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It’s no secret that learning to code takes time. While plenty of people have a natural flair for it and can build functioning apps or websites within a few weeks, there’s a lot of elbow grease required for others. No matter how much of programming genius you are, however, everyone starts off earning the same amount of money; zero.

But that’s not to say that you can’t start earning money right away. Sure, it may not be the $100k+ salary that senior web developers rake in, but it’s a start. The good news is that there are numerous ways to make money if you know how to code. This article will expose you to the many ways you can earn money with your coding skills.

  • What is Coding
  • How to Code
  • How Can You Make Money Learning to Code
  • How Much Do Beginning Coders Make
  • How Much Can You Make Coding From Home
  • Make Money Coding Python
  • Computer Coding Salary
  • What Type of Coding Makes The Most Money
  • What Coding Jobs Pay The Most
  • What Programs Are Written in Java
  • Which Pays More, Java or Python
  • Who Earns More, Frontend or Backend
  • How to make Money as a Programmer?
  • How to make Money Coding from Home?

What is Coding

Coding is the basic act of writing – in a programming language – a script that a computer can understand. This script will tell the computer to behave in a certain way, to do a certain thing, and to, ultimately, perform the actions that you want it to – if your code is right.

1. It’s Not Going to be Easy

First of all, whatever your reason is for learning coding, it’s not going to be easy. Just like anything else you want to learn, you’re going to start at the very bottom. Working your way up the skill ladder is going to take months and years of hard work.

Read Also: Tips To Make Huge Income Online With Website Design

So, it’s going to be difficult and challenging, and you will feel like quitting at some point. Or at several points, in fact. But trust me, learning how to code is also incredibly rewarding and empowering. You can definitely learn everything you need to get a job as a developer or change careers.

But it’s just going to be tough.

2. Get the basics right

When you start learning, the first thing you need to be sure of are the“basics”. It is the first step of becoming a coding ninja.

To get the basics right, you need to learn the core of computer science, just like any other trade you will come across. There are currently hundreds of online courses aimed at beginners. Clearly, the internet cares about beginners, and provide tons of information — a beginner’s heaven!

All you need to do is search through them, and start with one that the best fits your requirements.

There are also courses available online that can help get you started like

  • Introduction to Computer Science | Wikiversity
  • Intro to Computer Science | Udacity
  • CS50: Introduction to Computer Science | edX
  • Free Introduction to Computer Science Online Course | ALISON
3. Build patience

The number one prerequisite for being successful as a programmer is building patience. Patience can let you take blows to your chin yet still be able to stand up – like a ninja! It makes you ready for disappointments.

Not to mention, patience can help you become a better problem-solver, and improve your understanding of computers.

Computer concepts are complex and require resilience, patience, and hard work to understand. Most of the time, beginners don’t have the right expectations when starting their programming journey. Yes, you don’t come with all the power at the beginning. Too much optimism is dangerous anyways.

Due to faulty expectations, too many beginners just give up and move to another trade. To counter this, you should build patience and always think of the end goal.

4. Set a goal & move towards it

Goal-setting can be a powerful, motivational booster on your path to learning to code. If you are planning, for example, to learn PHP, then set a goal to do a simple project by the end of the week. Once the goal is achieved, set another goal, and repeat the cycle. Yes, it is that easy!

There is no end to learning and improvement in programming, and that’s why it is a good idea to keep setting goals, and not to lose track of your primary goal.

So, as a learner, what goals you can aim for? Let’s quickly go through some sample goals:

  • Build a calculator using CSS and JavaScript
  • Create a responsive website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Create a dynamic website using any back-end programming languages, such as PHP, Ruby, Python, etc.
  • Create a 2D breakout game using pure JavaScript

You can also choose to do any project of your liking. Who doesn’t have a unique taste after all? I bet you do!

The goal should be achievable, so don’t try to focus on building Facebook or creating a fully-featured game at this particular moment. Try to move slowly, and then aim for bigger and more complex projects as you progress further.

5. Do more projects

By doing more projects, you can understand not only your limitations but also improve your analytical and problem-solving skills. After all, learning to code is not all about learning syntax, but about learning how to solve problems using the tools at your hand.

Programming also requires a creative outlook, and a plan to build something meaningful. For beginners, it is tough to get access to project ideas. You can gain new ideas from platforms such as Livecoding where engineers build products live. Watch people do amazing stuff live. Ain’t that exciting?

