Once, websites were maintained only by government sectors and corporate companies. But now, even a school going child likes to have his/her own website. Owning a site of our own is becoming a trendy and fashionable way. They will not bother about the necessity. They need and they get it easily within few minutes. WWW-is a three letter magic of internet. They are the initials of any website. But the name can be chosen with our desire. Before a decade, to create a website we have to register a domain and hosting, and then design our site which is the toughest part of website creation. We should hire persons for such web designing. The same process continues now but in a better and easy way. Today, there are many provisions to create a website in minutes.
Registering a domain is a primary step involved in making a website. People get confused to select the proper name and extension for the domain like a mother gets confused to select a name of a baby. Obviously, there is an importance for domain name. Hence there arises a technique called “branding”. Branding is not a new technique to this business of money making idea. It is already existing technique followed in many businesses sectors. Branding is just making the name of a material popular. Most of the People will prefer Pepsi to ordinary juice. This is because of the brand name. Likewise, branding in domain is done by making the domain name famous and also the extension. The .com extension is highly preferable when comparing it with other extensions like .net, .info and .in etc. So branding is required and people like brands.
Branding new domain for sale is a wonderful way of making money online which requires a little amount of tactics and business tricks. If you do so, then you can earn income branding new domains for sale.
Necessity of Branded Domain:
In every field of business, people seek brands for all the products they are consuming. Even a small business can shine if it takes a brand name. This brand name not only gives a good will but also raises the status of the product being marketed by the company. People differentiate the branded products with non-branded one in many cases like quality, trust and reliance. Likewise, branded domain gives a special status to the people who own the website. Branded domains are the preferable choice of the people using internet. It can be accessed easily and stick to our mind for ever. The branded domain in the sense, it does not seems to have a particular name rather it tends to have some features like the word count of the domain name should be minimum and easily kept in remembrance. So, there is a huge demand for branded domain in order to earn money. Especially, some notable categories of internet like videogames, seo will demand more branded domain name. Thus, this necessity creates a platform to earn income branding new domains for sale.
Getting Started:
Though we can deal with many money making opportunities online, this area of branding new domain for sale is the mighty option for earning money. To get started with your business of earning money, you should keep some points into consideration. First, it may be considered whether this business is suitable for you. If you have a good practical knowledge in the field of computer, then you can go ahead in starting your business. There is no requirement for any technical skill. Besides, if you are a technical person in computer field, you may reduce the expense that you may meet in the future. All you need is a computer with internet connection.
The investment comes as a second thing. If you are going to buy and sell the domain name only, then your investments are low but if you go to buy hosting with domain name, it would cost more. Also, if you are creating website using your domain which was purchased earlier then it will cost huge. If you can do designing of your own, it can decrease the cost of investment. Think at what level you should compete.
Third thing is how you are going to do your sales, choose the proper way to do your sales. Assist your sales with the most suitable ways which are available in the business. Insert the correct strategy that yields good earnings. If you cannot do sales of your own, you can hire persons to carry over the sales business of branded new domains.
Steps Involved in Domain Branding:
Each money making idea involves some serious steps. Any fall in these steps show a decrease in your income. Domain branding also has few steps to get started. They are:
First, select the niche in which you are going to buy and sell the domain name. Here, great themes under the categories like SEO, website designing etc. give high number of earnings to you. While the worse themes result in low revenue. This can be chosen based on the concentration of keyword. You can select the keyword by using keyword tools that are available in internet. There is always high demand for the keywords around the themes like SEO, to earn money etc. Also, look for high paying keywords which yield to get more chance of creating domain name. Hence, buy the domain name with reputed domain register service providers like godaddy etc.
Thus, you must purchase a domain name. The domain name should be chosen with a feature of few letters. Too much letters make no good buy potential for the domain name. People feel discomfort in typing many characters. So, the domain name should consist of few letters may be from 4 to 6. Choose the name which represents the theme of the website. For instance, if we decide to select a theme of blogging sector, then we cannot use a different name which is far away from this category. Choosing a different domain name will distracts the visitor from the website. If possible, you can go for hosting and web designing by hiring suitable persons. A perfect web designed page will boost your income in the area of sales.
