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Brands no longer just use digital marketing to promote their goods or services in an effort to increase sales. It lays the groundwork for consumers’ perceptions of and interactions with a brand. Due to increased competition, digital marketing is now a vital tool for companies looking to increase income by improving consumer engagement and increasing brand awareness and exposure. As a result, as businesses look for qualified individuals with advanced knowledge, the highest-paying positions in digital marketing are growing.

This article provides a list of the top 10 highest-paying digital marketing jobs in India. Let’s get into it.

Here is a list of India’s 10 highest-paying jobs in digital marketing.

1. Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

Marketing and sales are two separate functions despite overlapping activities. However, rapidly changing digital marketing trends are causing difficulty in scaling businesses. Therefore, companies are integrating sales and marketing functions.

From implementing lead generation digital marketing strategies to closing sales, a chief revenue/growth officer takes complete accountability. CROs are responsible for transforming sales, marketing, and revenue activities. This is why CRO is one of the top results for the search term “best jobs 2024.”

Average annual salary: ₹48,00,000

2. Marketing Research Director

Implementing successful digital marketing strategies requires in-depth knowledge of the business industry, marketing trends, customer behavior, and preferences. Moreover, businesses also need to analyze their competitors. Excellent market research skills are vital for creating successful digital marketing strategies. This makes the role of marketing research director crucial for companies, especially startups.

Average annual salary: ₹39,92,430

3. Vice President, Digital Marketing

Operations is a crucial aspect of digital marketing. It aligns people, processes, and technology to build effective digital marketing strategies, increases customer engagement, and boosts revenue. The VP role requires ample experience and advanced skills for managing people and processes seamlessly.

One of the core responsibilities of a digital marketing vice president is overseeing marketing operations. Therefore, it is one of the highest-paying jobs in digital marketing.

Average annual salary: ₹33,00,000

4. Creative Director

Due to plenty of market competitors, brands often struggle to build a unique identity. One of the key factors that set them apart is creativity. Viral digital marketing campaigns increase brand engagement.

Creative directors lead a team of marketers and copywriters to launch creative campaigns and advertisements. Thus, it is one of the best digital marketing jobs with a high salary.

Average annual salary: ₹30,39,131

5. Content Strategy Lead

According to a Content Marketing Institute report, 83% of B2B marketers say that content marketing helps create brand awareness. 77% of them believe that it helps build credibility and trust. Moreover, content marketing also helps gain customer loyalty, generate and nurture leads, and boost sales. Content marketing is, therefore, an effective digital marketing strategy.

A Content Strategy Lead essentially heads the content marketing team. They oversee the planning, designing, and publishing of content by email, social media, or other platforms. Therefore, skilled content strategy leads are in high demand. It is no wonder one of the best digital marketing jobs considering pay and career growth.

Average annual salary: ₹25,67,131

6. Digital Marketing Director

Customer acquisition is a high-priority goal of digital marketing. Companies are, therefore, increasing their digital marketing budgets and seeking talented digital marketing directors. They want marketing leaders who can plan and implement effective digital marketing strategies for business growth.

Average annual salary: ₹24,96,000

7. Director of Communications

Companies that leverage personalization techniques generate more revenue. Moreover, driving brand preference requires building a personal connection with one’s audience. This is possible by offering personal benefits to customers and implementing effective brand communication strategies. The Director of Communications spearheads the development and execution of online communication strategies. The objective is to engage target audiences, build brand presence, and achieve business goals through various digital channels. Thus, it is one of the highest-paying jobs in digital marketing.

Average annual salary: ₹24,48,979

8. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

The key responsibilities of the CMO include understanding the latest customer patterns and trends and utilizing them for personalized marketing campaigns and analytics. It leads to higher ROI, making CMO one of the highest-paying jobs in digital marketing.

Average annual salary: ₹22,82,813

9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Director

Search engines are the second-highest channel for brand research in India. Therefore, companies need SEO tools and strategies to improve their ranking and get better visibility to get more customers. Thus, the SEO director role is one of the highest-paying jobs in digital marketing.

Read Also: How to Find a Job in Digital Marketing?

Their key responsibilities include implementing SEO strategies to improve a company’s website ranking on search engines and increase organic website traffic.

Average annual salary: ₹22,64,256

10. Lead Digital Marketing Analyst

Even though digital marketing is an experimental process, companies must gauge the performance of their campaigns and derive insights. Thus, marketing analytics helps businesses make effective data-driven decisions that drive growth. Consequently, the lead digital marketing analyst role is one of the best digital marketing jobs that offers high pay.

