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If you’ve made an error on your tax return, don’t let it ruin your day! It’s a common occurrence, but the good news is that rectifying it after filing is quite simple. So take a breath—here’s how to make the fix and the steps you need to know to refile.

If you entered something incorrectly on your tax return, you simply correct it with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Mistakes happen, and the CRA recognizes this. Things like missing a receipt, overlooking a deduction, the late arrival of a tax slip, or entering a number incorrectly can all be reasons to change your tax return. 

The CRA helps you amend tax returns with relative ease. You simply fill out Form T1-ADJ—either electronically or a paper copy—which is specifically designed for amending your tax return. Think of it as fine-tuning your initial submission.

How do I amend my tax return with the CRA?

You can fill out the T1-ADJ Form via ReFILE, through your CRA My Account, or by sending it via postal mail.

Filling out the form is quite straightforward. You’ll fill in your social insurance number, the tax year you’re making changes to, your name, and your address. Then you simply list the specific line numbers on your tax return that you need to report changes for.

Let’s look at the example provided in the instruction area of the form.

Mary reported $28,600 employment income on line 10100 of her 2019 tax return. She also listed $500 in union dues on line 21200. Later she received a T4 slip showing another $200 of income and $20 union dues. So when filling out the adjustment request form, she would enter those changes. See below:

Line number from return or scheduleName of line from return or schedulePrevious amount+/-Amount of changeRevised amount
10100Employment income$28,600+$200$28,800
21200Union dues$500+$20$520

Exactly how do I Refile my Taxes in Canada?

Once you realize you’ve made an error, you’ll probably want to refile your taxes or file an amendment ASAP. But as a general rule, wait until you receive your Notice of Assessment (NOA) from the CRA. You can refile up to 4 years or file an amendment for up to 10 years.

Once you’ve reviewed your NOA, there are three different ways to amend or refile your taxes.


Using ReFILE is the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to make changes to your previously filed tax return. Simply submit your adjustments using the same certified NETFILE software you used when you filed your tax return.

Currently, ReFILE services are not available for residents of Quebec.

2. CRA My Account

Sign in to your CRA My Account and click “Change my return.” After selecting the tax year and line that needs to be changed, you can input the correct information to submit your changes.

Once you submit an adjustment request online, you can’t submit another one until the first one has been finalized. You’re allowed to make multiple adjustments on the same request, so try to have all your information ready.

Restrictions: You can only use CRA My Account to submit certain types of changes to your tax return. For more details, visit the conditions and exclusions for using “Change my return” on the CRA website. 

3. Mail

To make changes to your tax return by mail, you’ll have to complete a paper copy of the T1 Adjustment Request form and send it with all supporting documents for the change to your local tax centre. 

If you’re a resident of Québec, please visit the Revenu Québec website for detailed instructions on how to amend a tax return. 

Regardless of how you choose to file your current or amended tax return, remember to save all of your paperwork. You can adjust multiple tax returns dating as far back as 10 years, so make sure you hang on to old receipts, tax slips, and other documentation. When you have these, it makes refiling and amending possible, faster, and easier.

What happens after I submit my changes on my tax return?

Once your review is complete, you’ll receive one of the following from the CRA:

  • A Notice of Reassessment, which looks almost exactly like an NOA except with the amended parts highlighted. It’s important to review this notice as soon as possible so that if you owe money, you can pay it off without unnecessary interest or penalties.
  • A letter explaining why the changes you asked for weren’t applied.

Processing timelines differ depending on how you submit your changes and how complex your situation is.

Online (ReFILE & CRA My Account)2 weeks
Mail8 weeks

If you don’t hear from the CRA right away, try not to lose any sleep. While tax season equals busy season, requests like yours are a priority, and the CRA is working on your behalf. Believe it or not, they want this thing resolved as much as you do.

Read Also: Is Corporation Tax Direct or Indirect?

The easiest way to send your tax return to the CRA is through NETFILE. If you prefer to send it via mail, however, you’ll find the address for your local tax centre online.

Online (ReFILE & CRA My Account)2 weeks
Mail8 weeks

If you don’t hear from the CRA right away, try not to lose any zzzzs. While tax season equals busy season, requests like yours are a priority, and the CRA is working on your behalf. Believe it or not, they want this thing resolved as much as you do.

