that are around 10-14 days old and one to 3 inches tall. They are the small edible vegetables that restaurants use as garnishing for a dish or serve in a salad.

You’ll find that they’re in high demand; customers like their visual appeal and health benefits. Beginner farmers should consider this business, because microgreens are easy to grow, turnaround time is high, and it requires little investment to start.

And because they can be grown in a small space, even indoors, and sold for as high as $50 per pound to restaurants depending on the variety, they are considered a highly profitable investment.

Generally speaking, the more land required to start a farming business, the higher the investment cost. As the cost of an acre of farmland averages to around $3,140/acre around the country, maximizing the use of a small land can help in bringing down the cost of starting a farm business.

9. Vegetable Landscaping

Starting a landscaping business can be expensive, but farmers who want to opt for a greener path should enter this world of edible landscaping. This option creates more flexible opportunities so your required startup capital will be considerably lower.

You will mostly be investing in tools to grow vegetables either on freshly tilled soil or in containers. When using pots, remember to purchase the ones that are eight to 12 inches deep; also, space them out evenly, so you can maximize your yield.

10. Hydroponic Farming

Hydroponics is the process of growing crops with nutrient-rich water kept in contact with the plant roots instead of using soil. This process significantly reduces the risk of wastage and pollution that can harm the produce and cause diseases, making it popular to health-conscious consumers.

Like aquaponics, the minimal use of land area needed also makes hydroponics a low-cost investment while increasing the growth rate of plants to 25% of a well-designed garden; this means you will have more products available to sell.

There are different hydroponic systems farmers can learn and try:

  • Static: Plants are grown in tubs or plastic buckets. Water may be unaerated or only gently aerated (water infused with gas).
  • Continuous flow: The nutrient-rich water solution constantly flows past the roots, so plants can absorb oxygen better.
  • Aeroponics: Plant roots are only misted with nutrient solution instead of submerged in liquid.
  • Ebb and flow: Plants are flooded with water and then drained several times a day.

Hydroponics is all about careful management of the environment for your plants. So while it seems like an easy business to try as a beginner farmer, take your time analyzing your options and learning about hydroponics from experts before you start your own.

Can You Make a Living at a Farmers Market?

Small farmers—the largest group of producers for local markets—average only $49,000 a year in income, according to the Department of Agriculture. And most have other ways to make money besides farming. … statistics show that vendors—those who sell at local markets—have average sales of just $1,070 a month.

Can You Make a Living Growing Vegetables?

Greenhouses are not just a staple at botanical gardens. They are also a way to grow vegetables year round. Those vegetables can be turned into income for you and your family.

By growing vegetables that aren’t typically available in the winter months or those unavailable in a particular area, you can make money selling your greenhouse vegetables at farmers’ markets or direct to customers.

1. Consider your business model. If you have to transport your vegetables from your greenhouse to farmers’ markets and other outlets, consider the distance and how much it will cost to get there. These costs eat into your overall revenues. Understand that if you decide to have people come to you, location is critical. Ensure that your greenhouse is close to a big market or populated area.

2. Research and choose carefully which crops you will grow in your greenhouse. To maximize profits, grow vegetables that are not available in your area at certain times of the year. Greenhouse growers can grow any time of the year, which is a significant advantage when you can provide fresh vegetables out of season in your area.

3. Ensure the quality of your product. Consistently putting out a quality crop is absolutely essential to making your greenhouse profitable. People will not go out of their way to buy your product or visit your greenhouse for the vegetable quality they can get in a grocery store. Even if it costs more, use the highest quality seeds and technology to ensure that your customers keep coming back.

4. Monitor your greenhouse’s expenses. After your first crop, you may be excited at all the extra cash you have made. But consider how much of that cash went into the growing of the crop, the expenses associated with selling the crop and greenhouse maintenance costs. Be keenly aware of the money you take in and how much money it took to earn it. Knowing the difference is the key to success.

How to Price Baked Goods at a Farmers Market?

The first step to learning how to set your prices for your home bakery is to figure out how much it costs you in ingredients to make your baked goods. It’s easy to figure out exactly how much it’s costing you in ingredients to make baked goods, but there’s some math involved.

Weighing recipe ingredients in grams is awesome because it will help you figure out exactly how much you’re spending on ingredients in every recipe per gram. This will help you to consider what each product costs you to produce, but don’t forget to add your overhead. Once you’ve figured your total cost of operation, you’re ready to price your goods for market.

Start by summing up the cost of the ingredients for each item you bake and add a value for your time. Consider how much you would have earned if you were working in someone else’s shop. Analyze the cost of the total quantity of bread, cookies or whatever you are producing rather than a batch-by-batch figure to keep it as simple as possible. You can break it down into batches or individual pieces later.

Do not forget to include your overhead costs and cost of marketing your goods for the market. These costs include indirect costs such as energy – gas and electricity – incorporation, insurance, supplies and communication costs, including advertising. Total these and divide by the number of days you operate for a per diem cost to you.

What Makes The Most Money at Farmers Markets?

Farmers markets provide a venue in which local farmers can sell their home-grown vegetables, fruits and meat products. Some farmers markets also permit artisans to market handmade artwork and crafts.

Customers benefit from the opportunity to purchase fresh-from-the-farm products and to support local business owners. Although farmers market managers typically charge fees for table space, managers often seek other income sources to fund improvements or expansions.

