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Making money online is awesome! We have never heard anyone dispute that fact. However, people have presented different reasons why it is the truth. Everyone has their own reasons for being their own bosses and that’s great.

There are thousands upon thousands of people who make money online everyday and they all might have different reasons for doing so, but one thing they will probably all agree on is that it’s an incredible way to make a living.

So, if you have decided to earn your living online, you surely have your own reasons for choosing to do so and you likely already know it is a super lifestyle.

  • Why Majority of the People Like to Earn Online?
  • Why do I Struggle to make Money Online?
  • How can I Actually make money Online?
  • How can I Earn Money by Sitting at Home?

Why Majority of the People Like to Earn Online?

Like we mentioned earlier, many persons have there different reasons for deciding to earn money online, definitely you have yours too. Below, we will consider eight major reasons why people like to earn money online.

1. Earn a Virtually Unlimited Income

One of the biggest reasons, if not the biggest reason, why making money online is awesome is because your income potential is nearly limitless. There is not really a cap on how much money you can earn.

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If you are good, you can literally make more money in one month than many people make in an entire year working at a normal offline job. This is especially true if you are making money with SEO, as it is highly scalable and has virtually endless ways to build an income!

2. Be Your Own Boss

Another reason making money online is great is because you get to be your own boss. There is nobody to tell you what to do or when to do it. You get to choose how you earn your living each day and you can take all the credit for your success. That freedom is one of the best feelings imaginable.

3. Set Your Own Hours

It’s great to earn your income online because you get to set your own hours. You can work early in the morning, late at night, days, weekends, or any time in between.

You are totally in charge of your own hours and work schedule. This is great for people with families or the type of person that doesn’t fit into the 8-5 M-F routine of a regular job.

4. You are on the Cutting Edge

Being an internet marketer is great because you get to always be on the cutting edge of new technology. The internet is constantly changing and the world is always evolving. Working in the digital marketing industry means you will always be on top of all the new advances.

5. You Actually Get Paid for Your Work

Another reason making money online is great is because you truly get paid for the work you do. No longer do you have to put your own blood, sweat, and tears into your job only to have someone else (such as the company owner) get all the credit and make all the real money.

No more do have to accept a base amount of pay even when you do an outstanding job. With internet marketing you will get paid for all your hard work. Everything is entirely up to you! That can be scary for some people but it’s very exciting for others.

6. Total Job Security

You are in control of your own destiny when you choose make a living on the internet from your own home based business, so you never have to worry about getting fired or laid off.

You have complete job security. As long as you want to keep being an internet marketer, you will have a job. Yes, there will be tough times, but if you persevere then you have nothing to worry about!

7. Lots of Excitement

Making money online is fun, stimulating, frustrating, and so much more – but it’s rarely boring. Often times you will be taken in directions you never thought you would go.

Every day poses new challenges and tasks. No day is the same. With internet marketing you’ll never be bored or run out of things to do. It’s a very exciting way to make a living.

8. You Choose Your Own Path

Digital marketing is great because you get to forge your own path. You make money however you want in whatever niche you choose to be in. This means you can do what you love each and every day of your life.

With an internet business you can choose the path you want to take in life, and go your own way. You decide to live a few years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t!

Why do I Struggle to make Money Online?

If you recognize these common mistakes and delete them from your character – you should be able to make good money within 3 to 6 months.

1. Shiny Object Syndrome

Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) is the act of pursuing one new opportunity after another without ever investing the time needed to actually succeed with one. It’s the most common problem facing newbie online entrepreneurs.

And it’s very tough to shake. Why?

Shiny objects are blinding. And with how fast the internet works – new opportunities and shiny objects are popping up every single day.

From drop shipping to E-commerce to Amazon Affiliate niche websites to freelancing – it’s easy to pick a business. But it’s hard to stick with it.

And that’s because once you pick a business – you’re bound to come across a friend who is making A LOT MORE MONEY with an entirely different business opportunity.

(Meanwhile you’re itching and clawing every single day without making a single dollar.)