No matter what stage of the tax filing journey you’re in, your friends at TurboTax are here to answer your questions and get you to the finish line. All you have to do is ask.

What are the Benefits of ReFILE?

  • Quick – You will know how much tax you owe or get the refund sooner than if you make your adjustment request on paper
  • Cost-efficient – There are no postage costs and you use less paper
  • Environmentally friendly – You send adjustments online instead of on paper
  • Simple – You can use the software you like

Use ReFILE with the same certified NETFILE software you used for filing your income tax and benefit return. If you did not file your return online, you can use Change my return which is a secure My Account service that allows you to make an online adjustment. Otherwise, you can mail a paper Form T1-ADJ, T1 Adjustment Request, to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

You cannot use ReFILE to:

  • change a return that has not been assessed
  • change a return that the CRA has reassessed nine times already
  • change a bankruptcy return
  • change a return for the year before the year of bankruptcy
  • change a return for an international or non-resident taxpayer, including deemed residents of Canada and individuals who left Canada during the year
  • change a return where you have to complete Form T2203, Provincial and Territorial Taxes for Multiple Jurisdictions, for income from a business that has a permanent establishment outside your province or territory of residence
  • make an initial change to a return that the CRA assessed under subsection 152(7) of the Income Tax Act
  • make or revise an election (for example, using Form T2057, Election on Disposition of Property by a Taxpayer to a Taxable Canadian Corporation)
  • apply for tax credits and benefits for individuals
  • allocate a refund to other CRA accounts
  • apply for the disability tax credit
  • change a return that has a reassessment in progress for the same tax year

For any of these situations, make your request by mail.

After you request online changes to your return, keep all your receipts and supporting documents in case we ask to see them. Only provide supporting documents when the CRA asks for them, and send them using the method requested in the CRA’s letter.

How can I File a Tax Refund?

A tax refund is a government-provided payment for overpaid taxes. When an individual or business pays more taxes than necessary, the government will return the difference. Also, in some situations, a tax refund takes the form of a tax credit.

Tax refunds can occur for a variety of reasons, including over withholding of taxes from paychecks, claiming tax deductions, or overpayment of estimated taxes. The government calculates the refund based on the taxpayer’s income, deductions, and tax obligation.

In Nigeria for example, tax refunds are not as common as tax assessments or tax audits. However, taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes or made erroneous payments may be eligible for a tax refund. Claiming a refund in Nigeria usually entails submitting a claim to the appropriate tax body, such as the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) or the State Internal Revenue Service (SIRS).

After reviewing the claim, the taxing body will decide whether a refund is required. The taxpayer will get a credit or direct deposit for the amount owed if a refund is authorized. Taxpayers must maintain precise records of their tax payments and follow the correct steps to submit a refund claim.

When you file your tax return, the government calculates how much tax you owe based on your income, deductions, and credits. You’ll get a tax refund for the discrepancy if you’ve already paid more than that through withholdings or estimated tax payments. 

Types of Tax Refunds

Depending on your situation, you might be qualified for a variety of tax refunds. Here are the different types of tax refunds:

  • 1. Federal Income Tax Refund

These are refunds of overpaid federal income taxes that are issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to taxpayers who have filed a federal tax return. 

  • 2. State Income Tax Refund

These are state income tax refunds that taxpayers who have submitted state tax returns are entitled to receive from state tax authorities.

  • 3. Property Tax Refund

These are property tax refunds that local governments give to taxpayers who have settled their property taxes in excess of what is owed.

  • 4. Sales Tax Refund

For certain purchases, such as those made by out-of-state residents or purchases of goods that are exempt from sales tax, some states give sales tax refunds.

  • 5. Estate Tax Refund

These are refunds of overpaid estate taxes that are issued by the IRS to the executor or administrator of an estate.

You may get a tax refund for a variety of reasons. It’s possible that you paid more taxes than you should have throughout the year or that you qualified for tax breaks, tax credits, or deductions that decreased your tax obligation.

Put your tax refund to good use as soon as you obtain it. Paying off high-interest debt like credit card balances or personal debts should be taken into consideration. You could also invest in your retirement savings or put the money towards a down payment on a home.