Booth Fees

Turn the farmers market into an agricultural showcase by inviting additional working farms and farm-related groups to participate. Contact organic farmers, niche farmers growing specialty crops, beekeepers and student farm groups such as 4H and Future Farmers of America chapters.

Ask the county’s Cooperative Extension Agent for a list of regional agricultural ventures that might blend well with the farmers market setting. Establish a booth fee structure that provides good value for the exhibitor and welcome income for the farmers market’s coffers.

Raffle Proceeds

Entice farmers market attendees with weekly raffles featuring vendor-donated prizes. Confirm that city or county regulations permit the raffles, and obtain needed permits before selling tickets or promoting the events. Establish one price for single raffle tickets, and offer a small discount for multiple ticket purchases.

Prizes might include a free box of produce, a basket of handmade soaps, several loaves of homemade bread or a local honey sampler basket. Promote each week’s raffle prizes on the farmers market website or blog, and ask a ticket-selling assistant to circulate among farmers market attendees each week.

Workshop Fees

Farmers market attendees might enjoy a series of food-related workshops, held in the market’s building or in a sturdy on-premises tent. After obtaining any necessary workshop permits, recruit market vendors to volunteer their expertise. Speak to county Cooperative Extension Agents as well.

Suggest workshops on bread making, canning, herb drying, heirloom seed starting or other food preparation or preservation skills. Charge a higher fee for single-class attendees, and offer a discounted series fee for students who register for all workshops.

Food Tasting Competitions

Cook up a rustic-themed food tasting competition with delicious food for attendees and exhibitor and admission revenue for the farmers market. Consider a restaurant food tasting, barbeque fest, chili cook-off or soup bonanza, for example. Ensure that all permit and cooking facility logistics have been resolved before planning and promoting the event.

Charge a fixed admission fee that allows an attendee to taste all exhibitors’ entries before he votes for his favorite dish. Award donated prizes to the category winners. Adapt this concept to local farmers market facilities and regional food preferences.

What Permits do I Need to Sell at a Farmers Market?

Three types of insurance typically apply to market traders. These are: (a) public liability (cover in case someone injures themselves interacting with your stall); (b) product liability (cover in case a consumer makes a claim, based on consuming your produce) and; (c) employer’s liability (protection in case someone you employ becomes injured while working for you).

Before selling fresh food at a market, you will need to register with your local Environmental Health Officer as a food business. The EHO will advise you on what’s required to make sure your kitchen and equipment are in compliance with health regulations.

If the market is taking place on municipal land (space looked after by a town, city or county council), you’ll have to approach the local authority for a casual trading license. It will want to see a current certificate of Public Liability Insurance, and that the details contained match your application.

If you are trading at a privately run event, it is (ordinarily) not necessary to apply for a casual trading license.

Farmers Market Vendor Application

Create An Account

The Downtown Farmers’ Market is not accepting new vendor applications for the 2021 Market season due to COVID-19 restrictions and limitations.

Vendors interested in participating in the 2022 Downtown Farmers’ Market should create a new account. Applications are expected to be available in January 2022.

Winter Market

Interested vendors for the 2021 Downtown Winter Market, please email farmersmarket@downtownDSMUSA.com with questions.

Vendor Information Guide

The main products at the Downtown Farmers’ Market are Iowa-grown and Iowa-produced food products. As it continues to grow, The Market has become more attractive to vendors who sell various other products. We are committed to choosing a product mix that is attractive to customers, meanwhile keeping the balance of our Iowa farmers’ market intact.

Due to COVID-19 limitations and restrictions, the 2021 Downtown Farmers’ Market is focused solely on connecting customers to local fresh produce and farm and artisan packaged food and therefore limiting vendor participation to current vendors in the following categories: farmers, food producers, value added farm products, farm plants.

By including locally produced produce, eggs, beef, poultry, lamb, goat, baked goods, dairy, wine, jams, salsas, cut flowers, perennials and bedding plants among other Iowa farm-produced and value-added products,

The Market gives priority to products that are produced in Iowa and sold directly by the producer/grower; however, this does not guarantee acceptance. In a typical year, recruitment of high-quality products, such as prepared food, artwork, crafts and jewelry is encouraged for The Market, however availability is limited.

How Much Does it Cost to Sell at a Farmers Market?

Some markets require your commitment for the entire selling season; in many areas, it’s about six months. Booth rental fees vary but expect to pay an average of $500 per six-month season. Some markets allow you to rent a spot weekly for approximately $20.

Booths are about 10-by-10 feet; you can choose your spot on a first-come, first-served basis. If you think you’ll need electricity or water for your booth, you’d better inquire long in advance.

Farmers Market Tips For Vendors

Farmers’ markets are dynamic, busy, and vulnerable to the changes in weather and local events. This makes them a very fun place to sell if approached correctly. The best vendors at the market are constantly thinking, preparing, and taking opportunities to excel in the farmers’ market environment.

There are several things that a great vendor does. We’re going to explore three: be a good neighbor, have a neat display, and search for opportunities.

1. Be a good neighbor

Every farmers’ market is a two-way opportunity for farmers. Farmers help the market by participating, and the market helps them by bringing in customers. As a farmer, your job is to show up and create a good environment not just around your stall but for the market in general.