So what do you do?

Your mind starts to question and wonder if you’re in the right business. And soon you realize you must be in the wrong business. You then pack up and set sail for the new, ‘exciting’ business venture.

A few months later, the same thing happens. And you’re off to the next opportunity. This cycle repeats itself. And you keep pursuing one business idea another another without ever investing the time needed to actually succeed with one.

This is shiny object syndrome. And it affects most newbies – it’s not only blindly – but it’s also very costly. In fact, it’s why most online entrepreneurs WILL NEVER earn a single dime.

2. Unrealistic Expectations

The second common mistake is most newbie entrepreneurs enter a new business venture with unrealistic expectations.

Instead of getting a realistic feel for how much time, effort, and dedication it’s going to take to reach success – they assume it’s going to come quick and easy. And it’s not entirely their fault for thinking like this.

We’ve become a society that sells quick fixes. Just look at all the ads you see all over the web – it seems like every ad can teach you how to make $36,403 in one week or lose 30 pounds in five days.

This is not good of course, but it unconsciously conditions us to expect quick results and big money right after we launch our new business venture. It doesn’t work like this. Obviously.

Instead starting a new business is like going to college (at least in the early days). People enroll in College not to make money (right away), but to learn the skills needed to eventually make money.

And that’s exactly how we should approach our new business – we need to take on the same expectations and spend time learning and mastering the skills required to succeed…before we can actually make any money.

Yet most of us don’t. Instead we think it’s going to come quickly and easily. And when the quick results don’t come – we grow angry with frustration and quit.

We have seen it happen far too many times. And that’s why most beginners never end up making any money. If you really want to become a successful online entrepreneur, you have to be in it for the long game.

Taking time to develop your skills and knowledge is something you have to do. Or else failure is all but certain.

View it just like College… In College, before you can get the fancy jobs with the big pay check, you must first learn about the profession and master the skills.

Online business is no different. Whether you’re starting an Amazon affiliate website or an e-commerce store – it doesn’t matter.

Focus on learning, experimenting, and growing – the money will come. Trust the process. And it’ll eventually lead you to the good life.

But keep in mind, the awesome thing about making money online rather than via the typical college route is you won’t have to wait years and years to start making money. College takes four years. And only then can you start making money.

With your business, you can usually learn the skills and knowledge needed to make good money in just 3 to 6 months. It’s much faster. And a whole lot better in my opinion. You just have to approach it with the right mindset.

And stick with it.

3. No Action

A lack of consistent action is the main reason why people fail to make money online. It’s easy to think about making money online, but it’s much harder to execute. And when we say execute, we mean really execute.

Thinking about starting a new business…

Reading about starting a new business…

Coming up with logos….

And spending days and hours obsessing over the name of your company… Isn’t going to get you anything. This isn’t really ‘execution’. Only REAL execution will make you money.

Yet most wannabe entrepreneurs spend all their time on ‘low value’ activities instead of doing the ‘heavy lifting’.

This is why they fail.

In order to reach true success, you have to develop the right habits and consistently push your business forward. Every single day. Why?

Because consistent action compounds. By taking action every single day, you’ll notice each action compounding on top of the one before. And that’s when you’ll see your efficiency soar and the big money start coming in.

Focus on taking one step. Action, even small action taken towards a goal will get you to where you desire to go (eventually). It really is that simple.

And by the way – no amount of reading, podcasts, or YouTube videos will bring you closer to your goals WITHOUT action. It’s just the cold hard truth.

How can I Actually make money Online?

Making more money could likely solve a lot of your problems. In the past, we’ve talked about how teens can make money, but for those of us who are a little older, we need something a little more sophisticated than the $10 that comes from mowing lawns.

Luckily, in the age of the internet, making extra money (or your whole paycheck) online is incredibly easy if you know where to look.

Here are 10 ways to make (and save money) online:

1. Take online survey

While taking online surveys won’t make you rich by any means, a few minutes of your time can earn you a few extra dollars.

