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Earn Money As A Talented Pianist

Music is present everywhere and hearing music is a wonderful task and gives more pleasure and joy to our minds. Music is an art where beautiful sounds are created.  Both horizons of life:  happiness and sorrow make us to hear music. No one knows where music started its journey and also the end. But playing music is something more than that. Playing musical instrument is a skill and art of life. It requires some sort of knowledge. There are many types of musical instruments in the world and also many talented artists to play the instruments. The musical instruments are classified into some types namely string instruments, wind instruments etc. In the world of music, piano is one of the prominent musical instruments which have an Italian origin. The name “piano” was derived from the Italian word “pianoforte” which shows a meaning of soft music and strong music. It was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in eighteenth century. The tinkling sound of the piano gives a remarkable change in our mind when we hear it.


Nowadays, there are many types of pianos which are available in the market. One who developed and experienced in the skill of playing piano is known as Pianist. Getting a title like “talented pianist” depends on the practice, hard work and dedication in which one is committed. There are many pianists but there is only a few numbers of talented pianists. Earning money with the help of our skill, and talent is an immense pleasure which makes our earnings joyful. We do not hesitate the work in which we are pursuing. Though there are numerous ways to generate income, you should not stick to a particular task of making money. You should make use of the opportunities available around you. Thus, it is easy to earn money as a talented pianist where you are required to use your skill. If you are a talented pianist, there comes a plenty of ways to earn income. Such smart ways are as follow:

1. Playing Piano

It can be easily said as talented pianist only when you are able to play the piano in a perfect manner. Since you are talented pianist, you can make cash by playing piano in churches and wedding parties. Between two, churches involve some regular sequence to play piano. Many churches will offer to play organ instead of piano. There is no difference between piano and organ. Churches and wedding parties are some notable places where you can showcase your talent and gain some amount of money. For that, you must familiar with some good pieces of music to entertain your audience. As a beginner, you can make a try to these options. We cannot expect more cash in mass and prayers which took place in churches and parties. In beginning, you will not make huge amount in parties also. Gradually, you can raise your money making opportunities by presenting good songs. So, to catch your place in the market, you may offer free service to your relatives and thus many people will arrive to those parties which create a chance for playing piano in other parties.  Hence you can build your audience.

Concerts and competitions are other places where you can generate income. But both places of music requires high amount of work and good musical skill. If you want to improve your income, you can walk for many venues which offer a chance to play piano. You will get a less number of chances in participating in concerts. If you used the right opportunity, then could make money little by little. While participating in contest, you must remember the eligibility criteria and the procedures to win the contests. Lot of reward will be given to you if you won the contest. But getting the chance of victory in the competitions will be high if you go with persistence and nice work of play. In order to make cash, a small amount of commitment and sincerity is required here. You may also look for other places which allow you to play piano.

2.  Teaching Piano 

Teaching is a noble profession which needs a hard dedication. Being a music teacher, you should have adequate knowledge and talent. Otherwise, you could not do the job in a noble manner. Nowadays, there is a huge demand for music teacher both online and offline. Teaching Piano is a happier job than teaching any other musical instruments. Many people in the society like to teach music to their children. They think that this will surely be helpful in relaxation when they grew up. Many governments created learning music as a part of their curriculum and so you can go for government jobs. In addition, private sector is also welcoming piano teachers to teach piano. In some places, parents are asking for individual classes for their children. As a talented pianist, you can make use of these opportunities which are a convenient way also. Here, you should teach the students and train them in playing piano with regular schedule.


Many adults are also interested in learning piano. Learning Piano has two main categories namely theory and practical. The theory part involves the reading and writing of scales, notes and chords. The practical part of learning piano comprises the playing of piano. We can get ready to play the piano only when we are well versed in theory side of the piano learning. So, both should be imparted to the students. Learning only one thing will not help to shine as talented pianist.

