How To Make Money With Local Fashion Tours - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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If you’re that person who loves shopping and knows quite a lot of shops, stores, malls and areas where you can get the best of materials in vogue, you’re someone who can earn yourself a good amount of cash by turning this hobby of yours into a business. Unlike the other times when you went shopping for yourself, earning good cash involves you to go out to these stores and pay attention to details that people will want to know before going out shopping to these local stores. Here’s everything you need to know about how to make money with local fashion tours.

1.       About Fashion Tours: Fashion tours business is a good business for those who have access to information related to the latest fashion in town. You can make money simply roaming about the town’s latest fashion stores, taking the advice of local people who wear fashion clothes and accessories. Fashion tours are tours you take to learn more about the fashion in your locality, town, city, district or state. In case you live in a town where people love to shop a lot, you can mint money with the business of fashion tours.

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2.          Where Can You Earn With Fashion Tours? Like earlier said, you will need to be in a town where fashion is more like a compulsory choice of the locals. Shopping should be the first choice of the people on weekends and on holidays. This is generally seen in cities than in towns. But it would work well in a tourist destination no matter if the destination is not a city. Tourists love fashion, this is for sure. They spend a lot in style, fashion and souvenirs. So for your business to flourish, it will either need to be in a city or in a tourist attraction or destination.
3.     Who Are Your Targets? Fashion lovers are your targets. There are locals as well as tourists in every town or city. Among locals you will see that the rich are more into fashion than the middle class people. This is because, they have a lot of money to travel about the whole town and other cities touring. Another target is tourists. Tourists are great shoppers. What happens with tourists these days is, instead of going out looking for a guide, they simply get all the required information from the internet nowadays. Therefore be sure to keep these targets in mind while you proceed with your business.
4.     What You Will Need To Do? Deal with common public. Yes, you will need to talk a lot, research, survey and even make purchases in some cases. Until you have made a good name for your business, this will be your struggling steps ahead. But this won’t bother you for long. You will soon get the knowledge of the work and of course experience will take you forward. Do not quit because of the heavy travelling, physical and mental pressure, there is great income in the next coming months.
5.     How To Start The Work? There will be lots of work and pain in the beginning with no income coming in but if you’ve worked taking instructions and proper guidelines, your business will gradually begin to thrive. You will begin to conduct tours. Conducting tours is actually the first great step ahead. This will be tiresome as well. Flaunt your public relationship skills here. Interact with the public directly. You will need to keep yourself calm and do not get depressed with negative reactions whatsoever.
6.     Scope of the Business: First years, yes you will have difficulties. But this is with every kind of work that you take up. Losing hope will never help. You will not fail for sure if you are persistent. The scope you have for this work is amazingly attractive. Once you’re in a position to hire a person to conduct the tours, you will have more time getting your business more recognition. People will contact you themselves for help regarding fashion tours. Your work as guide for people who need to know where to go to buy what and how to find what and where exactly to find everything they need.
7.     Social Benefits: To mention how it helps you socially, think about your friends and family thanking you for taking them to the right place to shop. This place you suggested to them gets them exactly what they were looking for and in no waste of time. Because of your help they could find their choice of fashion materials in times so they had more time to eat some place out, gossip, chat and thank you. Socially you get a good name and people are grateful to you. These people in turn talk about you to their friends and ultimately your business gain more recognition and you find more people who need your paid help.
8.     What Should Be Your Reach? Beware, tourist don’t need to know where the malls are located. They need to know what is so special about your town apart from the malls and landmarks. Reach out to the little stores, garments sellers and learn the style and fashion in your town. Record the address of tailors and small outlets that give good products and are as good as the goods you get in popular malls. Find stores that present unique and attractive collections of fashion products. Find out the pricing of each of this store and make a note of it. Your reach should be in every little corner of your town. In case your client is in a locality and wants to shop there, you should be able to tell them which way to go and which shop to look for, instantly.