Average annual salary: ₹17,87,500

Technical abilities in Google Adwords, SEO, and search engine marketing are necessary for the majority of India’s highest-paying digital marketing positions. Other crucial abilities include email marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, marketing automation, and visual communication.

In India, the majority of the best-paying positions in digital marketing may be found in tier-1 cities like Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai. In Bangalore, the average yearly pay for digital marketing is ₹33,19,474, whereas in Mumbai, it is ₹38,88,425. However, in tier-2 locations, the compensation range for digital marketing employment can drop by as much as 50%. For instance, the average yearly compensation in Ahmedabad for a marketing director is ₹15,000,000.

Which Field is the Highest Paid in Digital Marketing?

Due to the explosive growth of online media, digital marketing is now practically required for all businesses, regardless of sector. The fastest-growing sector is digital marketing, which is also becoming increasingly important to the world economy. It is among the wealthiest sectors in the contemporary economy.

The goal of marketing has always been to establish a connection with your target at the appropriate moment and location. Since most target audiences use the internet, reaching them with online marketing is very simple. This demonstrates that digital marketing is not simply a recent fad but also an efficient means of reaching potential clients at a reduced expense.

Search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, inbound marketing, and affiliate marketing are a few popular types of digital marketing. The website, blog entries, social media posts, whitepapers, infographics, branding materials, and ebooks are the most often utilized resources for the same.

The world of digital marketing is dynamic, inventive, and fast-paced. The need for digital marketing specialists has skyrocketed as businesses make larger investments in online branding and digital marketing. However, there is a shortage of qualified experts in this industry relative to supply. Therefore, the desired employee doesn’t pay much attention to any potential candidates who possess a particular amount of experience and hands-on learning in this subject. Nonetheless, there are several crucial and lucrative talents in the job market.

1. SEO

SEO is the science of optimizing a particular website for a search engine. It deals with a website’s technicalities, like code, information architecture, etc. SEO can also be termed as a form of art to make the website search engine friendly as it also deals with user searches.

However, with regular updates in the algorithms of search engines, SEO has become mandatory for every company’s website. Hence, website owners or companies are looking for professionals who tackle the latest search engine algorithms and get the top search rank. These professionals are termed as SEO experts, SEO professionals, or SEO consultants.

The segment has emerged as a hotspot for job opportunities and is in high demand. SEO has become a necessary skill for everybody, from a blogger to web designers.

To gain hands-on experience, one should start an SEO career with an entry-level job as an SEO executive. With experience, one either moves on to higher job profiles or studies further in relevant subjects. A prospective candidate’s alternative SEO career path could be freelancing and consultancy. Some of the common job openings in SEO are that of SEO trainee, SEO Analyst, SEO Trainer, Link building expert, SEO project manager, and much more.

Salary: The salary for an SEO executive starts from around Rs. 1,20,000. A 4-year experience person gets an average salary of 4,50,000 to Rs. 6,00,000. 8-year+ experience person gets an average of 9,50,000 to Rs. 15,00,000.

2. PPC

PPC stands for pay-per-click, meaning one needs to be paid every time one of their ads is clicked. There is another form of the rate, which is called CPM. This stands for cost per impression. The 3 top players in the PPC are Google PPC Online Advertising, Bing Ads, Facebook Advertising

As we can see around us, there are fewer and fewer advertisements in radio, newspaper, and even TV advertising; thus, ad spending has decreased relatively. However, digital spending in search and mobile advertising areas has increased steeply. Hence there are huge job opportunities in PPC. But the following are certain mandatory traits for a prospective candidate.

  • Adaptability: PPC is an ever-changing field with a new update almost every day. Hence one needs to be aware of every update happening in the industry.
  • Calculative: Though one does not have to be math-oriented completely, one needs a calculative approach, for there are many metrics and analytics.
  • Creative: Other than dealing with AdWords or its operations, writing an ad text creatively is also required.
  • Excel: Excelling in Microsoft Excel is a plus as most of the paid search campaigns are built in excel.

Salary: The starting salary for a PPC professional, on average, is similar to SEO, i.e., Rs. 1,00,000. It grows to Rs. 4 – 6,00,000 for a 4 – 6 years experience person. It goes from 12 to Rs. 20,00,000 for a very experienced person.

3. Email Marketing

As the name goes, email marketing is the act of sending commercial messages through email. It usually involves sending an email for advertisements, requesting business, and selling to prospective clients. Email marketing is not a single-person job. To succeed in an email marketing campaign, an organization must have a team of professionals to execute it effectively. A set of specialized skills is required, and we will discuss some of them below.

