How to Hire Your First Virtual Assistant: A Step-by-Step Guide - Online Income Generation, Income Growth Strategies, Freelancing Income  
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As a business owner, productivity is the bloodline of your business. The quality of your products is superseded by your efficiency in delivering the said products to customers, explaining what they can do to potential buyers, or promoting them to those who haven’t heard of them yet. Productivity could even be the make-or-break factor for your company when you are just starting an online business or a conventional one.
You need all the help you can get so you can focus on the facets of business that only you, as an owner, can do. Imagine being swamped with administrative work before you can even find the right suppliers or talk to your clients. Before you can get to the tasks with higher values, you’re already drained completing menial chores.
A virtual assistant (VA) will make sure that the backend of your business is organized and taken care of while you focus on more important matters.
Because of the significance of your online assistant’s role, you can’t afford to outsource this responsibility to just about anybody. Here’s how to hire your first virtual assistant:

Step #1: Search in the right places.
If you want a credible and skilled VA, you have to look for one in a credible and established company. There are many websites that help business owners find their VAs. However, the secret to a successful match is working with an outsourcing company that doesn’t only get the job filled, but also zeroes in on the best candidate with the proper skills set for your needs.

Step #2: Have the candidate take appropriate tests.
Once the company gives you a list of candidates, have them take the proper tests that will evaluate their skills, experience, and efficiency. Outsourcing companies may have a pool of talents to offer but only you know what you want out of your VA.

Step #3: Interview smartly.
It’s protocol for companies to set up a video call between you and an aspiring VA. More than just listening to their answers, observe how your VA handles the interview.
Are they relaxed or too business-like? Their countenance on interviews manifest their communications and interpersonal skills. You can throw in unique or unexpected questions so you can see how fast they can think on their feet. This shows initiative and flexibility. Take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your VA beyond their CV or application form. Remember that you’re talking to the person whom you will share the intricacies of your business as far as their job is concerned.

Step #4: Ask for references.
Many business owners take this for granted. However, seeking out references will help you attest the work ethics of your VA. Take time to ask their previous employers or supervisors about how they are as an employee, their integrity to the job, and relationship to the people they worked with. Your VA’s references will help you determine if they are compatible with your company’s culture.

Step 5: Make sure to clearly define outsourced tasks.
Once you have decided which candidate has the most potential, make sure to explain their job description clearly. Letting your VA know the scope of their work will save you both time and trouble. It helps them decide if they have the right capacity to do the job as well as the appropriate time or schedule.
Your VA takes their cue from you. If your instructions are ambiguous, don’t expect to get quality work. Let your VA know how you want things done, what you want to achieve, and when you want to achieve it with every task that you outsource to them. When both of you comes to an agreement, then you’ve found the person who’s fit for the job.
It’s true that finding a VA can be a challenging task. But now that you know how to hire your first virtual assistant by this step-by-step guide, you’re guaranteed to find the best person to help your business reach its fullest potential.
Catherine vanVonno, the author, is the President and Executive Director of 20Four7VA, a global Virtual Assistant (VA) Service Provider. She holds a doctorate degree in Applied Statistics, Research Design and Program Evaluation from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and has over 10 years experience in facilitating evidence-based strategic planning, product development, brand management, legislative communications, and medical policy. She is married and has four children. You can reach her at|

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