9.     Earn Both Ways: By both ways we mean you can earn from your customers and also from these stores. Your customers of course will pay you for your service, but the stores, shops and outlets will pay you for advertising about them. They will find you and pay you to bring customers to them. You will first need to tell them how you work. How you’ve helped other people gain customers and better sales, then you put your price to them. They are sure to pay you what you ask for as these are business people and you make good money simply suggesting people about these shops. See that you do not suggest wrong, pricy and worthless shops to your customers or you will begin to lose their trust.
10.   Take Your Clients on the Tour: You will be working as a guide so it will be essential for you to arrange for the tours you will conduct. What you will need to do is, purchase a vehicle according to your budget. This can be second hand but it has to be yours. So that you can use it as and when required. Keep this vehicle for touring purposes only and in case you have many clients who cannot fit in that vehicle at once, hire a bigger vehicle for the day. Necessity finds ways, so you will handle these simple problems as and when you can. Keep in mind not to spoil relations with anyone because in a business like this you will need everybody’s help once in a while until your business begins to grow and flourish.
11.  Make Arrangements for Your Clients: Your clients will mostly be tourists and they will be shopping from places you tell them to. Arrange proper services for them so that they don’t wish to simply walk away from you. Make sure their shopped goods fit in your vehicle without getting damaged. If they’ve booked your services for the day, you will need to see that they get what they should get in a day’s time. For example; lunch, dinner, snacks, juice, rest rooms, etc. Of course you will not be paying for all these things but you will need to show them where they can find these comforts. It is your responsibility to see that they are comfortable with you.
12.  Promote your business: One of the most important things to do when it’s a business is promotion and advertisement. Promote your business as far as you can. Do not limit the name of your business to your town or city. Create a Facebook Page for it. Tell people about it during interview on the radios, send out ads on the newspapers asking for clients. Send out ads online via social media, far away friends and people you know. Remember to pay for your ads, it helps in better promotion.
13.  Charges for Locals: When your work is a new business make sure your charges are reasonable. This is because you’re new in the line and you need experience. However, be sure to increase your rates as your experience increases. Start by taking the locals for tours first. Understand your flaws and where you need to make changes. Spot your faults and try to clear your own doubts. Make sure you charge the locals as less fee as possible because they are locals and they can find better service when they want. They will come to you for the low charge.
14.  Charges for Tourists: Tourists come to roam around, they carry enough cash to waste on good products, unique antique pieces, good service etc. You cannot afford to charge a tourist less fee for your service. Charge them double the amount you charge the locals. Once you’ve gained experience and are all ready to serve your tourist clients, you need to do some personality development of your business too. Increase the rates with the improvement of services. Make sure your customer doesn’t find disappointments after paying you what you asked for. If you have doubts that you wouldn’t be able to give impeccable service, charge less fee. You need to have at least one plus point for which your clients will come back to you the next time.
15.  Offer More: Offer more to your customers, keep your fashion tours business for the day and for the nights when you don’t have customers, offer the day customers Ghost Tours. Tell the tourists ghost stories related to the town and take them to places where events related to ghost, vampires and witches took place. This is a good way to gain popularity and increase your business. This might not help you if you are afraid of ghost yourself but if you’re not you can support your business this way, without any loss. In many cities people pay much more to fashion tour business to take them on ghost tours. So do not stay behind and do everything possible to support your business fame wise and financially as well.
16.   Services: Lastly, be sure to provide some essential services, with your fashion tours service to your clients. Provide private transfers to help your clients feel more relaxed. Take an assistant along with you for the shopping tours. Offer them extra services at some extra charges. Keep family trips different from other trips. For family trips make arrangements for the children too. For example keep chocolates and stop at ice-cream stalls, show them parks and other amazing sites to visit on your way to the shopping stores. Be a good guide for them. Keep talking about the places that you pass by. For example if you pass by a mosque, tell them interesting things about that mosque. Engage them in thinking because of you so that they remember you and talk about you and your business.
Fashion tours therefore can be a great way to earn a respectable living. In case of concerts being held in your town, take advantage of that. Take advantage of every new event in town and let your clients feel they visited your town in the right time of the year. Make sure you keep your ethics and morals intact. The character makes you, so be careful not to lose it, because that will affect your business and hit you financially.

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