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At the moment, the Android application development is on the Internet. There are many articles devoted to the question of promoting android apps, but in fact, it turned out that most of these articles operate with standard tips and templates, which today are, to put it mildly, not relevant. Almost all the articles I read are just the tip of the iceberg, it’s very top. For some reason, no one writes about the essence, apparently, this is part of corporate secrets that are not spoken out loud.

To begin with, promotion can be external or internal. External promotion is a promotion by any means outside of Google Play. Internal promotion is a promotion within the Google Play store. I’ll start with external promotion. There may be many options. I will not describe where and how to distribute my applications, many articles have already been written about this. And I’ll write about the effectiveness of a particular advertising platform.

Profile Sites

Sites dedicated to the mobile segment. In our case, Android sites. Advertising form – an article about the application, your own or written by a site representative. The effect is quite good, especially if the site has many visitors. Using an article on a popular site, you can bring good traffic to your application. Of the minuses, frequent updates of news feeds can be noted. Your article will quickly go to the previous pages.

Typically, the conversion is a few days, a maximum of a week (rare cases). Do not omit such a moment as the price of an article. If the price is high, then it is unlikely that it will pay off and pay for itself, since the conversion is on average several days. Also, posting articles on the site can be regarded as a good tool for building your link mass for search engines.


Most blogs are divided into “clubs” of interest. But this does not mean at all that you need to publish only in specialized blogs dedicated to gadgets or Android. You can publish on any blog where there is a large and active audience. Advertising form – article about the application.

Typically, a blogger writes an article himself, in the first person. The article is informative and recommendatory in nature. The conversion rate on blogs is higher than on sites, as the audience of bloggers is more trusting in the published information. The disadvantages are the same as those of specialized sites – quick update of the feed and, as a result, a short conversion time. The prices for publishing on a blog are usually higher than for publishing on a site, but not by much.

Social Networks

You can advertise on social networks either your own group or advertise in other people’s groups. Better of course to have your own group to collect subscribers and fans. The differences between sites and blogs are that you have to create the activity of your group. The principle of “wrote and forgot” does not work here. These are social networks – a platform for communication and information exchange, therefore, maximum activity is needed here. By cons, I’ll take the complexity of the promotion and the price.

The difficulty is that you have to do everything yourself. If there is already a formed audience on blogs and websites of, lets say, tattoo lovers, then you will have to collect this audience yourself on social networks. I also mentioned the price. One activity in the group is not enough, the group needs live people – fans and subscribers. Your group will have to advertise. The most effective way is an advertising tool for the social network itself. And this pleasure is not cheap. On average, the cost is higher than an article on a site or blog. Conversion, in this case, may be higher than with blogs and sites. But the risk of a “zero” conversion is very likely.

There is such a thing as “viral marketing” and most often this concept is associated with a social network. It is understandable, not one site can not boast of such an extensive audience. I deliberately do not consider “viral marketing”, as it is expensive, and as a result, “viral marketing” may not work. I would not consider social networks as the main advertising platform. Rather, as a “nice” addition.


For promotion in forums, you need to use specialized forums with a specific topic. This type of promotion is free. Waiting for a big conversion is not worth it. An exception may be cases when the administrator, having noticed your application, publishes an informational article in the news feed. But you shouldn’t really count on it. Forums I would refer to a “nice” addition. Since it is free, it will not be superfluous.

Banner Advertising

To date, the most ineffective promotion method for mobile applications. Few pay attention to banner advertising and even more so clicks. And there are places for banners on good sites not cheap. You’ll be charged for 1000 impressions or per click. An exception is banner advertising on specialized sites. In this case, the conversion may be, but small. It’s amazing that it works for every possible nice out there, be it an app for aquarium lovers, or stock trading. There is still an option when the advertising banner advertises not the application itself, but let’s say a contest held as part of an advertising company to promote the application. In this case, the conversion may be good.

I would not consider banner advertising as a form of promotion for mobile applications. I think this kind of advertising can be used when all other advertising methods have been exhausted or when your application is so well-known and recognizable that your eyes cling to a banner.

In Conclusion

We hope that those tips will help you if your mobile app advertising. Please comment on any tips and relevant ideas, on how you promote your app, and what lessons have you heard from it.

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