You can contribute to the overall market health by being a good neighbor. If the tent next to you is having trouble, lend a hand. Lend them change when they run out. Watch their tent when they need a bathroom break. Help them grapple with rogue tarps in wind gusts. You’re in this together.

A huge part of being a good neighbor is being prepared. Someone will always lose a pen, run out of receipt paper, or have to tie down a tarp in a hurry. When something goes wrong, you can either get stuck looking for help, or you can be the one with the solution. It’s not hard to put together a quick “MacGyver bag” with extra change, pens, invoices, cash bag, and a roll of duct tape.

Not only will the “good neighbor” attitude contribute to the overall environment of the market, but it will help you build the community around your farm. Farmers’ market seasons are long seasons, and you will often have the same market neighbors for years in a row.

Sometimes, you will be the one who runs out of one-dollar bills and it will be good to have an ally in the next stall. As you build relationships with other vendors, you’ll find opportunities for co-marketing, trades, and information sharing. 

Note: make yourself the best neighbor at the market by being prepared and lending a hand.

2. Have a neat display

A neat, approachable stand is a best practice for any farmers market. Consider buying a professional-looking farm sign with your logo and name, and invest in signs, table clothes, and other re-usable tools to keep clutter hidden and attract people to your stand.

Think through your entire set up before going to market and keep a packing list so that you aren’t left trying to jerry-rig things at the last minute.

Here are a few of Nick’s tips for farmer’s market display:

  • Don’t use cardboard boxes
  • Don’t have sloppy signs
  • Do have a theme
  • Do decorate for holidays
  • Do create a “funnel” and put the cash register at the end

Note: imagine how you want your customers to experience your space (easy movement, clear communication, pleasant colors, etc), and then create that experience.

3. Search for opportunities

A lot of farmers enter the market without a clue what they’re doing. How do I set up this tent? Which crops should I bring to market? How do I get customers interested in my stand?

There’s a very simple strategy that anybody, whether a current farmer’s market vendor or not, can do in three steps:

  1. Go to the market!
  2. Ask questions
  3. Take notes

(By the way, if you do those last two steps, that’s a survey. Surveys are a key part of market research.)

As you take notes, you’ll begin to find opportunities where you can excel. This could be a product that no one else offers, a price that no one else offers, or an experience that no one else offers. There will be places where you can improve on previous vendors. Take these opportunities!

When you take these opportunities, you are adding value to your customers’ lives, and you are filling a hole in the market. This makes the market as a whole stronger. And when the market is strong, you are strong.

Note: when you intentionally ask questions and take notes, you uncover opportunities that are a win for you, a win for your clients, and good for the market manager.

Farmers Market Booth Ideas

Some key ideas in your booth design…

Open, clean and visible. A cluttered and confusing display will not draw people in. Many farmer’s markets make very effective use of baskets to display their produce. Pro tip: If you want to tip your baskets slightly forward towards the customer, consider using doorstops under them.

Also think colourful. And experiment with what mix of colours is most appealing. It’s often more eye catching to mix colours together a bit. If you have a pile of red peppers, maybe put a smaller pile of yellow peppers right in the middle. The display to the right does a beautiful job. One marketing expert suggested putting yellow in the front.

Note: red and blue canopies can cast a very unflattering light on yourself and your wares. Best to stick with a basic white.

And think levels. You want your wares displayed from waist level to six inches above the eye. Remember this: people shop from the hip up. Don’t make people reach more than three feet for anything by stocking it to low, high or deep on your table. And not everything flat on the table – having a few levels of things makes it more interesting.

Flow is vital. Make sure it’s set up for people to easily come in, buy things and move on. You don’t want paying customers to block out potential customers. Or vice versa.

Always give the appearance of overflowing bounty and make sure your containers are constantly restocked and beautifully arranged.

You don’t want people feeling like they’ve been left with the dregs of what you had as in the picture to the right.

Consider also the tables.

You could have a bare table but a simple table cloth or some sort of coverage can go a long way to softening up the appearance and drawing people in.

What Vegetables Sell Best at Farmers Market

1. Carrot

The classic root vegetable is also very healthy and is used in a wide variety of dishes. From seed they take about three months to mature.

2. Tomato

One of the best vegetables for a small farm business to grow is another that is technically a fruit, but again is considered a vegetable for food preparation purposes. The tomato comes in many different shapes and sizes that are growing increasingly popular with food lovers.

3. Potato

Sticking with the sweet theme brings us immediately to sweet potatoes, which is especially popular with health food enthusiasts. Not only is the root edible, but the leaves and shoots are also tasty recipe ingredients too.

4. Sweet corn

Another non-vegetable that is considered as one for food preparation purposes is sweet corn, which is quicker to grow than field corn as it is harvested when the kernels are still immature.

5. Lettuce

Harvest: Cut early in the morning when dew is still on. Always use a sharp knife to avoid bruising leaves. Place in bins, and wash in cold water to remove grit and field heat, and gently spin dry.

Package: After spinning, pack lettuce into vented plastic bags or clam shells, or leave it loose for free-choice. Add your farm logo to the package at the end for a nice marketing touch.

Storage: Keep refrigerated at temperatures of around 32 degrees F. If it’s too cold, it will freeze, which damages the leaves; too warm, and it will begin to rot. It should be fully covered to keep from drying out or wilting.