How to File a Tax Refund

1. Collect your tax documents

Before filing for a tax refund, it’s important to gather all relevant tax documents, including your tax identification number, tax receipts, and tax returns. These documents will give you the required information and assist you in determining whether you are entitled to a refund. 

2. Determine eligibility

Once you have your tax documents, review them to determine if you are eligible for a tax refund. If you overpaid taxes or made an error on your tax returns, you might be eligible. If you are unsure if you are eligible, consult with a tax professional or the relevant tax authority.

3. Complete the refund application

If you are eligible for a tax refund, complete the appropriate tax refund application form from the relevant tax authority, such as the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) or the State Internal Revenue Service (SIRS). 

4. Attach supporting documents

Attach copies of all pertinent tax papers, such as tax receipts or amended tax returns, to your refund application. These documents will help support your claim for a refund and ensure that your application is processed correctly.

5. Submit all application

Once you have completed the refund application and attached all necessary documents, submit it to the relevant tax authority either in person, by mail, or through an online portal. If the tax authority gives you any particular instructions, such as a deadline for submitting your application, be sure to heed them.

6. Wait for the review

After submitting your application, you will need to wait for the tax authority to review it and verify your claim for a refund. This process may take several weeks or months, depending on the workload of the tax authority and the complexity of your application.

7. Receive your refund

If your request is granted, you will either receive a check in the mail or a direct transfer of your refund. Follow any directions the tax authority gives you for getting your refund, such as giving them the details of your bank account or cashing your refund check within a certain amount of time.

How to Refile an Income Tax Return?

Income Tax Returns are filed in order to do a self-assessment of the taxes paid by you during the financial year. If you made a mistake in the original filing of your Income Tax Return – such as giving the total salary amount instead of taxable income or missing a home loan EMI payment, you have a chance to rectify it by filing a Revised I-T Return. However, this is subject to the following conditions:

  • The original return was filed on time, i.e. before July 31 of a given year;
  • The department has not completed an assessment of your I-T Return;
  • The mistake in the original return is a genuine one.

The revisions should be made before the end of 1 year from the assessment year-end (i.e. before March 31, 2016) or before your filings are assessed by the I-T department, which may take up to 6 months from the time you filed your ITR the first time.

E-filing Revised Return of Income Tax

You don’t need to run behind an income tax lawyer or CA to file your Income Tax Return or Revised Return. You can do it online. However, you can file the revised return online only if you had filed the original return online. If your original return was filed physically, then you should file the revised return also physically.

For filing I-T Return online, you need to log into the Income Tax e-filing portal and follow the below instructions.

The first thing you’ll require is the Income Tax Return-Verification (ITR-V) Form from the original return filing. A copy of this, along with the acknowledgment number and filing date of the original IT Return (which can be found in the ITR-V or in the I-T department’s e-filing portal if you filed your original ITR online), are needed for you to file a Revised Return.

  • Step 1: Once you have these details, log in to the Income Tax e-filing portal.
  • Step 2: On the top left menu, select the ‘Quick e-file’ option.
  • Step 3: Choose the assessment year and address, and submit the selection.
  • Step 4: On the following page, after reading the instructions, fill the first section with your personal information.
  • Step 5: Under ‘Filing Status’ in the second section, choose the employer category and return-related information.
  • Step 6: In column A21, you need to choose ’17 – revised return – 139(5)’ because you are filing a revised return. Make sure the box below it is set to ‘Revised’.
  • Step 7: In column A24, fill in the acknowledgment number of the original ITR and the date when the return was first filed.
  • Step 8: In the following pages, fill in the correct details of tax exemptions and income as per the original return. Submit the form.
  • Step 9: Print the ITR-V of the revised return and sign this ITR-V. Send it, along with the ITR-V of the original return to the Central Processing Centre (CPC) in Bengaluru.

The CPC should receive the ITR-V within 120 days of filing ITR

You can avoid having to refile your Income Tax Return by ensuring that the first time you file ITR, it is done correctly. Refiling could invite unnecessary questions from the I-T Department. However, if the mistake or omission in your original ITR was not purposeful or premeditated, you should take advantage of the chance provided by the I-T Department of re-filing the ITR.

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