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So many have lost their jobs because of the economic crisis caused by the novel Coronavirus Pandemic. This has pushed people to seek alternative sources of income. During the worldwide lockdown implemented to contain the spread of the virus, an appealing way of making money was and still is social media.

The new audience that emerged during this period is hungry for information and wants to connect with others. Are you ready to serve this audience and earn from social media?  Well, things aren’t as simple as signing up for Cox Internet packages and getting the best Internet and support services just like that. You will need some tips to get started with. Here comes all the help you need:

1. Establish Yourself as an Influencer

Brands are actively looking for social media influencers. For them, having an influencer to recommend or unbox their product or service serves the same purpose an ad does.

You will have to start from scratch to become an influencer. Create an account on Instagram, pick your niche, create content on that niche, and attract followers to your account.

2. Engage With Your Followers

Before becoming an established influencer, you will have to put to the work in. While you are building fan following, don’t forget to engage with them. Visual content (photos and graphics) have a higher impact than text.

Ask your audience what type of posts they like. Give them what they need and watch your engagement rate spike.

3. Promote Your Product/Service to make money

There are so many ways to make money through social media. If you already have a product or service like hoteling software to sell, use social media to advertise it. You can either sell it through your personal account or create a business account/page to promote it.

You are going to need attention-grabbing photos of your products. Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok are great platforms for building your brand, promoting your product/service, and engaging with followers.

5. Share Your Knowledge

Another way to make money is by sharing knowledge. The ideal platform for that is YouTube. How-to content on a niche topic sells like not cake. You might have to invest in a content creator and video editor to create videos for your YouTube channel.

Once you reach a particular number of subscribers, you will be able to monetize your videos. Even with success on YouTube in a particular niche, you have the potential to become an influencer.

6. Keep On Posting Content

To be successful on social media, you must remain active. If your last post was 6 months ago, your followers won’t just lose interest but forget that you ever existed.

Keep on sharing engaging content with your followers multiple times a day or at the very least once a day. You will have to experiment by posting content at different times to see when your audience responds to the posts most.

The content doesn’t have to be a blog or a well-designed image, it could be a photo of your product or even some quirky comments on the weather. It’s all about letting people know your business I still alive.

7. Be Open and Honest

The nature of the relationship with your follower would allow you to be open and candid with them. While you are at it, stay true to your core beliefs.

Also, you don’t have to talk on controversial topics or share your political beliefs. You can always be clear with your audience about this from the very start that you won’t talk about such topics. Don’t try to become one of those influencers who have to share their opinion on every hot issue just to feel included. Instead, stick to your niche.

9. Maintain Your Existing Relationships

Everyone is struggling in some facet as a result of the pandemic. Some are struggling financially, physically, or emotionally. Whether you are an influencer, YouTube/TikTok star, or small business owner, take some time out to honor your prior and existing relationships.

For instance, support your local restaurants by posting their menu on your page. Share the Cox customer care phone number to help students or low-income families find free and affordable internet packages they can sign up for to stay connected.

Encourage, support, and show genuine care. You never who might benefit from this small gesture of yours.

9. Keep On Exploring New Avenues

Some of your partnerships might be on hold because of the pandemic. Use this free time to work on side projects or do the things you care about the most.

Many influencers started their own business and launched products. Some even experimented with other social media networks (like TikTok) and found more success. And when you can’t figure out what to do, just talk with your followers. This pandemic may have brought devastation and gloom, it also helped many find their calling and peruse their dreams. You could find your calling too.

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.