You can also sign up for GitHub, a place where you can store your code for easy access. You can try to find project ideas by going through other public repositories for the programming language you are learning.

6. Get into social coding

Learning to code is never a solo quest. If you are thinking of building the next big app without any help, then you are in the wrong trade.

Programming is a group activity, and if you want to survive, you need to get help from different social platforms catering to programmers just like you.

Check out GitHub, StackOverFlow, Livecoding, or any other social coding site to find a suitable community for yourself.

Each of the communities mentioned above has its own perks and will help you improve your skills. For example, you can explore public project repositories on GitHub.

Another good example is Livecoding, where you can see other people code their projects live, giving you an idea of the challenges a programmer’s faces while working on a project.

7. Learn algorithms

After you have gained some experience doing projects, it is now time to move to algorithms. Algorithms constitute the core of computer science. It doesn’t matter if you are doing web development or game development, you are always using algorithms to achieve the end-result.

With increased proficiency in Algorithms, you can take your skills to new heights. Algorithmic thinking can also help you land your first job, as most job interviews are based on algorithms and problem-solving. Aim to solve at least one algorithm problem each day, and keep your problem-solving skills top-notch.

So, where do you start learning algorithms? You can start doing online courses for algorithms, or use platforms such as HackerRank.

8. Get used to tools

Just like any other trade, tools can help you do trivial things faster than usual. It doesn’t matter which programming language or framework you are learning, take advantage of the available toolset.

Tools can also help you automate most of the manual work, and enable you to focus on the main problem. For instance, you should get used to tools such as Git, Slack, code editors, Chrome DevTools, programming frameworks (both frontend and backend), and others.

9. Get a mentor

Programming can be a time-consuming task if you don’t have a mentor. With the help of the mentor, you can save not only your time but also get value from the experiences your mentor possesses. A mentor can easily guide you through projects and help you become a better programmer.

So if you are starting to learn to program, getting a mentor can help you hasten your learning process. You can get a mentor locally, or try out an online code mentorship program as well.

10. Balance your learning

As a developer, there is no end to improvement, and the continued state of helplessness is just part of being a developer. New technology releases also don’t let developers relax, as they have to constantly upgrade their skills to meet the latest market requirement. As a beginner, you need to always be ready to learn new things.

The number of possibilities doesn’t help the cause either, as you can always find an experienced developer who is unsure of his/her skills because of the constant influx of new tools, technologies, and standards to follow.

So, what can you take away from this? It is okay to not know everything that is out there. Whatever it is that you know, that’s okay. As long as you never stop learning new things, you’ll never go wrong.

How to Code

Coding has exploded in recent years, changing from something used in computer games and the occasional electronic device, to something which shapes the way that we live in the modern world. Pretty much every device, electronic item, and modern piece of machinery contains at least a little bit of code.

As the number of use cases for coding grows, the number of coding jobs available will also continue to grow. This means that now is an excellent time for learning how to code for beginners. You can also explore online coding classes for kids to get started as a kid.

Step 1: Work Out Why You Want To Learn How To Code

Now, the first thing that you need to do – before you even think about enrolling in courses or starting to watch YouTube videos about coding – is to ask yourself why you want to learn to code. Sit down and think carefully about what you hope to get out of it, why coding is a skill that you want to learn, and how much time and money you have to commit to it. Consider:

  • What sort of skills you want to end up with. Do you want to become a website developer? Or perhaps you would prefer to be able to build mobile apps or work in software engineering? You will need to think carefully about this because it will largely dictate the languages that you are going to learn.
  • Why do you want to learn to code? Is learning how to code simply something which interests you that you are going to be doing in your spare time? Or is programming something that you would like to pursue a career in further down the track?
  • How much time and money you can commit. If you are only going to have a couple of hours per week to commit to learning how to code, there probably isn’t a whole lot of point enrolling in an intensive course. In the same way, if you want to join an intensive course with support, you will have to be prepared to pay for it.

Identify and write down your coding goals and store them somewhere safe. These will quickly become the basis of your journey from novice to master coder.

Step 2: Choose The Right Languages

Different types of programming require different skills. For example, if you want to learn how to code a website, you should learn languages like HTML, CSS, Java, and JavaScript. Likewise, mobile app development requires Java (for Android) or Swift (for iOS). Choosing the right language is extremely important, which is why we have outlined some of the most popular among beginners below:


Java is arguably the king of programming languages in the modern world. It is prevalent, versatile, and it is used for things like Android app creation and back-end web development. Java is quite a functional language for learning how to code for beginners. It is relatively simple to learn, it reads like English, and there is a lot of work out there for entry-level Java programmers.

