Marketing is an integral component of business processes now. Especially when it comes to digital marketing, businesses cannot afford to ignore this avenue nowadays because online identity is very crucial for the sustenance of a business. The good news is, with the tough requirements of today’s online marketing, the technology is ready to serve you and surpass those challenges.
Like all other fields, including healthcare, education, crime, and agriculture, AI is making things easier in the field of marketing as well. Especially when it comes to digital marketing, artificial intelligence is now enabling businesses to streamline and thus improve their content marketing strategies as well as performances. Since content marketing is pretty much the backbone of digital marketing, the role and capabilities of AI are very important to understand in this area.
This article aims to introduce you to the role of artificial intelligence-powered technology in enhancing content marketing.
Five ways artificial intelligence enables smart content marketing
Smart content marketing can lead your way to an improved level of brand recognition and high conversion rates on your website. With better online content, you will see your SEO efforts materializing more fruitfully. Digital media strategists working for business giants are thus acknowledging the role of AI in the field of online marketing.
The events on artificial intelligence have been manifesting many technological breakthroughs for industry specialists as well as amateur content creators to pay attention to. The role of AI in content marketing is manifest in the shape of the following capabilities:
1. AI-powered content creation
While the world still needs content writers to keep the content compassionate and somewhat emotional, now machines can create content too. Businesses can place their trust in machine learning-powered computers to follow a certain set of rules and formats to compute summaries of business profits and losses. Based on these results, the machines create content and make it available for the target user. You can also rely on machines to conduct quarterly analyses and form business reports. Hotel descriptions, real-time statistics,
and sports recap and highlights are also included in the promises of AI for improved content creation and marketing.
2. Better CRO
AI helps in conversion rate optimization
CRO stands for conversion rate optimization. It is a process that involves deliberate efforts for the systemization of increasing the number of visitors on the website. AI-powered algorithms are highly capable of personalizing website experience as well as push notifications on any online platform. This makes it easy to arouse the interest of the target audience.
The algorithms use hundreds of data points about every user, analyze it, identify patterns, and then make suggestions while promoting the products which they are highly likely to find interesting. With the behavioral pattern recognition capabilities of algorithms, the personalization of push notification is gaining traction as a trend. Thus AI is boosting content marketing with an increased level of personalization and paving the way towards higher CRO.
3. Content chatbots
AI-powered chatbots improve content marketing
How many times has it occurred that you visited a website and got your queries answered in the chat box that popped up on the website? Well, did it occur to you that many of those people talking to you were actually bots and not actual humans?
Whether you’re speaking of healthcare, fashion, or IT, chatbots are the new customer service representatives and are providing custom content based conversational experience to customers. Sometimes chatbots do these interactions better than human beings. Maybe this is the reason that customer services are increasingly being handed over to the machines.
4. Intelligent email curation
AI-powered algorithms create intelligent email
Forming emailing lists, making drafts, compiling them, and then sending custom emails make up for one hell of a task for your team. When the role of AI comes into play, email curation gets easier than ever before.
Now AI-powered algorithms are capable of mapping and combing through a user’s online activity, including website experience and browsing data, and understand the patterns and inclinations of the user. Based on this data distinct to everyone, the algorithms can then create custom emails for users and deliver them at a suitable time.
5. AI-powered customer insights
AI provide better customer insights
Human when sit down to compute statistics and play with numbers to find something fruitful out of it, it takes them long periods. To extract a useful bit of information out of numeric data, it might take humanity years and years. The same amount of work is easy to carry out with the help of SAI powered algorithms. These algorithms are capable of providing on-the-go customer insights.
These algorithms make use of behavioral patterns and create customer personas. The data points out that these algorithms usually incorporate on-site interactions, location-based events, past communications on different platforms, and psychographic factors besides purchasing behaviors.
The future of content marketing is AI-powered
The world is going digital. All the industries are focusing on fast-paced and smart approaches for business purposes to remain in the game. It has indeed become difficult to survive as a business in this rapidly advancing world. Like many other avenues, AI is playing a crucial role in helping businesses like yours to boost their content marketing by providing state of the art tools and techniques.
Let artificial intelligence be the guardian angel for your business too!
About Blogger
Rosalind Desai is a content curator and passionate blogger who writes guest posts on trending topics of Technology like robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and cyber security applications
Artificial IntelligenceContent Marketingcyber security applications