Many people seem to think that insurance costs are fixed or that any savings they could make would be minimal, but they’d be surprised by how much they could cut their insurance bills by making a few adjustments. Case in point, call Freeway Insurance and your auto insurance bill will likely drop considerably. There are a few things you could do today to cut your insurance costs instantly, and many of them don’t require much of an effort – you just have to be smart about it. So let’s look at a few easy ways to save money on car insurance.
1. Join the AARP
If you’re not an AARP member, you should consider becoming one right away. Not only could you save money on insurance, but membership offers all sorts of benefits and starts at only $12 per year. The Hartford Insurance, for instance, offers lower car insurance quotes for AARP members. Not only are their car insurance quotes cheaper for seniors, but their policies are much more extensive. Those who enroll for the AARP insurance plan will get all the features they would expect from a regular policy, and many policies include after accident services like transportation, snow removal, and even things like housekeeping, dog walking, and food preparation.
2. Drive Less
Most insurance companies will ask you how many miles you drive per year and will adjust their quotes accordingly. If you submit a lower number than usual, the company will usually ask to check your mileage during the year. Other insurers will allow you to add a tracking device to your vehicle and will give you a discount if you drive under a certain limit. This is why we would suggest that you diversify your modes of transportation so you can rack up as few miles as possible on your main vehicle. Use a mix of walking, mass transit, and other vehicles like electric scooters or bikes. Don’t use your vehicle for short distances and see if you could park your vehicle near a train station and take the train to work if you don’t want to take public transit the whole time.
3. Get Married
Insurance companies see being married as a sign of stability, and they have data that shows that married people get involved in fewer accidents. So lowering your insurance should not be an incentive to tie the knot, but if you were thinking about it, know that you could save a lot of money as a result.
4. Insure Multiple Vehicles with the Same Company
If you have multiple cars within the same household, know that getting them insured individually will usually cost you much more than if you went for a multi-car policy with one insurance provider. In most cases, other owners would have to live under the same roof and be related to you by blood or marriage to be eligible for a discount. Unrelated people could also get discounts, but they would usually have to be co-owners of the vehicle. These are all simple things you could do today to cut your insurance costs. First, speak with your insurance company, and don’t hesitate to shop around if you’re still looking for one.