6. Radish

Harvest: Harvest several plants at a time, pick off bad leaves and bunch them with rubber bands in the field. Dunk bunches in a bucket of water, and stack in bins.

Package: Don’t package radishes or turnips beyond bunches, but make sure each bunch is clean, which may require a second rinsing.

Storage: Store at 32 degrees F before market for longest shelf life.

Other Considerations: Keeping these crops moist at the market is the key to selling them. It’s nice to bring a food-safe tub of ice water to periodically refresh them.

Best Peppers to Sell at Farmers Market

Here is a guide to some popular peppers at the farmer’s market, along with a few rarer ones. Peppers are ordered from mild to spicy, with Scoville heat units noted in parentheses.

Bell (0): These sweet, mild peppers can be found in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, from the ubiquitous red, green, and gold to orange, purple, and even chocolate brown. Bell peppers do not contain any capsaicin, making them a delicious addition to salads, stir-fries, and other dishes.

Fryer (0–1,000): Sweet frying peppers are a broad category that includes long, thin-fleshed varieties, such as Cubanelle, Italianelle, Gypsy, and Jimmy Nardello. Their flavor is enhanced when sautéed with a bit of oil.

Pimiento de Padrón (0–3,000): Generally harvested in their green, mild state, this small, flavorful fryer heats up with maturity. For a delicious appetizer that is popular in northern Spain, fry them in olive oil until they’re soft and the skins are slightly charred and blistered, then toss with sea salt and serve.

Shishito(50–1,000): This small, green Japanese pepper is named for its tip’s resemblance to a lion’s face. Similar to Padrón peppers, shishitos are picked when immature and sweet, and about one out of 10 peppers is spicy, so be prepared.

Anaheim (500–2,500): Hailing from New Mexico, this large, long, light green pepper takes its name from the Southern California city where it was popularized. Sweet with a bit of spice, it is frequently used in salsas or stuffed.

Poblano(500–2,500): This mildly spicy dark green chile originating from Puebla, Mexico, is traditionally stuffed, breaded, and deep-fried for chile rellenos. When dried, it is known as an ancho, a common ingredient in the classic Oaxacan sauce mole poblano.

Chilaca(1,000–2,500): Green-black with a long, twisted shape and a rich flavor, the Chicaca is widely known for its dried form, the pasilla, which is used in mole negro. Fresh chilacas are a rare find outside of farmers markets.

Jalapeño (2,500–8,000): Native to Veracruz, Mexico, the jalapeño is perhaps the most popular hot chile in the world. It is generally dark green when harvested but can also be found in a ripe, crimson red form, which is equally spicy. Thick-skinned and easily seeded, the jalapeño makes a perfect receptacle for cheese (wrapped in bacon, of course). When smoked and dried, it is called a chipotle.

Hungarian wax (3,500–8,000): Sometimes mistaken for the sweet and mild banana pepper, these long yellow to red peppers are considerably hotter than they look.

Serrano (10,000–23,000): Resembling but skinnier than the jalapeño, the fleshy serrano turns up the heat a few notches, and can be found in green to red. It is often used raw in spicy salsas and guacamoles.

Cayenne (30,000–50,000): Usually found dried and ground as a spice, this long pepper packs a punch. The ripe, fresh version can be found at farmers markets in hues of red to yellow. It is often found in Asian dishes and hot sauces.

Aji rojo (30,000–50,000): This bright orange-red Peruvian pepper packs a lot of power, making a sizzling addition to ceviche.

Thai chile (50,000–100,000): The Thai chile (also known as a bird chile, due to its resemblance to a bird’s beak) is a tiny scorcher, commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine.

Habanero (100,000–350,000): Native to South America but named after the city of Havana, the habanero is a fiery little lantern with fruity notes, making it a favorite ingredient in hot sauces. It is similar in shape and heat (but not to be confused with) the larger Scotch bonnet.

Bhut Jolokia (855,000–1,000,000): Nicknamed the “ghost pepper” for its reputation to cause people to “give up the ghost,” this wrinkly, red, supernaturally hot hybrid cultivated in Northern India was once considered the hottest in the world (a title now held by the Carolina Reaper, with 1,400,000+ SHU). So, how hot is it? Well, it has 400 times as much capsaicin as a jalapeño. In short, proceed with extreme caution.

What Sells Best at a Farmers Market?

We’ll cover some of the best ideas for things to sell at a farmers market, so you can start earning some serious cash.

Let’s get selling!

1. Produce

Do you love gardening?

Is your garden overflowing with more produce than you and your family can eat? If so, selling produce at farmers markets may be right for you.

While the farmers market isn’t just for farmers, you can certainly turn a profit selling fruits and vegetables if you are one.

Many people flock to the farmers market on weekends to buy freshly grown produce instead of buying it at the grocery store.

You could sell seasonal fruits and vegetables, and you could sell some unique produce items that people won’t typically find in the supermarket.

One way to set yourself apart from other produce sellers is to offer unique items like fresh herbs or dried fruits.

Think outside the box about what you can grow!

2. Baked Goods

If you love baking, selling baked goods at a farmers market is a no-brainer.

There are limitless possibilities for what you can make, from breads to cookies to homemade pies and cakes.

And seriously, you have the potential to earn a lot by selling these types of items at the farmers market.

You may choose to go the more classic or traditional route and offer a wide variety of baked goods, similar to most bakeries. Or, you could niche down and create just one specific type of baked good.