If you would like to learn Java as one of your first programming languages, we would recommend BitDegree’s interactive Java tutorial. This course will teach you the basic syntax and features of the language. It will show you the potential that you can reach when using Java, and it will also explore the creation of back-end web apps.


If Java is the king of programming languages, then Python is the queen. It is also super versatile, and it has a lot of different uses. A lot of academics and researchers use Python to create data analysis programs to help their studies. It is also behind the rise of new technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. It is easy to learn, and it is the most popular language taught in schools. That’s why it’s perfect for those who are looking for how to code for beginners.

Learning Python can be easy if you put your mind to it. Start with a course like the Learning Python from Scratch tutorial or the Interactive Python tutorial. Both of these courses will give you an excellent introduction to the language and its functionality, allowing you to progress to more advanced studies at a later date.


Ruby is a language that is becoming increasingly popular for full-stack web development. It allows for the smooth integration of both front and back-end components of a new website through the Ruby on Rails framework.

If you have plans to become a web developer, I would recommend learning at least the basics of Ruby. This way, you will be familiar with the language, even if you don’t have to work with it directly. Start with the Learn Ruby on Rails course which focuses on what Ruby on Rails is and how it is used in web development.


If you are interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain development, then Solidity is one of the best programming languages to learn. Although not well known or widespread by any stretch of the imagination, Solidity is the primary language for smart contract development on the Ethereum blockchain. If you want to enter the exciting new world of blockchains and smart contracts, We would recommend starting with either the Space Doggos Interactive Solidity course or the Ultimate Learn Solidity course.


If you want to get into front-end web development, then you have to learn HTML. Used for marking up text so that computers can understand it, HTML (or Hypertext Markup Language) is one of the simplest languages to learn and is where a lot of people start when learning how to code for beginners.

HTML is very simple, and the best way to learn it is arguably to first familiarise yourself with the main components of the language through something like the Comprehensive HTML5 Tutorial or the HTML Coding for Beginners course and then to get out there and practice how to write a code for beginners.


CSS is used almost exclusively alongside HTML to style and format content on webpages. It allows you to do things like change the color and size of elements, change the position of elements on a webpage, and change the entire layout of a webpage.

Like HTML, CSS is essential if you plan on becoming a front-end web developer. In my opinion, it’s a good idea to learn HTML and CSS alongside each other through something like the Interactive Coding for Beginners course. This course will teach you the basics of CSS, HTML, web development, and how they all tie together.


JavaScript is another language that is quite versatile and extremely widespread – much like Java and Python. Although it has historically been a front-end web development language that allowed the creation of interactive elements, JavaScript is becoming increasingly used for other things – including back-end web development.

If you want to become a decent front-end or back-end web developer, we recommend learning JavaScript. Discover the basics through a course like Learn JavaScript in 1 Hour or the Interactive JavaScript Tutorial, and then move onto a more challenging course when you are comfortable with the basics of the language.

Step 3: Choose The Right Resources To Help You Learn

Now that we’ve looked at some of the most popular languages to help you discover how to code for beginners, it’s time to look at the best ways to learn them. Some of these include:

Online coding courses: Online coding courses, such as those recommended above, are one of the best ways to get a feel for a new programming language. When done right, they will teach you some of the essential syntaxes of a language and how it is used. They are usually taught in a fun, engaging manner, and many of them allow you to write code directly in your browser as you learn.

Bonus: You can get most of these courses for free or at very low prices, especially if you take advantage of the coupon code offered on the BitDegree website. You can also get the courses with free certifications. By the way, if it so happens that you find a course but you currently can’t afford it, be sure to apply for scholarships for online courses.

Textbooks: Code reference books are a great resource that every single beginner should make use of. They contain all of the syntax and conventions of a language, allowing you to look things up when you’re confused or unsure about how to proceed with your code.

YouTube videos: Online videos and video tutorials are great resources that can help you get your head around complex concepts. You should use them alongside an online course or another method of learning how to code for beginners.

Step 4: Download A Code Editor

Although a lot of online courses let you write code in a code editor directly in your browser, you need to realize that this isn’t how it works in the real world. Once you graduate from your online course, you will need to start writing your code directly into a code editor, so it’s a good idea to start practicing doing this now.