Swagbucks allows you to earn points and then redeem them for gift cards or cash back. And the cash back option is available for over 1500 retailers including Amazon, Starbucks, Target etc. Lots of options!

Here’s how it works: you earn points by shopping through their portal, filling out surveys, watching videos, etc. The best part is it’s free to sign up! Plus they are currently giving a $10 sign up bonus.

2. Become a freelancer

If you have a talent, chances are, you can sell your skill. Whether you’re a writer, artist, graphic designer, photographer, etc., there’s a freelance gig for you. Let’s cover a few possible freelance angles for you to take.

Freelance writing

It’s easier than ever to become a freelance writer. With that being said, if you’re just starting out it can be difficult to find a writing job that will pay you more than pennies.

Also, a good place to start looking is Fiverr. It’s called Fiverr, because most people would charge just $5 for their services—some people still do that, others charge a lot more.

Teach online

If you like to teach and have some free time, consider teaching English as a second language. EF, an online teaching company where you could earn up to $2,000 a month, making it a pretty great side-hustle.

VIPkid is another excellent service that connects North American teachers and tutors with students in China for one-on-one English lessons.

The application process is rigorous, but you could make between $14 and $22 an hour—not necessarily the most competitive, but still decent.

Do small tasks

If you’re not prone to creativity, you can still make money online by offering your handyman (or woman) services on TaskRabbit.

Many of the tasks advertised on TaskRabbit involve tasks such as:

  • Putting furniture together
  • Moving
  • Running errands
  • Picking up groceries
Search the gigs section of Craigslist

Along with TaskRabbit, you can search the “gigs” section on Craigslist. Many of the gigs are hoaxes, but there are some that are legit. There are gigs that involve computer skills, writing skills, general labor, cleaning, etc.

3. Invest with a robo-advisor

Robo-advisors put your investments on auto-pilot. With many robo-advisors, all you have to do is choose your risk, your goals, and fund your account. The robo-advisor will take care of the rest. For those who are looking to invest, but may not understand the ins and outs of investing, robo-advisors can help. 

4. Invest in Real Estate

Investing in real estate online is a great form of passive income if you’re open to a little risk. Real estate crowdfunding involves many investors investing small amounts of money into real estate ventures.

There are a couple of companies that are the frontrunners in the real estate crowdfunding industry.

Roofstock is one. They focus on single-family homes that you can buy and use as rental properties. It’s a platform for investors and created by investors, which is why there are no fees to join and search their properties.

Another well-known name in the real estate crowdfunding world is Fundrise. They have a super low minimum investment of just $500 (which is almost unheard of in the real estate industry), and Fundrise states that their annual returns generally range from 8.7%-12.4%.

5. Invest with a broker

The stock market scares a lot of folks, but it’s getting easier and easier to invest your money in stocks, even if you don’t have a whole lot of know-how.

But no longer – that’s right, no need to be scared of the investing world with so many excellent options out there. Here are 4 good places to start digging in.

  • If you invest through a company like E*TRADE, they offer tons of investing tools so you can invest on your own, and you can trade stocks, options, and ETFs for $0.
  • For slightly more seasoned investors, Zacks Trade makes day-trading easy and cost-effective. You can buy stocks and bonds, ETFs, options, and more. Their pricing is simple and straightforward – stock and ETF trades can be made for $0.01 per share (with a $3 minimum).
  • TD Ameritrade is attractive for young investors because it has no minimum investment and they offer tons of tools for every level of investing. You can also trade through their mobile app which makes it super convenient. 
  • Ally Invest is one that truly stands out on its own from the group because they have no commission fees AND no account minimum! For the self-directed trader, this is a dream come true. You can invest in stocks, ETFs, options, bonds, and mutual funds – so there’s a little something for everyone. 

6. Become a virtual assistant

Virtual assistants can make up to $16 an hour. You can work part-time or full time, and your schedule can be relatively flexible, as long as it lines up with whomever you’re working for.