If you show up enough, you may begin to gain a reputation for that one baked good you make better than anyone else.

Another way to differentiate yourself is to sell baked goods for special dietary needs, like gluten-free, sugar-free, or vegan items.

3. Flowers And Plants

Flower bouquets are iconic at farmers markets. They bring people joy and provide them with something to spruce up their homes.

And the best part is, you’re not just limited to only selling cut flowers.

You can sell potted houseplants, outdoor plants, or even seeds for people to grow their own plants.

Get creative about the flower varieties and types of plants you grow.

Also, it’s important to remember that certain types of flowers sell well for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, prom, and Independence Day. You could even sell floral arrangements specifically for these occasions if you grow the right types of flowers.

Selling plants at a farmers market is a phenomenal way to share your love of gardening with others and to earn some money while you’re at it.

4. Eggs, Milk, Cheese, And Meat

If you raise your own chickens or cattle, you could share the products from your farm with your community at a farmers market.

These items tend to be extremely profitable because it can be difficult for people in many places to find local animal products. Plus, tons of people are eager to support smaller, local farmers instead of large factory farms.

If you don’t have your own livestock, you could make and sell homemade cheeses.

You could even ditch the animal products altogether and sell a variety of different dairy-free cheeses.

It would require some creativity in the kitchen, but you’ll be sure to appeal to the vegans and those who are lactose-intolerant!

5. Bath And Beauty Products

More and more people are looking for all-natural bath and beauty products as we learn more about the toxins and chemicals in many of the products we use every day.

For this reason, natural bath and beauty products are some of the best things to sell at a farmers market.

There are lots of different types of items you could sell in this category.

For example, you could sell homemade soaps, deodorant, skincare products, bug repellant, body scrubs, bubble bath, and more.

The farmers market is the perfect place for you to sell your natural concoctions.

To make your products stand out, you could create them all using the same base ingredient, like beeswax or essential oils.

You could earn even more money by selling product sets or bundles to encourage people to buy your products as gifts.

What Are The Best Vegetables to Sell at Farmers Market?

More than half (54%) of consumers responding to The Packer’s Fresh Trends 2021 survey said they were eating more fresh fruits and vegetables than last year, and 46% said they were eating more fresh produce items than they were five years ago.

Many shoppers (73%) said they shopped for produce at a conventional supermarket, and 78% of consumers said they bought fresh fruit while 73% said they purchase fresh vegetables.

These charts provide an overview of the most popular fruits and vegetables purchased in 2020, based on the percentage of primary shoppers buying in the U.S.

What is The Most Profitable Vegetable to Grow And Sell?

Growing plants for profit is a great way to turn your gardening skills into serious cash. While most of us immediately think of tomatoes or salad greens, the most profitable plants are specialty crops that are not always found in a home vegetable garden. Many specialty crops can bring as much as $90,000 per acre, and are quite easy to grow.

Best of all, most specialty crops can be grown without a full-time commitment. If you have a few extra hours a week, then you can be a specialty crop grower. Here are five specialty crops worth growing:

1. Bamboo. Landscapers and homeowners are paying as much as $150 each for potted bamboo plants, and many growers are finding it hard to keep up with the demand. Why is bamboo so popular? It’s a versatile plant in the landscape, as it can be used for hedges, screens or as stand-alone “specimen” plants.

Bamboo is not just a tropical plant, as many cold-hardy varieties can handle sub-zero winters. Using pots in a bamboo business, it’s possible to grow thousands of dollars worth of profitable plants in a backyard nursery.

2. Flowers. If you are looking for a high-value specialty crop that can produce an income in the first year, take a look at growing flowers for profit. A flower growing business has almost unlimited possibilities, from bulbs to cut flowers to dried flowers – often called “everlastings”, for their long life.

It doesn’t cost much to get started growing flowers for profit either – just a few dollars for seeds and supplies. Most small growers find lots of eager buyers at the Saturday markets held in most towns.

3. Ginseng. Nicknamed “green gold”, the value of this plant is in it’s slow growing roots. Asians have valued ginseng for thousands of years as a healing herb and tonic. Even though growing ginseng requires a six year wait to harvest the mature roots, most growers also sell young “rootlets” and seeds for income while waiting for the roots to mature.

Over the six year period, growers can make as much as $100,000 on a half-acre plot from seeds, rootlets and mature roots. That’s why ginseng has been prized as a specialty crop since George Washington’s day, when ginseng profits helped finance the Revolutionary war against the British. Ginseng production is only possible in areas with cold winters.

4. Ground Covers. Due to high labor costs and water shortages, ground covers are becoming the sensible, low-maintenance way to landscape. Growers like ground covers too, as they are easy to propagate, grow and sell. Bringing profits of up to $20 per square foot, ground covers are an ideal cash crop for the smaller backyard plant nursery.

5. Herbs. Growing the most popular culinary and medicinal herbs is a great way to start a profitable herb business. The most popular culinary herbs include basil, chives, cilantro and oregano. Medicinal herbs have been widely used for thousands of years, and their popularity continues to grow as people seek natural remedies for their health concerns.

Lavender, for example, has dozens of medicinal uses, as well as being a source of essential oils. Lavender is so popular, hundreds of small nurseries grow nothing but lavender plants. So to start your herb business, focus on popular plants.