Most programming languages have their code editors that you can download. They usually come complete with interactive development environments (IDEs) that will help you build clear, error-free code. Simple languages like HTML and CSS can be written straight into a simple text document if you find that easier.

Step 5: Practice Writing Your Programs

Once you have a basic working knowledge of your chosen language, you will need to start creating your programs and projects. Although you might feel that this is a long way away right now, you will be surprised how fast you progress once you start learning.

The type of program or project you start building will depend on the language you learn. For example, if you are learning how to code a website using HTML/CSS, you might choose to start building your website. You can even begin with drag & drop website builders to make the learning process easier. However, a knowledge of Java will allow you to begin programming your Android app or game.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and practice is the key to becoming a successful programmer. Practice, practice, and more practice!

Step 6: Join An Online Community

Navigating the intricacies of learning how to code for beginners on their own can be extremely difficult. There will be times when you need support. For example, let’s say that you’re learning a language, and you’ve come across a piece of syntax that you can’t get your head around. Joining an online chat board or coding forum will give you access to people who will be able to answer your questions and help you get past any problems you’re having.

Step 7: Hack Someone Else’s Code

Once you have a pretty good idea of how to code in a particular language, it’s time to delve deeper. One of the best ways to keep learning and to reinforce your knowledge of a programming language is to unpack someone else’s code.

Find a program or code file somewhere – GitHub is a great place to start – and open it in your code editor. Work through the code and make sure that you understand every line and what its function is. Add comments if you need to. If you see something which you think could be done in a more efficient way or which you think you can improve, change it.

Once you have finished, save your edited code and re-upload it so that other people can critique your effort.

Step 8: Keep Learning

In a way, programming languages are like any other language. They require regular practice if you want to become fluent in them, and you will forget things if you don’t practice using them. It is, therefore essential to make sure that you keep learning new things every day.

Don’t fall into the habit of using the same coding patterns and syntax for everything. Instead, keep striving to learn new ways to do things and to improve your method. I try and make a habit of learning one thing every single day. This could be a new piece of syntax, a new way to write a line of code, or simply a better way of debugging a program.

How Can You Make Money Learning to Code

While plenty of people have a natural flair for coding and can build functioning apps or websites within a few weeks, there’s a lot of elbow grease required for others. No matter how much of programming genius you are, however, everyone starts off earning the same amount of money; zero.

But that’s not to say that you can’t start earning money right away. Sure, it may not be the $100k+ salary that senior web developers rake in, but it’s a start. And every penny counts?

Here are five ways to earn cash while learning to code.

Make Apps

Most people seriously over-estimate the skill level required to build an app. In fact, these days you don’t actually need any programming skills thanks to certain software. But that’s certainly not the route for budding programmers to go down. If you’ve been learning Swift or Objective-C, you’ll be able to create basic iOS apps within a few hours. If you have a useful, marketable idea for an app, you can easily make money by building it yourself for free, launching it on the the App Store and selling it to the public.

All with just a day’s worth of work. If you think you have a flair for app development and the million-dollar app ideas just keep coming, check out PhoneGap, Appcelerator or Apache Cordova. These automatic coding apps can help you make apps in minutes rather than hours – but that doesn’t mean you can skip on your coding studies.   

Work for Locals

Start-ups and big businesses naturally require professional-level programming. But small local businesses often just need the most basic apps and websites. Generally speaking, they also don’t have huge budgets to hire web or app developers. In other words, they want a solution that is as simple and cheap as possible. You are that solution! If you can prove that your skills match their needs (and trust us, in most cases, they will), local business owners will be more than happy to hire you.

Unfortunately, you shouldn’t expect to be rolling in cash – but it’s a great way to land your first job, gain experience with real-life projects rather than just building things for yourself, and you may even get a second or third job out of it. Ask around your neighborhood or advertise your services locally and see what happens.

Run Tutorials

For every coder out there who knows their stuff, there are probably ten or more brand new coders who want to learn. Where do most of them start learning? Online, using whatever free tutorials they can find. Record your screen while you work on some easy to follow projects, add some comments or a voiceover and hey presto, you’ve got a set of tutorials.

Set up your own website, populate it with those tutorials and some more good quality content, link it up to Google AdSense and your bank account will slowly but surely begin to fill up. For this you’ll also need to know about Search Engine Optimisation, content creation, web design and a little bit of marketing. But hey, that’s all part and parcel of being a well-rounded programmer/developer/general tech guru. Believe it or not, it can actually be pretty fun too.  

