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Adding duct cleaning to your existing HVAC installation San Diego company is the best strategy to grow your business. It does not need extra effort, it is cost-effective and susceptible. People will love to contact the HVAC contractors who offer duct cleaning service too because it keeps their installed HVAC system ducts clean from any debris and residue.

Now the question arises in the mind of HVAC installation San Diego companies how to add duct cleaning in their businesses? And what steps should they follow?

 As I mentioned above it is not that complex, it is easy you just need to follow these tips and steps to make your HVAC installation business more profitable.

Opt What Duct Cleaning Method you want to offer

There are various type of duct cleaning method but if we talk about the main ducts cleaning method then there are three types-

Positive Air Method

It needs an air handler for airflow and a high CFM air mover. To remove the debris from ducts, whips or blasting balls are inoculated into the ducts through register opening. As the debris moves out, it departs through a clean viewing box. The best thing about this method is it removes all kinds of debris from the duct area whether it’s of small or large size.

Negative Air Method

This also needs a high CFM machine as in the positive air method. This machine is connected to duct opening and then the HVAC air handler is switched off and the machine pulls all the debris after the machine is turned on. It removed the dust with high power but if we see it cost then it is quite expensive and also requires high maintenance.

Portable Brush Method

This is quite different from both methods, it consists of a spinning brush that is inserted into the vents and it removes all the dust present in the ducts but unlike the positive method, it doesn’t remove other debris except small size debris. As the name suggests it is portable and doesn’t require large equipment.

By analysing all methods’ advantages and disadvantages and what tools required for each method, you can easily decide your favourable method to add to your business.

Choosing the specialist for duct cleaning

It is not like taking the machine and anyone can perform it. It requires a skilled person to execute the process to give the best result. If the duct cleaning is not served nicely it may impact your company reputation and business. If you don’t see anyone from your existing staff who can serve this work then you can even train them or hire professional technicians for duct cleaning. The expert in duct cleaning will help you to grow your business at a higher rate and also make you stand out in this industry. The technicians who are professional in this field, can perform duct cleaning activity in minimum hours and see for more number of clients in a day.

The specialist for regular maintenance, duct cleaning of the HVAC system and duct cleaning after disaster or restoration is different and requires different skills. 

Marketing your additional work of duct cleaning

It is not that hard to market the duct cleaning business because you already have a business in HVAC system installation. The first way to do marketing is whenever your staff goes to install an HVAC system at a customer’s place, they can suggest cleaning by telling them about their business. 

If you own a good website, add there also about your new additional business in bold and catchy letters so that whenever your existing customer needs duct cleaning they can contact you. Add on your brochures, advertise as much as you can. Use all the methods of marketing you are using for the HVAC installation contractor business.

You can also use short videos to market because it attracts more customers, try to be precise that by what method you perform duct cleaning, persuade the users in 30-sec videos because most people do not like to watch those long explanation videos but they watch if that same information is given in the form of short videos. Thus the trend of short videos is going well and a part of successful business in today’s date. Every platform is offering to make and upload short videos such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc. It has become the favourite time pass to scroll through 30sec videos and customers are liking it. So start investing in social media short videos and respond to their query as soon as possible. 

After lockdown, the graph of marketing through social media short video is increased a lot. Marketers have started to invest in it and are trying to learn all the aspects of this strategy to expand the business.

Does it need a creative mind?

Of course, yes. It’s essential to create a creative video because you have to think before what you have to add and omit in such a manner that attracts more customers. You can check here to know more about apps and tools which help in making videos. Creating a short video needs strong and brief content. Digital Marketing agency tries to give sufficient knowledge about the client’s business in that quick video.

Short videos are a great example of “Quality over Quantity”.

Therefore, Only hire the best, a qualified digital marketing agency that can function according to your needs and work professionally to boost your new business of duct cleaning.

You can also personal message or email your satisfied and exciting customer about your business because there are a lot of chances that they need or are searching for duct cleaning technicians. And after seeing that you offer this business they will not think twice to hire you because you already work for them.

Follow these three-step and add the duct cleaning to your HVAC installation San Diego business and you are ready to achieve your goal. This way you can stick to your existing customers and also can add up new customers. Your old customer may work as a reference for business if they get satisfied with your services. Therefore, do not compromise with your human resource because they are the only one which decides your business success and failure.

I hope this article will be helpful to you.

Thank you for reading.

Author Bio:-

Billy is a marketing manager at EZ Restoration USA.she loves to write about plumbing services, Water Damage Repair, slab leak repair, Hydro Jetting and AC & Appliance Installation San Diego.

 HVAC installation Business
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