What you need to be a virtual assistant:
  • Laptop
  • Headset or cell phone
  • Good communication skills
  • Flexible schedule

7. Sell or rent your belongings

This could mean selling a few things here and there on Ebay, running a full-fledged online store, or renting out your home (okay, so that’s not entirely online, but it starts out there).


Ebay may seem old school, what with Amazon and Etsy, but selling stuff you don’t need is a great way to make extra cash.

You can make a free account, but you’ll be limited to how much you can sell. If you want to sell more than 50 items a month online, you’ll need to sign-up for one of Ebay’s subscriptions.

  • Starter: $4.95/ mo with an annual subscription
  • Basic: $21.95/ mo with an annual subscription
  • Premium: $59.95/ mo with an annual subscription
  • Anchor: $299.95/ mo with an annual subscription
  • Enterprise: $2,999.95/ mo with an annual subscription

Each comes with different selling caps, and the higher the subscription, the lower the fees.


Etsy’s setup is a lot more satisfying than Ebay and even Amazon. But, just like Ebay and Amazon, Etsy does have some fees to consider if you’re planning on just casually selling. The fee schedule goes as follows:

  • $0.20 USD for each item that you list for sale
  • When you make a sale you’ll be charged a transaction fee of 3.5% of the price you display for each listing

If you want to go real old-school, you can sell your items on Craigslist. While there’s a lot that can go wrong on Craigslist, it’s still one of the most used sites—mostly because it’s free.

Sell your text books

Textbooks are expensive—too expensive for most. So, if you have old textbooks you’re never going to look at again—or never looked at in the first place—selling them can make you back some of the money you had to spend.

If you buy your books from Barnes and Noble, they make it easy to sell them back at the end of the year!

Rent your home on Airbnb

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of Airbnb. If you have an extra room or even a whole house you’re willing to rent out, you could earn a hefty side income.

There’s a cost when it comes to listing on Airbnb, You’ll be charged 3% of the booking total. Since you can set prices, however, you’ll still have quite a bit of control over how much you can make as an Airbnb host.

8. Get a cash back credit card

Applying online for a cash back credit card is a great way to earn money on purchases you already plan on making.

There are many credit cards to choose from—here are just a few we recommend. Let’s dig a little deeper into our favorites.

Discover it® Cash Back

With the Discover it® Cash Back, you can earn 5% cashback on different categories each quarter when you activate, up to the quarterly limit. Previous categories have included gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, Amazon.com, and wholesale clubs.

You’ll receive 1% on all other purchases.

Discover will also match your cashback at the end of your first year as a card holder!

Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa® card

With the Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa® card you’ll receive an unlimited 1.5% cash back on all your purchases. And you can get 1.8% cash rewards on qualified digital wallet purchases, like Apple Pay® or Google PayTM during the first year.

On the cash back front – new card members can also earn earn a $150 cash rewards bonus after spending $500 in the first three months.

Finally, with no annual fee, this card is a great deal for anyone looking for a straight forward cash back card.

Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card

The Bank of America® Cash Rewards credit card gives 1% cash back on every purchase, 2% at grocery stores and wholesale clubs, and 3% on a choice category for the first $2,500 in combined grocery/wholesale club/choice category purchases each quarter.

It also has a $0 annual fee!

9. Download money-making apps

If you already shop online, downloading money-making apps can earn you cash every time you shop. Let’s take a look at some of the best apps.

MyPoints is one of the favorites. You can earn up to 40% back on all your purchases at 2,000 top retailers like Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy, and Amazon. They also offer promo codes at tons of online stores.

One of the favorite things about MyPoints is that you can redeem your points whenever you want. All you have to do is can cash out and get gift cards, or you can transfer the cash to your PayPal account. It’s actually very easy.

Dosh is an enticing cash back app because the bash back part is 100% automatic making your purchases even easier. Just link your credit or debit card in the app and you’ll automatically earn cash back whenever you make a purchase at a partner site.

Partners include Walmart, ASOS, GNC, Instacart, and Sephora, plus over 15k local restaurants and retailers that offer up to 10% cash back. Best of all, you can move the cash you earn directly to your PayPal or Venmo account as soon as you earn at least $25.