Freelance (Wisely)

The number one way to make money while you code is by doing freelance work on the side. However, this is easier said than done. Clients expect industry level code and you may find it difficult to source jobs at your skill level that are actually worth the money. However if you want to build a career as a freelancer or a consultant, it’s never too early to get in the game.

Set up a profile on sites like Upwork or Freelancer, join relevant Linkedin Groups, and start bidding for jobs. Be very careful not to mislead potential clients about your level of expertise, and don’t take on too many jobs at once – no matter how tempting the money may be. Always make sure to ask for feedback and recommendations at the end of every successful job; it’s the only way to grow your profile, your ratings and your client base.

Enter Coding Contests

Yes, coding contests are a thing and they offer cash prizes. The biggest and most popular is Topcoder, with over 1 million members. There are three competition areas; design, data science, and development. Competitors in each work on real-world challenges for 2000 global clients as well as competing in Single Round Matches, during which fun and skill learning is emphasized. It’s a very collaborative and very interesting community to jump into, and no matter what your area of expertise you’re guaranteed to learn a lot.

How Much Do Beginning Coders Make

Even though entry-level programmers make the least amount of money in the field, their salaries can still be considered more than decent. Just how decent, you may ask? Well, according to ZipRecruiter, the average computer programmer starting salary turns out to be around $52,000 per year. This equates to be a bit more than $4300 per month.

Beginning coders salary

Given this information, it now becomes quite obvious why people say that even the computer programmer starting salary is something that should be strived for. If you keep in mind that the average salary in the US is somewhere around the $3700 per month mark, then programming suddenly does seem like an amazing opportunity to earn more.

How Much Can You Make Coding From Home

 Web developers earn an average of $60,000. One of the exciting things about becoming a programmer is that there’s not much of a ceiling on your potential earnings. If you can learn to build algorithms that successfully trade the stock market, you can basically write your own ticket. 

Make Money Coding Python

There are several ways:

  • Work as a freelancer: look for projects on Freelancer – Hire & Find Jobs, Upwork, the world’s largest online workplace, or other sites for freelancers. You can look for jobs on some social media as well (Reddit has some subreddit for freelancers, programmers,…)
  • Work for a Company
  • make your own products and sell them.

However, first of all your Python must be good enough to make money with it. How long have you been learning? Have you got any experience?

If you’re a newbie, here are some good Python courses to study. TOPS Technologies provides Online courses. All the courses on it are taught by teachers or experts.

Computer Coding Salary

As of Jun 2020, the average annual pay for the Computer Coding jobs category in the United States is $43,678 a year.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $83,000 and as low as $22,500, the majority of salaries within the Computer Coding jobs category currently range between $31,000 (25th percentile) to $48,500 (75th percentile) across the United States. The average pay range for a Computer Coding job varies little (about $17,500), which suggests that regardless of location, there are not many opportunities for increased pay or advancement, even with several years of experience.

Based on recent job postings on ZipRecruiter, the Computer Coding job market in both Lagos, NG and the surrounding area is very active. People working within the Computer Coding category in your area are making on average $43,678 per year or the same as the national average annual salary of $43,678. ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Computer Coding job salaries.

To estimate the most accurate annual salary range for Computer Coding jobs, ZipRecruiter continuously scans its database of millions of active jobs published locally throughout America.

What Type of Coding Makes The Most Money

Online news site Quartz made a ranking of salary value in programming languages, from highest to lowest, based on job postings. Here are five programming languages you can learn to make yourself more competitive and earn more money, and you can learn many of them online.

Ruby (on Rails)

Ruby is a great language for web applications. Many major web services use it, such as Twitter and Hulu. And then there’s Ruby on Rails, which is the most used framework for Ruby. Many agree that it’s easier to learn than other languages, such as C++. The Quartz article ranks Ruby on Rails as the highest-earning programming skill. You can find many Ruby tutorials online.

Objective C

The programming language behind OSX and iOS apps, it’s easy to see why Objective C is an in-demand language. iPhone owns a huge share of the U.S. smartphone market, and countless businesses have iPhone apps. If you’re interested in giving Objective C a try, there’s a great tutorial at Code School.