What is The Best Cash Crop For a Small Farm?

We’ll now explore some of the best cash crops that small farm operators can grow in the U.S.

1. Bamboo

Already popular in Asia, bamboo is gaining popularity around the world for its variety of uses, such as fencing material, fabric and food.

According to Grand View Research, the global bamboo market is worth almost $69 billion, and the demand for it has made it appealing to small farm owners in the U.S.

One reason that bamboo can be a great cash crop for small farm operators is that it is a renewable resource.

Bamboo produces significantly more fiber than trees, regrows annually and captures much more carbon than a comparable timber.

This makes bamboo great for the environment and farmers’ bank accounts.

Bamboo can be planted year-round, though your local climate may determine when the best time to plant is.

In warmer climates, it may be best to plant bamboo in the cooler months of fall or spring. In colder climates, bamboo should be in the ground in early spring to give it enough time to grow and strengthen before the next winter.

While start-up costs are relatively high for bamboo, it yields great returns. Bamboo Garden, a national bamboo nursery, sells young bamboo in containers for anywhere from around $35-60 per plant, depending on the species.

While this might seem like a large upfront investment, the cost of caring for bamboo is relatively low and the profits can be quite large.

According to a citrus farmer who entered the bamboo business, caretaking costs for a mature bamboo farm are about $5,000 per acre. He estimated that an acre of bamboo can bring in $25,000 in the current market.

2. Specialty Mushroom

Perfect crops for beginning farmers are specialty mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms.

These fungi are considered some of the easiest to grow as they thrive both indoors and out.

There is also good demand for specialty mushrooms. The USDA reported for the 2017-2018 crop season that specialty mushrooms totaled more than $106 million in total sales.

According to an article in BizFluent, startup costs for growing oyster mushrooms are low.

Purchasing 100 mushroom spores should cost around $20, and if planting outdoors, you’ll need fresh cut tree logs on which to cultivate the spores.

Growing indoors requires a bit more of a financial investment as proper lighting and temperature control are needed. Since fungi usually grows alongside moss on the side of trees in shaded forests, it’s important to mimic those conditions.

Make sure the mushrooms are in shade and won’t get too hot, or else they’ll dry out. The ideal time of year to plant mushrooms, according to FreshCapMushrooms growers in Canada, is either the spring or fall.

An article on Morning Chores noted that preparing oyster mushrooms to grow can be labor intensive initially, but once a colony is produced, they’re pretty much self-sufficient, as long as they have the proper light, moisture and environment.

3. Lavender

Because fungi grow fast and rejuvenate after harvesting, just 500 square feet can yield 12,000 pounds of mushrooms in a year.

At the USDA’s reported price of $4.06 per pound, small farmers can earn almost $50,000 from their mushroom crop.

Another crop that can bring profit to small farm owners is lavender. Lavender is a native of countries by the Mediterranean Sea but can survive in colder climates, like in the Midwest.

This flower is great for small farm operators because it can be sold in multiple ways to numerous customers. Lavender can be sold as-is, but it can also be processed into essential oils, body lotions and soaps.

And each market has its own significant profit potential. Persistence Market Research has reported the lavender oil market alone is expected to rise to $124.2 million by 2024.

Per the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) common lavender can yield 1,000 to 1,500 pounds of buds per acre.

When sold to consumers or businesses, that equates to anywhere from $6,000 to $15,000 in revenue. If distilled into essential oils and sold to consumers at retail, the revenue increases.

One acre of common lavender can produce anywhere from three-fourths of a gallon to three gallons of oil, which translates to between $6,804 and $27,216 in revenue.

4. Garlic

The demand for garlic has grown recently, and more than 500 million pounds were sold at wholesale domestically in 2017.

According to the Agricultural Market Research Center, those garlic varieties sold for an average of $1.50 per pound.

Garlic should be planted in the fall and needs minimal care until it is harvested in the summer. Once sprouts become visible, the crop only needs to be watered a couple of times a week.

Like many specialty crops, the initial planting of garlic can be expensive. Modern Farmer reported it can cost upward of $18,000 per acre to plant 1,000 pounds of Music garlic, a hardneck variety with a peppery taste.

When harvested, though, Magic garlic can bring in as much as $100,000 per acre, netting you a profit of $82,000. Additionally, bulbs can be saved back for the next crop, saving money on replenishing the crop.

5. Christmas Trees

Due to light planting seasons a decade ago, there has been a shortage in fresh trees during the holidays. CNBC reported the shortage has caused the prices per tree to raise, creating a short-term increase in demand.

Even though the supply will likely level out as harvested crops are properly replenished, a steady demand is expected to remain.

Christmas trees can be grown from multiple types of conifers, such as balsam fir, Douglas fir and blue spruce. Establishing a grove of any of these trees is a big investment at first.

The initial cost of purchasing saplings won’t be offset for several years as it can take six to eight years for a sapling to reach a height fit to sell.

While waiting for a crop to mature, it’s important to continue planting saplings so that there’s an ample number of trees available to harvest each year.

When the trees are large enough to sell, the profit margins are well worth it.

Part Time Money reported margins of 200 percent or more. Around 1,500 Christmas trees can be grown per acre, and according to a study of tree sales made with Square software, the average price of a tree went for an average of $73 in 2017.

For that price, one acre can yield around $109,500.