Second, after choosing the domain name, register with the top level domain extension like .com. There is no serious problem with other extensions but they have less commercial value than .com extension. The .com TLD extension has a good reputation over others. It will be highly placed in auction or sale. Also, this will help you in getting high traffic. Thus, you can sell it for a good price.
Third, if you want to design your website then go for best in class web designing with hosting. Buy hosting and web designing that are affordable in price. Same time, do not overlook features which are offered with hosting and web designing. If you are going to pursue web designing of your own, then it requires some time and work.
How to Sell Branded Domain
Selling your branded domain name is a second comprehensive part in the process of earning money with domains. You can offer your sales in three different categories namely: domain name only, domain with hosting and domain with fully designed website. You should fix a proper price for each category of sale. The first part of developing branded domain name helps you at this point of taking decision of price. At the beginning level, do not fix a high cost price. This will indirectly decrease the number of customers approaching you.
After finishing every matter of developing branded domain name, you should go for sales. Starting your sales by advertising and marketing online is the correct beginning. To develop your sales, you can start a website of your own. It requires a sum of money to be invested. In the case of getting your own website makes a good chance of selling your branded domain names. Advertising in other websites and blogs brings high number of customers to buy your branded domain. These sites and blog may charge a few amounts to display your advertisement. Go for the option you can afford easily.
You may offer package deals with some features. This creates goodwill for your service. By offering package deals, you can raise the price to some extent. The package should contain attractive features. By doing so, you can sell your branded domain quickly.
Apart from selling branded domain names, some web register companies offer affiliate programs where you can join and make some money. There is no serious eligibility to join their affiliate programs. Just a skill of marketing and selling is solicited here. You will be paid commission by the companies for branding and selling new domain names.
How to Boost Your Sales
You can easily earn money branding new domain for sale by boosting your sales. Simply, boost the sales providing some attractive features. It can be provided like giving packages at offers and discounts. The offers and discounts should be attractive and good to the customers which make the customers feel good. Of course, this is an important part of any business. Now also, many companies succeeded by introducing new offers and discounts. It should be good and applicable at the beginning of the business.
Another important thing to boost your sales is you can provide customer support and help desk in addition. This makes you to get in touch with the customers for a long time. Customers will feel better in this way. This is the primary part of boosting your sales. You can also use many services to boost your sales. Just consider and introspect before adapting such services to boost your sales. Since, you are involved in sale of new domains it requires some more work in the area of boosting your sales. Hence, you can earn income branding new domain for sale.
Key Points to Earn Money Branding New Domain for Sale:
- Branding a new domain is a key point in your business; you should make the domain name familiar and easy to remember as much as possible.
- Omit the registration of your domain in extensions like .net, .in etc. Always prefer to register at .com
- Do not hurry in booking the domain name. Analyze the future fate of the field of website theme whether you can generate income or not.
- You can go for auction process if you get more value for your domain names and high number of customers.
- Find the niche theme where you can earn more money. You can do this by doing little research.
- Choosing a category which is already in top is always good to begin your sales. Selecting a new side of category will not give more money. If you want high traffic and sales, then more work and perfection are needed.
- While going to join affiliate programs, think and discuss the commission level and payment procedures of the companies.
- At the beginning, do not expect more income from your sales. Your business of selling domain names should rise gradually.
Going to earn money online in selling new domain is good for everyone who has a passion towards computer and internet. Branding new domain name for sale is a special category where you should predict the future value of the theme of the website. Always, you should have a great insight in this. There is always demand for good domain names. You should make use of it. So, you should stick to the business of making money by branding new domains. Ultimately, branding new domains for sale will bring up some cash to you if you use the chance correctly. Probably, many individuals are currently using this method of making money online. Since, everyone need website of their own, you have a good future in this category. When you start your business, you may face some troubles in registering and selling the new domains. Do not quit your business. Rather, work hard and increase your level to make some more cash in selling off new domain names. By doing so, you can acquire some experience in selling domain name. Hence, you are able to earn income branding new domain name for sale in future. Thus, generate your income easily by branding new domains for sale.