Python (named after Monty Python in the 1980s) is, like Ruby, an intuitive language to learn and use. It has a rabid fan base and is the backbone of the popular Instagram social network. Python is a scripting language that has multiple examples of implementation in different industries, including the film industry; Industrial Light and Magic uses Python to extend their software capabilities in-house. You can acquire more knowledge by completing a free python course with certificate. The best free online courses can be found at SkillScouter. There’s a whole list at Python.org with further examples. If you’re interested in learning more about Python, check out this overview on the Treehouse Blog.


Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and for good reason: It has very little operating requirements, meaning it can run on multiple platforms. Java is also part of the framework for building Android applications, so it’s a language that is in demand even today. Oracle provides Java documentation to help get you started.


C++ (originally known as “C with Classes”) is the oldest programming language on this list. It was first introduced in the early 1980s. It’s the backbone of every single piece of software that you use every day. C++ is used for performance-intensive tasks, such as video compression. Cplusplus.com has a tutorial that can help you get started.

How to make Money Coding from Home?

1. Develop Apps

Was there ever a time without apps? Unfortunately for boomers, yes. Fortunately for you and me, we’ve got lots of apps and they aren’t going anywhere.

Take advantage of your programming skills by developing an app and monetizing it. 

If you are familiar with Objective-C or Swift, you can create an essential iOS app in just a few hours. Then launch it on the App Store. After that, you can sell it to the public through different kinds of media.

If you’ve got a really good and marketable app idea, it’s easy for you to make money by creating it yourself for free. Check out Upwork, Apache Cordova, Appcelerator, and more for awesome ideas. 

Once you’ve developed your app, you can sell it on Flippa for cash through an auction process or a classified listing. 

2. Make A Plugin Or Theme For WordPress

Nearly 25% of all websites out there on the internet use WordPress. If you create useful WordPress plugins and themes, you can make some sweet cash.

WordPress plugins are in high demand, my friend. Seriously. This is a great way to make money to code online. You can do this by

  • developing mass apps for WordPress
  • developing small modules such as plugins and themes. 

To monetize the plugin, you can make it premium and charge users directly… or you can make it free and earn through ads and donations.

3. Become An Online Educator And Sell Courses Online

The online education industry is HUGE. It’s expected to reach 132 billion dollars by 2023. Yes, billion. That’s not a typo.

Take advantage of this. Lots of people want to learn how to code. Why shouldn’t you be the one to teach them…online? 

Create courses online using different learning management systems such as Udemy and Coursera. Then sell them to budding coders who want to learn.

The best way to reach potential customers is to create a blog and put up some free tutorials to build your authority and to build traffic. Then upsell them to your course.

You can get paid to teach coding if you position yourself as a computer science instructor.

Here are a few places that hire online coding and computer science instructors:

  • universities
  • online coding tutoring platforms
  • coding bootcamps

You can also use these platforms and their existing students to teach coding and Python:

  • Udemy: Join now and get started making money with coding
  • Coursera: Join to get the best coding experience and make money from your learning
  • CodeAcademy: Learn and teach how to become a full-stack web developer

4. Develop Games

With coding skills, you can develop games for cash. Game development can be seriously lucrative. Develop Android and iOS games and sell them.

You can use platforms such as Fupa, a great platform for selling your games online.

The FGL app management portal is also pretty sweet. It manages apps and makes them grow and succeed, so you can continue to make money developing games.

5. Become A Data Analyst

Python programming language is applied in machine learning and is used by data analysts.

Several companies, such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as Bloomberg, are continually searching for AI and data analysts who possess Python expertise to help them sift through massive amounts of data.

Python libraries such as Scipy and Pandas come in handy when you want to accomplish such tasks.

How to make Money as a Programmer?

1. Freelance

This is the most popular and easiest way to start making money coding online. It’s easy because you just sign up with several freelance websites, complete your profile, and find projects you can complete.

It’s a good idea to fully complete your freelance profile Because employers will look at your past work, experience, qualifications
and other things listed on your profile.

As you complete more projects, you earn more positive reviews and you’ll be able to charge more money and find more work.

Here are some other benefits of working as a freelance coder online:

  • You can work from a cafe, on the road, at home, or anywhere you want to.
  • You can work the hours you want to.
  • You can develop a relationship with the people that hire you. In this way, they’ll keep on giving you more and more new work.
  • You can select the projects you want to work with, those that interest you the most.

As your reputation improves by getting more positive reviews you can charge more money than what you’d get as an employee doing the same work.

Getting the first few jobs is the hardest part because you start with no ratings and reviews.

You can bid less for projects at first just to get some positive reviews.