One of the advantages of conifers is that they create multiple seedlings to re-plant for a future crop, according to the National Christmas Tree Association.

Once you have your first harvest, you can start a new Christmas tree cycle without purchasing new seedlings.

Best Selling Produce at Farmers Market

 1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are also one of the produce that you should consider for your market stall. When selling tomatoes at a local farmers’ market there are important things you should put in place for successful sales. First and foremost, offer your customers the best produce and sell only ripe high-quality tomatoes without blemishes or wrinkled skin.

Secondly, use attractive tomato displays that invite people to your stall and give out free recipes for salsa, preserves, or other tomato-based foods. Lastly, pay close attention to what your customers want concerning packaging and quantity for those buying wholesale.

2. Microgreens

Nowadays, most people are going for that extra flavor and nutrient in the food and that’s why microgreens have become popular with most food fanatics. These young seedlings are easy to grow and pretty expensive in grocery stores and local farmers’ markets which makes it one of the best products to sell at a local farmers’ market.

Apart from the income you make, selling microgreens at the farmers’ market also helps you build brand recognition, enhance community health, get immediate feedback about your produce, and network with other related businesses who could easily be your customers.

3. Seedlings, Plants & Flowers

Most if not all gardeners love to tidy up their homes every season with beautiful outdoor plants, houseplants, and colorful flowers. This may be in form of simple flowers growing in hanging baskets, or container-grown houseplants, and most buyers opt to buy them from a local grower as opposed to the large home improvement stores.

Therefore, don’t wait to have fully grown flowers and plants to sell at the nearest farmers’ market. Some buyers would prefer to buy seedlings for growing themselves. In addition to this, use your flowers such as sunflowers, roses, snapdragons, zinnias, lilies, peonies, salvia, and others to create beautiful flower arrangements that customers can easily grab for various occasions. 

4. Onions

Onions are without doubt one of the best-selling vegetables to sell at a local farmers’ market. Why do I say so? The onions add a pop to any savory dish and they are the first thing to prepare before you even decide what to prepare.

They are the main ingredient in almost every meal therefore they are ever on demand as no one can go without onions in their kitchen. Also, onions have a longer shelf life of about six months and with a good storage house, you have a good opportunity to sell your onions long after harvesting.

5. Basil

Basil is an annual- perennial warm-weather fragrant herb and one of the best produce to sell at farmers market.  Many people visit the farmers’ market to purchase some fresh basils to complement other dishes.

If you want to increase your basil sales, you need to combine several tactics in marketing. You can either sell it fresh, use it in value-added products like pesto/pizza or, sell it with a recipe i.e. selling the basil alongside raw ingredients of a specific recipe.

6. Hot Prepared Foods

Spending long hours while shopping at the farmers’ market leaves both the shoppers and sellers starving. And what a better way to make cash with your food truck than selling food to them? Do not allow customers to drive away to restaurants for food when you can offer what they need.

Consider also partnering with your local farmers’ market especially when you have openings on your schedule to bring your tasty food to the market and enjoy the massive profits.

7. Milk, meat, and eggs

Eggs, milk, and meat are not only popular at farmers’ markets because of freshness, but also because many people prefer buying from sources/small farms that humanly treat their animals and chicken as opposed to large factories that may have questionable practices.

Also, even if you are not a rancher, but you enjoy hunting, you can always sell your hunts as either fresh meat or, marinated, cured, and dried meat.

8. Garlic

Garlic is an herb that is grown around the world and is a popular ingredient used in several dishes and beverages to add flavor.

Many people buy garlic for several uses such as raw, garlic powder, or in the form of garlic oil. It is usually consumed cooked but can be eaten raw. That’s why it is one of the best-selling herbs in all local farmers’ markets worldwide.

Nevertheless, a little more garlic sales won’t hurt, right? So, promote your garlic sales by applying extra unique marketing strategies such as garlic giveaways, free samples and, recipes. Also, pay close attention to how you present your garlic and whenever possible, offer a variety of cultivars.

9. Honey

Bee honey is popular in most homesteads as it has several uses such as a natural home remedy for allergies, natural sweetener, kills bacteria, and soothes sore throat among others. Therefore, if you are a beekeeper, sell the honey at your local farmers’ market and cash in on your handwork.

Make your honey stand through value addition, for example, adding natural flavors for a unique taste.

10. Broccoli

Broccoli is a cool season that is rich in minerals and vitamins and is a good source of Vitamin A among other essential elements (hence the most common to many households)

Although broccoli is one of the easiest vegetables to grow, selling it at a farmers’ market can be hard. Maintaining the freshness of these veggies is difficult and this might affect your sales.

But, achieving maximum sales is possible. You just need to ensure that customers have easy accessibility to the broccoli, display your broccoli attractively, freshen up your broccoli more frequently, and sell your broccoli alongside raw materials for specific recipes.

Farmers Market Tips For Vendors

1. Do Market Research
Ideally, you’ll identify a potential farmers’ market the year before you want to start selling and visit it several times during the season. Get a feel for the market and attendance flow. Is there enough shopper volume to justify more vendors?

“Every market has its own culture and vibe,” explains Leigh Adcock, executive director of the Women, Food and Agriculture Network, an organization connecting women in sustainable agriculture. “Some markets cater to busy shoppers who want to quickly buy their week’s vegetables while others create a more social setting with music and kids activities. Talk to other growers and folks buying at the market to get a sense of what the market is like.”

