It is a fact universally acknowledged that any business at any stage of running must be in want of a profit.
Classic references aside, all businesses do ultimately aim for achieving a profit, even if they are willing to sludge through a period of loss to get there. A lot goes into building a profitable business (having a solid idea, developing a dependable plan, stitching a team together, and searching for funding are just some of them), but there’s one aspect that doesn’t immediately come to mind and can be the ruin of all other efforts: visibility.
No matter how perfect the other components of your business are, none of it will yield a profit if people don’t know about your business. Marketing agencies and companies exist to cater to exactly this aspect, but don’t worry if you are unable to afford one (if you can, here’s a good way, just search: top marketing agencies Pune, or the name of your city). By adopting a careful and planned approach, you can market your business and increase its visibility by yourself.
Here’s a list of the four essential tips to successfully grow your business visibility: –
Make Extensive use of the Internet
While everyone is aware of the importance of the internet and appreciates its existence (mostly), they tend to underestimate the uses it can be put to and the amazing ways it can improve one’s life. As a business owner, you can no longer afford to be in the dark.
First and foremost, build a website for your business. There are numerous free tools available for this, yes, but you would be better off spending a bit and purchasing a paid option which provides you a personalized domain name. Your website should be ideally named after your business, something people can remember and pass on, not a complicated mash of words you are compelled to incorporate because you didn’t purchase a domain.
Getting a website is just the beginning, though. Your website is the face of your business on the internet and a supremely important one. It needs to be visually appealing, concise, organized, easy to navigate, and have all the necessary information without being too word-heavy. It should be regularly updated or consistently maintained. You should take full advantage of the features it offers, like allowing visitors to contact you directly.
Next up is social media, the emerging giant for promoting and marketing your business. Social media can seem like a scary place, something too vast to traverse, but if manipulated skilfully and used with care, it can be a major chapter in the story of your success.
You should develop a social media presence, asap. Don’t try to market yourself on all platforms, which would be too exhausting and generally pointless, but rather focus on two to three channels that suit your business. Post content regularly, but not too frequently, which might lead to annoyance. Use graphics and catchy captions to make it attractive. Be consistent and you will see the results in due time.
The top advertising agencies Pune can help with this. Just search: top marketing agencies Pune, or whatever your city is.
Don’t Neglect the Networking
Apart from connecting with your potential and present customers, you also need to network within the business community. Use both online and offline networks to do this. Reach out to local and small businesses in your locality, then slowly widen your base. Form connections by taking the first step.
Such support might not seem too important at first, but it can be invaluable: individuals who are experienced in your business (a plus if they are also in your area) will know the risks and potential problems associated with it, which you might face as well. This will provide you a warning and chance to prepare and prevent.
Be patient and considerate when networking. You need to talk about your venture, but it’s more important to listen. Listening carefully not only ensures that you don’t miss out on crucial information but also paints a nice picture in the eyes of the listener.
Content is King
Content Marketing can seem like a secondary thing when compared to the highly graphic stuff on social media platforms, but there’s a catch many fail to see: those captions, pictures, and videos are attention grabbers, and that’s all they are meant to do. Their purpose is to attract viewers and get attention in the shortest possible time. While that is necessary, it doesn’t leave a lot of room for actually conveying what your business is about. That’s where content marketing comes into play.
Content marketing doesn’t require a lot of expenses, but it does require skill and efficiency. You need to ensure that your content is engaging, high on quality, neither too verbose nor too short, covers all important aspects, and does not use jargon the layperson is unlikely to be familiar with. Hiring a content writer or connecting with freelancers is one of the best ways to do this, and there are a lot of online platforms nowadays that help you do this without much hassle.
Measure, Analyse, Rework and Redo
Putting in efforts is great. It’s the first thing you need to do. But you also need to know whether your efforts are working or not.
The lazy way to do this is by casually comparing sales before and after you seriously started trying to boost the visibility of your business. The lazy way is not the best way, naturally. The most efficient (and, you guessed it, more effortful) method to do it is by maintaining detailed and concise records about each aspect of your efforts and comparing them across timeframes. Some aspects will yield results before others. You might network more quickly than you can build a social media presence, or grow a readership for your content.
As you analyze the returns on each investment, you can then assess whether you need to increase your efforts, maintain the current level, or change the strategy altogether. This will be based on the kind of results you get and will be influenced by other factors, like competition or the overall environment. If you’re struggling with some aspect, like advertising, perhaps consider hiring professional help. Simply run a google search: top marketing agencies Pune (change to your city name).
Whatever your specific situation, monitoring and measuring your progress (or lack of it) will help you determine what action to take in the future. As someone who owns and operates a business, planning and organizing for the future is something you should be adept at.
There, those were our tips for growing your business visibility. As is apparent, it’s not an easy task, especially in the current world, where you have commercial giants dominating nearly all fields on one hand and start-ups cropping everywhere on the other. Marshaling a spot for your business in an overcrowded space can be difficult, but definitely not impossible. Keep trying, and you’ll get there.