2. Start Your Own Programming Blog

The advantage of this method is that not only will you be making money, but you will also be making yourself a name in the programming

In addition to building your personal brand, I am a strong believer that you can’t fully learn something until you teach it.

With a programming blog, you will be teaching others about programming while improving as a programmer yourself.

All that while making money at the same time. How awesome is that?!

And it doesn’t have to be expensive, you can start your WordPress blog today for as little as the price of a cup of coffee

–But wait a minute, how can you make money from your programming blog?

You can monetize your blog in several ways:

First: Advertisements

The first method is to put ads on your blog.

If you don’t know where to start, you can always start with Google Adsense.

Google allows you to put Google ads on your site and get a share of the ad revenue every time one of your readers view or click
on the ad.

Second: Being an Affiliate

you can try to set up your own affiliate system by selling other people’s products.

For example, you can sign up with Amazon associates and start selling any amazon product on your blog.

When you sign up, Amazon will give you a referral link that you can use on your blog.

If your readers go to amazon through your referral link and buy anything from amazon, you get a commission.

Since your readers are interested in programming, you should always suggest products that are valuable to programmers like programming
books and software.

Third: Selling your own products

Selling your own products on your blog requires the most work but it brings in the most money.

Once you set up the products you want to sell and do everything on your end, your blog will continue to passively make money for you.

Make sure that your product aligns well with your readers.

Your products should be valuable to programmers and computer scientists.

For example, you can sell books about programming and the developer’s career.

3. Create A YouTube Channel

Youtube it’s one of the most visited websites in the entire world. and, you can definitely earn some cash from your YouTube channel by growing your subscriber base.

For example, you can create videos showing people tutorials and tips on coding. The more subscribers you have, the more views you’ll get… and the more money you will earn.

Now when it comes to monetization, making money on youtube isn’t very different from making money from your blog.

You can also monetize with youtube ads, affiliate links, or selling your own products.

4. Develop Apps

Apps have the potential to make you a lot of money. But there is a huge if-statement that has to be made here.
In order to make money with apps, you need to have a good idea. If the idea isn’t that great,
chances are that there won’t be any money made.

The best example of this is Flappy Bird. The app could have been made by a 13-year-old since it isn’t complex by any means.

However, the idea of Flappy Bird turned out to be a fantastic one.

It reported $50,000 dollars per day of advertising income at its prime time.

so, Take advantage of your programming skills and start transforming your ideas into apps.

then you can start making money by:

1- sell it directly on platforms such as codecanyon or flippa

2- put google ads

3- monthly paid membership

5. Teach others

When you learn coding and web development, you acquire skills that thousands of others will learn after you. There are many beginner coders that are looking for answers to the same questions you had just a while ago.

So, why not help your fellow programmers with your knowledge?

You don’t have to be the best programmer in the world to help others! You simply need to be one step ahead of someone to help them,

So, any information you have about coding is valuable to someone else. You can literally teach anyone.
Even if it’s just helpful tips for learning or getting started with coding.

And the good news is:

It’s super easy to publish books, courses, and tutorials these days.
Here are a few powerful platforms you can use for creating and publishing your own online coding courses.:

Udemy, Skillshare, teachable or you can use the YouTube platform for publishing your own video tutorials. and you can use Amazon Kindle for creating and selling your own books to your global audience.

There are so many ways to make money online as a programmer. You can create a full-time income with any of these methods that help you get paid to code.

What Coding Jobs Pay The Most

While data scientists are regularly cited as the top earners in the tech world, there are higher-paid roles available to developers, according to a salary round-up by Stack Overflow.While data scientists are regularly cited as the top earners in the tech world, there are higher-paid roles available to developers, according to a salary round-up by Stack Overflow.

Salaries differ according to location, with developers in the US earning noticeably more than the rest of the world, but here are five of the highest paying roles worldwide.

1. DevOps specialists

Earning more than any other tech worker throughout the world, these developers are focused on refining every aspect of how code is tested, built, and deployed.

DevOps specialists need to understand the requirements of both software developers and IT operations, and know which tools are available to automate software and infrastructure changes and roll outs.

Karthiga Sadasivan, director and head of DevOps at Happiest Minds Technologies, told TechRepublic important skills include:

  • Source control (like Git, Bitbucket, VSTS, etc.)
  • Continuous integration (like Jenkins, Bamboo, VSTS )
  • Infrastructure automation (like Puppet, Chef, Ansible)
  • Deployment automation and orchestration (like Jenkins, VSTS, Octopus Deploy)
  • Container concepts (LXD, Docker)
  • Orchestration (Kubernetes, Mesos, Swarm)
  • Cloud (like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, OpenStack)

Many of these tools can be used with Python scripting, although the Go and Ruby programming languages are also commonly used by DevOps specialists.

