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In order for a business to succeed, it is important to make the right decisions. Making business decisions based on NPS visualization, however, can be a mistake that will haunt you for years to come. Known as NPS, the Net Promoter Score measures your performance over time.

NPS graphs in Excel help you determine which category your customers belong to. The categories are divided into two groups: detractor and promoter. This does not mean that data visualization is not important; in fact, it offers a great starting point that can be used for a long time.

NPS graphs in Excel help you determine which category your customers belong to. Two categories are distinguished: detractor and promoter. Although these categories do not negate the importance of data visualization, they provide a good beginning point.

Why Visualize Your NPS Results?

Net promoter score measures your customers’ loyalty and how likely they are to recommend your products and services. A NPS survey begins with a close-ended question asking customers how likely they are to recommend your business.

When customers have completed rating your business, the NPS score is calculated based on all the responses. A closed-ended question in the survey allows customers to explain why they scored the way they did. Customer service can be improved by answering the open-ended question.

NPS results are difficult to present for many businesses due to a variety of challenges. Seven effective ways are presented in this guide for displaying NPS results. Here’s what we found!

1. Pie Chart

Because pie charts are simple and easy to understand, they are the best method of visualizing data. Furthermore, pie charts do not require technical analysis skills. The simplicity and speed of this method make it the best method to visualize your NPS scores.

When pie charts have too many variables to present, they can get messy. When promoters, detractors, and passives are split, it works well. Because pie charts are easily understood, you can use them as an introduction to more advanced visualization techniques.

2. Key Values

In order to present NPS visualization results effectively, you need to focus on fundamental values. Make sure your NPS score is included in your presentation. Evaluate whether the score is increasing or decreasing depending on the timeframe.

The key value alignment section should include a visualization of the number of promoters, detractors, and passives. A well-aligned set of key values will allow you to identify if your scores have dropped or increased over time.

3. WordCloud

You can use the NPS survey to evaluate your business’ success when it is presented correctly. You can use the word cloud to highlight key words that appear in responses to open-ended questions from customers. Search engines can be used to get keywords without the hassle of researching them.

Word clouds reveal that some words appear more frequently than others. By paying attention to the words that matter most to your customers, you will be able to maximize your sales. Additionally, keep in mind that the words may be mentioned either positively or negatively by customers.

4. Bar Chart

The bar chart can be used to present promoters, passives, and destroyers in a simple manner. The respondents gave you their exact score during the survey, so you can easily identify it. Detractors can be detected if they are close to becoming passives through this method.

Keep in mind that you are far from conversion when you realize that most of your respondents gave you zeros. Consider identifying the group of customers who recorded zeros. Since the NPS score is heavily influenced by the customers, you can find out who to target.

  1. Diagrams

It is important to analyze the NPS score over a certain period if you want to understand what exactly your customers are going through. There are various factors that contribute to customer loyalty changing over time. In addition to these factors, you need to take corrective measures.

Using a line chart, you can track your score’s evolution over time. You can also discover whether your NPS score has changed over the years.

  • Analyzing the sentiment of the population

In this advanced technique, you can learn more about how your customers feel. There are either sad, neutral, or happy results in this case. A negative sentiment in your survey results means there is something wrong that needs to be fixed. Only if you have the right insights can you gain a deeper understanding of these sentiments.

You can improve the business growth once you have all the insights in hand. Additionally, evaluating positive sentiments within your business can help you understand what your customers appreciate.

  • Analyze the topic

Visualizing data results from open-ended questions is best achieved through topic analysis. An advanced form of data analysis that identifies emerging trends and patterns in the market. The survey responses can provide some insight into your business’s unique problems and themes.

Additionally, you can determine how often these themes occur within the company. It is easy to take action to curb the problem once you identify how frequently these themes appear in your business.

Bottom Line

Visualizing your NPS results gives life to dormant activities. It also makes it easier for you and anyone else to access the information and use it for decision-making. In order to continue growing your business, you need to make prudent decisions based on the insights you generate from the report.

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