2. Learn Farmers’-Market Rules
Understand the regulations of the particular farmers’ market you’re considering selling at. Ask the market manager questions, and make sure you can commit to the expectations. For example, you may inquire about rules regarding what you can sell.

Some markets are “producer only,” which typically means you can only sell things you grew yourself, whereas others may allow you to resell other items or include things like crafts.

3. Start Small
Don’t go overboard—test the farmers’-market waters before investing in expensive tents and gear. See if you can find a market where you can sell as a “daily vendor” to get started. These are markets that will let you commit to one market at a time depending on available space.

This way, you can get a feel for selling at the farmers’ market without over-committing. As you do these trial sales, take into account your driving time and costs and sales volume to determine if this particular market is a good long-term fit.

4. Identify Your Niche
How is what you’re selling different than other vendors at the farmers’ market? Sometimes it helps to specialize in selling varietals of one distinct item, such as garlic. Another route is to creatively package your items. Sure, a lot of farmers may be selling red, ripe tomatoes, but what if you sold green tomatoes, along with your recipe for fried green tomatoes?

5. Design Your Stand
“Plan your stand ahead of time, and even do a ‘dry run’ rehearsal and set things up at home before your first market,” advises Blue Strom of Shady Blue Acres. Strom sells at the Dane County Farmers’ Market in Madison, Wis., the largest producer-only market in the country.

“Colorful tablecloths and clear signage go a long way in showcasing your product and increasing sales,” she says

6. Get Organized
Develop a system for organizing, transporting and setting up your product at the farmers’ market.

“Keep detailed checklists of all the little things you’ll need that easily are forgotten, such as small bills and coins to make change, weights for your tent in case it gets windy, and even extra clothes to prepare for weather changes,” says Larry Johnson, manager of the Dane County Farmers’ Market.

7. Be Personally Prepared
Take along water and snacks, and prioritize a good night’s sleep the evening before, especially if you’re selling at an early-morning market.

“Nothing like a grumpy farmer first thing in the morning to decrease sales,” Strom says with a laugh. “It’s important that everyone selling at the market put their best cheery face forward, as this helps the market develop a reputation as a friendly, fun place to shop.”

8. Build Relationships
Share information about your farm with your customers. Connect them with where and how your items were raised. Bring in photos and your favorite recipes.

Connect with other farmers at the market, too, particularly at the end of the day when there’s the “second market” going on: A lot of informal bartering happens between farmers at this time.

Make Money Gardening Business

Gardening can be more than just a hobby! Learn how you can make money gardening with over 5 ideas so you can start earning now!

Sell plants

If you’re already starting your own plants from seed, then this one is a no-brainer! Grow a few extra seedlings to sell in early spring.

The best plants to grow and sell include tomatoes, peppers, herbs, and broccoli. Don’t limit yourself just to transplants for the vegetable garden, though.

You can also pot up and sell shrubs, lilies, and house plants. Or indulge your creative side and make gorgeous porch planters, miniature fairy and succulent gardens, and indoor herb gardens.

Before you decide to start selling plants, do an internet search to determine whether you’ll need to purchase a license to sell plants in your state.

Requirements vary, but in our state, it was as simple as filling out a form and paying for the license. Although you might not ever get caught, it’s best to go ahead and get the license in case someone asks you about it.

Sell seeds

If you’re already saving your own seeds, this is another easy way to make money growing plants at home. Just package up some of your seeds in sets of 10-20.

You could even make a ‘garden starter’ pack and sell a group of seeds that grow together or make your own seed bombs for sale.

Just like with plants, do some research about whether you’ll need to purchase a license to sell seed in your state.

Sell fresh or dried culinary herbs

Selling fresh or dried herbs for culinary use is a great way to profit from your garden. Many farmers have sold fresh sprigs of mint, thyme, basil, and rosemary at the farmer’s market.

But you can also dry your homegrown herbs and sell them in plastic snack bags, mylar bags or even miniature glass jars or test tubes.

Learn to make your own cute labels so your products really stand out.

Make culinary herbal salts and oils

Another way to market your homegrown herbs is to make your own herbal oils and salts.

Farmers Market Profit Margin

Farmers’ markets have the potential to offer growers a greater profit margin than other marketing outlets, but the profit margin for owners or managers of these markets are not so encouraging. Many obstacles still hinder the continuity and efficiency of these markets.

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Among the most important are the difficulty in attracting farmers to these markets, rivalry among the producers already participating in the market, not enough support from the municipalities where the markets are located, and drawing customers to downtown areas.

Gross profit margins for farmer’s market vendors can reach around 75 – 80 percent, but that of owners can barely touch 10 percent. Nonetheless, the amount a farmer’s market owner can make will depend on the vendors’ number, the foot traffic, and the fees they charge. The low profit margin in this business is the sole reason why most farmers’ market owners consider opening stalls themselves.


It’s crucial to have similarly priced baked goods as your competitors if you’re offering similar products of similar quality. That is why you have to ensure that your baked goods are priced appropriately to enable you convert customers into regulars.

Have it in mind that most people will know what they want to pay for baked goods before they even approach your booth. Although they may not have an exact amount in mind that they are prepared to pay, but you can surprise them by charging them less than expected. They will naturally be pleased and will be more likely to return.

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