For your grocery purchases, Fetch Rewards can help. In addition to scanning receipts for your brick-and-mortar purchases, you can also take advantage of Fetch’s eReceipts feature.

Just tap on the icon and connect the app to your email. You can then search your email account for digital receipts. You’ll get points for any purchase you made from participating brands.

Another great option is Acorns and my experience is that Acorns can make anyone an investor. It helps you start saving by rounding up your purchases on the debit or credit card of your choice.

Then, every time you hit $5 in savings, Acorns invests your money in ETFs. Mighty convenient. Acorns cost $1, $2, or $3 per month depending on the plan you choose – making it a cheap option for young investors. 

Finally, Swagbuck, another cool option lets you earn gift cards and cash for shopping online, watching certain videos, and answering surveys. You can redeem points for cash through PayPal, or get gift cards from retailers like Amazon and Walmart. 

10. Create a blog

If you can create a niche audience for your blog, you can make an entire paycheck.

To start earning money by blogging, you’ll need to use certain advertising tactics, the best for start-up blogs is:

Advertising and affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing makes it possible for small blogs to stay in business. Rather than  getting paid per 1,000 page views or per click—which is the traditional middle—affiliate advertising involves an advertiser paying an affiliate publisher (your blog) when it refers a paying customer.

How can I Earn Money by Sitting at Home?

Here are 5 work from home jobs which will earn you money: 

1. Customer Services

Customer service offers the highest number of work from home opportunities. People who exhibit great communication skills and have a lot of patience are perfect for this job. Companies look for the workers who have great speaking skills and can help the customers resolving their grievances.

They give quite a decent pay for these jobs and that also adds up to your skills and experience.Here, you would be talking to the companies’ customers and help them solve their issues with the product and give them after sale services.

2. Online tutor

Are you bored of the school schedules but still want to teach? Then get yourself registered to one of the online tutoring sites and start teaching. All you have to do is make your profile on the site giving the details about your prior experience and the subjects you can teach.

Once you get registered you will be supposed to take classes on skype or do some pre-recorded sessions. You can also teach and give lessons in cooking, yoga and music etc.!

3. Content writing

If you have a good command over grammar and have a flow in your writing, you can go for this job. There is a high demand in the market for well researched content creators and writers. There are many startups which are in dire need for content writers. Apply, test your skills and luck!

4. Designing

Are you good with creative graphics and virtual drawing? Here is one more job for you. Whether it be for promotion, marketing or even for a social cause, companies design their campaigns from time to time. They let you work and design various posters and other graphics for these campaigns and events.

5. Pollster

Pollster is someone who takes or arranges a poll. Companies hire people for taking the surveys. As a pollster you are supposed to take public’s opinion on given topics and issues.

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It could be during the elections asking people about their expectations with the minister or it could be a product survey also. Someone who is good with people and can talk to them freely can do this job well.


Alright, now you have great reasons to make money online in case you needed any convincing to start your own internet home business. Of course, there are many other reasons in addition to the ones mentioned in this article, but they are some the most popular.

No doubt you have your own reasons and whatever yours might be, you’ve probably already discovered that internet marketing is an amazing way to earn a living.

Even if you aren’t in a position to go full time right away, you can still get started making money on the internet in your spare time and work your way into it. You might be very busy with a hectic life, but there’s always time to get started on creating a secure financial future for you and your family. Don’t wait any longer!

About Author


MegaIncomeStream is a global resource for Business Owners, Marketers, Bloggers, Investors, Personal Finance Experts, Entrepreneurs, Financial and Tax Pundits, available online. egaIncomeStream has attracted millions of visits since 2012 when it started publishing its resources online through their seasoned editorial team. The Megaincomestream is arguably a potential Pulitzer Prize-winning source of breaking news, videos, features, and information, as well as a highly engaged global community for updates and niche conversation. The platform has diverse visitors, ranging from, bloggers, webmasters, students and internet marketers to web designers, entrepreneur and search engine experts.