2. Data scientist

Data scientists help organizations identify useful patterns in data, and are used for everything from predicting cancer risks from a person’s lifestyle to devising mathematical models that allow robots to spot cracks in plane engines.

Read Also: Using Skills In 3D Animation To Make Money As A Digital Graphics Artist

As an increasing number of companies use machine learning, it’s likely demand for data scientists, which currently outstrips supply by some margin, will continue to grow.

The skills required are varied, but candidates will typically need good mathematical knowledge — including both statistics and multivariate calculus — programming skills in languages such as R and Python and the database query language SQL, and the ability to clean up messy data. If you want to know more, TechRepublic has a list of some of the most useful skills for those looking to break into the field.

Data scientists also recently outlined to TechRepublic the common questions new entrants should prepare for in a job interview

3. Back-end developer

A back-end developer writes the software used on servers that underpin websites and modern web services.

Such is the breadth of back-end platforms, the role can require skills in any number of languages, from the venerable PHP and Java to Python and node.js JavaScript. Beyond programming language skills, a back-end developer may also need to understand how to create APIs, front-end languages such as HTML and CSS, user interface design and more.

4. Full-stack developer

Full-stack developers are web developers who don’t just understand the core web technologies of HTML, CSS and JavaScript but also the software frameworks, databases and back-end tech needed to build modern web sites and services.

Skills typically requested include the Angular or React frameworks, node.js JavaScript and the version-control software Git.

5. Embedded developer

Embedded developers are typically engaged in writing highly efficient software to run on the low-power microprocessor and microcontroller boards found in electronic appliances, kiosks, and industrial control units.

Embedded developers may be required to write code for any layer of the stack: from the low-level firmware that interacts with a board’s hardware up to the higher-level software that will run on the board.

The languages C and C++ are often used due to being able to run extremely efficiently and offering precise control over memory use. Engineers often also have a working knowledge of assembly language.

What Programs Are Written in Java

  • Kotlin: This application is specially designed for Java developers to test their skills.
  • K-9 Mail: This is an advanced solution for those who use e-mail 24/7.
  • AmazeFileManager: The application allows storing, synchronizing and moving personal data in the most convenient way for the user.
  • Omni-Notes:This solution makes it possible to create notes and is applicable both in business and in personal life.
  • Phonograph application: It is a tool for listening to music.
  • Pixel-dungeon: This is one of the proofs of the almost universal nature of the technology. Despite the fact that Java is positioned as a tool for business applications, this game is an interesting way to use it.
  • Telegram for Android: Probably, it makes no sense to say something else about one of the most famous instant messengers.
  • Qksms: This is an advanced solution for exchanging SMS messages.
  • VLC media player: The application allows the user to listen to music and watch the video at a good speed.
  • MovieGuide: This is a kind of collection of movies and videos that can be viewed in the application in real time.
  • Bitcoin Wallet Android: This is quite an innovative solution that allows you to manage your crypto-currency from any Android device.
  • SeeWeather: This is a utility for Android, which allows accessing the weather conditions anywhere in the world for a few seconds.
  • LinkedIn: This is job portal and social connectivity for professionals.
  • Facebook: It also uses some java code for back-end development, added later.
  • Twitter: It uses Ruby for front-end and Java & Scala for back-end.

Which Pays More, Java or Python

As per the above images Python is gaining height because Python salaries appear slightly better, but Java jobs seem to be in higher demand. Whereas Python is easier to learn, Java has a higher popularity ranking.

Who Earns More, Frontend or Backend

Check out the market salary value for the following skills, sectioned by Front and Back End:

Back End

– Ruby on Rails – $113,000, up 14%

– Laravel – $105,675, up 5%

Front End

– HTML5 – $75,000, down 1%

– CSS – $105,675, up 5%

– Javascript – 120,000, up 19%

The market data seems to point to the gap closing between Front and Back end web development skills. These data points came from a product called YouWorth, a free mobile app for both iOS and Android.

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Ultimately, a lot goes into determining how much you’ll be paid as a computer coder. But if you work hard at it and constantly widen your knowledge, there’s almost no limit to what you could be earning. 

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