  1. Strategy: If the strategy is not in place, most of the campaigns will end up bringing poor results. The ad-hoc campaigns might not work in it. A strategist could plan the campaign and align it with other marketing strategies. He should create a strategy for both long-term and ad-hoc activities.
  2. Graphic design: Once the plan is in place, a graphic designer will be required to develop email templates that align with the strategy. Visually the design needs to be appealing and should fulfill the business goals.
  3. Copywriting : An expert writer is required to outline the concept in simple words. It cannot be done by anybody as it is a specialized job and requires experience.
  4. Analytics: An email marketing manager should be an expert in data administration and analytics. As they say, “If you cannot measure something, you cannot improve it.”
  5. Management: A right person for the job should be aware of major online email delivery tools, CRM and top marketing automation tools.

Top email marketing service providers are, Constant Contact, AWeber, and MailChimp.

Salary: Email marketing in itself is not a specialized profession. It combines analytics, design, usability, data analysis, experience, etc. Hence, the number of job opportunities in this is not huge. A manager works with several team members in different domains to get the desired output. The entry-level professional salary ranges from Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1,00,000. It could go up to Rs. 10,00,000 for very experienced people.

4. Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach wherein creative and focused content is created to attract and retain customers. It is the latest fad as every company is looking for unique content to stay ahead in search results. Moreover, search algorithms have also changed their code by the content. The latest research shows that unique content, the more effective search results.

Since the concept of content marketing is new (the youngest), there is a lot of confusion around it. Often people confuse it with PR. Yes, it helps to brand, but it is not a PR activity. Let us look at some of the top areas that need to be covered.

Strategy: Before an article is created, a video is made, or an ebook is developed, one needs to have a plan. A plan goes much deeper than one might think. The elements of the plan include –

  • What are the goes the company wants to achieve, and how will they be measured?
  • Who are the target audience?
  • How is the content going to help the target user?
  • How is the voice of content different than millions of other content pieces around the web?
  • Is the calendar in place?
  • What is the approval process?


  • Who will write the content – in-house, freelancer, or outsourced agency?
  • If multiple people are developing content, how is consistency ascertained?
  • Who is finalizing the concept?
  • Is the proofreading done by the developer, or is there a separate team for that?

Content Integration: Content development cannot be a standalone exercise. It should integrate with whatever is happening in a company. Content marketing will benefit SEO, Sales, Social Media, etc. All the people working on these channels should have a say in the content marketing efforts.

It might be wrong to recruit one person for all three jobs. At least two people might be required for a small content marketing campaign. One of the best locations to know more about content marketing is Hubspot.

Salary: Content Marketing people are the most sought-after professional as of today. Their salaries are also one of the best in the industry. It starts from Rs. 2,50,000 for entry-level jobs. It could go up to Rs. 12,00,000 for a person with 5-6 years of experience.

5. Data Analytics

One of the important characteristics of a prospective digital marketing person should be data analytics. One is subjected to various kinds of data concerning finance behind ads, graphs indicating performance on social media platforms, etc.

Moreover, most websites are linked to Google analytics to extract different parameters concerning their performance.

Hence, every prospective candidate requires hands-on with Google analytics. Additionally, a general data analysis perspective is also required.

Salary: They are the smallest bunch of people in any digital marketing team. The salary starts from Rs. 2,50,000 and could go up to Rs. 15,00,000 for experienced professional.

Digital Marketing SkillJob Market Demand
SEOHigh demand in sectors like e-commerce, agencies, and tech startups
PPCVery high demand in digital agencies, e-commerce, and companies with significant online advertising budgets
Email MarketingConsistent demand across industries, particularly in B2C companies
Content MarketingHigh demand in all sectors, especially in B2B, healthcare, education, and tech industries
Data AnalyticsVery high demand in all industries, crucial for decision making and strategy

Below are a few major trends that will pick up further in 2024 –

  • Voice Search Optimization: Lot of new devices like smart speakers and voice assistants in gaining popularity. Optimizing content for them might become critical for the digital marketer in the coming months.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): AR technology, too, is gaining popularity and will grow bigger in the coming future. Digital marketers have to leverage AR technology to enhance the brand experience for customers.
  • Personalization: Personalization is already big, and it will get bigger in the coming months. With the help of AI-powered tools, personalization will be a major activity and keep marketers busy going forward.
  • Privacy and Data Protection: Marketers who prioritize data privacy and transparency are going to have a competitive advantage in 2024.

Bottom Line

By 2024, digital marketing should still be a viable job option. Online channels are becoming more and more important, therefore businesses will keep spending money on digital marketing in the years to come. Three in-demand skills—data analysis, creativity, and adaptability—can lead to a variety of job opportunities.

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