Teaching piano is a pleasant job where you can get satisfaction and earn cash too. Two methods shall be followed in teaching piano: both online and offline. Offline tutoring needs a music school where you should get in otherwise you can start your own music school. The other thing is tutoring the students in online mode. Online teaching of piano lesson needs some features namely a Computer and other equipments to take the class. So, you can fix a particular amount of money per hour or per month basis. At the beginning, you should not seek more amounts. It will reduce the arrival of students. Hence, you can earn money as a talented pianist. Large amount of pianist makes a substantial income through teaching piano to others.

3. Providing Lessons

If you are not interested in teaching field, you can prepare lessons for the piano teachers and students which they have to follow. Since, talented pianists are well experienced in giving lessons to learn music. It will be helpful and beneficial for both categories of people. You can create a book of course, e-book based on your idea. It should cover the entire syllabus of learning piano right from the beginning of figure positions to higher grades. After framing a book, you should publish it. And hence you are left with the option of selling your book or e-book to the students and teachers through offline and also online mode. By just walking to the musical schools, you can make your book familiar and sell them. Also, you can sell your book online through some online selling websites where you are able to get cash and rewards.


Other option of providing lessons is presenting your lessons online. For this, you shall upload piano tutorials in youtube and other sites.  Youtube is the best site to upload your teachings and easily get touch with the needy people. Many people that are interested in learning piano will make use of that.  If possible, you can create a website with your lessons and make the users to reach your lessons and tutorials. Creating a website for this purpose does not solicit more investment. You can promote your lessons with networking sites. In addition, create a tutorial CD with fine lessons and sell it. Most of the people could not come for regular classes and hence they prefer such stream of learning through Compact Disks etc., thus, you can also make money by providing lessons. Hence, you can earn money as a talented pianist.

4. Buy your own composition 

Today, we are able to see many music directors who once started their journey from composing their own music. This is a wonderful option but it will be nice only if you are well talented pianist. There is high demand for songs in variety of models such as instrumental music etc., so if you move with composing song music, you will create income easily. Also, the area of drama needs music to be played in solo. So, there is a great money making choice. Here, you are able to compose your own music and sell them to others who are in need. Composing a song is not an easy one, still it can be achieved with great creativity. You may compose your own songs and record it with nice voice. For recording your songs, you require a recording theatre where you can record your music. Otherwise, you must use software to record the songs. After creating such music of your own, you can market your music in the stores and also in online. You can approach the nearest stores and sell your music there. Also, by opening an online store you may accomplish your sales easily. By selling these compositions of music, you get a chance to make money. With no doubt, present day technology will surely help you in creating and selling your music. Suitable software and websites are available for you which can be used for composing your music. At any stage, if you are unable to proceed further, don’t quit. Always, put a try towards composing your own music. If you start to do it, you may shine quickly. To promote your own music, you can use the social networking websites. With the help of these sites, we are able to share the music worldwide easily.


There are some more ways in which you may be able to make money as a pianist but they might not be affordable and could be a difficult option. Such other opportunities involved accompanying in stage shows and playing piano in some other places.  Also, you can accompany for students who are playing in competitions which are held in their college or in some places.

Of course, we might not learn piano for money making and generating income is not only our goal. We can achieve two things namely imparting and creating a way for the journey of music along with earning money simultaneously. For some people, learning piano is a hobby. But they will not commit themselves in attaining a top place such as a talented pianist. Don’t stick to the point of making money only. If you proceed with only the aim of money making, then you will lose the opportunities of such money making. Remember, you are still able to earn money as a talented pianist. Another point should be discussed here; we should not put obstacles to the persons who are really interested in learning music. They might be insufficient in facilities and other features. No one should bother about that. Self interest is the main key to learn music. There are many examples to show the persons who were developed in music with lot of self interest. Beethoven is one among them; he is a well talented pianist and music composer in his days. We should learn many principles from him. We should incorporate these principles in our life otherwise it has no use in our life.

We should not stop our journey as a pianist satisfied in our work and stop improving. Day by day, we should learn and train as a pianist so that we can stand as a talented pianist. So, as a talented pianist you are left with many ways to make money. Choosing the right option will reap the fruit of cash to you. Wrong selection will leave a pain. Further, entire system of using your talent such as playing piano gives satisfaction in you and around you. It will lead to a joyful living.

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